Citramon for toothache: a complete review of the drug

February 28, 2019

In the first aid kit of any Russian there will almost certainly be such a universal remedy as Citramon. After all, it can be used for headaches and colds, and indeed in any case, if you don’t feel very well and don’t know where the “root of evil” lies. Many people take it with them on vacation, throw it in their bag before going on a business trip, or prefer to take a blister of tablets to the countryside or to nature just like that, just in case.

And quite naturally the question arises about what else this drug is capable of. For example, will it help in a critical situation from toothache? The editors of the portal will tell you the answer. As always, in the article you will find many interesting facts about this medicine.

Citramon is an exclusively Russian brand

Interestingly, no foreign pharmaceutical company has yet released such a medicine. Today, Citramon is produced exclusively by Russian factories, and there are about 48 different manufacturers. The names of the medicine are different - “Citramon-P”, “Citramon Ultra”, “Aquacitramon”, but the composition is always the same. True, as for the composition, it was somewhat different back in the USSR, but in recent years it has undergone changes, because the components previously included in it caused too many side effects.

Citramon is an exclusively Russian brand

In Europe, America and other continents, this medicine is not certified and is not sold in pharmacies at all, because foreign pharmacists simply do not miss it. This is due to the fact that the drug contains two analgesics at once, which is quite dangerous for health. Many Russians do not think at all about the composition of this medicine, and therefore those who go on vacation to other countries, for the most part, often take Citramon with them on the road, which saves them from headaches, including helping with toothache. In Europe, there is a medicine that is similar in principle of action, but with a slightly different composition - “Migrenol”.

The success of tablets rests on “three pillars”

We are talking about the composition of the medicine, today it is a kind of mix of active ingredients: aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol. Essentially, Citramon is a combined medicine with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid

This component is known for its ability to thin the blood and increase the speed of blood flow. That is why it is often prescribed and even recommended as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Read more about a medicine such as Aspirin in a separate article on our website.

Aspirin, which is part of the drug, is prohibited in European countries

However, all the positive properties of this substance are more than offset by its negative qualities. It can cause internal bleeding and lead to stomach ulcers. It has a particularly negative effect on children under 15 years of age, which is why the drug is prohibited for use before this age. Also, pregnant and breastfeeding women should absolutely not use medications based on this component. In the first case, the effect of the drug can cause fetal malformations (for example, it has been proven that when taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman increases the risk of her unborn child being born with a cleft palate). When breastfeeding, acetylsalicylic acid passes through milk perfectly and, once in the baby’s body, can cause bleeding and platelet dysfunction.

Caffeine or coffee tree alkaloid

This substance stimulates the activity of the brain and respiratory centers of the body, constricts blood vessels, stimulates metabolism and helps cope with pain. But this component also has a stimulating effect and raises blood pressure. Therefore, it will be good for hypotensive patients, but for hypertensive patients it will only further aggravate the situation and can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

Paracetamol or acetaminophen

This is an antipyretic and analgesic component; it also helps fight any inflammatory process, so, for example, if the dental pulp or periosteum is inflamed, there will definitely be no harm from a single dose of the tablet. But you shouldn’t abuse Citramon, even if it helps you well against toothache. Firstly, the drug will not eliminate or cure the problem. Secondly, paracetamol, when taken frequently and systematically, “hits” the liver well, i.e. causes irreparable harm to her and can even lead to the development of drug-induced hepatitis.

Paracetamol is an anti-inflammatory drug

Read on our website in a specially prepared article only the most interesting facts about such a medicine as Paracetamol.


Despite the fact that the drug is considered quite harmless, it has a number of contraindications:

  1. It is prohibited for use by children under the age of 14 years due to its invigorating effect and the negative perception of aspirin on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Pregnancy period.
  3. Breast-feeding.
  4. For glaucoma.
  5. If blood coagulation is impaired.
  6. In case of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.

It should be noted that not all people know about the presence of any diseases in themselves; some gastrointestinal diseases occur secretly and patients do not immediately find out about their presence.

After taking the drug, you should very carefully monitor the condition of your body and if bruises under the eyes, heartburn and dyspeptic disorders appear suddenly and without reason, then this medicine should not be taken. The body will speak for itself about the need to perform these actions; you just need to carefully monitor your condition.

About how “Citramon copes with toothache”

Does Citramon help with toothache? Yes, but only if it is of mild or medium intensity. The tablet begins to act quickly, within half an hour. But if there is no effect, then there is no point in experimenting further, although the manufacturers admit that you can take up to eight tablets per day. Never take the tablets on an empty stomach, and also remember to take them with enough water or milk so as not to harm the stomach.

Do not abuse the drug.

Well, don’t forget that if you take “Citramon” for a toothache and it still helps you alleviate the condition, then you should not abuse it, and you need to exclude it 5-6 days before going to the doctor if surgical surgery is planned intervention - tooth extraction, installation of implants, removal of the nerve of the tooth. After all, the drug can cause severe and long-lasting bleeding.

“Personally, citramon helps me with toothache, but only after the second tablet. Therefore, sometimes I swallow two at once, even though the doctors would clearly be against such an intake. But this doesn’t happen so often, one might even say that it happened only three times in four years. But I always carry these tablets in my purse just in case, and I often share them with my work colleagues when they have a headache. So far the effect has been only positive, and the price is great.”

Irina, from correspondence on

Approximate price

The cost of the drug is small compared to other drugs. It varies depending on the manufacturing plant, the number of tablets in the package and the release form.

For example, tablets in the amount of 10 pieces in a white paper package can be purchased from 8 rubles per piece.

If the medicines are packaged in a cardboard box in the amount of 20 tablets, then for 1 box you will have to pay from 28 to 48 rubles (depending on the region and the urgency of delivery).

You can also purchase analogues of the medicine at pharmacies. Depending on the composition, number of tablets, purpose and place of sale, you can buy them from 86 to 277 rubles.

The medicinal cocktail contained in the tablets can harm the body

That is why you should not drink Citramon for toothache, even if you are sure that it will help you, in cases where there are serious contraindications: blood clotting is impaired, pressure is increased (especially intraocular). Those who are at risk of developing an allergic reaction or sensitivity to one of the components of the drug should not take the medicine. For example, you can check that you have a negative reaction to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) by remembering allergies to such foods as apricots, cucumbers or tomatoes, blueberries or dates. These fruits and berries contain large amounts of salicylic acid derivatives. If you take the medicine if you have an allergy, then there is every risk of eventually getting Quincke's edema or an asthmatic attack.

Taking the medicine can cause allergies and angioedema

There are also interesting facts discovered by independent researchers that suggest that a combination of components such as acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol can even lead to death. For example, caffeine greatly enhances the negative effects of two other components when taken simultaneously. So, if a person has a headache and takes a Citramon tablet, and the culprit is an ischemic stroke, then the drug is even more harmful, because causes the death of brain cells due to a vasoconstrictor effect.

Therefore, always remember that even such a harmless medicine as Citramon can cause even greater troubles. If any type of pain occurs, try to solve the true cause of its occurrence, and do not suppress unpleasant symptoms with pills. If your tooth hurts, consult a dentist; if you have a constant headache, visit a neurologist or therapist who will conduct an examination and refer you to a more specialized specialist.


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Consulting specialist

Varlamova Tatyana Vitalievna

Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 6 years


I drink citramon in case of headaches and toothaches, because... It is always at hand, but after it my stomach always starts to hurt badly. And when I ask the pharmacy what to replace it with, they always prescribe very expensive medications. Maybe you can tell me what to do?

Alina (03/02/2019 at 15:06) Reply to comment

    Dear Alina! The stomach may hurt due to a reaction to the aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) included in Citramon. Never take tablets on an empty stomach, and if, regardless of this, the pain recurs, then try replacing the medicine with Paracetamol in its pure form. It is also advisable to consult a gastroenterologist, because acetylsalicylic acid can provoke peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

    Editorial staff of the portal (03/07/2019 at 11:46 am) Reply to comment

I'm going to take citramon in order to increase my blood pressure, because... My whole head hurts when I lower it. How long does the effect of high blood pressure from these tablets last?

Svetlana Valerievna (03/16/2019 at 18:07) Reply to comment

    Dear Svetlana Valerievna! Everything here is purely individual and depends on the condition of the blood vessels. It is also possible that the medicine has no effect on a person at all and does not raise blood pressure. In addition, Citramon is not the best option for treating hypotension on an ongoing basis, because today there are a large number of safer remedies. Seek advice from a physician who will provide a referral for tests. You may also need to consult a cardiologist and neurologist.

    Editorial staff of the portal (03/20/2019 at 09:14) Reply to comment

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What to do if the hangover is very severe?

If while drinking you have significantly exceeded your individual norm and the hangover is moderate to severe, then there is only one way to get rid of a hangover quickly - call a narcologist to your home. An experienced specialist, after examination and express diagnostics, will correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment. The fastest and most effective way to relieve a hangover is a dropper based on a saline solution with a composition that restores the water-salt and acid-base balance.

Additionally, the following devices can be connected to the dropper:

  • Diuretics to force diuresis and rapid elimination of acetaldehyde.
  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • According to indications, sedatives, antihypertensive drugs, hepato- and cardioprotectors are prescribed.

We provide 3 types of drips for alcohol poisoning: standard, intensive and triple. The latter provides protection for the heart, liver, nerve cells and kidneys from the toxic effects of alcohol.

Only a doctor can decide what to do in case of a severe hangover with life-threatening symptoms. Typically, in such cases, treatment for a hangover is indicated only in a hospital, in order to ensure the provision of resuscitation measures as quickly and fully as possible.

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