Preventing inflammation
Tooth cyst: symptoms and causes. How to cure a cyst on a tooth?
Quite often in their practice, ENT doctors are faced with such a problem as a paranasal cyst.
Dental defects
Direct restoration of the coronal part of the tooth using composite material C-Fill MH
Removing a tooth is the last thing a dentist will suggest. For a number of reasons
Local anti-inflammatory therapy for acute pharyngitis
September 9, 2022 Treatment of throat diseases in children is a rather difficult task. It's connected
dental fluorosis
Increased tooth wear - symptoms and treatment
Filling is a complex of dental procedures that includes the removal of tooth tissue destroyed by caries,
Tooth granuloma: symptoms, treatment, photo
An inflammatory formation affecting the upper part of the tooth root is called granuloma. It is formed in the process
Ceramic filling CEREC with a 50% discount
Light filling - the latest technologies of filling materials
Statistics from dental practice confirm the fact that light fillings are most often used and are gradually
Discomfort and inconvenience after installation of a filling
Memo to the patient after caries treatment and dental filling. Today, modern filling materials
When can you eat after a filling?
Smoking after tooth extraction: how long after can you smoke?
Before the invention of anesthesia, about 70% of operations ended in the death of the patient; patient survival depended only on
Muscles want to go on vacation: everything about facial hypertonicity
Spasm of the jaw muscles Development of the disease Symptoms of problems with the TMJ Diagnostics Prevention of hypertonicity of the TMJ muscles
How is a consultation and examination with a dentist carried out?
Any treatment in dentistry begins with an examination by a specialist - this is the first and most
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