Tongue piercing
Tongue piercing - how and where you can get a puncture, rules of care and cost of the procedure
Tongue piercing is one of the most popular types of piercings. Lots of young people getting piercings
Why are there no first teeth if the child is already 11 months old?
Having asked such a question to a search engine, it is not easy to find a useful article that would tell why
Soft toothbrush
Soft toothbrush: who is it suitable for and what types are there?
The health of teeth and their protection from the influence of cariogenic agents depend on the quality of oral care.
Photos of types of malocclusion
Teeth straightening - indications and ways to straighten teeth
Their main purpose is to change the shape and position of the jaws in the first place, and then
Nothing extra. What medications can be used by pregnant women
The choice of drug therapy during pregnancy is extremely important. After all, the list of contraindications is in the annotation to
Crooked baby teeth - Smile Line Dentistry
What to do if there are no rudiments of permanent teeth, and baby fangs have not fallen out
Contents: A competent approach to the problem If the very first teeth are crooked Causes of crooked teeth growth
Red throat in a child: symptoms, causes, treatment
Where does red throat come from? A red throat is hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa - a symptom
The doctor explained what a craving for salty foods warns of - Rossiyskaya Gazeta
Diseases of the nervous system and blood vessels In rare cases, the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth may
Fungal stomatitis
Herpes stomatitis in children is a serious illness that requires immediate medical attention.
Symptoms Causes Treatment Drugs Stomatitis is often classified as a disease of kindergarten or primary school age:
Application of plastic plaster
The use of gypsum in orthopedic dentistry: features and prospects
To all those who have had to deal, to one degree or another, with the problem of treating injuries
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