Advantages and disadvantages of Victory braces (Victory Series)


If a child has problems with the growth of molars after the loss of baby teeth, a braces system will help correct the situation.

Most often, problems of this kind arise due to a mismatch between the size of the child’s jaw and the emerging teeth. Accordingly, the latter move, running over one another.

Such an extremely complex defect can be dealt with by modern metal brace systems, which are made of stainless steel, capable of replicating any shape.

Arcs can be round or square. Also available with double arches.

Design Features

One of the latest developments is the Victory Series system from the leading American manufacturer 3M Unitek .

Today it is the most popular external prosthetic system used by dentists around the world. Over the years of production, the manufacturer has practically perfected the system.

Let us list how the system differs from its analogues :

  • the braces are made of metal without any taste;
  • the surface of the system is polished, which facilitates its sliding and eliminates the occurrence of damage in the oral cavity;
  • expanded wings of the plates allow the braces to be easily fixed and make it easier to change them if necessary;
  • a high degree of adhesion to the tooth surface ensures the reliability of the structure.

The principle of operation of Victory braces, like other similar systems, is continuous pressure on the teeth in order to move them into the correct position.

Main components of the system:

  • arc;
  • braces with locks;
  • rings;
  • ligatures (elastic bands).


The Victory brace system is a product of the American concern 3M Unitec, which has been studying and innovative developments in the field of creating orthodontic structures aimed at straightening teeth and correcting pathological bites for more than 70 years.

On a note!

3M Unitec braces differ from analogues from other manufacturers in their minimum height, two-slot locks and bracket area. Also, their feature is the possibility of using colored ligatures.

Advantages and disadvantages

3M Unitek products have many clear advantages over other similar samples of this group of orthodontic structures.

These advantages include:

  • Miniature. The locks of the system are very small in size, so they are practically invisible and do not create discomfort when brushing your teeth.
    The thickness of the elements is also small, which helps to avoid injuries to the oral mucosa.
  • High strength. During operation, the metal does not change shape.
  • Reliability throughout the entire period of bite correction (about 1.5 - 2 years).
  • Versatility. The bases of the locks are shaped like a grid, which consists of 80 cells. This greatly simplifies the process of gluing braces. These clasps are designed for small molars.
  • Short treatment periods.
  • Hypoallergenic metal used to create systems.
  • Original appearance. If braces cannot be avoided, then it’s better if they make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Very fast getting used to the device . Practically does not interfere with diction.
  • Low cost.

Photo: Victory braces with colored ligatures
Unlike other similar designs, Victory manufacturers supply the product with bases immediately filled with special glue.

Like all metal systems, Victory has some typical disadvantages :

  • no matter how miniature the size, they are still noticeable. Therefore, a child may want a more inconspicuous, but at the same time fragile system, for example, made of ceramics;
  • any construction of this nature is an irritating factor, especially in the first few weeks (pain, irritation of the mucous membrane, psychological aspects);
  • changes the physical and chemical characteristics of tooth enamel, which can subsequently cause caries;
  • the duration of the process and the need for regular visits to the dentist;
  • the need for careful oral care.

Victory metal braces

These are traditional metal brace systems, which have already been tested for decades in orthodontics.

Victory braces today are very neat and at the same time very durable products. They are made from special tool alloys that are completely hypoallergenic and non-corrosive. They are attached to the arches using special silicone rings - ligatures. Ligatures can be either transparent or have a specific color.

The most important advantages of such systems (and in particular Victory) are the low cost of the system itself, as well as reliability and simplicity (the braces are very well fixed to the teeth, doctors can easily work with them, they are easy to care for).

The downside is, of course, the aesthetic component. Despite the small size of the fastenings, the braces are clearly visible on the teeth. However, the aesthetic aspect can be diversified by changing the color of the ligatures at each visit to the orthodontist. At the same time, you can combine colors with a wide variety of variations. This is a good option for teenagers - every time they add a new “trick” to their image.

Indications and contraindications

mandatory points are met :

  • The child's permanent teeth have erupted.
  • X-ray confirmed the completion of root formation (usually it takes about 2 years from the moment of eruption).

If the roots are still weak, they may not withstand such loads.

Bone tissue is fully formed at the age of 15–16 years. Accordingly, most often braces are installed during adolescence. But it is imperative that the child is psychologically prepared for such a procedure.

For orthopedic treatment, there is a specific list of contraindications .

Installation of the structures in question is impossible in the following situations:

  • absence of most teeth;
  • diseases of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the blood, cardiovascular, nervous system;
  • tuberculosis.

Suggested Models

The manufacturer offers several modifications of the product in question:

  • standard;
  • low profile;
  • with a vertical groove.

Victory Series™ LP

The low-profile Victory Series™ LP models have the most aesthetic appearance . Patients most often choose this option due to the miniature size of the locks.

Low profile is not the only advantage of such braces. In addition, they have a small vertical size, which improves the condition of the oral cavity.

A high level of control and 100% quality results are guaranteed by the MBT™ system.

Victory Series™ Active SL

3M Unitek also developed a self-ligating Victory Series™ Active SL model . The difference between this system is the absence of colored rubber bands for fastening. To release the arc, simply fold back the special latch.

Lingual bracket system Incognito

The Incognito system has a number of undeniable advantages over other analogues! It is made individually for each patient.

Using modern electronic technologies, the patient’s future beautiful smile is modeled, and then individual braces are made, each of which exactly matches the shape of its tooth. The locks are made of medical gold alloy and are therefore completely hypoallergenic. The arches for the bracket system are also made individually based on computer modeling, with very high precision. Due to the fact that the bracket perfectly matches the surface of the tooth, even if the bracket comes off, the doctor can very easily return it to its place without redoing individual plates.

Incognito is completely invisible because it is installed on the inner, lingual surface of the teeth. No one will see that you are wearing braces. This is largely the reason for choosing this system, helping patients overcome the embarrassment of using orthodontic products.

Incognito bracket system - lingual . Because it does not make any changes to the articulation of speech. The plates, due to their individual shape, are so thin that you cannot feel them or touch them with your tongue. And therefore they do not affect the conversation in any way and do not interfere with the usual production of sounds. This is also one of the important criteria by which this system is chosen.

Stages of treatment


The first stage of treatment is diagnostic procedures. Within this stage:

  • Prepare control plaster models for diagnostics.
  • Myotonometry is performed, during which the tone of the masticatory muscles is measured and the effectiveness of bite correction is assessed.
  • Masticography is performed - diagnostics of the amplitude of movements of the lower jaw.
  • Disproportions and the nature of pathologies are determined.

Preparatory activities

The next stage - preparatory activities - includes the selection of individual plates, therapeutic exercises, and preparation of the periodontium for the installation of braces.

Before installing the structure, the orthodontist must take care of the complete sanitation of the oral cavity, cleaning of stones, plaque, and elimination of caries. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth.


The procedure then consists of several successive steps:

  • Preparation of an impression of the jaw, on the basis of which the bracket system is produced.
  • Installation of an orthopedic structure.

In general, installing the system is a fairly simple and reliable procedure, but at the same time it takes a lot of time.

Duration of therapy

The period for diagnosing and installing the structure, as well as the mandatory period of wearing it, depends on the complexity of the defect.

The installation of the system itself takes about 2 hours, and almost any doctor can perform it. In especially severe cases, the procedure may take 3 hours.

As for the timing of treatment, it directly depends on the initial condition of the patient’s teeth. The average period is six months. To consolidate the results, you will need to devote approximately the same amount of time to wearing the retainer.

Principle of operation

The design includes small brackets, into the locks of which a metal arc with a memory effect is inserted. Before installation, the arch is given the required shape that they want to obtain as a result of treatment.

The principle of operation is that the arch, trying to return to the initially specified position, exerts constant pressure on problem areas of the dentition. As a result, they gradually shift in a given direction .

Adaptation period

Adaptation occurs individually for everyone. For some, it may take only two days to get used to it, while others will take painkillers all week.

It all depends on the complexity of the defects and individual characteristics.

During the adaptation period you can use :

  • painkillers;
  • dental gel;
  • rinsing the mouth with a warm decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage (can be replaced with regular lightly salted water).

If pain and irritation do not go away within 7 days, you should urgently consult your orthopedic surgeon.


My daughters got Victory braces on both jaws this spring. She got used to them quickly, there was no severe pain and no serious problems. She likes colored rubber bands on her teeth; the doctor installs pink and blue ones. So far everything is positive, we hope for good results in the near future.

Maria, Ivanovo

I wore 3M Victory self-ligating braces for 9 months, and during this time they helped cope with bite defects and correct 21 protruding teeth in the upper jaw. Treatment by an orthodontist is a serious decision; I was very afraid of pain, long addiction, and breakdowns of the device, but nothing like that happened. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Karina, St. Petersburg

How to care?

Caring for such brace systems does not involve anything complicated.

Watch the video for how to care for metal braces:

It is enough just to thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and also carry out hygiene procedures after each meal. A mandatory process is rinsing the mouth with special means.

This will prevent gum inflammation.

If you are going on a road trip or trip, the required set of accessories should consist of:

  • brushes;
  • toothpaste;
  • dental floss;
  • rinse aid.

To prevent the appearance of caries or plaque, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the structure of food.

While wearing braces, it is better to avoid using :

  • chewing gum;
  • cold and hot food, drinks;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • nuts;
  • hard foods (taffy, crackers, candies with nuts, bagels);
  • ice cream


This is one of the most pleasant questions when considering Victory systems. Installing such braces will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than other popular options.

For comparison: if you can buy Victory, along with the installation procedure, at a price of 23–27 thousand rubles , then Damon Q, Smartclip or 3M self-ligating braces will cost you 140–165 thousand.

Gold structures from Incognito with supervision will cost the entire 370 thousand rubles.

Invisalign aligners – no less than 450 thousand rubles for two jaws.


The price of Victory braces for one jaw is relatively low - starting from 25,000 rubles. For turnkey orthodontic treatment in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a patient can pay from 80,000 to 120,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • diagnostic measures;
  • taking impressions;
  • installation of braces on both jaws and their actual cost;
  • further observation.

In complex clinical cases, financial expenses may increase by an additional 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

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