Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of using glass ionomer cements in a pediatric dentistry clinic
Over time, teeth become fragile and begin to decay under the influence of various negative factors. IN
Removing filling material from the maxillary sinus
Treatment of the upper chewing teeth is associated with the risk of damage to the maxillary sinuses due to their close anatomical proximity.
Residual defects of the hard palate after palatoplasty
Residual defects of the hard palate after palate surgery are holes of various shapes through which
Dysarthric speech disorders in children of early and preschool age
Hypertonicity in a child is an excessive overstrain of the flexor muscles. It is due to the fact that in
The use of a diode laser in the complex treatment of aggressive periodontitis
HomePeriodontologyTreatment of periodontal disease with SIEMENS laser The main reason for patients visiting the dental clinic is severe pain
Red gum around the tooth: causes and treatment
Healthy gums are the key to strong teeth and a beautiful smile. Normally they are pink
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What to do if you have bleeding gums and how to treat it
Proper brushing of teeth and gums Plaque on teeth is a common cause of many cavity diseases
Root canal obturation or saving a diseased tooth
A variety of modern techniques used for filling developed root canals differ significantly from each other,
Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint: what the pathology threatens and how to treat it
The clinic of orthodontics, gnathology, and aesthetic dentistry MY ORT offers treatment for arthritis of the temporomandibular joint. This disease
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