Chronic recurrent herpes (herpes chronicus recidivans)

Many people are familiar with the expression “ cold lips . It is usually used when a bubble with transparent contents forms in the lip area, which subsequently bursts and the affected area becomes covered with a crust. Cold sores are an infectious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2. The source of infection can be infected people, both with and without pronounced signs of herpes. Cold sores on the lips are not limited to the presence of the virus only in this area. In patients the herpes virus is detected in such body fluids as blood (including menstrual fluid), urine, discharge from the nose and tear ducts, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid and sperm. How the virus is transmitted and how to treat herpes is discussed in this article.

Why do scars appear after herpes?

The virus does not always pass without a trace for humans. Unpleasant scars and spots on the skin form for several reasons:

  • when herpes appears in one place over and over again;
  • if a person has diabetes;
  • when bubbles were squeezed out or punctured;
  • if the immune system is severely weakened;
  • after a long stay in the sun;
  • after improper treatment.

But even in these cases, you can make the scar less noticeable or get rid of it completely.

We are going on vacation to hot countries. What to add to a standard traveler's first aid kit?

A sharp change in climate and excess UV radiation lead to overheating of unprepared areas of the skin, which disrupts the functioning of the skin’s immune cells and reduces the ability to identify and “defeat uninvited guests.”

To reduce the harmful effects of high temperatures on the skin, include Allomedin® gel in your usual beach post-care routine. The gel should be applied after a shower to areas of the skin exposed to intense (excessive) insolation. It is not difficult to identify them: these are always open areas of the body (for example, the face), and in addition, such skin continues to “burn” even several hours after exposure to the sun. Allomedin® gel will quickly soothe, cool the skin and restore the functioning of “protective cells”.

How to prevent scar formation?

Before the appearance of herpes, we feel itching and burning at the site of manifestation. If at this moment you use antiviral drugs that stop the spread of herpes, you can avoid the formation of a scar. Start using medications as soon as the first signs of the disease appear. You will help your body and significantly speed up the regeneration of the skin.

How and with what to treat scars from herpes?

If a scar has already appeared, then you can get rid of it in several ways:

  • medications;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • folk remedies;
  • masks and applications;
  • innovative Fermenkol gel.

Benefits of ointments and gels

To eliminate scars and crusts from herpes, special products are used. They stimulate skin regeneration and have a number of advantages:

  • the highest concentration of active substances is achieved at the site of the lesion;
  • the virus does not spread to adjacent areas of the skin;
  • you can combine several gels and ointments for scars after herpes, which differ in the principle of action;
  • most products do not cause allergic reactions and are easily tolerated by the body;
  • you can use healing gels even on old scars;
  • there is no need to monitor the dosage.

For example, the innovative product Fermenkol gel has a complex effect on the scar area. Quickly destroys scar marks and gives the skin a natural healthy color. The active components of the gel destroy the basis of the scar - deformed collagen fibers - and restore a healthy skin frame. Fermenkol does not contain hormones and consists of enzymes of natural origin, so it can be safely used on the body and face, including on the scar on the lip after herpes.

After the wounds have healed, use soft cleansing scrubs for the face and body. Cosmetics quickly restore the epidermis. But it is better to use exfoliating creams no more than once a week, so as not to injure the skin.

Herpes zoster (shingles) - symptoms and treatment

There is no incubation period in the usual sense, since herpes zoster is not a primary infection. A whole life can pass, and the manifestation will still occur, although the virus is present in the body.

It is difficult to predict the development of the disease. Its onset and manifestations vary widely and depend on the severity. The disease may be preceded by stress, trauma or acute respiratory infections.

The symptoms of individual forms of herpes zoster are distinguished.

Gangliocutaneous form

This form begins with a prodrome - mild malaise, sensory disturbances, moderate pain in the areas of future rashes. This period lasts up to seven days. Then the pain becomes severe, fever appears, and a moderately severe syndrome of general infectious intoxication appears. Sometimes the pain intensifies even when the wind blows (so-called allodynic pain - from non-painful stimuli).

After 3-10 days, a vesicular rash appears in these places against a background of redness. In this case, the intensity of pain usually decreases. The rash occurs on one side, limited to the area of ​​​​innervation of one sensory ganglion. Vesicles tend to cluster.

Subsequently, the contents of the vesicles become cloudy and sometimes burst open. After 4-5 days from the appearance of the rash, crusts appear. They disappear after 2-4 weeks of illness.

Rashes are allowed without a trace, but only in the absence of scratching and deep inflammatory damage. But pain phenomena can persist for a long time, sometimes up to a year. This requires timely antiviral therapy and pain relief.

In general, the pain with herpes zoster is quite pronounced and intensifies with movement or touch (even a slight one). They can be classified as acute (from prodrome to one month), subacute (1-4 months) and chronic (more than 4 months - postherpetic neuralgia - typical neuropathic pain). The nature of the pain can be different - constant and spontaneous, often burning, pressing. Sometimes the pain is compared to an electric shock. They can cause significant physical suffering to patients, disrupt sleep, and exhaust the patient.

The localization of pain and rash corresponds to the projection of the affected nerves.

Eye shape

Rashes appear on the face, nose and eyes. This is due to damage to the trigeminal nerve and gasserian ganglion. The rash spreads from the level of the eye to the parietal region, abruptly stopping along the midline of the forehead. Sometimes the process affects the eye.

Ear shape

The geniculate node is affected. In this case, the auricle and external auditory canal are captured. Paralysis of the facial nerve and facial muscles may occur - the so-called. Hunt's syndrome. Taste sensitivity is lost.

Gangrenous (necrotic) form

Deep skin damage occurs. Rough scars form, sometimes with hemorrhagic impregnation of the contents - hemorrhagic form. Most often it develops in older people with a complicated somatic history - diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, etc.

Meningoencephalitic form

It is more often observed when the rash is located on the head. The temperature rises, headaches, nausea and vomiting occur, which does not bring relief, meningeal syndrome, impaired consciousness, coma. The mortality rate for this condition is over 60%.

Disseminated form

Occurs with AIDS. The rash spreads throughout the entire skin. Often this affects internal organs - lungs, brain, liver, kidneys. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Ganglioneuralgic form

There are no characteristic rashes, but there is obvious pain. Diagnosis is extremely difficult. Due to the very late diagnosis, treatment is limited to pain relief only. The use of antiviral drugs in the delayed period clearly does not affect the process.

Herpes zoster during pregnancy

In pregnant women, herpes zoster (in the absence of HIV) usually does not have any differences. It does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not cause damage to the fetus/child[2][3][6][8][10].

How to get rid of a herpes scar with the help of a cosmetologist?

If you want to eliminate a scar or trace of herpes in visible places, you can use the services of a cosmetologist. You will not get the desired effect in one procedure, but if you complete a full course of manipulations, you can achieve very good results. The following procedures will help eliminate scars after herpes:

  • ozone therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • deep peeling;
  • dermabrasion;
  • mesotherapy.

The procedures described above perfectly eliminate fine wrinkles and marks from herpes and acne. Combining several of them at the same time is not recommended. All cosmetic procedures must be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist. Each manipulation has its own contraindications and is allowed only after consulting a doctor. Remember that the procedures are quite painful and require a recovery period.

How to remove crusts

After the herpes blisters burst, the dried sores become covered with a yellow or brown crust. The scab may not go away for a long time. A crust on the face not only spoils the appearance. It can be accidentally removed and become infected, for example, by clothing. In this case, a deep scar or convex lump forms on the epidermis, which will be difficult to get rid of.

You can speed up the healing process and quickly get rid of the scab using wound healing agents and emollients (moisturizers).

It is recommended to smear problem areas with the following preparations:

  • Solcoseryl;
  • Bepanten;
  • Actovegin;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

The crusts formed after a cold are treated 2-3 times a day until they come off on their own.

How to get rid of a herpes scar on the lip at home?

To eliminate scars, products that we use in everyday life are suitable. They are rich in vitamins and affect not only the scar, but also the skin in general. It is important to use them as additional agents and not as monotherapy. For example, after cosmetic procedures you can additionally use:

  • Lemon juice. Brightens the skin and works as a mild acid peel.
  • Parsley decoction. A good lightening agent. After preparation, the infusion is poured into an ice tray and placed in the freezer. In the future, cubes are used as pigmentation appears.
  • Cucumber juice. Apply a slice to the damaged area to help prevent the skin from drying out.

Herbal infusions

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes that will help get rid of scars. The disappearance of wounds and spots from herpes is accelerated by herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile and celandine - heal;
  • St. John's wort - starts the regeneration process;
  • calendula - helps relieve itching and soothe the skin.

Herbs help lighten the skin and partially eliminate pigmentation formed after herpes.

Why is the herpes virus dangerous?

The herpes simplex virus affects many organs and systems. Herpetic blisters can appear on the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix, urethra, mouth and skin, and with an extensive process they can appear in the liver and brain. Herpes can cause dysfunction of both the autonomic and central nervous systems. In addition, the herpes virus is associated with cancer, unfavorable pregnancy, childbirth, as well as pathologies in the fetus and newborns. According to the World Health Organization, the mortality rate from severe forms of the herpes simplex virus is 15.8% compared to other viral infections and ranks second after deaths from influenza (35.8%). In our country, the number of patients diagnosed with herpes infection every year exceeds 2.5 million. Patients with chronic herpetic lesions of the skin and genitals make up more than 10% of the total population of Russia.

Treatment with innovative gel

Traditional recipes are good, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee results. If you want to achieve a wow effect, we recommend paying attention to Fermencol anti-scar gel. It is effective for all types of scars, including scars from boils and cosmetic procedures. They can even treat old scars. Unlike other anti-scar agents, Fermenkol does not contain hormones, is safe for children and pregnant women, and can be used during lactation.

To eliminate old scars, it is most effective to use Fermenkol with physiotherapy: electrophoresis or phonophoresis. The active components of the gel and the physical impact of the procedures give a double effect, and the scars resolve much faster. The gel is also used during the rehabilitation period after surgery, surgical procedures and cosmetology.

After just 2 weeks of regular use, you will notice the result: the scars will turn pale, decrease in size, and become less dense. Upon completion of the course, the skin will be restored by 90%.

You can purchase the drug on our website or in pharmacies in your city. Sign up for an online consultation with our specialist. A qualified doctor will answer you within a few days. And it will help you choose a method for getting rid of the scar, taking into account your individual characteristics.

How to properly store Allomedin® gel, are there any special conditions?

Allomedin® should be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight, out of reach of children, at a temperature of +2 to +8ºС (normal refrigerator mode). However, for ease of use and transportation, storage without refrigeration (at temperatures from +2 to +25ºС) for 1 month is permissible.


  1. V. A. Isakov, S. B. Rybalkin, M. G. Romantsov. Herpesvirus infection: Recommendations for doctors - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 96 p.
  2. S. Chernysh, I. Kozuharova. Anti-tumor activity of a peptide combining patterns of insect alloferons and mammalian immunoglobulins in naïve and tumor antigen vaccinated mice. International Immunopharmacology, 2013, v. 17, pp. 1090–1093.

How to avoid stains?

If rashes have already appeared, follow these rules:

  • Do not touch the affected area. Do not damage the bubbles or tear off the crust.
  • Did you touch the affected area? Wash your hands with soap and then disinfect with an antiseptic. This way you will prevent infection of others and cleanse the wounds of contamination.
  • Try not to come into contact with damaged skin or saliva of other people. This applies not only to direct contact, but also to contact with household items - glasses, cutlery. In addition, it is recommended to avoid sex to prevent genital herpes.
  • Use special anti-inflammatory ointments, apply them about 4 times a day, using sticks or a cotton pad. As for external agents, it is recommended to use Zovirax, Flucinar, Acyclovir, Herpiferon.
  • Take immunostimulating tablets, they can help reduce the rash. It is also recommended to combine vitamin E + Immunal, Valtrex.

Methods of disposal

Advising on what works well to remove acne marks on the face, experts draw attention to the need for an integrated approach:

  • diagnosis by a doctor, drawing up recommendations taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin;
  • consultation with a cosmetologist who will recommend hardware and injection methods;
  • regular use of home care products.

What can you do at home?

To get rid of stains, it is best to take the advice of experts who recommend home care products designed to resolve scars, such as Contractubex. The enzymes contained in these medications are designed to break down the dense collagen fibers that form scar tissue.

But home peels and self-exfoliation are unlikely to give the expected effect. They act at the level of the epidermis, and acne is a deep-seated change in the skin that affects the dermis. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional treatment of post-acne and prescribe the necessary products, which should be designed for deep care.

What treatment methods are used in cosmetology?

How to quickly remove acne, spots, scars and cysts? Patients often come to a cosmetologist with such a request. Experts most often recommend the following treatment options:

  • Phototherapy. Exposing the affected areas to light of a certain length improves the condition of the skin. As a result, inflammation decreases and erythema disappears.
  • Microdermabrasion. This is a delicate procedure, during which the cosmetologist removes the top layer of the epidermis and carefully polishes its surface. It is effective if home cosmetics do not allow you to choose a product that can remove post-acne.
  • Laser resurfacing. It is not mechanical and is necessary to improve the relief due to the action of the light beam. The laser allows you to fine-tune the depth of exposure, but it is important to remember that for about 10 days after it, crusts and redness will remain on the face.

What is herpes and how to treat it

The herpes virus lives in the body of every person, and everyone has individual characteristics.
As soon as the immune system weakens or a person gets hypothermia, a “cold” appears on the lips - in other words, herpes. This disease can and should be treated; the best doctors work for this at the Stolitsa clinic, who give consultations every day and help many city residents cope with this problem at a very reasonable price. This disease is familiar to everyone, but, unfortunately, not many people know how to treat herpes on the lips, as well as the fact that frequent colds on the lips can indicate more serious problems in the body, for the diagnosis of which it is necessary to contact a medical center.

Preventing stains

To exclude the addition of a secondary infection and prolonged healing, you should remember that the blisters cannot be opened. Skin defects will not even appear if the blisters are treated with antiseptics in a timely manner. You should wash your hands before handling affected areas. It is advisable to constantly take vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system, which, in turn, will keep the virus inside the body in a dormant state. Everything that helps strengthen the body’s own defenses can be considered the prevention of herpetic relapses - from dousing with cold water to streamlining the diet and moderate physical activity.

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