Plates for straightening teeth in children
Plates for dentition correction: features and effectiveness of use
Many orthodontists consider childhood to be the most suitable age for correcting the position of teething and just beginning
solcoseryl instructions for use analogues
Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste: instructions
Pharmacological action Manufacturer: LEGACY PHARMACEUTICAL GMBH (Switzerland) Release form: ointment, gel for external use,
Why does the bridge prosthesis wobble in the mouth - reasons for mobility and how to deal with them?
An implant is a multicomponent system consisting of an intraosseous element and an abutment, an adapter between an artificial root
Intrapulpal anesthesia is an option for high-quality and effective pain relief
Local anesthesia in dentistry: types and preparations In dentistry, both therapeutic and surgical,
Tooth dentin: what is it, structure and functions, treatment of deep caries and restoration, artificial dentin, dentin-sealing liquid
We always pay a lot of attention to tooth enamel; that’s what we clean, to
When should you contact a dentist?
Dentist-therapist: what does he treat and what problems should he be addressed with?
Unbearable toothache, sore gums and bad breath require urgent dental attention,
Lump on the roof of the mouth: reasons and photos, what it is
From this article you will learn why pimples appear on the roof of your mouth and how
Instructions for use of Solcoseryl for the oral cavity
From this article you will learn: indications for use, instructions for use in the oral cavity,
Worn teeth
All about the bite: what it is like, why it is important to monitor it and how to treat improperly grown teeth
Bite is the way the dentition interacts when the upper and lower jaws are completely closed. Wrong
Introduction of a curved file.
Errors and complications in the diagnosis and treatment of caries
Symptoms of caries Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out only in the dentist's office. But myself
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