How to change the head on an electric toothbrush?

Have you become the proud owner of such a useful device as an electric toothbrush? Then you know that in addition to the standard nozzle that comes with the device, there are several variations of nozzles. A wide selection gives rise to a lot of new questions, because if you put the attachments in, it means someone needs it! Among them, you can choose the most convenient and comfortable device that meets your individual needs. So what types of attachments are there for electronic brushes and why are they needed?

Replacing the head on an electric toothbrush

In this post, we will take a closer look at how to replace the brush head on an electric toothbrush. This is done quite simply and quickly.

Using an electric toothbrush requires periodically replacing the brush heads with new ones. As we already know, replacement nozzles need to be changed at least once every three months. But if you have just recently switched from a regular toothbrush to an electric one, the question may arise - how to do this correctly? The mechanism for replacing nozzles is quite simple, takes little time and requires minimal effort. Even a child can change the brush head on an electric toothbrush!

When we buy an electric toothbrush, we receive instructions on how to use it. But the situation is completely different with toothbrush heads: rarely does any manufacturer write detailed instructions on how to replace the head with a new one. It is not a problem to replace the nozzle if you have already done a similar procedure before. Or at least seen other people doing it.

But what should you do if you are going to replace the head on your electric toothbrush for the first time?

Choosing the right head for an electric toothbrush

There are a large number of attachments for electric toothbrushes in order to clean the tooth as thoroughly and better as possible.

Some people use one type of attachment and always brush their teeth with it, changing the attachment every 2-3 months.

Modern brush heads have indicators to assess the condition of the bristles. Basically, color indicators; when the color fades or wears off, it is advisable to replace the nozzle with a new one.

For replacement speed

The attachment is influenced by how intensively the electric toothbrush is used, how much pressure is applied to it, and what movements the brush makes to clean the teeth. The originality of the nozzle also affects the service life.

Some companies make universal attachments that are suitable for several models of electric toothbrushes, and there are attachments that are suitable only for their brush.

My opinion is that for high-quality teeth cleaning, different types of attachments alone are not enough; manual teeth cleaning skills are important.

Universal nozzle

is as follows: the bristles are set widely, the length of the bristles allows you to completely encircle the tooth, it has a sufficient length of the neck, there are color indicators of the degree of wear.

Universal nozzle

Specialized attachments

have additions in the working part. Additions include rubber inserts and strips, intersecting bristles, and rubber cups for toothpaste.

Specialized nozzle

With additional inserts into the working part of the toothbrush, the useful number of bristles is noticeably reduced. And, as you know, the more bristles in the nozzle, the better its cleaning properties. Therefore, additional elements can indirectly help keep teeth clean.

Specialized attachments

Adult electric toothbrush heads

Adult heads for electric toothbrushes are distinguished by a variety of choices and sizes of the working part. Basically, the color of adult baits is a conservative one-color white, gray, black. If two family members use an electric brush, then it is possible to alternate use of the handle, replacing the nozzle with its own color indicator in the form of a colored ring. Of course, every person should have their own toothbrush. But in terms of electricity, it turns out that each will have its own nozzle with a color indicator, and the handle will be common.

Color rings to differentiate attachments

This option is considered a budget option. Rather than buying each family member their own individual electric toothbrush.

Children's electric toothbrush heads

Children's attachments are also replaceable, but the attachments themselves are smaller. Children's attachments differ in color and feature famous cartoon characters. Baby heads have a limited selection of bristle types; most often, the bristles are simply arranged in a bowl without additional rubber inserts.

Which electric toothbrush head do you prefer?


I recommend watching:

  • What is NIBLER for children. How does it help with teething?
  • Which children's toothpaste is suitable for infants.
  • How to choose a toothbrush for an adult? The cost of the brush and its quality.

What do you need to know about changing brush heads on an electric toothbrush?

We have already mentioned the frequency of replacing nozzles. What other considerations or precautions are there when replacing the brush head on an electric toothbrush?

As with any hygiene products, it is worth paying attention to a number of general rules. They are more concerned with personal hygiene and careful attitude towards replacing the element itself - the replaceable nozzle:

  • Before replacing, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Be careful when opening the pack of attachments to avoid accidentally dropping them on the floor.
  • Remove the old nozzle and install a new one in its place.

These rules are quite simple, but they should not be neglected. One of the most important rules, which essentially does not apply to the process of replacing the nozzle itself: before you start replacing the nozzle, be sure to wash your hands with soap. This necessary measure will prevent various harmful microbes from entering the body.

How do you know when it's time to change your toothbrush?

10 signs it's time for you to change your toothbrush

  1. You have been using it for more than three months...
  2. Visible deformation of the bristles...
  3. It's awkward to hold...
  4. Have suffered from an infectious disease...
  5. We returned from a long trip...
  6. Fell behind the washing machine, where there is a lot of dust, or in a dirty bucket...
  7. A stranger accidentally brushed his teeth with it

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What is the procedure for changing heads on electric toothbrushes from different brands?

The situation is that the design and operating principle of different electric toothbrushes are the same: the lower element is responsible for the mechanism that ensures vibration and operation of the entire toothbrush, and the upper element is equipped with a replaceable brush head . Therefore, we will always have a nozzle , so the answer to the question “how to replace the nozzle on an electric toothbrush” is the same for different manufacturers - we remove the nozzle from above and put a new one in its place.

To summarize, it doesn’t matter which electric toothbrush you have - Oral-B or Philips Sonicare, the principle of replacing brush heads does not change. a nozzle is placed on top of the toothbrush , and to replace it you will need to gently pull out the old nozzle to put on the new one.

READ Brushcutter Attachment for Snow Clearing

Philips Sonicare

The range of attachments for Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes is wider. These devices operate using sound vibration. Nozzles are distinguished by the stiffness of the bristles (ultra-soft, soft and medium) and by the absence or presence of the BRUSHSYNC function. The technology allows you to determine the appropriate mode and operating time for an electric brush using a chip.

Let's look at the most popular and affordable Philips Sonicare attachments:

    . The nozzle is a standard size, medium-hard bristles, formed in accordance with the bending line of the dentition. There is no chip for additional function.
  2. SONICARE C3 – PREMIUM PLAQUE DEFENSE. A combination of medium-hard and soft bristles, made to fit the dental contour. It differs from the first model in its flexible base for comfortable use and the presence of a chip for BrushSync.
  3. SONICARE I – INTERCARE. The design is designed to thoroughly clean the spaces between the elements of the dentition, which makes the nozzle suitable for users with braces. It has bristles of medium hardness and different lengths, as well as a chip.
  4. SONICARE G2 – OPTIMAL GUM CARE. For sensitive gums, therefore the bristles of this brush head are soft. Has a chip for additional function. The shape of the bristles follows the curve of the dentition.

The model line includes attachments for whitening tooth enamel and attachments for children's use, which are smaller in size.

The rating will help you choose the best electric toothbrush model.

Comb attachment

To remove this attachment from the cutting unit, carefully lift the back of the attachment off the unit and then slide the attachment off the cutting unit. To attach any guard to the cutting unit, slide the front of the guard onto the teeth of the cutting unit. Then press down on the central part of the guard with your fingers or palm.

Watch the video below to learn how to use our new Philips Prestige Beard Trimmer with its unique built-in comb. Please note that shaver functionality may vary depending on the model type.

Cutting unit attachment

The cutting unit is the main component of the Philips styler. It has short and sharp edges and is used for quick and precise trimming of hair lengths.

To remove the cutting unit from the styler body, check that there is a release button on the styler body. If present, press the button to remove the cutting unit.

If your styler does not have a release button, place your finger under the teeth of the cutting unit and slide it out of the device. To reinstall, insert the bottom of the cutting unit into the styler body, then push the toothed part in until it clicks into place. Don't try too hard; this may damage the device.

If you are unable to install the cutting unit, check for foreign matter in the body of the styler and try cleaning it with a small brush or cotton swab.


After the first acquaintance and test run, the operating process of the device did not raise any questions for us: everything turned out to be clear and predictable. However, we would like to draw attention to some points:

  • Since the trimmer is equipped with a NiMH battery, it will have to be charged in a very specific way. The instructions say that you cannot charge the battery for more than 10 hours (it may deteriorate as a result), however, you also cannot leave the device discharged for a long time - due to self-discharge, the battery may discharge below the minimum threshold and fail. Full charging time according to the instructions is 6-8 hours.
  • The trimmer can work while connected to the electrical network: there is no direct prohibition in the instructions, and in fact it works in this mode, we checked. However, just in case, we would not recommend using the device in this mode.
  • The floating head, in our opinion, is more of a hindrance than a help. A trimmer is not a razor, and the best shaving result is achieved when the blade is positioned at a very specific angle to the skin (it needs to be “caught”), and does not follow its contours.
  • When the attachment is installed, shaving occurs with the help of one blade, while the second is not used.

Caring for your trimmer involves regularly cleaning the blades and attachments with a brush and using machine oil (as needed, every few uses).

READ What Line to Use on the Trimmer

It is recommended to wipe the housing with a dry or damp cloth.

It is recommended to clean (and/or blow out) the blades after each shaving session. It is allowed to wipe the blades with a napkin. However, it is strictly forbidden to wash the blades or body in water. The developer even warns against getting drops of water, which, in our opinion, is almost inevitable when shaving in the bathroom.


The instructions for the device are a compact black and white brochure with a color cover, printed on matte paper.

The instructions are quite standard: here you can find safety instructions, rules for preparing for work, and tips for cutting hair, explanatory drawings and recommendations for caring for the device.

Like other instructions from Kitfort, there is very little “water” here: almost all the information will be useful, so it will be useful to read the instructions.

Having carefully studied all the available information, we found out that the trimmer cannot be used for cutting the head: it is intended only for creating the desired shape of the mustache, sideburns and beard.

Operation without an attachment (shaving stubble of different lengths)

When used without an attachment, our trimmer copes well with hair of almost any length. As a result, we get stubble similar to that which can be seen in the evening after shaving in the morning before leaving the house.

The presence of two knives theoretically allows you to shave in both directions, although, of course, in most cases only one knife will be used predominantly (or you will have to change the grip and hold the trimmer “upside down”).

We rate the quality of such a “shave” as average: it will not be possible to shave “in one pass”, and difficulties are inevitable in areas where the hair grows in different directions (it is recommended to move the trimmer strictly against the direction of stubble growth).

To achieve decent quality, we had to spend about 3.5 minutes, after which we carefully examined the result and additionally walked through the “problem” areas.

Removing the head from the Philips MG3720 trimmer

The shaved stubble falls down almost completely, that is, it does not get stuck inside the nozzle or knives. At least if we are cutting stubble and not a full beard. Well, if the nozzle does become clogged, it is easy to clean it directly during the shaving process - simply by blowing on it. It is clear that it is better to shave in this way over a sink or in any other place where there will be no problems with cleaning the cut stubble.

We had some difficulties with the formation of clear boundaries (for example, sideburns). Our trimmer was unable to form them in one movement when shaving at 90 degrees, and the need to “slither” back and forth inevitably leads to the fact that the border turns out to be blurred and indistinct.

The modern fashion for mustaches and beards, as well as for “slight unshavenness,” quite predictably generated a demand for all kinds of hair clippers and trimmers, and following the demand, supply from various brands.

READ How to Tension the Spring on a Trimmer

The hero of our today's review is one of these trimmers. Kitfort KT-3101 is distinguished by the presence of an adjustable nozzle and a floating head. Let's find out how convenient it will be to use.

At first sight

Visually, the trimmer looks quite standard: in front of us was a device very similar to similar models presented by other brands.

The body is made of black (both matte and glossy) plastic with purple plastic inserts. Glossy plastic looks downright inexpensive, matte plastic looks more “solid.”

The grip area on the back has grooves for your fingers, making the trimmer more comfortable to hold. The on/off button is located under the thumb. Below it is the company logo and LED charging indicator.

On the back side there is the model name and brief information about the device.

The head of our trimmer is removable. It is fixed in place using an automatic latch, and is removed with a special button located on the case. Removing the head, you can see the plastic pin with which the knives move.

The trimmer head itself is floating: it can deviate by several degrees. There is a rubber insert in the middle of the head, and trimmer-type knives 26 mm wide on the top and bottom.

The nozzle for adjusting hair length is made of plastic. The attachment is installed on the trimmer using a plastic latch (it requires a little force, which confused us at first).

The haircut length is adjusted by rotating a special wheel, which extends a special moving part of the nozzle, thereby setting it to one of nineteen positions corresponding to hair lengths from 0.5 to 10 mm.

The attachment is removed by “snapping off”, also with some effort (admittedly, at this point we began to worry about how strong and durable the plastic latch would be).

The power adapter connector is on the back. The trimmer is charged using a regular power cord; no special charger is required.

Additional accessories included were a bottle of oil and a brush for cleaning the head.

In general, the device looks decent (for its price category), and the solution with an adjustment wheel aroused some interest in us: we usually find a set of several attachments in the kit.

Convenience and ergonomics

Based on the results of use, we were generally left with conflicting impressions: at first acquaintance with the trimmer, the trimmer seemed to be a more than convenient device, but the operation process was somewhat overshadowed by the fact that in order to achieve the desired result, you need to shave slowly and carefully.

Our trimmer doesn’t pull the hair, but it doesn’t always shave it off the first time, which turned out to be not very convenient when creating clear boundaries.


The trimmer comes in a compact cardboard box, inside which you can find the trimmer itself in a transparent blister, as well as accessories.

The box is decorated in the Kitfort corporate style using full-color printing. Having studied the packaging, you can get comprehensive information about the device, its technical characteristics and capabilities: everything is indicated on the back side, down to the capacity of the oil bottle.

My unboxing of the Gemei 10in1 trimmer GM-592

  • the trimmer itself;
  • charging cord;
  • adjustable nozzle;
  • oil for lubrication and a brush for cleaning;
  • instructions and warranty card;
  • collection magnet.

Sources: B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BA%D1%83-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D1 %81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5-philips html


First, let's list the most popular original attachments:

  • Oral-B Braun EB-20 Precision Clean. For daily cleaning. The bristles are soft, thin, the head is small and round.
  • Oral-B EB18 3D White. For whitening. In the middle of the round head there is a special cup that polishes the tooth at the same time as the medium-hard bristles clean plaque.
  • Oral- B EB30 TriZone. For effective cleaning between teeth. The head has a standard shape, the bristles move perpendicularly, making sweeping movements.
  • Oral-B Braun EB10K Frozen (Stages) Kids. For children from 3 years old. Round head, reciprocating movements.
  • Oral- B ED17. For the irrigator. It has “mono stream” and “turbo stream” modes. Forms bubbles.
  • Oral- B Braun EB25. For daily cleaning. Medium hard bristles, round head.
  • Oral-B Floss Action. With rubber inserts. The round head makes reciprocating rotational movements, cleaning teeth with bristles and leveling the enamel through processing with special elements.
  • Oral- B Cross Action. Unique angled bristles, cut at the tips, combined with a round head, provide a 3D cleaning effect against plaque.

For many, it remains a mystery why gums are not injured when using an Oral-B electric brush. The point is the bristles rounded at the end. If the manual model of medium hardness, even with the slightest excess of force, causes harm, then the electric one, making more than 8000 reciprocating movements, painlessly massages the gums.


Branded products cost about 600 rubles. per piece, which is expensive, but high quality. Chinese analogues can be found at prices ranging from 80 to 270 rubles. for 4 units, the cost depends on the site and the seller. You should be wary of products that are too cheap; they may not live up to your expectations.

Price of originals and copies

Review of copies

The Chinese have long learned to counterfeit replacement nozzles, spending little on their production, due to cheap labor and mediocre quality of parts. This allows you to make the price as affordable as possible, sacrificing quality.

But not everything is so bad, there are many production facilities, suppliers purchase goods from different companies and, as practice shows, there are always good options that last as long as the originals.

Classic set: 4 pieces each, different manufacturers, unknown Chinese companies, the name of which can be seen upon close examination.

Sets suitable for Oral-B brushes are available in four types:

  • Standard. Bristles of medium hardness, located at an angle.
  • Whitening. Includes polishing rubber elements, thanks to which whitening is carried out.
  • For interdental spaces. With rubber inserts.
  • Double. Includes two heads. One rotating round and the second standard.

The first two types of attachments are not particularly durable; reviews say that they last no more than a week. First the head starts to jam, and after some time it stops working completely.

This happens due to a poorly manufactured element of the T-shaped rod, due to which the head rotates. In the original, this part is welded with high quality.

But the double nozzle caused positive emotions among buyers; due to the more powerful design, the manufacturer had to make an appropriate rotating mechanism that does not fail after a week.

There were no significant differences in hardness or quality; the sensations during use were identical. But the range of motion of the Chinese attachment is less than that of the original.

Sometimes among four pieces there is one defective one - it does not fit due to the small diameter of the hole for the rod.

Users note excessive noise of non-original products during operation. The Oral-B electric toothbrush is already quite noisy and resembles a dental drill, and with cheap replaceable heads the situation is even worse. But this is not so bad compared to the cost of the original Oral-B heads.

The cost of four pieces is in the range of 250-270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of copies

Let's summarize what are the differences between the original replacement nozzle and the copy. Based on numerous customer reviews, the following shortcomings of Chinese products were identified:

  • low service life due to rapid wear of the filling, while the pile remains intact;
  • increased noise;
  • small amplitude of head rotation;
  • some structural elements are made crudely;
  • Often there are defects, as a result of which the nozzle does not fit onto the rod.

In this video, the consumer compares the original and the copy:

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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