Absolute indications for teeth grinding

Not the last factor influencing the choice of a dental clinic and type of treatment is the price of dental treatment. Of course, saving on your own health is the most unwise decision. But this does not mean that you need to spend your last money just to get rid of pain or solve other dental problems.

Therefore, we want to share with you a little information about how prices for dental treatment and what factors influence this. Let's look at a few of the most typical examples.

Cost of caries treatment

In most cases, the price here is influenced by the condition of the tooth. The more severe the damage, the more expensive the treatment will be. But in any case, several factors will affect the final price:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Applying a rubber dam to isolate the tooth from saliva;
  • Installation of a seal.

There are cases when it is possible to carry out painless treatment of caries without the use of anesthetic, when the tooth is only minimally affected. In this situation, the cost will be reduced. In other cases, additional procedures are required, which implies the use of different techniques. This primarily concerns deep caries, which is not always treated in one visit.

This may require cleaning the canals, installing a pin, or a temporary filling. As a result, the total amount of treatment can increase on average by one and a half to two times compared to the average caries. Hence the advice: timely visit to the dentist will not only save your teeth, but also your money.

The price of dental treatment for children may be slightly lower, since the number of consumables is also less.

How much does it actually cost to cure a tooth? We found out why it’s so expensive

How do dental clinics set prices?

Alexey Malinov

co-founder of the Demokrat dental clinic franchise

The price of installing a filling in our clinic is 3,900 rubles, and the cost is 2,096 rubles. The cost can be broken down into four main indicators: staff salaries, processing and use of tools, room rental, and material.

The staff salary includes payment for the work of a doctor (975 rubles), his assistant (150 rubles), a nurse (100 rubles), and an administrator who meets and registers the patient (100 rubles). Installing a seal does not come without material costs. In our calculations, we used one of the most expensive ones - Japanese Estelite. To install one filling you will need quite a bit of it - 180 rubles.

For the procedure you will need the following tools: a disposable mouth dilator OptraGate (100 rubles), a saliva ejector (four rubles), a rubber dam, that is, a latex plate for isolating the tooth being treated (18 rubles), two pairs of gloves (100 rubles), two medical masks (four rubles) , shoe covers (five rubles), bags for class B waste disposal (two rubles), needle and anesthesia (80 rubles).

The total is: staff salary - 1,325 rubles (34% of the price paid by the patient), tools - 313 rubles (8%), premises rental - 278 rubles (7%), materials - 180 rubles (4%). The cost is 53% of the price.

Alen Gafizov

founder and chief physician of the dental clinic "Dentum"

As a rule, the price for a patient in Moscow is from 4.5 to 8 thousand rubles. In our clinic, caries treatment with the installation of a light-curing filling costs from 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles. The price is determined based on the materials spent on treatment, the salary of the doctor and assistant, as well as the clinic’s expenses per hour of work.

To install a filling you need: personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, etc.) for 80 rubles, anesthesia for 100 rubles, burs for preparing a carious cavity for 50 rubles, an insulating and therapeutic pad for 150 rubles, bond (glue for the filling) for 125 rubles , light-curing filling - 300 rubles, polishing and grinding - 20 rubles. The price also includes the salary of a doctor (1,250 rubles) and an assistant (280 rubles). Another 1,200 rubles are the clinic’s expenses per hour of work: rent of premises, utility bills, wear and tear of equipment, salaries of the director, accountant, administrators, and cleaners.

Vladimir Losev

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Megastom Clinic

To cure a tooth in our clinic, that is, to put a good light-curing filling on it, costs from 5 to 12 thousand. The price consists not only of materials and the work of a specialist, it largely depends on the condition of the tooth itself - how badly it is affected by caries.

About 40% of the cost of treatment goes to salaries and various contributions to the state. A separate expense item for the clinic is materials and equipment. These costs range from 10 to 20%, since our clinic has its own dental laboratory. We also purchase high-quality imported materials, which require the appropriate German and American equipment and tools to work with. All this, naturally, leads to certain expenses.

Of course, it would be possible to save money, but all this would immediately affect the quality of services, which is our primary goal. For example, what distinguishes Chinese materials for dentistry from their German and American counterparts is the cost of not even two or three times, but 20–30 times. This is primarily noticeable in the prices of crowns and veneers. But if we work with high-quality materials, then we need equipment of similar quality, the price of which will also be very different from its Chinese counterparts. Today, some dental clinics acquire machines for milling crowns the size of a home computer, but our machine is so large that it occupies a separate room. We chose it quite consciously - because of its accuracy. Such a machine requires consumables that meet its requirements, for example, expensive cutters, and this is another expense item for the clinic.

The remaining 30–40% goes to renting premises and outsourcing - in our case, accounting services. Additional expenses may be associated with finding personnel and working with them. We pay for additional training of employees, improvement of their qualifications and purchase of everything necessary for clients: tea, coffee, magazines, toys for small patients. The clinic’s final profit is no more than 10% of the treatment.

We save due to the fact that we do not have a large item of advertising expenses, since 99% of patients come on the recommendation of their relatives or friends. Word of mouth in our field works flawlessly. Some time ago we invested in advertising, but it turned out that recommendations from regular customers work much more effectively in this regard.

Liliya Kuzmenkova

dentist, candidate of medical sciences, owner and founder of the Regale premium clinic chain

The cost is influenced primarily by the diagnosis and method of dental treatment. If the patient has caries, the minimum price will be 15-17 thousand rubles, the maximum - 30 thousand. More complex manipulations are more expensive. For example, the cost of re-treatment of four canals in the clinic is 120 thousand rubles, excluding the crown. This work is carried out after a complete diagnosis and under a microscope.

The cost of dental treatment also includes the work of the doctor and staff, consumables, clinic maintenance, utilities, agreements with third parties (for example, garbage removal, equipment maintenance, cleaning air conditioners once a month) according to legal requirements.

The price includes the use of high-tech equipment for treatment and diagnostics. We work in the premium segment, so without proper diagnostics and a microscope, the doctor does not start working with the patient. Electronic anesthesia systems are also used, which does not injure tissue and does not cause pain. Depending on the treatment, patients undergo computed tomography and condylography - a study of the temporomandibular joint. We sterilize instruments in a powerful sterilization chamber. We change the set of tips for each patient. Treatment takes place in comfortable dental chairs with orthopedic mattresses that relieve muscle tension and stress on the spine. Patients can also use massage glasses.

List of all factors that determine the cost of treatment

Of course, caries is not the only oral problem for which people turn to the dentist. Pulpitis, periodontitis and other diseases - they all involve the use of various techniques, tools and materials. Therefore, we list other factors not mentioned above that determine prices for dental treatment:

  • Drilling out carious tissues;
  • Pulp removal;
  • X-rays;
  • Mechanical expansion of channels;
  • Antiseptic pad;
  • Root canal filling;
  • Teeth extension;
  • Prosthetics, etc.

Despite the fact that many modern clinics (including YuliSTOM) have clear price lists for specific services, the cost may ultimately vary. In some cases quite significant. For example, a seemingly small caries may turn out to be deep and require more comprehensive treatment. Up to removing the nerve, cleaning the canals, installing a pin and installing a temporary filling. Therefore, it is very important to first consult and undergo an examination with a doctor, who will tell you what procedures will need to be performed, as well as how much money will be required for this.

Restoration of anterior teeth in Moscow at the PROFI-Dent clinic

Our dental center uses only the most modern restoration methods and technologies, which allow you to quickly and efficiently restore the anatomical, aesthetic and functional components of the front teeth, ensuring an impeccable appearance and a beautiful, natural smile.

The main advantages of aesthetic restoration with us:

  1. the opportunity to restore a gorgeous smile in just one visit to the dentist;
  2. latest generation materials;
  3. long-term result;
  4. the most affordable prices for front tooth restoration in Moscow.

We can correct your front teeth, change their shape, length, position, and eliminate enamel defects quickly and efficiently. To be confident in the final result, our specialists carefully monitor every stage of work, following the highest international quality standards, and use only advanced materials and restoration technologies.

Is it possible to save money and is it advisable to look for cheaper options?

The potential patient should clearly understand that a lower price in most cases implies the use of lower quality equipment, tools and materials. This means that the treatment result will be worse. You can always find a cheaper treatment option, but here you should be aware of what is more important to you - health or savings.

It is quite common that due to poor quality treatment, the patient has to undergo treatment again, which means he has to pay twice as much. Therefore, if you are confused by the price of dental treatment, think several times whether it is worth saving too much. In most cases, it is better to pay more now than to seek help from a specialist again soon.

In any case, if you contact YuliSTOM, we are ready to guarantee that you always pay a clear and agreed price for all types of dental services.
Therefore, contact us at any time and remember that delay now means an increase in the cost of further treatment. Moscow metro station Zvezdnaya, Danube Avenue, 23

Who is recommended for teeth straightening?

Before filing a tooth, you should undergo a dental examination and consult with your doctor. You should not prescribe filing yourself or try to do it at home, as there are clear medical indications for performing the procedure:

  • The upper incisors or canines are very different, therefore they spoil the appearance of the jaw and interfere with the formation of a correct bite. In this case, it is enough to shorten the clove so that it fits comfortably when closing the jaw;
  • There are small chips on the edges of the teeth, and a little grinding of the enamel will smooth out any defects;
  • Preparation for orthodontic correction. Often, the dentist will file the edges of the teeth to return all the elements of the jaw to the correct position. Manipulation will be required when installing braces if the dentition is very crowded;
  • The teeth have sharp edges that look unsightly and damage the mucous surface of the cheek;
  • Upcoming installation of veneers or crowns. The dentist files the surfaces of the teeth to form an even row.

The feasibility and effectiveness of the procedure is determined on a personal basis and only at an appointment with a dentist. Grinding the edges of teeth is not recommended for patients with the following conditions:

  • High risk of injury caused by regular exercise or a specific type of professional activity.
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • High abrasion of enamel.

In order to insert a tooth, do you always need to chase a cheap price?

In our SRC clinics we rarely have special price offers, since we are expert dental clinics with more than 10 years of successful clinical experience. We would like to draw attention to those patients who are trying to get a tooth inserted cheaper, without losing quality: promotions with discounts on implantation are not quite the right way to save on your health, thinking that by doing so you are getting the best and adjusting your costs. The implant is placed for many many years, and everything about it must be of high quality - both the implant itself and its installation.

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