First aid for stenotic laryngotracheitis in children

Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease of the larynx, which is one of the consequences of influenza, ARVI, whooping cough, scarlet fever, rhinitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.

With laryngitis, the vocal cords are the first to suffer - the patient’s voice becomes hoarse or disappears altogether. Breathing becomes difficult, and a so-called “barking” cough appears, which is quite painful.

Laryngitis in adults can also occur as an independent disease, for example, when the voice is overstrained (the so-called “teacher’s disease”).

It is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic laryngitis .


Diagnosis of laryngitis in MedicCity

2 Diagnosis of laryngitis in MedicCity

3 Diagnosis of laryngitis in MedicCity

Acute laryngitis

In acute laryngitis, the disease lasts for 7-10 days. Acute laryngitis is quite rare to occur on its own. This disease manifests itself along with inflammation of the pharynx, nasal cavity, bronchi and lungs. The cause of the development of acute laryngitis is considered to be acute respiratory diseases, thermal or chemical burns, and injuries. Severe hypothermia, dry air, excessive vocal tension, existing foci of inflammation and impaired nasal breathing can also lead to laryngitis.

In advanced, severe cases, laryngitis can become life-threatening for the patient. If the pain in the throat is so acute that it is difficult for a person with laryngitis to even swallow his own saliva, you should immediately call a doctor! A tumor in the larynx can block the passage of air. You should also consult a doctor if hoarseness, hoarseness (or complete absence) of the voice does not stop 3-5 days after the onset of the illness.

How to relieve allergic swelling of the throat

In case of allergic edema, including Quincke's edema, you need to act immediately. The first step is to call an ambulance. Then all possible allergens are removed from the patient, the room is ventilated and humidified. The sick person must be seated and cannot lie down. Give orally, or even better, inject an antihistamine (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin).

Upon the arrival of doctors, hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) are administered, and it is even possible to prescribe Adrenaline in advanced cases.

If the swelling does not stop with hormones and antihistamines, but increases even more, the patient is given a tracheostomy until the swelling goes away. This is necessary to prevent suffocation. It is also practiced to put the patient into medicated sleep, but in rare cases.

How to relieve allergic swelling of the throat.

Chronic laryngitis

If inflammation of the larynx continues for more than a month, then we are talking about chronic laryngitis . Quick diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease are very important here.

The causes of chronic laryngitis can be:

  • untreated acute laryngitis;
  • significant professional voice loads for teachers, artists, announcers;
  • excessive smoking;
  • alcoholic drinks with high alcohol content that dry out the throat;
  • too hot and spicy food;
  • untreated gastroesophageal reflux disease with reflux of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus and larynx.

It is very important to consult an ENT doctor if you have symptoms of inflammation of the larynx. Otolaryngologists at our clinic will help you cope with the unpleasant symptoms of laryngitis and other diseases of the ear, nose and throat.


Consultation with an otolaryngologist in MedicCity

2 Consultation with an otolaryngologist in MedicCity

3 Consultation with an otolaryngologist in MedicCity


When treating laryngitis, first of all, an otolaryngologist performs an initial diagnostic examination using laryngoscopic instruments and mirrors, and takes smears for laboratory analysis.

If necessary, a detailed assessment of the condition of the larynx is carried out using a rigid telescope, which magnifies the image of the pathological area.

At the next stage, a biopsy may be performed. Additionally, a general blood and urine test is prescribed. Based on the results of the study, the otolaryngologist sees the full clinical picture of the disease and prescribes the necessary therapy.

Laryngitis in children

This disease begins with a runny nose and dry cough, then the child develops a sore throat, and the voice becomes hoarse and unrecognizable. At night, the child most often begins to wheeze because the lumen of the airways narrows. He develops a suffocating cough, his face becomes pale, and the nasolabial triangle begins to acquire a bluish tint. Temperatures may rise to 40 degrees.

How to treat laryngitis in a child? The treatment regimen and medications for laryngitis should be prescribed by a doctor: many medications that are used in the treatment of laryngitis in adults can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

It is recommended to give the child plenty of alkaline drinks (warm milk, mineral water). Antihistamines and hypoallergenic syrups are prescribed to relieve irritation and inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. Alkaline inhalations are also very effective for laryngitis in children. Parents who are faced with laryngitis in children, as a rule, even travel with an inhaler-nebulizer, which allows them to quickly stop a coughing attack in their child.

If a child develops a “barking cough,” delay is especially dangerous—spasm of the respiratory tract (“false croup”) may occur. In severe cases, progression of the disease can lead to respiratory arrest. Call an ambulance immediately!

Swelling of the throat, symptoms and signs

Symptoms of laryngitis may vary depending on the etiological origin.

In case of swelling caused by an infectious agent, the signs will be as follows:

  • increase in body temperature to febrile levels, often with chills;
  • severe symptoms of intoxication (headache and muscle pain, dizziness; in children, nausea, vomiting, development of meningeal symptoms are possible);
  • sore throat;
  • paroxysmal, debilitating, non-productive cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat.

The development of false croup is indicated by a paroxysmal, whistling and barking cough. Inhaling and exhaling is difficult, and the whistling sound can be heard even from a distance. The patient becomes restless and panic begins. Children are characterized by intense crying and it is difficult to calm the child down.

Hypoxia, which develops against the background of edema, is indicated by paleness of the nasolabial triangle, tachycardia, retraction of the skin into the intercostal space, and cold sweat. This condition is dangerous and requires immediate assistance.

Allergic laryngitis ranks second after infectious laryngitis in terms of frequency of occurrence. Often the disease is diagnosed in the spring, when plants are flowering.

Allergic laryngitis is characterized by:

  • labored breathing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • cough.

The temperature does not rise in this condition. Often allergic swelling of the larynx is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa and lacrimation.

The most dangerous allergic manifestation is Quincke's edema. It is impossible not to notice the development of pathology. Symptoms develop at lightning speed. Immediately the patient feels a slight sore throat, then breathing becomes difficult, the pharynx and larynx swell. Then the neck, submandibular space, and face change. In such cases, at the first symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. Within 10-20 minutes, swelling can completely block the lumen, causing suffocation.

Hoarseness of voice.

How to avoid getting laryngitis

To protect yourself as much as possible from the development of laryngitis, you need to follow simple rules:

  • eliminate bad habits, especially smoking;
  • exercise;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • keep the premises clean, regularly ventilate, moisturize;
  • do not visit crowded places during periods of epidemics;
  • avoid environmentally unfavorable habitats.

Compliance with these standards will not completely protect against laryngitis, but the risk will be minimized.


Most often, the pathogen can spread to other organs. This can often lead to heart complications. It is difficult to restore normal functioning of the cardiovascular system after this type of complication.

Often, the consequences can affect other parts of the upper respiratory tract or even spread to the lungs, thereby greatly complicating symptoms and treatment.

It is a mistake to believe that this disease can go away on its own. Also, you should not turn to alternative medicine, which can harm your health if not agreed with a specialist. Self-medication is not the best, since the cause of the disease can be various microorganisms, as well as medications that helped in one situation, but in another can even worsen the disease.

Remember: frequent colds or cases of laryngitis may be the first symptom of immunodeficiency!

Acute form

With an exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms also worsen: the cough becomes even drier and debilitating, enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes with irradiation of pain in the ear can be a concomitant disease with sore throat and scarlet fever.

Chronic form

It occurs when not only the upper and lower respiratory tracts are affected, but also other organs. It has the greatest effect on the heart, so disturbances on its part are possible - tachycardia, arrhythmia. This may be due to direct damage to the organ, or may cause incorrect innervation of the vagus nerve, which provides a conduction system not only to the heart, but also to the diaphragm and intestines. Accordingly, various gastrointestinal disorders associated with its poor, inactive functioning are possible.

Preventive actions

The best prevention will be strengthening the immune system and timely treatment of colds. Don't forget about seasonal flu vaccination, regular walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and good nutrition. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule.

If you still have questions and need specialist help, make an appointment. The doctor will tell you how to treat chronic laryngotracheitis in a child and how to help the baby at the first signs of stenosis. Sign up on the website and by phone.

Related services: Children's consultation


If you suspect an illness in yourself or your child, immediately contact your doctor. Remember that the duties of emergency medical personnel do not include delivering a patient with the specified disease to a medical facility (except in cases where there are already complications that can cause serious harm to health). So your call may be refused, or you may receive a fine for a false call.

Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the etiology of the disease. A common test for this disease is a general blood test to determine the leukocyte formula. If infection by bacilli and cocci is suspected, sputum can be taken for examination.

The first medications that your doctor will prescribe for you are broad-spectrum medications, inhalations, and bed rest. You should also not neglect the recommendations regarding drinking plenty of fluids, since dehydration due to hyperthermia negatively affects the healing process. If a doctor recommends hospitalization, it is advisable to accept his demands, but do not forget that you have the legal right to refuse admission to a medical facility. Below is a list of treatment procedures that can be prescribed to treat the disease or its consequences.


They are carried out within medical institutions, in particular outpatient clinics. The therapeutic effect is provided by the vapors of the drug, which are constantly sprayed into the larynx area. This method is safe and painless, so it can be prescribed even to nursery children.


It is used to treat complications that have spread to the lower respiratory tract, such as tracheitis, bronchitis. Calcium ions that enter through the anode of the apparatus moistened with a CaCl2 solution have a beneficial effect. Despite the fact that the device and procedure may look scary, due to the fact that voltage will be applied, it does not pose a real threat, and can even be used for infants.

UV therapy

Uses ultraviolet waves directed into the stream at the area with pathology. Despite its effectiveness, this method is considered outdated. It is a safe method for the body and has no contraindications. One thing: it is not advisable to look at UV rays, as they can harm the retina of the eye.

Factors that aggravate the disease and its treatment

Treatment has low effectiveness in the presence of some external harmful factors, such as smoking, inhalation of harmful substances (among miners, workers in the heavy and chemical industries). An important role in the complication of the disease during its treatment is played by reduced immunity, for example, with HIV or AIDS or congenital immunodeficiency.

In order to recover from the disease faster, try to reduce negative factors as much as possible, stop smoking, stay in bed, and most importantly, follow the instructions of your doctor.


Depending on the causes of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Biological reasons - the pathogen enters the mucous membranes of the body. Their role is often played by viruses, less often by bacteria that form colonies (cocci) and fungi.

Chemical causes - inhalation of harmful substances and gases that can destroy the mucous membrane of the larynx, for example, tobacco smoke. In addition to inhalation, chemical burns are also possible.

Chemical causes may also include an acute allergic reaction, which destroys the mucous layer of the larynx down to the submucosal layer.

The rarest cause is injuries to the larynx, in which it is quite easy to damage the protective layer.

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