Easy DIY Ayurvedic Tooth Powder in 5 Minutes

Not everything that goes into your mouth is healthy

How often, trustingly, without thinking, we buy food and household items lying freely on store shelves! How safe are they for our health?

Business tycoons in the food and household goods industry are endlessly coming up with different marketing tactics to increase their sales. Usually this is an attractive, aesthetic packaging, and, well, a very small print of the ingredients. And so it is everywhere. It is necessary to be on guard at all times when choosing goods. Advertising does its job, although everyone knows that advertising usually greatly exaggerates and lies.

With chewing gum, everything is clear; in the advertisement there is a handsome, smiling young man and a promise that you will have the same radiant smile and fresh breath. But why would I need all this if regular use of your product could cause me problems that are much more complicated?

Why am I so worried, you ask, because everyone lives like this and nothing? Nobody seems to be dying out from this. Well, somewhere, some acquaintance fell ill and soon died. Yes, now there is such an environment, and besides, there is a pandemic, this is understandable.

How to understand that it’s time to strengthen

You should seek help from a doctor if you notice the following changes:

  • unpleasant sensations arose when taking cold, sour, sweet foods;
  • the enamel became thin and almost transparent;
  • the smile lost its whiteness;
  • cracks appeared on the teeth;
  • caries develops quickly.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen hard tissues:

  • those who are preparing for dental correction, whitening or prosthetics;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with malocclusion;
  • suffering from hypoplasia and fluorosis.

In these cases, you should visit a dentist at the Dentika clinic. He will identify the cause of the problem and tell you how to deal with it.

Teeth are the “gate” of our body

As they say, if you have healthy teeth, then there should be no problems with digestion, unless you abuse anything. Let's take toothpastes, their composition, both domestic and foreign, contains a lot of things that are incomprehensible to the common person, we had to figure it out.

Many pastes contain extracts of beneficial herbs and microelements, but with all this wonderful set there is one or more “buts” - “a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment.” I have nothing against tar soap or tar in general, tar is a necessary and useful thing, but this is so, by the way.

If you are interested, you can look at the composition of your toothpaste yourself; there is information available on the Internet for each component, and you will understand that beautiful packaging does not always correspond to the contents. Let's see what we have in there? And there is a continuous “barrel of tar”! And we, without a doubt, put this in our mouths every day and believe that we are taking proper care of our teeth! Therefore, I choose for myself natural tooth powder, prepared with my own hands. But first, for a general idea, let’s take a look at the pages of the medical textbook.

Our health begins with the oral cavity, where the digestive process begins. Many glands and vessels are hidden behind the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and it is very important that we chew, because through this mucous membrane harmful substances penetrate the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Not all of them are easily excreted by the excretory system, but usually accumulate in the liver, kidneys and other organs.

Get ready, now a little anatomy. Let's consider a small segment - the sublingual salivary gland and everything will become clear to us.

The arteries supplying the sublingual salivary gland are: sublingual and mental. The venous drainage goes into the hypoglossal vein (see 31).

The sublingual vein is located under the mucous membrane of the lower surface of the tongue, through which it is clearly visible. The hypoglossal vein joins the lingual vein (see 28), which drains into the internal jugular vein (see 21).

Let’s stop here and everything is clear.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity and how to strengthen enamel - other indications

Many dental patients are interested in how to care for their teeth when individual elements have an increased reaction to external factors. If demineralization is accompanied by pain during eating, then you can strengthen the enamel in the following ways:

  • rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, and warm salt solution;
  • chewing propolis;
  • the use of medicinal varnishes and dental gels;
  • brushing your teeth with a special paste.

These recommendations are for informational purposes only. Traditional medicine methods (herbal decoctions) are also useful for bleeding gums and strengthen the enamel layer, but are truly effective only with minor tooth sensitivity. If you have serious dental problems, you should contact a specialist so that he can diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Natural Ayurvedic oral hygiene products

How I searched on the Internet for useful oral hygiene products, and how I found what I was looking for in an online store with natural Ayurvedic products from India at fairly reasonable prices, read the article “Mahabazar online store, review. Dabur Red Toothpaste, Dabur Red Tooth Powder and Miswak.” Perhaps my experience will be useful to you too. But store-bought products tend to run out, so I didn’t stop and began looking for a natural remedy that I could prepare myself. There are many recipes, but the ingredients are expensive and it is impossible to prepare, but my task is to find something that is not only healthy, but also easy to prepare.

Preventive measures

Taking care of dental health should be one of the priorities in daily hygiene. Insufficient cleansing leads to the formation of soft and then hard plaque. And this, in turn, leads to caries, gingivitis, and destruction of the enamel layer.

You also need to remember how important it is to strengthen the enamel of a teenager’s teeth. Children's toothpastes are no longer suitable in adolescence; you need to visit a doctor and purchase a suitable adult composition.

Let your dentist choose a brush of appropriate hardness, a gel option, and a mouth rinse balm. Also in daily use there should be floss - threads for cleaning the spaces between the teeth.

Recently, a peculiar fashion for drinking heavily has appeared. This is a really good habit. Water promotes optimal salivation.

The demand for home whitening products is growing and they are indeed beneficial, but you need to be careful with them. If the patient uses them too actively, then the question of how to strengthen the tooth enamel is simply inappropriate for him: first, a harmful factor is excluded. Whitening is carried out only in a professional clinic - at Dentik you can choose the appropriate method and achieve results without harm to health.

How is tooth powder better than toothpaste?

And finally, my search was crowned with success! A simple and healthy recipe for natural tooth powder , which you can prepare with your own hands, and see the cost for yourself! What is the advantage of this natural tooth powder over toothpaste?

Why is natural tooth powder made by yourself better? Because there is no liquid in it, unlike toothpastes, but more importantly, it contains absolutely no thickeners, emulsifiers, harmful aerosols, PEGs, SLS, artificial flavors. The result is an environmentally friendly product with a more effective formula and less waste. Such tooth powder will cost you “mere pennies.”

Causes of destruction of hard tissues

Here are the main provoking factors for the occurrence of a harmful process - demineralization:

  • unhealthy diet (excess fast carbohydrates and sugar);
  • aggressive liquids (carbonated lemonades, energy drinks, concentrated juices);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • mechanical damage (bruxism, impacts, biting hard foods);
  • the chemical composition of saliva and its consistency;
  • insufficient hygiene.

How can you strengthen your teeth enamel? This question is relevant for many. If some factors (for example, poor hygiene) are easy to eliminate, then others, one way or another, will have to be taken into account and their impact reduced in accessible ways.

Natural tooth powder recipe

We will prepare our own natural tooth powder from dry ginger powder, soda and finely ground salt.

Composition of natural tooth powder at home:

  • 1 tsp. ground dry ginger (sold at the market in the “Spices” section);
  • 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tsp. any fine salt, preferably sea or Himalayan. If you have a large one, you can grind it in a coffee grinder.

Mix the ingredients for preparing tooth powder in a small, clean, shallow jar with a wide mouth. That's it, your DIY oral care tooth powder is ready!

Apply this composition to a dampened toothbrush and you can brush your teeth. Just clean it correctly: no horizontal movements, only vertical ones, slowly. Cleaned it thoroughly.

If you have time and desire, you can massage your gums with your fingers:

How to massage your gums? This is simply done with your fingers.

Using a clean finger, massage all gums in a circular motion with light pressure for two minutes. While massaging your gums, you should feel a pleasantly burning taste, which means that capillary blood circulation in your gums is already improving.

Do not spit out the saliva, you should have a mouth full of saliva and begin to rinse your mouth with this saline solution for a minute and spit it out. After this, do not rinse your teeth or eat for about 10 minutes. This is how you massage your gums with your fingers.

Natural tooth powder prepared at home should be stored in a tightly sealed container at room temperature. Over time, baking soda may lose its quality due to moisture, so you should not pick up toothpowder with a wet toothbrush. Place a small spoon in the jar, preferably made of food-grade plastic.

The feeling after brushing your teeth is a pleasant warmth and, as our naturopaths promise:

The infection will disappear, the roots of the teeth will become stronger, the thyroid gland will become healthier and nourished, the blood will be cleansed, because soda will enter the blood, bypassing the stomach, directly through the sublingual vein it will cleanse the blood along with ginger and sea salt, which contains more than 70 useful microelements.

DIY natural ginger tooth powder is the perfect oral care!

A small addition for lovers of essential oils: you can put just 1 drop of a non-aggressive essential oil, such as you have at home, on a toothbrush with tooth powder, I used orange. It's important not to overdo it. And combine, a day with oil, a day without oil.

I regularly brush my teeth with this natural powder, prepared by myself, alternating it with Dabur powder, and to this day I have no complaints about it! Today, for me, homemade tooth powder is the best oral care product. I am confident in its composition and highly recommend it!

We made such a simple and healthy tooth powder with our own hands!

What products do you use to improve the health of your teeth? Write in the comments and share your recipe for natural toothpaste or powder!

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After a month of using the natural product, the first results appear. If all recommendations are followed, the positive effect of use is noticeable.

Home remedies have a positive effect on tooth and gum tissue:

  • remove plaque;
  • freshen breath;
  • reduce the number of harmful bacteria;
  • prevent rotting processes in the mouth;
  • strengthens teeth and gums.

Note! Violating the proportions, using coarse abrasives, or rubbing the surface too hard will do harm, not good. If you are not attentive to details, buy ready-made paste at a store or pharmacy.

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