Clear braces
Invisible braces - correcting the bite without losing aesthetics
Many people hesitate to get braces because they are unsightly. While wearing them
Braces are placed on both children and adults
How to put braces on teeth: at what age, what kind and for how long
Few people decide to undergo orthodontic treatment, believing that it is associated with high costs and discomfort.
History of dentistry
Who are dentists: ask the doctor questions about the profession
What profession could a modern person not imagine his life without? Every day we
Removed nerve
How and with what to kill the dental nerve in dentistry and at home
Toothache is explained by the presence of a nerve - a process that connects the human nervous system with the dental crown.
State budgetary healthcare institution of the Republic of Tyva Dental clinic  
When aching pain in a tooth appears, a person is simply no longer able to think about anything.
Dental treatment methods of treatment procedures
People turn to the dentist when they have any problems with the health of their teeth or gums. Pain
why do teeth crumble
Why teeth crumble in adults: reasons and what to do to prevent them from collapsing and falling off
Symptoms Causes Diagnosis During pregnancy Treatment methods Help with severe pain Help with severe
How to close the gap between your front teeth: 10 ways
Diastema is an empty space between teeth, ranging in size from one to five to six millimeters. Characteristic
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What to do if your child has a fever? Sooner or later this question arises
Tooth nerve removal | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb)
The dental nerve is one of the components of the soft tissues of the tooth, its central part (pulp). Pulp
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