If there is insufficient fluoride in the body, it develops

July 18, 2011

Fluoride is found in water, foods, and even soil in the form of minerals called fluorite and fluorapatite. However, most often a person encounters industrially produced fluoride compounds, which are added to a variety of products to protect teeth.

However, fluoride doesn't just save teeth. Fluorine compounds are included in some blood substitutes because they are harmless to the body and have a good ability to dissolve oxygen and other gases. Other organofluorine compounds are found in artificial heart valves.

Why is it needed?

The main role of fluoride in maintaining human health is maintaining the health of tooth enamel
preventing caries
Bacteria that live in the mouth feed on sugars in food and produce acid that erodes enamel. Fluoride prevents this destruction by preserving minerals in the enamel. It is able to accumulate in already damaged areas of enamel and strengthens it - this process is called remineralization
. Together with calcium and phosphorus, fluoride also protects bones from the development of osteoporosis. Fluoride also helps the body absorb iron.

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As it turns out?

Fluoride can enter the body through topical use
of toothpastes, rinses and special dental preparations containing it.
They are applied directly to the teeth and are actively absorbed by the enamel. It is especially important to use such drugs in young children – during the period of growth and formation of permanent teeth. They are also needed by adults - with the development of caries, smokers, lovers of sweets and those for whom dentists perform dental restoration, as well as implantation of implants or installation of crowns and bridges. But fluoride can also be obtained through food
- from foods rich in it or through
drinking water
. It is absorbed in the digestive tract, enters the bloodstream and is absorbed by the tissues of teeth and bones. People receive most of their fluoride from water and about 20 percent from food.

Impact on general health

Caries is the most obvious, but by no means the only dental problem. Bacterial plaque that forms on the surface of teeth can also cause gum disease. Unfortunately, many people do not pay enough attention to the health of their gums - and completely in vain, because it significantly affects their overall health. With periodontal diseases, bacteria can spread from the oral cavity through the bloodstream to other organs and tissues, which often causes atherosclerosis, the development of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

What if it's not enough?

The main signs of fluoride deficiency in the body are the active development caries
of periodontal disease
appear - inflammation and destruction of the gum tissue around the tooth.
This disease is caused by the activity of harmful microorganisms living in the oral cavity, which is usually suppressed by fluoride. Also, with a lack of fluoride, bone tissue begins to deteriorate - osteoporosis
However, if you consume large amounts of fluoride-containing products and products, over time, a change in the color of the enamel may occur - fluorosis
. And in more serious cases, there is a decrease in mobility and pain in the joints - skeletal fluorosis.

Fluoride levels in water

Due to the toxicity of the gas, the fluoride content in drinking water is strictly standardized. In 1994, according to WHO standards, a maximum permissible value was established that should not be exceeded: the maximum permissible concentration for fluorine in water is 0.5 mg/l. In Russia, the maximum permissible concentration of fluorine for water is established by GOST 2874-90.

The normalized presence of fluoride - the amount of fluoride in drinking water - depends on the area and climate. Where there is year-round heat, where people drink a lot of liquid, the recommended figure is 0.5 mg/l. In the northern territories, the norm is set at no higher than 1 milligram. In the middle zone in areas with a temperate climate, it is recommended to stick to 0.7 mg/l.

The requirements are not met everywhere. Almost a third of the world's population drinks liquids in which the concentration of fluoride in water is above 1.5 mg/l. It is imperative to check the exact composition of elements and compounds in the aqueous solution and remove excess fluoride in tap or artesian water.

In Indian, South American and Kenyan waters there is a dangerous excess of fluoride - 25 mg per liter. In many southwestern regions of Ukraine, extremely low F(-) levels are observed. In Russian underground deposits, the fluorine content in water is increased, much more than 1.5 mg/l. In the Moscow region, in the Urals it reaches 4.4 ml/l. In water bodies of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, the value is critical, up to 11 ml/g.

In surface water sources the concentration is much lower, up to 0.3 mg/l. In particularly hazardous areas, the saturation of aqueous solutions with F(-) ions can exceed 65 mg/liter. Sea salt waters are less dangerous; the presence of fluorides in them is low, only 1.1-1.4 mg.

For areas with a low fluoride content (below the optimal fluoride content in water), health care recommends adding them artificially - fluoridating the aqueous solution before use. Fluorides are added in small quantities: micrograms or even nanograms.

Indications for fluoridation are:

  • low maximum permissible concentration of water for fluorine,
  • lack of regional programs for food fluoridation,
  • medical indicators - a large percentage of caries diseases in this area.

For areas where F(-) ions are present in excess, you need to choose ways to reduce the fluoride content in water.

In addition to the fact that public utilities responsible for water supply are required to monitor the maximum permissible concentration for fluorine in water, each person can independently check the composition of the water and purify it of all harmful substances before use.

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