Swiss implants Astra-tech turnkey price, reviews

Features Advantage Disadvantages Indications Contraindications Prices Stages of treatment How to choose a clinic?
This is a story about collaboration. You know, it happens that two companies do good work. Good, but not outstanding. There the products of Dentsply and Sirona would have remained known in a narrow segment of the dental materials market if not for the merger. When two strong middle peasants joined forces, a real breakthrough resulted. Investment in research and technological development has increased sharply. The result was new materials and innovative products. Astra Tech implants are one such achievement.

During their development, special attention was paid to the interaction between the artificial root and the patient’s body. Dentsply/Sirona have developed a unique dental restoration system that relies on the healing powers of the body itself.

Scientific research confirms that Swedish Astra Tech implants provide reliable results in the long term.

History of Astra Tech Implants

Today, Astra Tech (Sweden) is no longer an independent company, but is part of the Dentsply holding, which acquired the Swedish company in 2011 for almost two billion dollars. Until this moment, Astra Tech Implants was represented in more than 120 countries and was one of the three leaders in the sale of implants on the world market. Despite this deal, the company's implants continue to be produced under the Astra Tech brand. This is an established brand with high popularity and reputation among clinicians and their patients. However, most people want to know not about news from the business world, but about the capabilities and features of this system, because, ultimately, the health and beauty of our smile largely depends on the quality of the implant.

Astra Tech implant line

Astra Tech implants. Innovative solutions

Being a top manufacturer, Astra Tech Implants has long patented its own technologies and design solutions. The presence of such developments distinguishes any large company operating in the field of medicine, which is why Astra Tech in Sweden invests large resources in new research. Below we will talk about four of the most famous proprietary developments that make Astra Tech dental implants different from other systems.


This is a patented coating that is applied to the surface of each Astra Tech implant. OsseoSpeed ​​has a complex structure; this coating contains fluorine-containing compounds. Thanks to its properties, the coating softens the consequences of intervention in the bone tissue and stimulates its growth around the installed implant.


The MicroThread microthread on the neck of Astra Tech implants serves to evenly distribute the load on the bone tissue, is designed to reduce the impact and maximally prevent its damage during implant installation.

Conical Seal Design

A conical connection that is an element of the implant design. It ensures more precise interaction between the components of the Astra Tech system and transfers pressure from the edge of the bone tissue to the stronger deeper layers. This reduces the maximum load on the bone and eliminates micro-movements of the artificial root. In simple terms, the implant will “sit” tightly and securely, and the healing process will be faster and safer.

Conical Connective Contour

When the implant and abutment come into contact (an adapter between the crown and the implant itself), a special contour is formed that ensures reliable fastening of the components and allows preserving a larger volume of soft tissue. Conical Connective Contour enhances the aesthetic aspect - your artificial tooth will look as natural as possible.

Many have probably already asked whether such “delights” are necessary at all and whether they can somehow affect quality indicators, given the fact that titanium itself has the ability to fuse with bone. The answer is quite simple. Like the entire body, the human dental system has a complex structure, as well as the mechanism of interaction of teeth and their roots with bone tissue. A good implant should take on the function of a lost tooth, and this can be fully achieved only thanks to similar technologies that eliminate the difference between an artificial tooth and a real one. In addition, research data show that with long-term results (more than five years from the date of installation of the Astra Tech implant), patients do not experience a significant decrease in bone tissue. By the way, this indicator is considered the main one when we talk about quality and durability.

Implant system Astra Tech

The Astra Tech product line is very wide. These are both the Astra Tech implants themselves and the abutments, as well as accompanying instruments. It is often impossible for a patient to receive an implant of standard sizes and characteristics. This may be due to a small volume of bone tissue, lack of necessary space, non-standard anatomy of the teeth and jaw, and so on. The goal of any good manufacturer is to develop a line of implants to solve any clinical case, taking into account a number of nuances.

The most popular Astra Tech implant system is marked with the TX index. For example, the thinnest implants are TX 3S, whose diameter is 3 millimeters. They are often used to restore frontal teeth, as well as in unusual situations, including atrophy of the muscles and joints of the jaw. Further, as the size and diameter of the implants increases, the number in the model name also increases. The largest is the Astra Tech TX Profile 5 implant for the masticatory region. Actually, each Astra Tech implant model is designed to restore a specific group of teeth: incisors, canines, molars or premolars. Also in the arsenal there are four types of abutments and gum formers for different clinical cases.

Stages of work

1. Diagnostics

Preliminary examination, computed tomography, identification of concomitant diseases - all this is necessary to move to the next stage.

2. Preparation

Sanitation of the oral cavity, treatment or removal of teeth. Development of an implantation plan. Careful preparation leads to better results.

3. Implantation

It all depends on the protocol. With one-stage implantation, a pin is inserted and an abutment is immediately inserted. A temporary crown is placed on it. With a two-stage protocol, only the implant is placed, the incision is sutured and the artificial root is waited until it takes root. After this has happened, they begin to apply prosthetics.

4. Osseointegration

The engraftment stage takes up to 3 months on the lower jaw and up to 6 months on the upper jaw.

New technologies make it possible to shorten this period even further. After healing in a two-stage procedure, an abutment is placed, and an artificial tooth is placed on it.

5. Control inspection

It is needed for the doctor to make sure that there is no inflammation in the adjacent tissues, the structure is stable and can function like a real tooth.

Installation of the Astra Tech implant

In dentistry, the installation of the Astra Tech implant occurs according to standard medical protocols of one-stage or two-stage implantation techniques. The experts themselves note the convenience of the tools and the intuitive system for working with them, based on color coding of structural elements. According to the company, the emphasis is on developing products and solutions for the Astra Tech implant that will help ease the workload of clinicians while maintaining long-term functionality and aesthetics.

Secrets of successful implantation

Implants do not always take root and not for everyone, and most people who are aware of the advisability of installing them know this. It is clear that the risk of being left without teeth and money is very high, but not in the case of Astra Tech. For implantation to be successful, it is necessary to use a high-quality system, trust the installation work only to highly qualified specialists using branded tools, listen to the recommendations of doctors and thoroughly study the list of contraindications.

The surface of the implant and its shape have a direct impact on the success of the event, and if the load on the structure was calculated incorrectly or the technique was chosen incorrectly, then even the outstanding features of orthodontic structures will not help. That is why the issue regarding the installation of implants should be resolved in medical institutions that have long earned the trust of patients. Contacting the A-Medic network of dental clinics will save time, nerves and money.

Advantages of Astra Tech implants

The main advantage that the Astra Tech system provides is a high survival rate. For the company, this figure is almost 98.5%. This is indeed a very high level, which can only be achieved through a streamlined production process and technological innovation. Summarizing the features that distinguish Astra Tech implantation, we can highlight several key points.

  • Astra Tech dental implants are suitable for most types of clinical cases.
  • Gentle and uniform effect on bone tissue.
  • High aesthetic and functional indicators.
  • Long-term positive results. For most patients, Astra Tech implants last at least 15-20 years. With proper care, implants will serve their owner for life.

It is difficult to identify any noticeable disadvantages of Astra Tech implants. However, this does not exclude the possibility that a doctor may give preference to another system, simply because it is more convenient for him to work with it.

Production Features

The manufacturer has set its own standards, which allows you to control every stage of the production process. Products are made from medical titanium using digital equipment, which eliminates the possibility of producing defective products. All individual elements are sterilized and packaged in special ampoules filled with a mixture of water and alcohol. Such precautions guarantee the safety of the surface and eliminate the risk of contamination not only during transportation, but also during surgery.

Differences between Astra Tech, Nobel Biocare and Ankylos implants

All brands of implants Astra Tech, Nobel Biocare and Ankylos (Dentsply) are characterized by high quality. Therefore, rest assured that by choosing these designs, you are making the right choice. However, there are certainly certain differences between them, the main of which are presented in the table below.

Astra TechNobelAnkylos
Country of OriginSwedenUSAGermany
Price categoryPremiumPremiumBusiness
Features of the technology
  • Conical connection between the implant and abutment, providing additional reliability of the structure.
  • Fluoride-treated surface for enhanced bone formation and a strong bone-to-implant connection.
  • Micro-thread on the neck of the implant for optimal load distribution.
  • The porous structure of the TiUnit surface made of zirconium dioxide improves the osseointegration of the implant in the bone tissue.
  • Double Groovy threads for secure fit.
  • Cone-shaped implants of the Nobel Active series for better engraftment.
  • Special Fiadent Plus coating that improves osseointegration.
  • Any implant fits any abutment of the same brand, thanks to the uniform diameter of all orthopedic devices.
  • A unique technique for installing implants with cooling devices for disinfection and reducing tissue trauma.
The cost of installing one implant without prosthetics45,000 – 50,000 rubles40,000 – 50,000 rubles35,000 – 40,000 rubles

How much do Astra Tech implants cost?

Taking into account the rating and advantages of implants, the price of Astra Tech implants remains one of the highest on the market - this is, perhaps, the main drawback of this manufacturer. On average, the cost of Astra Tech implantation in Moscow clinics is about 40,000 rubles. The final cost also depends on the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor, so a price range of 5 – 8 thousand is allowed. Naturally, we are talking only about the cost of the titanium rod itself and the service for its installation. In any case, even with the most favorable discounts and promotions, the price of Astra Tech implants is unlikely to be below 25,000 rubles. If you are offered the Astra Tech system at a lower cost, there is reason to think about the integrity and reliability of such a clinic.

In the capital, the price for turnkey Astra Tech implants (implantation and prosthetics) can reach up to 70,000 - 80,000 rubles with a metal-ceramic crown and more than 90,000 rubles with a zirconium crown. If you have insufficient bone tissue, procedures to increase it will be added to the cost of treatment. By the way, the differences between Astra Tech and Nobel Biocare implants in terms of price are insignificant, so you can make a choice based on your own preferences and the advice of your doctor.


These elements of the system are designed for reliable fixation of a fixed prosthesis on the implant. If it is necessary to restore soft tissue, then the specialists of the A-Medic clinic use a gum former, thanks to which the doctor can choose the optimal length of the standard abutment, which exists in six sizes. In addition to the standard ones, angular abutments are sometimes installed with an inclination angle of 20-30 degrees. The structure of the abutments produced by the company has its own characteristics, due to which the patient can wear fixed dentures for a long time and without problems. This:

  1. Possibility of turning, thanks to which you can select crowns for patients with individual characteristics and pathologies of the jaw structure.
  2. Cone shape. This feature prevents displacement of the structure.
  3. The center screw is missing. This means that microorganisms will not be able to penetrate deep into the structure at the junction of the elements.
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