Is thumb and pacifier sucking a harmless childhood habit or harmful to dental health?


It often happens that if a child is weaned early or is being bottle-fed, the baby begins to suck his finger or requires a pacifier (pacifier). This happens because the sucking instinct inherent in nature is not fully satisfied, because bottle feeding occurs quite quickly. Scientists have proven that even while in the womb, a child can put a finger in his mouth and suck. Can you imagine how strong this instinct is if it manifests itself even before birth?

As a result, if the baby “doesn’t nurse”, it begins to cry long and drawn out - the parents calm it down with a pacifier. And when a pacifier is not given, the child himself finds a way out of the situation and uses his own finger to satisfy the instinctive need. Also, sucking on various objects can be used as a protective reflex in stressful situations.

However, no matter how harmless and cute your child may look, snoring with a fist at his mouth, this can lead to completely unexpected and very unpleasant consequences. Keep in mind that after seven months the sucking instinct in babies weakens, so if your child sucks a pacifier or finger, this is the time when you can painlessly begin to wean him off it.

The main problem when sucking a finger or pacifier (even anatomically correct one) is an incorrect bite. Either the lower jaw is strongly pushed back, or the front jaw protrudes strongly forward. It is also possible that the front teeth are crowded, they “crawl” over each other, and gaps may appear between the jaws. This is because the sucked finger creates abnormal excess pressure on the palate, teeth and jaw from the inside. Not only does the dentition change, but even facial features can become distorted over time.

Sexologist's opinion about oral sex

Professionals say that oral sex has a good effect on family life. A husband and wife who practice fellatio spend more free time together and do not avoid communicating with each other during the day.

In such families, according to sexologists, there are seven times less quarrels than in couples who do not accept oral sex. According to the observations of doctors, men in such couples do not experience problems with sleep, they fall asleep faster, they are not bothered by nightmares and insomnia.

And according to social surveys, husbands who receive oral sex often dream about their spouses. Whereas, on the contrary, in couples where blowjob is prohibited, husbands more often see unfamiliar or strange women in their dreams.

Why give a blowjob, advantages:

  • Safety. With such caresses there is no danger of getting pregnant. You can give pleasure to your partner without protection, without fear of consequences, even on the most “dangerous” days of the cycle.
  • Rapidity. If a girl knows well how to give a blowjob, the process takes less than a minute. This can be useful when there is a risk of being seen or there are time constraints.
  • Intimacy does not depend on environmental conditions. Sometimes the desire to have fun can come suddenly. If the conditions are unsuitable for sex, then it is more convenient to resort to oral sex. For example, at a party, on the street or in transport.
  • Possibility of intimacy during menstruation. For a small part of women, menstruation lasts from a week to 10 days, this is their peculiarity. For young, temperamental men, this is a long period of abstinence; they can hardly stand even five days. At the same time, not all women agree to have sex during menstruation, just like not all men. Blowjob is a great solution in such situations.

What are the advantages of dental prosthetics without grinding?

  • No discomfort or pain during the procedure.
  • No destructive load on soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  • A chance to create a beautiful smile without the suspicion of others about dentures.
  • Possibility to replace the prosthesis in a short time.
  • Uniform and gentle distribution of load on the gums.
  • No difficulties in preparing for the procedure. It is enough to maintain hygiene.
  • Repeating the prosthetic procedure cannot be ruled out.

What do men like during oral sex?

Blowjob is a pleasant caress, but there are some things that are especially pleasant for a man:

  • The entire penis is not an erogenous zone. Its trunk itself is not as sensitive as the head, neck of the head and frenulum. There are also many nerve endings on the lower part of the trunk. The most pleasant caresses of these parts will be.
  • Sometimes light touches of the teeth are very stimulating. This should be gentle touching, not biting. For the greatest effect, it is advisable to keep the same rhythm.
  • Stimulating the penis and testicles with your mouth and hands at the same time enhances the sensations.

Basic mistakes

Women learn how to give a blowjob from pornographic films, where the actions of actresses are aimed only at entertainment, and not at the pleasure of their partner. Now there are blowjob courses that teach you from scratch and help you avoid common mistakes.

  • Influencing only the head is a big mistake, since this part can lose its sensitivity if overstimulated. We must not forget about other parts of the genitals. There are many nerve endings on the scrotum.
  • You should not start and end oral sex abruptly. Men, like women, need time to tune in.
  • You should not give a blowjob too intensely - the act will end quickly, but will not differ from regular masturbation. Speed ​​makes the partner think that the girl wants to finish the caresses as quickly as possible; they are unpleasant for her.
  • The monotony of movements leads to the fact that a man stops enjoying oral sex. Ejaculation occurs, but there is no moral satisfaction, and it plays an important role, as well as physiological. Therefore, it is better to change and add new movements and caresses.
  • You need to give a blowjob without tension. Any sexual contact, except violence, is joy and relaxation. Strenuous activities cause discomfort.
  • Don't hide your face during a blowjob. Inexperienced women think that they look stupid and ugly at such moments, but men perceive it differently. The partner's face during a blowjob excites them very much.
  • Having oral sex without making any sounds is also wrong. When a girl shows with moans and sighs that oral sex brings her pleasure, then the excitement and pleasant sensations for her partner will be many times stronger.
  • If a woman is not ready to swallow semen, you need to discuss this in advance, as well as other intimate details. At least on a like-dislike level.

Types of blowjob

According to the types of caresses, we can distinguish types of blowjob:

  • Pure, in which only the lips and tongue are involved. The hands don't work in it at all. This is a good method for beginners. With this option you can learn basic movements. The main thing is to make sure not to injure the genitals with your teeth.
  • Combined view. Here you need to give a blowjob not only with your lips, but also add caress with your hands. The penis is stimulated simultaneously with the mouth and hands or alternately. This method is good if the man’s genitals are large and the girl needs rest. Hand caress is much more active than stimulation with the mouth. At the same time, you can make movements with your hands so that they look visually beautiful.
  • Throat option. It is one of the most difficult methods, but men unanimously claim that this is the best blowjob. It’s not called “royal” for nothing. With this option, the penis goes completely into the throat. The biggest difficulty is that touching the larynx causes a gag reflex. This reflex is difficult and often impossible to get rid of. But this can be achieved with training or a spray that freezes the larynx.

An artificial phallus is suitable as a simulator. It is fixed on the table, for which it is convenient to use the version with a suction cup, and then start training. To make the dive successful, do the exercise at a comfortable angle and pronounce a long “A” sound, which helps the larynx open. Such training is beneficial and over time the gag reflex disappears.

Probably, the finger is, after all, more dangerous for children's health than the pacifier.

This is explained by the fact that the finger, larger than the tip of the pacifier, affects the territory of the oral cavity. It is also believed that it is much more difficult to wean a baby from thumb sucking - after all, it is always “at hand”, the finger cannot be taken away and hidden. The use of the pacifier can be more or less controlled - “lose”, “give to the neighbor’s puppy”.

First of all, weaning off any bad habit should under no circumstances be traumatic, either physically or psychologically. Grandmother's methods of spreading mustard or brilliant green on your finger are not recommended. Abruptly taking away the pacifier is also not justified. It is better to use unobtrusive persuasion, a game form. If necessary, consult your doctor.


Skillful techniques can add variety to intimate life and bring many new sensations. To master them, you can watch a video tutorial or go to training. A few common techniques:

For newbies

Make an “O” with your lips and cover your teeth with them. Holding the penis, move it with wet lips. Having reached the limit of a comfortable state, linger for a couple of seconds and return back. Repeat the movements. You can add your tongue to the action by moving it along the shaft of the penis.


Very simple, easy technique. To give a blowjob, you need to pull the skin of the penis down, thereby freeing the head. And then imagine that it is ice cream and start licking it with your tongue. Any movements, the more interesting, the better. To add variety, you can try to write all the letters of the alphabet on the head. The main thing is that the tongue is wet and the teeth do not participate in the act.


You need to imagine that your mouth is a vacuum cleaner, pull the penis into your mouth about halfway, and then try to pull it out without weakening the vacuum.

The speed is very different. Many people like it when such movements are made quickly. Language is not needed here and can only get in the way. It is very important not to damage the penis with your teeth while getting carried away.

Deep Throat

Or "Royal Blowjob". The very method that men love so much - the penis penetrates deep into the throat. This technique often causes gagging when performed. For such a blowjob, the larynx is opened and relaxed, then the penis easily slips inside.

There are special sprays that freeze the larynx, usually they contain lidocaine. By “freezing” her throat, a woman loses her gag reflex for a short amount of time. This technique can be learned by training on a dildo, but without freezing, not all women can cope with the gag reflex.

Crazy orgasm

For this trick, a finger is used to block the channel at the base of the penis through which sperm passes. At the same time, the mouth and hand continue to massage the penis along the entire length of the shaft. Clamping simulates the spasm that accompanies ejaculation. When the channel is released by releasing the finger, an orgasm occurs that is more intense and longer than usual.


You need to sit comfortably between the man’s legs and start caressing his crotch with your tongue. From the anus and throughout the perineum, without forgetting even a single centimeter of the body. The movements are reminiscent of how cats lap up water with their tongues.


To perform it, you need to lubricate your hands with gel lubricant and do not swallow saliva. The penis will be very wet and the sliding will be intense. They take the head into the mouth, and then move away and let it pop out of the mouth with a popping sound.

Butterfly wings

Just below the head of the penis there is an area called the crown. Beneath it is a vertical fold of delicate skin. If you constantly stimulate this area during oral sex, you can greatly increase sensations.


Wet lips are placed around the head and twisted along the line of the frenulum. This stimulation causes orgasm very quickly. It will help restore an erection if it has subsided.

Dental prosthetics without grinding, what is it?

Before analyzing the pros and cons of this procedure and types of prosthetics, you need to understand the definition itself. So, prosthetics without turning is one of the methods of prosthetics that do not destroy the tooth structure.

To install a crown, you must first suppress the caries so that it does not develop further. To do this, the canals are cleaned, the tooth is treated with a drill, thus preparing the cavity for further actions. When installing a bridge, healthy adjacent teeth are also affected. They also have to be depulped, that is, the nerves have to be removed.

During prosthetics, crowns are placed on healthy supporting teeth on both sides of the void in the gum. In order to install crowns and fix them, you need to grind down the healthy tooth covering. This is a big disadvantage of this procedure. It is unpleasant and, to some extent, offensive, because orthopedic dentists themselves grind down healthy, strong teeth.

To summarize, we can say that by treating one tooth, we kill the neighboring ones, bringing them closer to possible destruction, since they are considered dead. And they are destroyed due to the fact that they cease to participate in the exchange of useful substances and become more vulnerable. The situation is aggravated by the increased load due to the fact that they are a support for the prosthesis.

Despite these consequences, prosthetics using the methods described above are still used in dentistry, but the method without grinding is becoming increasingly popular.

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