Swallowing disorders: causes, “coma in the throat” syndrome

A constant unpleasant feeling of a lump in the throat, including when swallowing, associated with belching and lack of air, can be a manifestation of several different diseases. The sensation is often accompanied by discomfort when inhaling and a feeling of pressure.

Specialists from the First Family Clinic of St. Petersburg will help you find the true reasons for the sensation of a lump in your throat.

How does a lump in the esophagus manifest itself?

A lump in the esophagus is a very unpleasant sensation

A description of this symptom is found in the works of the great ancient physician Hippocrates. He considered a lump in the esophagus to be a manifestation of hysterical natures. Since then, the idea of ​​a coma in the esophagus has changed somewhat. It is characterized by the following signs:

  • Difficulty swallowing and breathing.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the area of ​​the esophagus.
  • Constant desire to cough, to swallow obstruction.
  • Feeling of lack of air, suffocation.
  • Fear of suffocation, choking (especially in sleep).
  • Hoarseness, pain when talking or eating.

Such sensations are not always permanent; they can manifest themselves after taking a certain body position, or after eating, mental stress, or the appearance of strong emotions.

How to get rid of the feeling of a lump in the throat with VSD

In case of excessive nervous excitement, prolonged stress, or a lump in the throat, sedatives help get rid of it. The ones you can buy over the counter without a prescription are based on herbal ingredients or the amino acid glycine. Unlike herbal preparations, glycine improves the nutrition of nervous tissue at the cellular level and does not have a sedative effect - that is, it does not affect the reaction rate. It is approved for pregnant and lactating women, it can be used when driving a car, glycine does not interact with other medications.

Long-term intake of amino acids, which improve cellular respiration, helps to gradually establish normal regulation in vegetative-vascular dystonia, and ultimately relieves a lump in the throat for a long time. The most effective complex is cystine + glycine + glutamic acid in the drug Eltacin®. When these amino acids work together, their effect is significantly enhanced and the healing effect occurs faster.

The influence of nervous tension on the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the esophagus

If such a symptom appears infrequently and is not associated with food intake, it can be assumed that the lump in the throat is caused by mental characteristics, in particular, a tendency to hysteria. With nervous tension associated with anxiety, excitement, or stress, a sensation of a lump appears closer to the pharynx in the area of ​​the esophagus, which is usually called “hysterical”.

After a short period of time, everything usually goes away without any drug intervention or complications. Subsequently, in such cases, you can do several breathing exercises, massage the collar area, and take a mild sedative. Even a simple change of environment will help get rid of this symptom.

A lump in the esophagus may also be psychogenic in nature

From a physiological point of view, this reaction of the body is explained by the fact that during stress the body needs a large amount of oxygen. In this case, the glottis becomes so wide that it cannot be completely covered by the epiglottis. As a result, it is impossible to utter a word, swallow tears, or take a breath.

If the feeling of a coma in the esophagus is accompanied by panic attacks and mood swings, it is necessary to take sedatives, antidepressants, and consult a psychotherapist. The prerogative of a neurologist will be to treat a lump in the throat if it is accompanied by:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Nausea
  3. Apathy
  4. Increased sensitivity to weather fluctuations.

In this case, we are talking about vegetative-vascular dystonia, which has recently become the scourge of the modern city dweller. Dysfunction of the nervous system manifests itself in this way. If someone in the esophagus experiences pain between the ribs, which intensifies with exercise, as well as with inhalation and exhalation, we may be talking about intercostal neuralgia - inflammation of the nerve responsible for the innervation of the chest.

When does a lump in the throat appear?

The modern world constantly requires high mental and energy costs from a person. However, our nervous system, just like other organs, requires various types of rest. But the intensity of life does not always and does not allow everyone to pause and give the necessary rest. We try to do everything everywhere and in time. We often eat incorrectly or insufficiently, disrupt our biological rhythm, and do not have enough time to sleep. It is not uncommon for all this to be aggravated by the consumption of alcohol, energy drinks, other psychoactive substances, and even smoking regular tobacco.

Due to all these factors that accumulate over a period of time, at some point the nervous system becomes especially vulnerable. At such moments, not even a high psychological load or some chemical factor (for example, not even a large dose of alcohol) can “break” the normal, biological metabolic process of the brain. This may coincide with a spasm of the throat muscles, which many times could pass without a trace or go unnoticed. But, at this moment of breakdown of the nervous system, this spasm is recorded and “remembered” by it as a “pathology”. It is from this moment that a person begins to fixate his attention on the sensation of a lump in the throat, and the nervous system creates a “ghost” of the lump. And since all this is associated with a violation of the metabolic processes of the brain and is recorded in disturbances in the transmission of information, the sensation of a lump in the throat is not only recorded by consciousness, but also begins to progress, causing a lot of inconvenience.

When to see a doctor

It is important to know that the psychogenic causes of a lump in the throat are not dangerous to the physical condition. However, this does not mean that no complications will occur and there is no need to consult a doctor. This feeling itself rarely goes away. If the feeling of a lump in the throat does not have real somatic reasons and does not go away within 2-5 days, then we recommend that you consult a psychotherapist after this period.

We recommend seeing your GP on the day this feeling starts, but no later than the next day. This is due to the fact that such symptoms can accompany some truly dangerous diseases.

The main reason for this is that emergency medical attention may be required. Situations are especially dangerous if swelling, some kind of tumor, pain in the throat or chest, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing appears within a short time. This may be a sign of a more serious problem. The doctor will refer you to a specialized specialist; additional hardware or laboratory tests may be needed.

However, if the studies do not show anything significant or acute, then this means that the cause is psychogenic and you need to go to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of somatic diseases.

Another, no less significant reason is that the sensation of a lump in the throat is only a signal from your body about the onset of a problem with the nervous system. If a person does not receive full medical care in a short time, the breakdown of the nervous system begins to progress. Complications begin to form and symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fears, obsessive thoughts and others may gradually begin to appear. To avoid complications, you need to contact a good psychotherapist or psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Thyroid problems and esophageal conditions

Pathologies of the thyroid gland associated with its increased or decreased function (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) can cause a feeling of a lump in the esophagus. If, at the same time as this symptom, you experience irritability, a feeling of chilliness, or, conversely, constant sweating, dry and brittle nails, hair, and memory impairment, you may need to consult an endocrinologist. Causes of thyroid dysfunction:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Iodine deficiency in food and drinking water.
  3. Metabolic disorders.

To clarify the diagnosis, you will have to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for the presence of its hormones.

Physical causes of a lump in the throat

  • Impact to the neck, injury;
  • Entry of a foreign body;
  • Diseases of the trachea or esophagus;
  • Inflammatory processes in the larynx and oral cavity;
  • Stomach diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Infections;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Other somatic disorders.

Where to begin

In this regard, we recommend that you first try to independently differentiate possible changes in your body. Think about whether you have chronic diseases or possible injuries. Go to a specialized specialist. If no acute life-threatening conditions are found, be sure to visit a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

This is due to the fact that very few doctors are able to determine the psychogenic cause of the feeling of a lump in the throat and will look for a somatic cause of the disorder. Incorrect therapy will create conditions for the further development of nervous system disorders and complications will begin to form. In this case, treating a lump in the throat will be significantly more difficult.

The faster you find the true cause of the lump in the throat, the faster, better and cheaper it will be to get rid of the problem. And most importantly, it will help improve the quality of your life.

Call and make an appointment with our specialists!

Lump in the esophagus as a symptom of digestive system disease

Most often, a lump in the esophagus is a gastrointestinal problem

This reason for the appearance of a coma in the esophagus is the most common among other pathological conditions. Problems with the muscle sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach can cause stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. The acidic environment of gastric juice, which contains half-digested food, is irritating to the walls of the esophagus, which is not adapted to such contents.

This pathology is called a symptom of reflux exophagitis, it is accompanied by heartburn, and if repeated frequently, it can lead to the development of a malignant tumor of the esophagus. To clarify the diagnosis, a gastroscopy and consultation with a gastroenterologist will be required. If the treatment prescribed to them does not lead to positive results, it is possible to perform surgery on the muscle sphincter.

A hiatal hernia can cause a lump in the esophagus. It is accompanied by heartburn, chest pain and frequent, uncontrollable hiccups. The physiological reason for this condition is displacement of the diaphragm muscles due to prolonged coughing, frequent constipation, excess weight, hereditary predisposition, and mental stress.

The hernia must be distinguished from disorders of the cardiovascular system and qualified treatment must be carried out. An untreated hernia can cause reflux esophagitis.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Sore throat and pharynx;
  • Bubbling in the neck area;
  • Unreasonable cough.

They tend to disappear quickly, the person gradually calms down and the feeling of discomfort goes away.

Doctors distinguish several forms:


Symptoms - sensitivity in the throat area decreases or disappears, a person experiences difficulty swallowing saliva or food, there is tension in the area of ​​the sternum, collarbones and larynx. The neurological reaction corresponds to that which occurs during hysteria. The patient has difficulty swallowing, there is a shortage of air, he tries to inhale more oxygen.


. The symptoms of hypoesthesia are similar to the symptoms of anesthesia, but the former are less pronounced. The sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx is reduced, discomfort is felt during swallowing. If symptoms do not go away for a long time, this can lead to asphyxiation by ingested food or water.


A neurological symptom of this nature is accompanied by spasm and high sensitivity. A person with this type of neurosis complains of itching, burning in the throat and pharynx, and eating is difficult. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal neurosis are also present; the patient not only finds it difficult to speak, but also to breathe. Typically, hyperesthesia occurs immediately after stress.


This form has the following symptoms: regular pain in the throat, pharynx, thyroid gland. Eating and drinking intensifies the symptoms.


The symptoms of this form vary from patient to patient. They include the clinical picture of hyperesthesia (itching, sore throat). Patients feel large foreign objects in the throat, sometimes even complain about the absence of their esophagus. While eating, the sore throat intensifies and is accompanied by a headache. Symptoms are diagnosed in people with nervous disorders or those with a labile psyche. Laryngeal neurosis of the type paresthesia has been recorded in patients during menopause.

Additional symptoms may include:

  1. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat, saliva begins to be released in a smaller volume;
  2. Paroxysmal dry cough, which forces the patient to resort to cough medicines; the medicines relieve the patient’s condition for a short time or do not alleviate the patient’s condition at all;
  3. Feeling of a coma. The “presence” of a lump in the pharynx or throat forces a person to refuse food;
  4. Hoarseness of voice. Its changes provoke respiratory diseases. However, the symptom goes away within a few days, while in patients with throat neurosis it does not disappear, but persists for a month;
  5. Complete loss of voice. The symptom occurs after a hysterical attack;
  6. Imaginary swelling of the neck. Patients often feel their neck, looking for various “bumps” and thickenings on it.

Osteochondrosis and discomfort in the esophagus

Lump in the esophagus due to a problem with the thyroid gland

The not entirely clear connection between a spinal pathology such as cervical osteochondrosis and a lump in the esophagus can be explained by the fact that compression of the nerve roots by overgrown osteophytes on the vertebrae can occur throughout the entire periphery of the human body. The cervical spine bears a considerable load; it is one of the most vulnerable due to the constant mobility of its vertebrae.

Lack of physical activity with a sedentary lifestyle, spending a long time in static positions, exceeding the optimal body weight can lead to the fact that osteochondrosis manifests itself even in adolescence. The nerve endings of the cervical spine, damaged by osteochondrosis, cannot fully innervate the chest area, which leads to the sensation of a lump in the esophagus.

This pathology is accompanied by headaches, limitation of movements and pain when turning the head, moving the arms, or bending the neck. A neurologist or vertebrologist will help establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Chest trauma and esophagus

When a coma appears in the esophagus, a cause such as chest injury cannot be ruled out. This could be a bruised sternum, fracture or cracked rib. Soft tissues suffer during a fracture, their trophism is disrupted, and swelling appears, which is positioned as a lump in the esophagus. In case of a chest contusion, a dangerous complication may initially be unnoticed internal bleeding.

If the feeling of a coma in the esophagus is accompanied by a symptom such as the appearance of bruises under the skin or a deterioration in the general condition, it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist and call an emergency ambulance.

A lump in the esophagus can be a symptom of a variety of diseases and conditions, both dangerous and those that do not require significant medical care. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition, prescribe examination and treatment, and you should contact him if these sensations appear.


Treatment must be comprehensive and based on the clinical symptoms of neurosis.

During a course of therapy, a person visits a psychotherapist, the specialist finds out why the patient “likes” to be nervous, what reasons cause him stress. With the help of a doctor, it is possible to remove psychological blocks step by step. He teaches the patient:

  1. Relax even in stressful situations, do not succumb to panic attacks;
  2. Focus on positive things, removing the negative into the background;
  3. Keep your nerves under control, the ability to prepare yourself before important moments.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help normalize a person’s condition with pharyngeal neurosis:

  • Electrophoresis with vitamins;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics (including breathing);
  • Hypnosis sessions;
  • Therapeutic shower (Charcot, contrast).
  • Massage of the cervical-collar area.

To prevent “throat and pharynx neurosis,” use the following techniques daily:

  1. Pay attention to physical activity. Jogging in parks or exercise in the gym, as well as aerobics, dancing, and swimming are suitable. Sport strengthens the body, creates a positive attitude, and also promotes the production of endorphins.
  2. Get plenty of rest. Short breaks between work help to restore thoughts, get rid of overstrain, and relax.
  3. Eat right. The menu needs to be filled with foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and proteins.
  4. Follow the rules of healthy sleep. They mean going to bed no later than 22.00, sleeping no less and no more than 8 hours, short walks in the fresh air before bed.

Important! Giving up alcohol and cigarettes - bad habits not only undermine health, leading to neuroses, but also contribute to the occurrence of chronic diseases.

If you notice that aggression or anxiety cannot be controlled, you need to turn to Eastern techniques: yoga, meditation. They will teach you how to manage emotions correctly, without harming yourself.

Neurosis is a phenomenon that can happen to anyone. Therefore, you need to listen more carefully to your feelings. In case of any abnormalities or suspicious symptoms, consultation with specialists is required.

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