Glister Amway instructions for use – Amway toothpaste

Glister Amway - what is this product?

Used to gently cleanse teeth and oral cavity, eliminate various dental problems

The liquid product Glister from the Amway company (glister amway) is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

In addition to the name, the label indicates “concentrated anti plaque mouthwash,” which translated means “concentrated mouthwash.”

Used to gently cleanse teeth and oral cavity, eliminate various dental problems. Due to its therapeutic effect, it is also used in other areas of medicine.

The product helps to cope with:

  • with bacterial formation of a solid structure;
  • with food residues and food pigments;
  • with an inflammatory process;
  • with an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth.

Glister mouthwash from Amway has the “Approved by the Russian Dental Association” sign.

Brief description of the product:

  • color – bright rich green without turbidity;
  • aroma – refreshing menthol;
  • taste – pronounced, burning with a bitter aftertaste, menthol.

Composition and active substance

The therapeutic effect and preventive effect are due to the properties of the components included in the composition:

  • Proloxamer-407 is an innovative product that is widely used throughout the world in the production of medicines. The component significantly increases the absorption and solubility of other components of the rinse aid. Capable of quickly but gently breaking down plaque of any hardness and removing other deposits from the surface of teeth thanks to its cleaning properties with an ionizing effect.
  • Cetylpyridinium chloride - has an antiseptic effect, has a slight surface tension, which allows access deep into the damaged tissue. The substance will easily reach the source of infection in the tonsils, lingual lacuna, where the largest number of pathogenic microbes have accumulated, eliminates inflammation, hoarseness, pain, and relieves irritability of the oral mucosa.
  • Ethanol (24%) – has an inhibitory effect aimed at the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The component has proven itself in dentistry as an accelerator for the penetration of active ingredients into all tissues of the oral cavity, including bones.
  • Polysorbate 20 - performs the function of an emulsifier in the Glister rinse aid. Made from vegetable fats (coconut oil, bay leaves). With regular use, it prevents dry mouth and irritation.
  • Glycerin - creates a protective film on the surface, softens the effect of aggressive components, eliminates dry mouth, and activates metabolic processes.
  • Menthol – extracted from mint essential oil, has a mild anesthetic effect. Good breath freshener.
  • Food colorings.
  • Water.
  • Saccharin.

Application area

The active components of the Glister mouthwash have a healing effect, which expands the range of application of the product:

  • In dentistry, Glister is used in the treatment of stomatitis.

    In dentistry, Glister is used in the treatment of stomatitis, ulcers, gum pathologies, damage to the mucous membrane and other problems.

  • In traumatology, liquid is used to treat wounds after damage to the skin, with closed injuries and swelling.
  • In gynecology, the rinse is used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent.
  • In otolaryngology, the liquid is used for inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus, acute frontal sinusitis, prolonged inflammation of the palatine tonsils, and sore throat.
  • In the treatment of poisoning, pathological changes in the blood supply system, as a prevention of infectious diseases during epidemics.

Enterprising housewives use Elixir Glister from Amway to disinfect premises.

With a runny nose

The most common form of using this medication to treat a runny nose is to use a spray to irrigate the nasal cavity.

It is used by injecting a certain dose of the composition into the nose after regular intervals.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated over time. The medicine is equally effective both in treating all possible types of runny nose and in preventing it after its occurrence.

The dosage of use and frequency of use are specified in the instructions for use and the recommendations of the attending physician.

Operating principle

The mouthwash softens deposits of various types, which makes brushing your teeth easy.

The active substances included in Glister penetrate the tooth structure, strengthening it and restoring fragments of damaged dentin.

Abrasives effectively remove limescale, enriching the enamel with important minerals.

The mouthwash softens deposits of various types, which makes brushing your teeth easy.

The active ingredients of Glister improve the processes of cellular nutrition of soft tissues, thereby ensuring the preservation of structure and functionality.

After several treatments, the inflammatory process is reduced, pain is eliminated, regenerative activity is stimulated, which accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks.

Step-by-step instructions for use for prevention

To achieve maximum effect when caring for teeth and the entire cavity, it is recommended to use Glister from Amway twice a day: when performing morning and evening hygiene procedures.

The effect of the active components occurs regardless of the order of use in combination with toothpaste (you can do it before and after brushing your teeth).

To treat the oral cavity with Glister, the following algorithm is provided:

  • For the treatment of dental problems and inflammation of the throat, it is recommended to use Glister without dilution with water.

    rinse the measuring cup that comes with the liquid;

  • inject the rinse aid into the measuring container by pressing the dispenser 3-4 times (this is enough for a one-time mouth treatment);
  • add to a glass with a concentrated solution of water to the indicated mark (ignoring the proportions is strictly prohibited);
  • take a little liquid into your mouth, clench your jaws, close your lips;
  • perform certain manipulations to rinse the cavity, the flows must be sharp in order to push out food debris and plaque from the surfaces from the interdental spaces;
  • The duration of one treatment is approximately 1 minute, a total of 2-3 rinses are performed.

For the treatment of dental problems and inflammation of the throat, it is recommended to use Glister without dilution with water. This way the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved. In this case, the dose is measured with one click on the dispenser.

The fluid flow is directed directly to the affected tissue area or to the larynx area. If it is necessary to treat an insect bite on the skin, then apply 2 pressures on the dispenser (for children, once is enough).

After using Glister mouthwash in concentrated form (undiluted with water), irritation of the mucous membrane and redness of the tissues may occur. There is no need to worry about this; the symptoms will disappear spontaneously after a couple of hours.

Rules for using Glister liquid from Amway during treatment and preventive measures:

  • open your mouth wide;
  • direct the dispenser to the area of ​​inflammation or tissue damage;
  • treat it with one click of the dispenser;
  • if after injection not all lesions are covered with liquid, repeat the treatment in other areas, trying not to cover the already covered area twice (perform up to 5 injections in one procedure);
  • to prevent the gag reflex, it is recommended to hold your breath before pressing the dispenser;
  • 15 minutes after treatment, avoid eating and drinking.

The duration of treatment or preventive measures using Glister should not exceed 14 days to prevent the formation of irritations and ulcers on the oral mucosa, as well as thinning of the enamel.

Reviews of Amway Glister Mouthwash

At one time, Amwey consultants literally forced this rinse on me, promising that I would definitely like this product. The cost of the rinse aid is a little more than 500 rubles per 50 ml. It would seem, why so much for a rather small volume? Firstly, the rinse itself is very concentrated and will last you a long time. A bottle lasted me almost six months. Secondly, even in diluted form it is very strong. The instructions say that to rinse the mouth you need to dilute three drops in a measuring cup, for me it turned out to be very caustic and I added only one drop. The rinse aid, like all Amwey products, is made in the United States of America. The composition, in addition to a concentrate of various herbs, contains menthol and alcohol. And I discovered many healing properties of this rinse, not without the help, of course, of like-minded people. The first thing I liked was that when I had such a problem as stomatitis in my mouth, after the first rinsing I noticed how some of the ulcers became smaller, and after two days there was no trace of them at all. And this despite the fact that previously one could count on their complete disappearance after two weeks of torment. After rummaging on the Internet about the wonderful properties of this rinse aid, I found a bunch of uses for it not only internally, but also externally. For example, for diseases of a neurological nature, such as osteochondrosis and neuralgia. All you need to do is rub an undiluted solution of mouthwash onto the sore spots. Thus, I treat my back without using painkillers and various ointments throughout the year. I also noted the positive effect of the rinse in case of poisoning, 1 drop per measuring cup three times a day and the next day you are back in shape. Some mothers use a mouthwash when teething in children, rubbing it on the gums or pacifier, but I still would not recommend this method, since the composition contains alcohol to one degree or another. I highly recommend it to everyone who has not yet tried this miracle remedy, as you will definitely like it. An ENT doctor later recommended it to me when my pharyngitis did not go away for a long time. Of course, it will not cure chronic pharyngitis, but it will help to get rid of the symptoms very quickly. About 8 years ago, my mother began to get involved in Amway, as a result of which we began to try many of these products. From powders, and actually to this rinse aid. At first, we had it as unnecessary, we rarely rinsed our mouths with it and it seemed that it was basically no different from other mouthwashes. It has such a pungent smell, a pleasant taste of herbs, and to rinse, you need a glass just a couple of drops of mouthwash. Over time, my mother began to use it for burns, pain in the mouth, throat, and by the way, it helped. At that moment I was struggling with teenage rashes, I applied it to an inflamed pimple at night and in the morning there was no more inflammation. And one day I fell ill with a purulent sore throat. The doctor prescribed me to smear the purulent place in my throat with Lugol. My mother applied it to me and she couldn’t do it more than once; the action was not pleasant. I had a sore throat for a couple of weeks, it didn’t go away, they even wanted to put me in an infectious disease unit, and then my mother decided to try glister.

Precautionary measures

Use only for local treatment, avoid ingestion

The composition of Glister includes strong substances, and the solution is available in concentrated form.

These factors imply following all instructions without adjusting the dose or rules for using the rinse aid.

Using Glister will be safe if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Apply the liquid only to the affected area, trying not to affect healthy tissue;
  • do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions;
  • do not use for small children (it is allowed to treat the skin from 6 years of age, the oral cavity - from 12 years of age);
  • Avoid contact of the product with the eyes (if contact occurs, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water);
  • Use only for local treatment, avoid ingestion.

Tell me a proven recipe for the treatment of chronic sinusitis.

=NIGHT= Master (1183) 6 years ago

Rinse through the nose with a strong salt solution.

JenNN Pro (610) 6 years ago

Nastasya Master (2069) 6 years ago

I dripped the juice of the Cyclomen bulb, the pain was wild, but the result was ZERO! and then it turned out that there are people who are not sensitive to this flower (((

Tatuana Sage (19148) 6 years ago

Kalanchoe juice. It is sold in pharmacies and if it grows on a half-window, you squeeze it out of the leaf. Drip 3 times a day.

Photo instructions

Preparation of the solution: Pour the contents of one sachet of mineral-herbal product into the container of the device. Fill it with boiled water at a temperature of 34–36 °C to the upper mark. Screw on the dispenser cap tightly and shake until the mineral-herbal product is completely dissolved.

1 Ask the child to take the starting position, leaning forward 90 degrees, take a deep breath, hold his breath and hand him the bottle with the prepared solution.

2 The child should then press the cap of the device against the right nostril. The bottle should be squeezed smoothly and slowly. The solution will fill one half of the nose and begin to flow out of the other.

5 Rinse the left and right halves of your nose in turn until the solution in the container runs out.

6 To remove any remaining solution from the nasal passages, ask your child to squeeze the empty container, hold their breath, and place the cap of the device on the right nostril, closing the left one with a finger. Then you should slowly unclench your fingers until the container is straightened. The same applies to the left nostril.

Advantages and disadvantages

To ensure that the use of Glister does not cause harm to health, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages:

Analysis of rinse aid Glister
After 2-3 procedures, the intensity of inflammatory and pathological processes in the oral cavity decreases.The product must be used intermittently, otherwise there is a risk of developing stomatitis, ulcers, and xerostomia.
The mouthwash can be used for a long time; the product does not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes.The composition includes food dyes, which, after using the rinse, stain the tissues of the oral cavity.
Regular use of the product is an effective fight against plaque on teeth and soft tissues.High alcohol content.
Thanks to the menthol content, the oral cavity remains fresh for a long time after hygiene procedures.With prolonged use, dark spots and microcracks may appear on the enamel.
The rinse aid is available in bottles with automatic dosing, which makes use comfortable.High price.
The glister can be carried with you, the bottle is compact, and the liquid does not require prior dilution with water.


The cost of a unit of production is negotiated depending on the form of release of the drug, the markup in a specific distribution location and the manufacturer’s rules.

Depending on all the above parameters, the price of the drug ranges from 100 to 550 rubles per unit of release.

Would you like to see a recipe for homemade depilatory wax made from sugar? Detailed information on this issue is presented here. You can read about the types of removable dentures for the lower jaw here.

You can find out what can happen if a child has a white coating on the tonsils without fever using the following link.


Before using Glister, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications outlined by the manufacturer.
Restrictions apply in the following cases:

  • when there is intense thinning of tooth enamel with a decrease in crown height;
  • if you are allergic to the constituent substances;
  • with the destruction of enamel and various malformations of its development (signs of thinning of the enamel layer, increased sensitivity, destruction of tooth tissue due to caries).

Experts do not recommend using Glister mouthwash for children under 12 years of age.

The product can be used from the first months of pregnancy due to its safe composition and correct proportions of components.

The rinse contains only herbal antibiotics that do not have a negative effect on the fetus and women's health.

Paste Glister Amway

Teeth care will be more thorough if you use Glister mouthwash in combination with toothpaste.

The Amway product line also includes toothpaste.

The cost of the multifunctional product Glister ranges from 380-400 rubles.

Among the main components of the composition:

  • silicon dioxide (abrasive);
  • stabilizer Propylene Glycol;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • chelated calcium (in this form the mineral is better absorbed);
  • menthol;
  • flavorings, etc.

According to the instructions for use, Glister paste is recommended for the following problems:

  • in the treatment of gum disease, stomatitis and other dental problems;
  • to protect enamel from caries damage;
  • to restore the enamel layer (saturates with calcium, vitamins and important microelements);
  • protecting the oral cavity from bacteria.

Regular use of Glister paste provides the following results:

  • cleaning the surfaces of teeth from food debris and plaque (in particular from tobacco and coffee);
  • polishing the enamel without harming its structure;
  • enriches dental tissue with minerals due to fluoride content;
  • freshens breath.

The rules for using the paste are extremely simple: apply a pea-sized amount of product to a moistened brush and begin brushing your teeth in a circular motion. The duration of the hygiene procedure is 3 minutes.

Teeth care will be more thorough if you use Glister mouthwash in combination with the toothpaste.

Line of dental care products Glister

Properties declared by Amway manufacturers

Multifunctional toothpaste under the Glister brand has been produced since 1982. Over the past decades, it has remained a sales leader. High quality and effectiveness are proven by clinical studies. The composition has a complex effect in five areas:

  • Cleaning components remove daily plaque from the surface.
  • The active ingredients are gentle on enamel and gums. Even with frequent use, you do not experience damage to their structure or pain.
  • The active formula neutralizes the acidic environment and removes bacteria, which protects teeth from caries.
  • Abrasive components cope with fossilized deposits, pigmentation from tea, coffee, cigarettes, etc. They lighten the enamel by several tones and carefully polish it.
  • Antibacterial substances neutralize bad breath. Aromatic fragrances add freshness to your breath.

High efficiency can be achieved thanks to the remineralization of the enamel. It becomes denser and stronger. To achieve this, it is important to perform oral hygiene daily. Regular visits to the dental clinic for examination by a specialist remain a prerequisite for quality care.

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