Varieties of colored braces and multi-colored elastic bands for them

The best time to correct your bite with braces is adolescence. But children during puberty are very sensitive to the opinions of others, their self-esteem is often reduced. Metal braces on teeth can become an additional reason for complexes. Multi-colored braces will help solve the problem.

In this article

  • What are the design features of colored braces?
  • Why do you need colored rubber bands for braces?
  • Braces with colored rubber bands - what are they?
  • What colors are braces?
  • What to consider when choosing the color of braces?
  • How are colored braces installed?
  • Why is it necessary to replace colored ligatures?

What colored braces look like

In fact, to get a fun color scheme and a variety of shades, doctors use regular classic braces with colored rubber bands, called ligatures. Those. It is not the plates themselves that have a bright tint, but the colored ligatures that act as fixatives for the metal arc in the grooves of the system. In appearance, they resemble rings made of elastic material and can have different diameters and thicknesses. With their help, orthodontists achieve the desired effect of transforming classical systems beyond recognition, creating a bright, individual and unique image that many children and even some adults like so much.

When using self-ligating or non-ligating systems, this effect will no longer be achieved. It is also inappropriate to use ligatures on lingual orthodontic appliances, which are fixed on the inner lingual side of the dentition, because they are invisible to others.

On a note! Currently, the choice of colored braces is very wide and varied. Most often, to give the desired shade, doctors choose rubber bands or ligatures that match the color. However, today some manufacturers produce systems, for example, made of plastic, in which the plate brackets themselves are painted in different colors. Ligatures can have not only different colors, but also various shapes: hearts, diamonds, flowers.

The staples are attached with a special adhesive to the surface of the tooth, from the front side (vestibular). A restoring arch in the form of a wire is pulled through the brackets, and elastic bands serve to prevent movements of the arch in the hole of the bracket. See what braces with colored rubber bands look like in the photo.


Cross metal systems are made in Korea from high-quality steels that are not subject to corrosion. The quality of the installation is ensured by the use of high-precision casting techniques. Braces do not stain over time. A special coding is provided to select the color of the elements.

The base of the bracket has roughness. Its anatomical shape follows the curve of the outer surface of the tooth. The combination of these factors ensures reliable fixation. If you are interested in braces at an affordable price, then the Cross systems are what you will be pleased with. Wearing them does not cause discomfort and guarantees the speed and effectiveness of treatment.

What are ligatures

Ligatures, which can be colored, are designed to secure the arches to the staples. Some people also mistakenly call them elastics or traction bands, but other types of elastic bands have these names. Thus, traction bands or elastics, unlike ligatures, are larger in size and have excellent stretch; they are designed for additional tightening of individual teeth. Also, unlike ligatures, the patient can independently remove them from the mouth at home in order to eat or perform oral hygiene, but ligatures cannot be removed independently - this must be done by the orthodontist.

Main features and purpose of color systems

Colored braces, as in the photo, differ from ordinary classic ones in that they almost completely cover and disguise the metal arches, and only the locking parts of the system remain open. This feature allows young patients to feel more confident and free from psychological discomfort. Such devices look like a decorative element on the teeth and allow you to create an individual image that will be the envy of other teenagers, which is very important for a child undergoing quite complex orthodontic treatment.

Important! Regardless of what material the braces are made from, they all have a metal arch. The arch itself can also be painted white for aesthetics, but it is important to remember that the top paint may peel off during use due to friction that occurs when the teeth move in a given direction. This factor may slightly increase the treatment time, which is why many patients prefer to leave the metal arch unpainted.

Otherwise, colored braces for children are no different from other models; they have an orthodontic arch that is located above the teeth and moves them in a given direction. They also allow you to correct and correct malocclusions of any complexity.

Leading orthodontist at the Amirdent clinic

No matter how excellent the materials are, no matter how perfect the systems are used, the treatment of malocclusion will not be effective if it is undertaken by an unqualified doctor. Apart from pain and aesthetic problems, using the best techniques will not bring results.

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What materials are used to make braces that children love so much?

Colored rubber bands can be used on braces made of any classic materials.


Metal braces will also become colored if ligatures of different shades are fixed to them. Gray metal devices themselves cause little delight in children, but they correct malocclusions better and a little faster than others (due to the low coefficient of friction between the walls of the groove and the arch). In addition, these structures are very wear-resistant and durable, and if colored ligatures are attached to them, they will look more original and attractive. But remember that metal devices can contribute to the development of allergies in children who are prone to allergic reactions.


The plastic is transparent, but if you complement it with colored ligatures, the image will turn out bright and practical. The material is good for children due to its safety and minimal risk of developing allergic reactions, but it can be stained by food, and bright elastic bands will make the change in shade less noticeable and conspicuous.

Plastic systems also have several significant disadvantages: they are often subject to breakdowns and are not suitable for correcting serious malocclusions.


Ceramics are more often chosen by adults than children, but, for example, adolescents who are in puberty, especially girls, often prefer aesthetic and invisible systems. Ceramics are similar in color to natural enamel and have the same shine and gloss. However, even when correcting the bite with orthodontic devices made of ceramics, we must not forget that the arch that runs along the entire dentition will be made of metal. At the request of the patient, the arch can also be painted in light shades, but teenagers more often choose to “camouflage” the metal arch with the help of brightly colored ligatures, and this is how colored ceramic braces appear.


Ceramics and sapphire are the most aesthetic options for correcting a bite; they are almost invisible on the teeth in daylight and evening light, and in bright sunlight they shimmer like precious jewelry. Such systems, due to their high cost and greater fragility (compared to metal ones), are less often chosen for children, but nevertheless, here, too, bright elements can be used to make the image unique and memorable, which will definitely appeal to many teenagers.

Interesting! On the Internet you can often see photos where there are colored dots on the braces. Some people believe that this is also a kind of decorative element, although in fact this is not the case. These dots are nothing more than markings for orthodontists; they easily wear off and lose color after the first few procedures of hygienic oral care.


There are absolute contraindications that imply refusal of this type of bite correction and curvature of teeth forever or until the cause is eliminated. Colored braces are not used for:

  1. Absence of a large number of teeth. This option does not provide the ability to install a fixation system for correcting malocclusion.
  2. Anomalies of the skeletal system. Installing braces involves examining the strength of bones and tooth enamel.
  3. Endocrine and immune diseases, including AIDS. These disorders create the risk of complete tooth loss after braces are attached.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Mental illnesses – epilepsy, psychosis, schizophrenia. This applies to disorders that lead to decreased self-control.
  7. Other ailments. These are tuberculosis, heart disease, vascular disease, and blood clotting problems.

Even with absolute contraindications, do not despair. Among these factors, many are treatable. Then the installation of braces is simply postponed for a while. But contraindications are relative. Diseases and conditions can be cured before installing the system. Relative contraindications include:

  1. Periodontal disease and periodontitis, as well as gum inflammation. In this condition, the teeth do not hold firmly in the sockets and are easily loosened. Due to the installation of braces, they fall out. Any defect must first be eliminated.
  2. Allergies. If you have an allergic reaction to a certain material, you can choose another option.
  3. Bruxism is a disease that manifests itself in the form of teeth grinding at night.
  4. Availability of crowns and implants.
  5. Diseases of the temporal and jaw joints. This type of disease can interfere with the normal position of braces. In severe cases, chewing reflexes may be impaired.
  6. Insufficient oral hygiene. Some require a professional teeth cleaning to remove tartar and plaque before having them installed. If this is not done, then inflammation is likely.

Before installing colored braces, you should consult with a specialist. If there are no contraindications, then you can choose systems. A suitable device can perform bite correction efficiently and safely.

Benefits of Vibrant Orthodontic Systems

  • psychological comfort: do not forget that braces can be installed and worn only when baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones, which occurs at the age of 12-14 years. It is during this period that children, and especially teenagers, react very sharply to changes associated with their appearance,
  • maintaining a good mood: let the child choose the colored ligatures for braces himself, choose the shade he needs - this will allow him to feel confident and maintain a good mood, which is especially important at the stage of getting used to and adapting to the orthodontic apparatus,
  • the elastic bands do not change their shade: this is very important, because Not all children practice good oral hygiene. At the same time, many teenagers are no longer amenable to parental control, so in secret from moms and dads they can eat food and drink soda, which can stain not only the enamel of teeth, but also elements of braces. Due to the fact that the rubber bands are not affected by dyes, plaque and food residues are difficult to see on them, children’s smile will always look quite good,
  • the presence of bright elements will have a slight impact on the cost of the braces system: this factor is pleasant for parents, because you can install quite inexpensive metal or plastic systems for children, which will be decorated with multi-colored rubber bands,
  • The elastic bands are harmless: they are soft, do not have sharp edges and are painted with safe dyes (made of medical polyurethane). Even if the child swallows such a gum, nothing bad will happen - it will not injure the esophagus, will not lead to intoxication, and will leave the body naturally,
  • individuality: there are no standard solutions, and each patient will have his own individuality.

The best manufacturers

Among the manufacturers of colored braces, there are three leading companies:

  • Ormco;
  • Victory;
  • American Orthodontics.

Ormco orthodontic products are popular all over the world. The company produces products from steel and titanium. These designs are characterized by reliability, and the ligatures are characterized by strength. Ormco braces are suitable for the most severe clinical cases. The special profile design and reduced size of the staples contribute to quick adaptation and comfort during use.

Victory orthodontic systems from 3M Unitek are distinguished by their perfect design. Despite the use of metal alloys, the taste of metal is not felt in the mouth. High-quality polishing of parts eliminates the negative impact (friction) on the enamel surface, ensures reliable adhesion to the surface of the teeth, and no slipping. Using the system practically does not distort diction.

American Orthodontics has gained a reputation as a reputable, reliable manufacturer of orthodontic systems, and its products are popular throughout the world. The development of this company is the first example of miniature braces with a low profile, which ensures wearing comfort and quick adaptation. The systems are made of medical stainless steel, ceramics, and sapphire. The products do not distort diction and are practically not felt in the oral cavity.

Disadvantages that not everyone knows about

Braces with colored rubber bands have a number of disadvantages, which not every patient is aware of. So, the rubber bands themselves are short-lived and wear out quickly. Accordingly, they have to be changed approximately once every 3-4 weeks. In addition, there is always the possibility that the child may swallow the ligature. It's safe, but if it happens on a regular basis, there won't be anything pleasant about it.

In some patients, the presence of rubber bands can cause problems with diction. True, in most cases the problem goes away after adaptation to braces, which, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, can take from 2 weeks to several months.

Which shade is better to choose

This question always arises before children and their parents, because... Today there are a lot of different options - orthodontists offer their patients more than 20 different shades. Ligatures can have any shades, ranging from white and transparent to bright red and green, turquoise, gold and purple. Some patients choose a combination of different shades (elastic bands of different shades are attached to each plate), others prefer one range - here the flight of imagination is not limited.

However, there are several factors to consider when choosing. For example, yellow is not suitable for all patients, because... it will visually make the teeth themselves even more yellowish. If a child really likes yellow, then it is better to give preference to bright yellow rather than pale yellow.

Against the background of white rubber bands, any, even the snow-white enamel (and perfectly white teeth are rare) will also give off a yellowish tint and will look duller. In addition, white elements get dirty very quickly and are stained by food, so very soon they will look unkempt.

On a note! Don’t forget that classic braces need to be activated regularly; therefore, when visiting an orthodontist, you can always choose a new shade of elastic bands or change the palette.

If a child has naturally dark enamel, then it is better to give preference to dark elastic bands (blue, black, purple, rich green, burgundy). If you want to visually make the enamel lighter, then it is advisable to choose bright colors - red, orange, turquoise. If the enamel is naturally grayish, then you need to choose warm spring shades.

Rubber bands are often chosen according to the eye color of the growing patient. So, if a child has green, gray, or blue eyes, then the elements of the system of the corresponding shade will look impressive.

The most universal shades that suit most patients are blue, red, light blue.

Interestingly, in some private clinics the palette is divided into several groups: for boys and men, for girls and for adult women.

Alternative to colored rubber bands

Doctors often camouflage the metal archwire by using colored wire to help make the staples themselves attractive. The wire can be created from steel or silver, titanium or aluminum. It is more wear-resistant and lasts longer compared to ligatures. However, it has one significant drawback - under the influence of drinks and food consumed, temperature changes, its outer layer can crack, which will look unaesthetic. Therefore, orthodontists still often advise choosing braces with ligatures.

How to install and remove ligatures

You can improve the aesthetics of your smile even when classic vestibular braces have already been installed. To put on the elastic bands, you need to spend a little time - about 10-20 minutes. This is very convenient for children who do not want to spend a long time in the dentist's chair.

So, first, the doctor separates the pad from the clamp using a special clamp, then puts an elastic band on the bracket, and then checks the strength of the fastening. After a month of treatment, the rubber bands must be replaced with new ones. Only your doctor should remove them; under no circumstances should you do it yourself. The specialist will do this carefully, without damaging the elements of the correction system.

Features of nutrition and hygiene care

If your children wear bright orthodontic appliances, then you need to focus their attention on the fact that the elastic bands on them can change their structure, lose their bright shade and become less flexible if the patient abuses carbonated drinks and hot foods.

As for the rules of care, they are standard for all “braces” wearers: you need to carefully remove plaque not only from the teeth, but also from all elements of the bracket system (plates, clasps, arches, elastic bands), and from the interdental spaces. Special V-shaped brushes and pipe cleaners will help with this. Also, be sure to purchase an irrigator for children, which will help even those who are not very responsible about oral hygiene to better care for their teeth and devices. With the help of an irrigator, the smallest particles of food will be washed out of all hard-to-reach areas. In addition, the device will help care for your gums, provide them with a gentle massage, enhance and normalize blood circulation, and help reduce the risk of developing gingivitis and periodontitis.

It is important for parents to daily monitor the thoroughness and timeliness of hygienic care during orthodontic treatment in children, because some researchers believe that in young patients with braces, the risk of developing caries increases 13 times1 just because they brush their teeth poorly or do not do it at all .

Color change

Non-standard tones are created using 2 elements: braces and ligatures. Not long ago, multi-colored plastic versions appeared, where not only the ligatures, but also the brackets were painted. The patient can independently choose the shade when ordering the design.

These models are original in form. You can choose a system with brackets in the form of hearts, stars, animals, flowers. These products help you feel free.

Judging by the reviews, the most popular systems remain those with classic braces, where the arches are attached with multi-colored ligatures - elastic bands that are needed for the corrective arch to achieve the desired tension.

The cost of bright solutions

How much do colored braces cost? Their cost exceeds the cost of metal ones, but much less than sapphire and ceramic ones. Treatment of malocclusion using metal devices will cost the patient from 25,000 rubles, which depends on the complexity of the case. Plastic structures cost from 30,000 rubles. When using ligatures of unusual shape, the price will increase. For colored ceramic braces, the price will already be quite high: 70,000-120,000 rubles. Designs made from artificial sapphires are even more expensive, on average 12,000 and above.

Bottom line

Colored braces have become widespread. Now you can correct your bite and smile line in a fun, aesthetic way. The orthodontic structure itself remains unchanged; colored ligatures and elastic bands are innovations.

The choice of one design or another will depend on the patient’s financial capabilities, the availability of the necessary design and accessories for it in the clinic, and the recommendations of the orthodontist.

Sources used:

  • Proffitt U.R., Modern orthodontics (3rd edition), MEDpress-inform, 2015
  • Swartz LM. A history lesson, INSPIRE! Sapphire brackets. Clinical Impressions. 2001
  • Persin L. S. Orthodontics. Treatment of dental anomalies. - M.: Engineer, 1998.
  • Pediatric dentistry: textbook in 3 hours. Part 3. Orthodontics. Persin L.S.
  • American Association of Orthodontists
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