Discomfort and inconvenience after installation of a filling

Memo to the patient after caries treatment and dental filling.

Today, modern filling materials can last for decades – they are so durable and aesthetically pleasing. However, the service life largely depends not only on professional treatment, but also on the attitude of the patient himself - it is important to have professional teeth cleaning at least once a year, as well as follow some simple recommendations to ensure that the filling lasts as long as possible.

If the filling creates discomfort after treatment

Even in the dental office, after placing the filling, be sure to make sure that the restored tooth does not interfere, i.e. does not overestimate the bite (to do this, you need to create chewing movements of the lower jaw forward and backward, sideways, carefully close your teeth). The filling should not be felt or change the bite. There is no need to be embarrassed to talk about this discomfort to your doctor - sometimes the final stage of filling treatment can take even more time than preparing carious cavities and applying filling material, because The doctor’s main goal is to create multiple contact points between the filled tooth and the antagonist and in no case “turn off” the filling from the bite because this is fraught with changes in the temporomandibular joint.

After treatment, local anesthesia wears off within 1.5-2 hours. If a conductor type was used, then after 4-6 hours. Then you begin to fully feel the restored tooth, you can fully close your jaws and understand how comfortable you are after the treatment.

If you experience a little discomfort, you feel like the tooth is a little higher and your jaw isn't closing quite tightly - this is normal. The fact is that now you have been given a new filling in accordance with the bite, that is, with the shape and position of the antagonist tooth located on the opposite side. Therefore, if there is no sharp pain, be patient for a few days. If the situation normalizes and you get used to it, then there is no reason to see a doctor. If discomfort persists for 1-2 weeks, you should visit your dentist to have the filling corrected.

How to remove gaps between teeth?

Modern dentistry offers the following options:

  1. Veneers. They are dental onlays attached to the front surface of the patient's teeth. Their main purpose is to correct the aesthetics of the dentition without the need for orthodontic treatment. Veneers are made in Moscow strictly individually in a dental laboratory. At the first stage, the patient’s tooth is ground down (a thin layer of enamel is removed), and an impression is made of it, which serves as a sample for creating a veneer. Making a veneer takes from 7 to 14 days, during which time the patient wears temporary veneer structures. After the permanent veneers are made, fitting is carried out, their compliance with aesthetic standards and the wishes of the patient is checked, if everything is good, the specialist fixes the veneer. The advantages of this option include the ability to correct even wide gaps between teeth in the shortest possible time.
  2. Bracket systems. The safest, high-quality method, loyal to dental tissues, but also the longest. To correct the bite, braces are used. If the patient is a child whose baby teeth have only recently been replaced by permanent teeth, braces are the best option. Modern braces are almost invisible, so they do not cause discomfort in everyday life. In addition, you can always order lingual braces, which are attached to the inside of the dentition, which means they are absolutely invisible. The time for wearing braces is determined by the dentist individually in each case - the timing depends on the structure of the teeth, the age of the patient, the size of the gap and other factors. Usually we are talking about a time range from six months to two years.
  3. Artistic composite restoration. This is the most preferred method when it comes to eliminating gaps between fangs, incisors, and slight curvature. Composites are photopolymer elastic materials that are applied layer by layer and harden under a photopolymerizer (special lamp). The advantages of artistic dental restoration include the speed of achieving results (restoration takes up to half an hour to two hours), the absence of painful sensations for the patient, and the absence of the need to grind down tooth enamel.

The above are not all the ways to get rid of gaps between teeth. Perhaps your dentist, having assessed the condition of your oral cavity, will offer you a more effective and/or profitable alternative - this could be a plastic transparent mouthguard (easily removed, allowing you to combine the adjustment of the position of your teeth with their whitening), corrective fillings or crowns.

How much should you not eat after getting a filling?

If a filling made of chemical composites is installed, then you should refrain from eating and drinking for 2 hours. This is due to the fact that the material requires a certain time for final hardening.

If a “light” composite filling is placed, you can drink immediately, but you should abstain from food for 1.5-2 hours. But the reason is not in the material (it hardens a few seconds after applying and polymerizing a special lamp), but in anesthesia - with reduced sensitivity of the mucous membranes during eating, you can injure the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips.

During the day after the filling is installed, you should only consume foods that are temperature-neutral - excessively hot or cold foods can lead to deformation of the filling. It is necessary to chew food on the opposite side for the first day - this will allow the material to fully “adhere” to the tooth tissues, without the risk of damage.

If your tooth hurts after getting a filling

Minor pain may persist for several days or even a couple of weeks, which is explained by overheating of the tissue due to the use of boron, and therefore the preparation is usually carried out with cooling with water. In some situations, for example, with deep caries or when treating front teeth, increased sensitivity can persist even for several months. But in such a situation, you should still consult a doctor for an x-ray to make sure that there is no infected tissue left under the filling and that inflammation has not affected the nerve.

Can my gums hurt after filling?

The gums in the area where the anesthesia was administered may ache for several days - this is completely normal and does not require any measures. The mucous membrane may also be slightly inflamed if special rings or matrices were used during treatment, which are placed on the tooth to form the correct shape of its crown and create ideal interdental contact. The gums can also be damaged if the doctor applied the filling material in close proximity to the mucous membrane or even under it - in such a situation, the gums are deliberately moved back, the gums are retracted with a special thread or coagulated. Therefore, pain is a normal reaction to external intervention.

All of these conditions are variations of the norm. But if the pain intensifies, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane progresses, you need to consult a doctor.

Differential diagnosis of tooth dislocation at SM-Dentistry

Only an experienced dentist can diagnose a tooth dislocation and distinguish it, for example, from a crown fracture. Usually, not only the tooth itself is injured, but also the tissues surrounding it. In particular, a crack may form in the jawbone. In any case, an objective examination is needed to assess the patient’s condition and the possible consequences of the injury.

The SM-Dentistry doctor will examine the injured area and offer diagnostics using modern equipment:

  • dental x-ray of the tooth;
  • computed tomography (panoramic image using the Galileos device);
  • three-dimensional x-ray examination of the maxillofacial area using the Vatesh apparatus.

How to properly perform hygiene procedures

After treatment, brush the filled tooth carefully, applying minimal pressure to it. Do not use rinses containing abrasive substances and alcohol, which can increase the plasticity of the material - this will lead to a change in the shape of the filling. Also, do not use overly hard brushes - they can leave microcracks in the material, which will not have the best effect on the durability of the filling.

In general, you should take care of teeth with fillings in a completely standard way:

  • daily brushing of teeth twice a day - in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after all meals, after - rinsing the mouth with water and rinse,
  • To clean the area of ​​filled teeth after eating, it is better to replace dental floss with an irrigator. If you floss (thread) carelessly, you can touch the installed filling, especially if there are thin edges of the tooth, which will lead to its chipping or loss.

Gums can also cause toothache

Tooth decay is not always the cause of tooth pain, as the soft tissue can also become inflamed and cause pain. In particular, older patients are more likely to suffer from periodontitis, which, if left untreated, not only becomes increasingly painful, but can also lead to the loss of healthy teeth. Because if gingivitis is not treated professionally, the gums may recede further and thus expose the neck of the tooth. This not only increases the risk of tooth decay, but also increases the sensitivity of the teeth to pain, since the necks of the teeth are not surrounded by a protective layer of enamel.

Periodontitis, if detected early, can be well treated to keep gums healthy for a long time, but the patient also needs to improve their oral hygiene. The first major warning sign is blood on your toothbrush. If you spit reddish foam into the sink after brushing your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist to find out why. Even though gingivitis is often painless at first, in advanced stages it can cause significant pain and be much more difficult to cure.

Is it necessary to follow a diet after caries treatment?

From the diet as a whole after caries treatment (especially if a large filling is installed and your own tooth has very thin walls), it is recommended to remove too hard foods - toffees, chewing gum, grilled fruit, nuts, etc. Or chew them with teeth located on the opposite side (if they do not have fillings).

Minimize the amount of consumed foods and drinks that contain coloring pigments (tea, coffee, beets) - under their influence, the filling material may slightly change its shade. This rule is especially relevant when restoring front teeth.

How to maintain your treatment guarantee

To maintain the guarantee, the patient must strictly follow all recommendations: do not overload the tooth, do not use it for other purposes (for example, opening beer bottles, biting off threads), and also regularly see the doctor in accordance with the individual schedule of medical examinations, approximately once every six months. Unfortunately, many patients forget about this, and it is the last point that is the key to maintaining the guarantee for treatment.

You need to visit a doctor 1-2 times a year. During a preventive examination, the dentist will be able to make sure that the filling is in good condition, and that secondary caries does not develop again under it.

Check yourself: when to see a doctor

If a tooth hurts 2-3 days after the filling is placed, and the pain noticeably intensifies when pressed at night, this may indicate a relapse of caries and damage to the dental nerve. If black spots are visible under the filling several months after treatment, the filling interferes with the closure of the jaws or there is prolonged pain when pressing on the tooth. Do not ignore these symptoms and do not be afraid - this is a reason to contact your attending physician - all work must be carried out within the framework of the guarantee of the medical institution. Timely treatment is the key to the health of your teeth!

Causes of dental injury

Acute injuries in almost forty percent of cases lead to destruction and even loss of teeth. You can get such an injury at any age, but statistics say that most often children suffer from acute injuries, because they often do not realize the likelihood of a sudden fall while playing or do not understand how much harm handling sharp objects can cause them.

In case of acute injury, one or several symptoms may be observed: violation of the integrity of the crown of the tooth, destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth, damage to the dental roots.

The main causes of chronic dental trauma are a person’s malocclusion and errors in dental treatment, which negatively affect their further condition. Bad habits also influence the appearance of chronic injuries, for example, if a person chews heavy nuts, sooner or later the tooth may not be able to withstand the load. Accompanying chronic injuries is the abrasion of the cutting part of the tooth, the formation of erosions and defects.

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