How to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine for flux?


  1. Causes of pathology
  2. Symptoms
  3. How to rinse with flux - the simplest and safest recipe
  4. Pharmacy products for flux processing
  5. Folk recipes
  6. Why you can’t treat gumboil yourself
  7. How do doctors treat flux?

Periostitis of the jaw or gumboil is a dangerous dental disease.
It is caused by an infectious-inflammatory process localized in the tissues of the periosteum. The disease should be treated under the supervision of a dentist. The doctor will carry out the necessary antiseptic measures and tell you what to rinse your mouth with gumboil, and select antibiotics.

Self-medication for periostitis is most often ineffective. Moreover, as long as the patient experiments with different folk recipes, the inflammatory process will continue to spread. This will lead to premature loss of the unit - partial edentia.

Remember: rinsing with flux is not a panacea, but only an auxiliary technique. There is no need to focus on it. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive.

Pharmacological properties, form, indications

Chlorhexidine has a wide spectrum of effects. It destroys various types of bacterial agents, viral as well as fungal microorganisms. The drug stops the activity of pathogens, reduces the inflammatory response, and reduces pain. The medicine remains active even if there is pus or blood in the area of ​​the injury.

Indications for the use of Chlorhexidine in dentistry:

  • removal of a tooth;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis (including aphthous);
  • periodontitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • toothache.

Chlorhexidine is produced in the form of a solution, gel, ointment, suppositories, and spray. For dental diseases, forms of spray, gel, solution (water, alcohol) are required. The solution in dentistry is used with a concentration of 0.05%.

The medicine should not be used if the patient has a severe allergy. In children, Chlorhexidine is used carefully, as allergic reactions are possible. You should not use the drug on your own, as it may cause complications.

Undesirable manifestations from using the medicine, according to the instructions, are:

  • allergy;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • change of teeth color;
  • change in taste perception (with prolonged use);
  • the appearance of tartar or its increase.

Causes of pathology

Before we tell you how to rinse flux, let’s explain why it occurs. Among the main reasons:

  • progressive caries, when microorganisms from the resulting cavity penetrate the pulp and roots;
  • poor-quality filling of teeth and canals;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammatory gum disease that has a chronic course;
  • dominance of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and only then treat it. Then the risk of flux recurrence will be much lower.


Periostitis affects the gums.
Visually, it resembles an inflamed abscess. May cause increased body temperature, swelling of the cheeks, lips, and neck. Always accompanied by pain. Pus is released from the flux. If the drainage channel has not yet formed, the patient can observe yellow-green contents under the mucous membranes of the gums.

The inflammatory process is strong, causing the immune system to mobilize. This results in increased fatigue and weakness.

It’s good if the periostitis breaks out. Then the cavity will cleanse itself naturally. But there is a possibility that pus gets into the facial tissues, reaches the bones, and penetrates the systemic bloodstream. Then there will be a threat to human life.

How to rinse with flux - the simplest and safest recipe

The most accessible composition is ordinary drinking water, in which soda and salt are dissolved. It is indicated for many dental ailments. Anyone can cook it. The listed components are usually found in any kitchen.

You need to add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of warm (not hot!) water. Stir. If the patient tolerates iodine well, then you can include a few drops of it in the medicine. Then the liquid will acquire even more pronounced antiseptic properties.

Rinsing should be done on the sore side of the jaw. They should be repeated after every meal and hygiene procedures. If the pain is very severe, and it is not possible to get dental care right now, you can do a mouth bath with a soda-salt solution. To do this, you need to put it in your mouth and hold it on the side of the sore gum for several minutes.

The use of Chlorhexidine for swelling of the gums

The drug is indicated for relieving inflammation of local gum swelling after implantation or tooth extraction. Its antimicrobial properties help avoid suppuration and infection of the wound. Helps reduce swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane.

On average, the course is 1 week. To perform oral baths, liquid is drawn into the mouth, held for 1-2 minutes and spit out. If the procedure is performed after brushing your teeth, you must thoroughly rinse off any remaining toothpaste. The components in its composition can sharply reduce the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine.

Pharmacy products for flux processing

The pharmacy offers a wide range of solutions that can be used for diseases of the oral cavity. So, suitable for rinsing:

  • Chlorhexidine. Aqueous composition that does not require additional dilution. It is allowed to use it five to six times a day. But under no circumstances should you swallow!
  • Miramistin. Chlorhexidine substitute. Shows pronounced antiseptic properties. Accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues. It is often combined with oral antibiotics.
  • Furacilin. Antimicrobial agent, nitrofuran derivative. Active against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. You need to take one crushed tablet per glass of water.
  • Betadine. Antiseptic containing iodine. If a person has a thyroid disease or is allergic to iodine products, this medicine will not suit him. Dissolve a tablespoon of Betadine in a glass of water. The only thing you need to remember is that the medicine can stain the enamel yellowish.
  • Rotokan. Alcohol composition based on chamomile, calendula, yarrow. You need to take one tablespoon per liter of water. Dentists recommend using the solution at intervals of three hours.
  • Malavit. A preparation containing silver and copper ions. A very powerful, yet safe antiseptic. Destroys pathogenic microflora. If you use it to remove flux, the swelling will quickly go away. You only need to add ten drops of Malavit to a glass of water. There is no need to swallow it.

It is optimal if the dentist selects the medicine for rinsing. With periostitis, any amateur activity is unacceptable.

Folk recipes

Herbs and plant extracts have a beneficial effect on oral tissues. They can be used to relieve inflammation. When dealing with flux, you should arm yourself with:

  • Oak bark. An infusion is prepared from it: pour two spoons into 200 ml of boiling water and wait for one hour. After filtering, the composition is ready for use. All products based on oak bark stain teeth. This is their significant drawback.
  • Sage. You should mix a teaspoon of aromatic dry raw materials with a glass of hot boiling water. After half an hour, filter. During the procedure, the medicine should be slightly warm.
  • Chamomile. Very popular for various dental diagnoses. Excellently suppresses inflammatory processes. Antiseptic. It can be combined with string and yarrow. The preparation recipe is standard: a tablespoon of vegetable mixture per glass of boiling water.
  • Propolis. Suitable for making tinctures with alcohol. It must be infused strictly at room temperature. Dilute a teaspoon in a cup of water and rinse the flux in the morning, afternoon and evening.

What is tooth flux?

What is tooth flux? Flux, or odontogenic periostitis, is a purulent inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the tooth, characterized by the formation of a purulent abscess. It can be an independent disease, but most often develops as a complication of dental diseases. It manifests itself as suppuration of the gums, swelling and redness of the gums and cheeks, pain, and fever.

It’s worth saying right away that such tooth flux is a disease that is almost impossible to cure at home, and self-medication in this case is simply dangerous. If the pus begins to spread into the intermuscular spaces on the face and down to the neck, purulent phlegmon develops, which in some cases leads to death. Therefore, there is no need to take risks - if you detect signs of gumboil, you should immediately go to the dentist.

What to do in case of tooth flux:

  • Rinse your mouth with a baking soda-salt solution: add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and salt to a glass of boiling water, cool the solution and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Such rinses should be performed every 2-3 hours before visiting the dentist.
  • Applying a cold compress to the painful area for a few minutes will help relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  • At the first opportunity, go to the dental office for treatment of gumboil.

The dentist performs flux treatment under local anesthesia: if necessary, removes the tooth, opens the abscess and installs a special drainage to ensure the drainage of pus. In addition, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs - they should be used strictly as prescribed, without amateur activities.

But what to do in case of tooth flux is strictly prohibited:

  • Applying warm compresses will only speed up the spread of pus through the soft tissues.
  • Open a purulent abscess on the gum yourself.
  • Apply homemade bandages.
  • Take antibiotics at your own discretion, without a doctor's prescription.
  • Before visiting the dentist, you should not take analgesics, as this will complicate the diagnosis.
  • Aspirin should not be taken as a pain reliever, since it thins the blood and can cause bleeding when treating flux at the dentist.

And you should not rely on a wide variety of folk remedies - they do not provide a complete cure, but can only relieve pain and reduce tissue swelling. But often such drugs provoke complications of the disease. Therefore, entrust the treatment to specialists.

Why you can’t treat gumboil yourself

Periostitis is a purulent disease. If treated incorrectly, it often causes dangerous complications. Therefore, dentists do not recommend that patients self-medicate. You can understand that the pathology has begun to progress rapidly by the following symptoms:

  • severe weakness, increased physical fatigue;
  • heat;
  • severe swelling;
  • headache;
  • inability to chew food due to pain;
  • facial distortion due to tumor.

With such symptoms, rinsing alone will not help. You need to urgently go to the doctor.

How do doctors treat flux?

As we wrote above, rinsing is an auxiliary technique. They must be combined with therapeutic applications and physiotherapy. Of the latter, the following are effective:

  • UHF;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy.

The purulent acute form of the disease always requires surgical manipulation. The doctor opens the subperiosteal or submucosal abscess and installs a drainage tube into the gum. All procedures are performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain.

Afterwards, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and rinses, and is told what precautions must be taken to avoid complications of periostitis. As a rule, recovery occurs within one week. If the crown and roots are severely damaged or inflammation is advanced, tooth extraction may be required.

Use of Chlorhexidine in dentistry

Upon contact with the mucous membrane, it forms a thin protective film. The effect lasts after the procedure for 24 hours.


  • with gingivitis;
  • in case of development of periodontitis;
  • against the background of treatment of stomatitis;
  • in case of inflammation of the socket after tooth extraction;
  • for inflammation caused by semi-impacted wisdom teeth;
  • for disinfection of removable dentures;
  • for root canal treatment;
  • after installation of dental implants.

An alcohol-based chlorhexidine is used to treat the hands of a dental surgeon.

The antiseptic enhances the effect of surface anesthesia, therefore it is often prescribed together with Lidocaine. This reduces the number of bacteria at the injection site. Able to fight pathogenic microorganisms after removing stone and plaque.

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