Brush for cleaning braces
Plates for dentition correction: features and effectiveness of use
Not only the oral cavity, but also orthopedic structures need proper cleaning. It is important
Periodontitis in pictures
Traumatic tooth damage: how to save a broken tooth
Do you want to have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile? Monitor the condition of your gums. Soft tissues perform
3 methods to restore chipped front teeth
October 31, 2017 Chips are a problem that occurs much more often than it might seem
Allergic stomatitis - Dentistry Line Smile
Allergic stomatitis - a complication of allergies
Contents: Description of the disease Manifestations of the disease How allergic stomatitis develops Why it occurs Diagnosis
Specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" (residency)
Author: ProfGid A prosthetist dentist, or orthopedic dentist, is a specialist who is approached for artificial reconstruction
Sterilization of instruments and sterility in dentistry
Rotary dental instruments include burs, cutters, discs, abrasive heads, polishers used in dental
Removable denture - a quick solution if a front tooth is missing
What do we mean when we say “I want beautiful teeth”? In the world of ordinary things, “beautiful”
Gums hurt between teeth
Why does food get stuck between treated teeth?
A beautiful and snow-white smile is the adornment of every person. In order to achieve this,
Stages of development of ulcers with varicose veins
Trophic ulcers with varicose veins: what they are and how to get rid of them
Trophic ulcers are a complication of varicose veins, which is why they are sometimes called varicose veins. Occurs in eight
prosthetics on implants photo before after ROOTT
Consequences of dental prosthetics: causes and treatment of complications
After installing a prosthesis (in most cases a crown), unpleasant symptoms can be detected. This is pain, discomfort,
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