10 Best Teeth Whitening Gels

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Have you dreamed of sparkling white teeth? Even with excellent oral hygiene, such as regular brushing and flossing, your teeth may not be as bright and dazzling as those of the models in toothpaste commercials. Often coffee, wine or smoking leave unsightly stains on teeth. If you're looking to give your teeth a whitening look, look no further. We've rounded up the 10 best teeth whitening gels that can get rid of stains and make your teeth white again. Scroll down to find out more!

  • How do teeth whitening gels work?
  • How to safely use teeth whitening gel at home?
  • Top 10 best teeth whitening gels
  • Side effects of teeth whitening gels
  • How long does the whitening effect last?

Composition of whitening gels

Teeth whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which reacts chemically with pigments and causes its destruction. With the help of such products, you can successfully cope with the darkening of the enamel caused by smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, tea and other products that can stain the crowns of teeth. The products differ in the content of the active component.

The concentration can vary between 4-7.5%. As a rule, the hydrogen peroxide content in home remedies is not high, but professional formulations are more active. This is due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide can be harmful if it comes into contact with mucous membranes. When it is necessary to remove slight darkening, gels containing urea can be used. It has an abrasive effect, but is safe for teeth.

Indications and contraindications

The use of gel whitening is advisable in the following cases:

  • Darkening of tooth enamel after drinking coffee, red wine or smoking.
  • Changes in tooth color under the influence of medications (antibiotics, fluoride preparations).
  • Natural yellowish or gray tint of enamel.

This type of bleaching is contraindicated:

  • For acute diseases of periodontal tissues.
  • For diseases of the gums or oral mucosa.
  • In the presence of unclosed carious defects.
  • If the patient previously had allergic reactions to any components of the gel.


Gel teeth whitening has side effects, so it should not be used in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Patients with caries, gum disease.
  • Allergy to the components of the product.
  • Crowns and fillings.
  • High sensitivity of teeth.

Use teeth whitening gel with caution when correcting a bite with braces. Braces are not a direct contraindication to whitening, but due to the way they are fixed to crowns, the product may be distributed unevenly and stains may appear on the teeth.

Strengthening teeth with remineralizing gel Rocs and a little secret

Due to the fact that I received a lot of requests in personal messages to write about Gel Rox, as well as to reveal the secret of how to “tame” it, I decided to write this post. Follow me, please! So, what do we have in the source files: teeth with the thinnest enamel, and exposure of the necks of the teeth, thin upper frontal incisors, and little things - yellowness from the abuse of coffee and cigarettes, sensitive enamel, and something else :) My doctor is a woman slightly over 50, a former pediatric dentist - and I call her the Dental Goddess - on pain of refusing to treat my teeth, she banned seeds, nuts, everything hard, a categorical veto on apples, everything sour, such as lemons, sauerkraut, pineapples and God knows what else . To be honest, I have difficulty following the prohibitions, because... In general, I love food, and especially tea/lemon pie!.. In addition, the dentist strongly advised me to start using the ROCS remineralizing gel, in my case - constantly (by the way, of all the Rox products, my doctor praised only the gel). The treasured tube was purchased, the instructions were studied, the gel, as the reviews advised, was applied to the gums “with a soft toothbrush using massaging movements,” and... the nightmare began: profuse salivation, the entire drug was literally “washed out” from the mouth. I was puzzled: how to sit with the gel so that it heals, is not eaten, and does not drool like Pavlov’s dog?! So you need to buy a mouth guard. I started looking for “whitening trays” - and almost collapsed from the price, there simply aren’t any cheaper than 3000! And the economy must be economical. In general, I found the ideal, ingenious and cheap solution: a mouthguard... a two-jaw boxer! I think you can find such goodness everywhere. But it’s the two-jawed one - we need to treat ALL teeth with gel. My choice fell on the Adidas mouth guard, it cost 300 rubles, the Chinese no-name can be found for 100. Unfortunately, I threw out the box and instructions for it, but the mouth guard itself looks like this:

We prepare the mouth guard according to the instructions, namely: before use, immerse it in boiling water for 3-4 seconds (no more for Christ’s sake!!!), then for 1 second. put it under cold water, then put it in your mouth :) and it perfectly
under your jaw. By the way, I “digested” the mouth guard and held it for 15 seconds. in boiling water, and it was irreparably deformed... Not fatal, of course, but its appearance, as can be seen from the photo, is very sad. Mouthguard with gel: apply a thin layer of Rox gel on top and bottom, and place it in the mouth. Swatch of the gel (I apologize for the quality, but it’s difficult for me to photograph a transparent, colorless substance)):

All! No drool, no inconvenience, no missing (rather expensive!) Rox. And we sit with the mouthguard as expected, for 30-45 minutes)) The teeth are happy, you are happy, cleanliness, aesthetics, and beauty. I have been using Rox constantly, for six months now: unfortunately, the exposure of my necks is at a critical stage, more than 0.5 cm (!), and I don’t want to cover them with fillings yet. I can say that the gel reduces sensitivity, the teeth have become a little whiter and stronger. Of course, Rox won't rid you of bare necks or give you a Hollywood smile, but it does strengthen your teeth. The issue price is from 270 to 400 rubles. Sold in pharmacies. Important UPD: Natalia Alouette

advised to pay attention to Hydroxyapatite (a component of natural tooth enamel) and mix it with the gel to enhance the effect. I think this is what problem teeth need!


Professional whitening

Although some whitening gels are suitable for home use, it is best to have the procedure done at a dental clinic. The fact is that hydrogen peroxide is aggressive towards mucous membranes, and it is very important to carefully isolate them. This is not always possible at home, and there is a risk of getting irritation or chemical burns.

Professional whitening is carried out in several stages:

  • The doctor carefully isolates the mucous membranes. Typically, a cofferdarm is used for this - a special latex plate that allows you to isolate the teeth from the rest of the oral cavity.
  • The composition is applied to the surface of the enamel. It is important to distribute the product evenly, otherwise the whitening will be of poor quality.
  • To activate the chemical reaction, the doctor uses a special lamp on the gel-coated teeth. The released active oxygen reacts with pigments and destroys them. The duration of the procedure depends on the original and desired color. Typically, the patient spends 30 minutes to an hour in the dentist's chair. You can lighten your teeth by 4-6 tones.

Teeth whitening gels can be used repeatedly, but the procedures cannot be carried out very often. Listen to your doctor's recommendations. In non-smoking patients who maintain oral hygiene and do not abuse coffee and tea, the effect lasts up to 3-5 years.

Step-by-step instructions for using Rocs Medical Minerals gel

Rocs Medical Minerals dental gel is used as follows: 1. Rinse the oral cavity with cold running water. 2. The preparation is applied to a separate brush. 3. Using soft circular movements, it is distributed over the surface of the teeth of both the upper and lower gums. The duration of the procedure may vary and depends on the speed and quality of distribution of the drug. 4. During application, the product may foam. 5. Small ingestion of the drug with saliva will not cause harm to health. 6. After completing the procedure, do not rinse your mouth. 7. The tool for applying the product is washed under running water and placed in a glass with the bristles up to dry completely.

Home whitening

The gels are also suitable for home use, but you cannot do without a visit to the dentist. The doctor will make a special tray filled with bleaching agent. You wear this mouth guard at home for about 4 hours a day. The first visible effect appears on about 4-5 days.

Unlike professional whitening, the home procedure does not significantly change the color of the enamel. But if the darkening is slight, a mouth guard is a simple and convenient way. The disadvantage of home treatments is that they need to be repeated regularly to maintain tone. Usually 3-4 short sessions are recommended twice a year.

Side effects of teeth whitening gels

  1. Sensitivity – Your teeth may become more sensitive after whitening. This usually occurs during the first or second treatment, but gradually decreases over time. If necessary, your dentist will recommend sodium fluoride gel or potassium nitrate to treat sensitivity.
  2. Gum irritation is another common side effect of teeth whitening. This happens when your gums come into contact with the gel. Although unpleasant, the irritation usually goes away after treatment is completed. But be careful with the amount of product you apply to avoid it coming into contact with your gums.


Gel whitening is not suitable if you have fillings or crowns. Active oxygen is able to react with pigment accumulated on the surface of the enamel, but it cannot affect filling materials or ceramics. This is due to the fact that their structure is different from natural tooth enamel.

If you have a problem similar to that described in this article, be sure to contact our specialists. Don't diagnose yourself!

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