Gold crowns on teeth: advantages and disadvantages

Gold crowns on teeth have not lost their popularity (although it is, of course, not the same as before) even with the advent of new technologies in the field of prosthetics. Metal dental crowns remain the strongest, most durable, most ductile, and gold is still considered one of the best metals. Currently, orthopedists install ceramic structures, which wear out much faster than gold prostheses.

Gold crowns can now only be ordered from government dental clinics that are licensed to work with precious metals. It is quite difficult to obtain such permission. For this reason, dentists usually use alloys that also contain gold. Unlike past times, they now prefer to install gold crowns not on the front, but on the side teeth - incisors and molars, which are not very visible when smiling.

Advantages and disadvantages of gold crowns

Let's consider the main advantages :

  1. Such dentures do not have an abrasive effect on other teeth, thereby preventing their wear.
  2. Gold itself is beneficial for teeth, the whole body, and the oral cavity, improving its microflora.
  3. Gold structures are inert to saliva and food composition.
  4. Dentures do not cause allergies and are completely safe for humans. They will last longer than products made from other metals.
  5. Teeth are better preserved under crowns; they cope well with the chewing process.
  6. The structures themselves, made of gold, cannot break or splinter.


  1. Due to the softness of gold, crowns wear off.
  2. Making and installing gold structures is expensive.
  3. They ruin the aesthetic appearance if you replace the front teeth with prosthetics.

Behavior after the procedure

Behavior after the procedure for installing gold crowns on teeth depends on the type of cementing material: the stronger the cement, the earlier you can eat food.

During the period of adaptation (from 2 to 4 days), it is advised to refrain from solid food to prevent injury to the mucous membranes of the cheeks and tongue. It is necessary to get used to new teeth, because if a tooth is missing for a long time, the bone tissue is deformed and it is necessary that the gold crowns on the teeth are correctly installed.

In this case, there will be no unpleasant sensations when chewing food.

How to care for gold crowns

If gold crowns are installed in your mouth, they do not require special care. Simply brushing your teeth in the morning and evening with a brush using toothpaste and using dental floss is enough to clean the spaces between the teeth.

It is advisable to avoid eating too hard foods. You need to forget the cracking of seeds, nuts, biting pieces of ice, as well as the habit of biting your nails, clenching your teeth, and grinding them.

If you are concerned about plaque on gold crowns, you can clean them with a special abrasive toothpaste that contains a substance that removes the top layer. It contains bacteria that cause the noble metal to darken.

Sometimes there are unexpected situations when crowns have to be removed. This can be caused by toothache, poor quality of the denture, or swelling of the gums. Removal will require a visit to the dentist for diagnostics. He will assess the condition of your gums and teeth and offer options to eliminate the problem.

Is gold coming back?

News flashed on the Internet: scientists at Tashkent University are working on the Goldtooth project - a kind of analogue of Bluetooth wireless communication. The carrier of the transmitting module will not be a pocket computer, but a gold crown filled with smart technology. The owner of such a crown will be able to speak on a mobile phone without taking it out of his pocket, dictate letters by voice for email, access the Internet, connect to wireless local networks...

This is how the cell phone conversation mechanism works. Sound enters the crown using a digital radio signal, which transmits it through a bone resonator to the inner ear. The sound is heard only by one person - the one to whom it is addressed, so you can use the “dental phone” anywhere and at any time.

In the future, such a tooth will allow its owner to pay for goods and a special sensor on the cash register. After all, a unique design can be applied to each such crown and thus identify its owner. Some banks are already ready to open special accounts.

The project manager predicts that the new service - it will be called smart prosthetics - will bring back the fashion for gold teeth.

What to do with old gold crowns

If gold crowns fall out, are worn out or become unusable, you can order other jewelry from them or take them to a buyer (there are buyers who specifically buy “ dental gold ”). Many people are confused by the fact that there is cement left inside, which was used to attach the gold shell to the tooth. Is it possible to completely remove it from gold crowns? Here's how to do it correctly:

  1. 1st method. If you can go to a specialized dental store and buy a solution for disinfecting impressions, it will dissolve the hardened cement.
  2. 2nd method. You can clean gold crowns from teeth using home remedies by mixing ammonia, household detergent, and hydrogen peroxide. Pour this mixture over the crowns, heat everything up, keep it in the mixture for a few minutes, brush with a toothbrush, rinse under water, and wipe dry.
  3. 3rd method. Remove the frozen solution from gold crowns by crumbling it using a small, light hammer. If there are plastic teeth left inside, they are burned out with a gas burner, after which they can be easily pulled out with tweezers. After the procedure, leave the crowns in 15% hydrochloric acid for complete cleansing. It is undesirable to carry out such a procedure at home because the process is dangerous, harmful to health, and difficult to remove the remaining odor from the room.
  4. 4th method. Boil and cool water, cut a lemon and squeeze the juice into the water, stir. Place the old crowns, keep them in the solution for up to 12 minutes, and rinse. Instead of juice, citric acid is also suitable.
  5. 5th method. The most convenient option is to seek the services of a dental technician in a dental clinic with a license to work with precious metals. He will carry out firing and bleaching in hydrochloric acid.

This way, you can profitably hand over old crowns that have been lying around in a box for a long time at a gold buying point.
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Where to sell the 850

Dental samples are accepted at pawn shops. They buy crowns at a reduced price as scrap precious metals. Pawn shops apply deductions for dirt. Before being sold to a pawn shop, crowns are cleaned of plaque and dental material. It is recommended to call pawn shops in advance to find out the conditions for accepting crowns.

Pawn shops do not accept gold-plated teeth coated with gold.

The purchase of the eight hundred and fiftieth is carried out by illegal buyers. The purchase price will be as low as possible. Gold crowns are accepted by jewelry workshops for melting down and further use.

What does the cost consist of?

The patient will be able to find out how much prosthetics will ultimately cost after the crown is ready and weighed, since even a slight deviation in weight will affect the price.

The price range for a crown is determined by a number of factors:

  • Preparation method;
  • The materials from which it is made;
  • Status of the dental clinic;
  • The cost of gold, which today is 2,500 rubles per gram;
  • Professionalism of an orthopedist and dental therapist.
Types of crownsAverage cost, rub
FullSolid cast: 10,000
Stamped: 7,000
Half crowns5 000-7 000
Stump inlays made of gold-platinum alloy12 000
Equatorial10 000-12 000
Metal-ceramic gold alloy26 000-29 000
Metal-ceramic gold alloy on an implant40 000-42 000
Metal-ceramic on galvanic gold30 000-35 000

Despite the fact that restoring dentition with gold crowns is not cheap, the use of this precious metal in prosthetics is beneficial, since its service life exceeds all materials existing today.


During the rehabilitation process after crown installation, the patient may experience the following sensations:

  1. Minor discomfort and increased tooth sensitivity. Often this situation occurs during the first time after installation of the product and the cessation of anesthesia. Over time, the sensitivity will go away. Dentists recommend using a special toothpaste during this period to reduce sensitivity.
  2. The appearance of pain when biting. If you experience pain while eating, you should contact your dentist. The shape or position of the prosthesis may need to be adjusted.
  3. Taste of cement in the mouth. In such a situation, there is a possibility of it being washed out from under the crown. To avoid the development of infection, you must contact your dentist.


Installation of crowns made on the basis of noble metal is indicated in the following cases:

  • with pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • if necessary, restore the anatomical shape of the tooth;
  • to strengthen and restore the functionality of your own molars.

Find out the cost of tooth extension on a pin and in what cases this procedure is advisable. Read doctors' reviews about Ankylos implants here.

This address contains material about the causes of tooth enamel destruction in children.


Grills come in many variations. They differ from each other in the material of manufacture, shape, method of fastening, and design.

According to the material of manufacture

In production, both inexpensive medical chromium-nickel alloy and more expensive materials are used: gold, silver, platinum.


A product made in this way does not correspond to the natural shape and size of teeth. Such linings are the most dangerous in terms of injury to the mucous and soft tissues of the gums. They most often cause thinning of the enamel, the appearance of cracks and chips on it. They have to be adjusted to the jaw configuration by bending and pressing with your fingers.

They are attached with rigid special clamps to the far teeth, which often causes damage to the enamel and the development of dental diseases.


An alloy of chromium and nickel is the standard material for making linings. Nickel-chrome products are affordable and look beautiful on the teeth, but they are not recommended to be worn every day. The reason lies in the ability of the material to quickly oxidize and disrupt the natural pH balance in the mouth.


Silver is more suitable than chromium-nickel alloy for the manufacture of high-quality and safe overlays. The main advantage of this material is its bactericidal property. Compliance with the rules of wearing the device helps disinfect the oral cavity with silver and preserve fresh breath.


Gold grills are among the top trends. This material with its various variations is chosen by all celebrities for making dental jewelry.

Do you know how to strengthen your gums at home? We have dedicated a separate article to this topic. And here you can read reviews about ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

By mounting method

Inexpensive and simple models, not made to order, attach the overlays using simple peeled wax. To do this, the wax is heated and melted with hot water, and then it is used to fix it. This option is inconvenient and dangerous.

There is always a risk that the wax may melt from warm drinks and food, causing the pad to fall off. There is a danger of accidentally swallowing jewelry that has fallen from the teeth along with food.

In custom-made grills and expensive models, fastening is provided using an internal coating. If the structures are intended for constant wear, then fastening is carried out with mini-bolts.


The popularity of dental jewelry is growing every year. The demand is due to the fact that today they are a fashion trend. Many young people and celebrities install them in an attempt to look more stylish.

Stylists recommend putting grills on only one jaw. In combination with snow-white and healthy teeth, they look beautiful and impressive.

For some people, installing such a structure is a way to stand out from others and make a statement. Performing only a decorative function, grills are an element of their style and image.


Gold crowns are often used in dental practice due to their strength and reliability.

At the same time, in terms of aesthetic indicators, these products are inferior to metal-ceramic and zirconium analogues.



History of appearance

The fashion for decorative overlays for teeth appeared in the 80s of the last century. Its creator was the American dentist Eddie Plain, a resident of Atlanta. Their first owner was rapper Just-Ice, who was looking for a new image at that time. He liked the design proposed by the dentist.

Golden grills were made especially for him. In them, he starred in a new video and then performed on stage for a long time. Thanks to this unusual accessory for that time, the rapper gained popularity and success.

This “trick” was quickly picked up by many artists, and Eddie Plein received many orders from celebrities. He constantly came up with new models: experimented with shape, materials, texture.

Until the end of the last century, the design was the prerogative of only rap musicians and hip-hoppers. But now this trend has gained popularity among a large mass of the population.

Structural features

Any coated metal crown is a one-piece construction. Previously, they were produced according to a standard sample, and then the doctor had to “adjust” the system to the characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity. Of course, this was difficult to do. Today the situation is different - all prostheses are made exclusively from individual casts, so little or no time is spent on adjustments.

The main advantage of metal systems is the variety of choices. Taking into account his financial capabilities and personal wishes, a person can order the production of units with lining, with or without coating. If you need to make a dental bridge, then the artificial teeth are not soldered together, but the system is immediately made in the form of a single, aesthetic row. This completely eliminates the presence of interdental spaces in which food accumulates.


Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to remove the crown.

This happens in the following cases:

  • the occurrence of complications or inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • replacing the crown if a crack, hole appears on it, or the structure as a whole is damaged;
  • poor-quality preparation of the oral cavity before prosthetics (poorly sealed canals);
  • occurrence of problems of the oral cavity of a physiological nature (bite distortion, aesthetic disturbances);
  • when its expiration date has expired .

If the crown is severely damaged or has expired, it is sawed and removed.

When it is necessary to preserve the structure, the crown can be removed using :

  • crown removers - special manual or automatic tools;
  • forceps>;
  • ultrasonic installation , which, acting on the connection of the structure, destroys the cement, after which the prosthesis is easily removed.
  • pneumatic instruments , with which the orthopedist destroys the connective cement.


The process of making a gold crown differs slightly depending on the method of casting it.


To make gold crowns using the stamping method, standard blanks are used. These can be thin plates made of a precious metal alloy or special sleeves.

The manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

  1. The dentist takes a photograph of the jaw row, on the basis of which a plaster model is made in the laboratory.
  2. Using a special apparatus, the prepared sleeve is processed to acquire the shape of a manufactured molar model.
  3. After final processing by the technician, the resulting gold alloy crown is handed over to the dentist for installation on the patient.

Making crowns using the stamping method has a significant drawback - the resulting product does not adhere tightly to the tissues of a person’s own tooth.

This leads to the accumulation of small food particles under the installed denture. In addition, installation of the structure requires a large amount of cement for fixation, which, if absorbed, can cause the development of caries.

Solid cast

Solid gold structures are made using high-precision monolithic casting. For this purpose, special injection molding equipment is used.

Based on a dental impression of the molar, a collapsible plaster model is made. After this, a wax crown is formed, which will later be replaced with metal and processed according to dental requirements.

The advantages of solid crowns include their compliance with the anatomical shape of the tooth, the absence of traumatic effects on the gums and the reduction in the possibility of plaque accumulation due to the smooth surface.

A significant drawback of such products is the need to grind down their own organ to install the structure.

In what situations is premedication required in pediatric dentistry and what drugs are used. Click here to see photos of Quadrotti's dentures.

Follow the link if you are interested in what complications there may be after installing a gum former.

Installation process

The installation process occurs in several stages:

  1. The dentist examines the patient's oral cavity . If necessary, it is sanitized and therapeutic measures are taken to eliminate existing diseases.
  2. Grinding. The prosthetic tooth is ground to the required level, and dense tissue is removed from it.
  3. Making impressions . The dentist takes impressions of the prepared molar, after which a temporary prosthesis is fixed on it, protecting sensitive tissues from damage.
  4. The crown made in the laboratory is tried on for the patient . The dentist checks whether it fits tightly to the surface of the tooth and whether it creates obstacles to the correct bite. If necessary, the product is modified, the field of which is fixed with dental cement.

After three months, the patient should see a dentist. The doctor will remove the crown, remove any remaining cement from it and examine the condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

If there are no pathologies, the dentist will secure the crown with a composite material.

Is it possible to remove

There are situations when early crown removal may be necessary. Indications for this action are as follows:

  • the occurrence of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • formation of cracks, chips or complete damage to the surface of the product;
  • lack of preliminary sanitation of the oral cavity, as a result of which carious lesions of the tooth developed;
  • bite problems;
  • expiration of the installed crown.

The product is removed in the dental office using special devices.

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