Decompression technique in the treatment of periapical cysts
Local swelling of the root zone, compactions of various sizes, throbbing pain, sensitivity to temperature during administration
Aching toothache and gum inflammation. Tooth hurts - gums are swollen
Recession represents pathological changes, loss of tissue. As a result of gum recession, the neck, parts of the
Technique for preparing a curved root canal using profiles and an NSK endomotor
Endomotor A small electronic device with a tip - an endomotor - allows you to: process even
The role of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the course of chronic pharyngitis
Spasm of the gastric muscles when the gastric sphincter is open can cause gas masses to enter the mouth.
Periodontal regeneration: clinical approaches and opportunities
What are furcation lesions? Furcation damage is the process of bone tissue loss in the branching area
Wounds and abrasions: what you should absolutely not do
Small wounds, cuts and abrasions are all common and quite common. WITH
Your baby is teething: what to expect and what to do
Teething in an infant is a very exciting moment in the life of the baby and his
OCTENISEPT (instructions)
Method of administration and dosage Externally, locally. The treatment is carried out alternately with two tampons, generously moistened with Octenisept.
Comparative analysis of methods for positioning the intramuscular model in the articulator. New functional stand from Prosystom.
Plastering models into the occluder Plastering models into the occluder To fix the plaster models in position
Long-term use of nimesulide in real clinical practice: safety issues
Nimesulide Undesirable side effects can be minimized by using the drug in minimal amounts.
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