Casts of arms and legs: how to make them yourself? Three manufacturing options and decorating tips

How to make an impression of a key?

To get an impression

, apply a thin layer of plasticine no more than one and a half millimeters thick to the metal plate.
The plasticine is lubricated with oil to prevent it from sticking to the key. Press the key
onto the plasticine so that it leaves a clear, even imprint.

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Technology for making impressions in 2D format

Technology for making impressions in 2D format To make plaster casts in 2D format, a hypoallergenic material is used that produces exact copies of impressions. The completed work will look like this: plaster casts are painted and glued to the photo, the photo is pre-processed with Photoshop and printed. The casts are glued using double-sided tape.

This entire composition is placed in a baguette frame under glass.

The cost of the work depends on the number of impressions ordered.

For example: You made a cast of one arm and leg and designed everything properly, as indicated above, then your work is calculated as follows:

  • 1 cast of a handle – 500 RUR (painted)
  • 1 cast of a leg – 500 RUR (painted)
  • photo processed and printed (21cm*31cm) – 100 rubles (the price includes processing and printing in a photo salon in our city)
  • baguette frame (the average cost of frames is from 250 - 350 rubles), but there are frames that are much more expensive, it all depends on the client’s desire and the size of his wallet).

Also, the cost of the frame depends on the distance between the photo and the glass. The shorter the distance, the cheaper the frame. Since our casts are thin and miniature, we can easily place them in a thinner frame. I recommend ordering a framing frame, taking a mold with you, then you will save money, and most importantly, you will be able to calculate everything accurately.

In total, you take your legal 1,500 rubles from the client.

Well, here are your costs:

  • impression of a pen (painted) – 20 rubles
  • cast of the leg (painted) – 20 rubles
  • photo (if in a photo salon) – 100 rubles
  • baguette frame (we take the maximum) – 350 rubles

In total, you spend 490 rubles and 20 - 30 minutes of your time. Thus, your net income = 1000 rubles. What are blinds made of?

The casts themselves are made of plaster. But to make it, you first need to make an impression (print). And for the impression, we use impression material that can convey every feature, line of the palm or foot of your child.

That's the whole secret. There are a lot of materials similar to the impression material that we need, for example, dough, plasticine and others like them, but none of them will convey, on plaster, all the subtleties that we need. And only kneadable impression material – group C (CE)-silicone will perform this task flawlessly.

A new question immediately arises: where to buy it?

Answer: at a dental store.

I repeat once again, you need group C silicone (ce). It is used in dentistry (Polysiloxane) to make impressions. The base mass perfectly conveys all the subtleties of the human body. It is safe, odorless, has a soft consistency, very similar to dough.

In our city, such material (C-silicone) costs 1.75 kg = 1200 rubles. This material is reusable. It will be enough to take casts of all the children in your city. When purchasing a material (Basic mass C-silicone), you may be offered to take a hardener for it, but you will refuse because You don't need him.

To make an impression, I come to the customer’s home at a time convenient for him.

We take silicone out of our jar, about a third of it, warm it in our hands,

then add DRY gypsum to it (like flour in dough), because in its pure form the silicone will float and your print will spread in different directions.

Knead to a stiff dough.

We take not a deep, preferably almost flat, but definitely a plastic plate, it bends and it is easier to remove the impression from it later. We lay our silicone dough into a dense flat cake, 1.5 cm thick.

We take the child’s hand and carefully place it on our cake, while straightening the fingers.

If a child grabs the cake, it’s okay, mix it again, or leave it like that and pour it in, it also turns out very interesting, as if in motion.

And that’s it, we put the pen away, see if everything suits us, and go home.

You do all the rest of the work at home.

Now plaster. For the best results, it is advisable to purchase dental plaster (it is super strong), although G6 or G16 sculpture plaster is also excellent for children's impressions. Specifically for children, because their hands are small and their fingers are also small. For the strength of the gypsum, when diluting it, you need to add PVA glue (2 teaspoons). Plaster can be purchased at any hardware store. Take a small container, mix the plaster with water (water + plaster) until the consistency of thick sour cream, not forgetting about PVA glue, and pour it into the impression you made.

After 2 hours, carefully remove the finished plaster cast

and bring it to mind with a regular knife, because... gypsum is still damp, it is easier to process. Be most careful in the toe area.

Leave for a day until completely dry, if necessary, sand the edges with sandpaper or natfil.

And only then paint with aerosol or acrylic (less effective) paint. I use paint in cans of two popular colors - gold or silver (price no more than 200 rubles). Very economical to use.

IMPORTANT. When you take the finished impression out of the silicone mold, do not rush to crush it and put it away.

Leave it just in case you break or damage the cast during processing. Crumple the used silicone and store in a closed container at room temperature.


Good luck.

This technology for making impressions in 2D format is entirely owned by Kristina Viktorovna Kotelva.

Pros and cons of a business idea

Pros of the project:

  • Simple and clear processes
  • Possibility to combine with main job
  • Low running costs

Disadvantages of the project:

  • Ceiling for growth and development
  • Inability to meet constant demand
  • Changeable fashion for products

Making impressions is a great project to earn extra income. It is difficult to evaluate it as a full-fledged business, but with proper demand it can bring pleasant profits. Good luck!

Briefly about the types of locks

When choosing a turnkey blank in a hardware or hardware store, you should take into account that currently there are mainly two types of locks used:

In cylinder locks, the secret mechanism (cylinder) is made in the form of a cylinder with spring-loaded pins located inside. Each pin is divided into two parts of different lengths. The key is made from a flat blank; the working part (bit) has protrusions of different heights. In addition, a longitudinal groove can be made on the beard.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of such a lock is that each protrusion of the inserted key “raises” the corresponding pin to a certain height. In this case, the ends of both parts of the pin are installed strictly on the border of the lock body and the cylinder. The cylinder turns to open the lock. If the key does not match the lock, the pins simply do not allow the cylinder to turn because they are in the wrong position.

The secret part of the lever lock is made of several levers (plates), on which there are several figured cutouts. The key of a lever lock is a round rod with one or two bits located at one end.

The beard also has a certain configuration. It can have a longitudinal groove or protrusion. The secret of the key lies in the presence of cuts (steps) of different heights on the beard. With the help of steps, the levers are deflected by a certain distance, which will allow the lock to be opened.

Master class No. 1. Plaster and rubber glove

You will need:

  • gypsum;
  • container in which the plaster will be mixed;
  • water;
  • thick rubber glove;
  • a five-liter water bottle or any other stand on which you can attach the glove;
  • tight hair tie;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • napkins with beautiful designs;
  • acrylic clear varnish.

Now let's get to work! Let's figure out how to make a hand from plaster using a rubber glove.


Prepare the necessary material, accessories and tools in advance:

  • Alginate mass for impressions;
  • Gypsum;
  • Stirrer (stirring stick), spoon and, if available, hand mixer;
  • Water;
  • Bucket or plastic container;
  • Measuring cup, scales;
  • Primer, protective varnish, sandpaper and acrylic paint for subsequent processing and finishing! (optional).

Prepare all the materials in advance because you will have very little time when you start mixing materials! The alginate mixture must be processed as soon as possible before setting time begins.

Preparation of the solution

A plaster hand is cast with your own hands in a pre-prepared mold. The mixing container is filled with clean cold water in the required quantity. Dry gypsum powder is evenly poured into it. Ideally, it should form a slide above the surface.

The gypsum begins to intensively absorb water. At this time it needs to be stirred well. This should not be done too intensely, as air bubbles will form. They remain in the solution, fall into the mold and, after it hardens, form shells and cavities. Therefore, you can use a drill with a kneading attachment only at low speeds. It's best to do everything by hand using a spoon or wooden stirrer. The goal is to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps, reminiscent of sour cream in thickness.

The water/gypsum proportions (approximately one to two) are determined experimentally in advance. After mixing is completed, tap the container lightly to release air bubbles to the surface. The resulting foam is collected with a spoon. The prepared working solution is immediately poured into the mold. The time from the start of mixing to pouring is no more than a minute and a half.

The target audience

Potential buyers are: loving parents, grandparents, godparents. Families with average and above average income. The age of the main client is from 23-45 years.

Promotion methods

The target audience is informed about this service by placing advertisements in: maternity hospitals, kindergartens (nurseries), photo salons and photo studios, children's goods stores, registry offices. The main thing in this business is to make yourself known at the beginning of work by advertising in the above-mentioned places and placing ready-made sample compositions in places where potential clients gather. In the future, word of mouth has a good effect.


The variety of impression materials used in modern prosthetic dentistry is explained by the wide variety of clinical situations that specialists have to face in the process of treating patients.

Each of the substances has both advantages and disadvantages, so the right to choose a certain mass is the prerogative of the dentist and depends on many nuances.

If you have ever experienced the procedure of making an impression of jaw rows using any material, share your feelings in the comments section.

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Master class No. 2. Your hands and plaster

To make a realistic plaster hand with your own hands, follow the steps from tutorial No. 2.

You will need:

  • gypsum;
  • alginate powder;
  • container in which the plaster will be mixed;
  • a container in which the alginate powder will be mixed;
  • water;
  • oil;
  • stationery knife.

Let's look at the process of creating the plaster hand itself, without touching on the coloring process afterwards. You may not decorate such a hand with anything at all, leaving it looking like part of an ancient Greek sculpture. Or you can paint it in skin color to give the plaster hand maximum realism.

Why is this so popular?

Couples in love use 3D impressions of their intertwined hands to capture life's important moments. Often such compositions are timed to coincide with the day of engagement or wedding.

Young parents make impressions of their babies' hands to remember what they looked like as babies/children. Often such casts are elegantly decorated and given to relatives. And in some families there is even a tradition: on each baby’s birthday, another cast of his hands and feet is made. As a result, a whole collection of “sculptures” appears, clearly showing how the child grew from year to year.

Connoisseurs of non-standard solutions in the interior make casts of their own hands to make them part of the decor. Such an element of the composition can be used, for example, as an elegant solution for storing rings.


The price for work consists of several factors:

  • Cost of consumables. It is worth remembering that the more expensive the material, the more accurate the impression, and as a result, the better the quality of the prosthesis.
  • Individual or standard procedure (type of spoon)
  • Amount of work - a full impression of the entire jaw will cost more than an impression to make a bridge.
  • Pricing policy of the clinic.

The average cost in clinics in St. Petersburg is as follows:

  • Impressions made from alginate materials – from 500 rubles;
  • Silicone impression – from 1000 rubles;
  • Impression with the production of an individual spoon - from 2000 rubles.

You should not chase a low price; it is important to focus on the quality of work. In common practice, with rare exceptions, the dental technician does not see the patient

And he creates a prosthesis only on the basis of a cast. For this reason, the quality of the impression directly affects the comfort of wearing the orthopedic structure. In this regard, 3D printing outperforms traditional printing by a wide margin.

The error of a plaster copy is many times greater than that of a digital copy. Made on the basis of a 3D image taken with an intraoral scanner, the denture will fit perfectly in 99.9% of cases and will not require correction. And the accuracy of the fit of the prosthetic structure affects not only the patient’s comfort, but also the service life of the prosthesis.

And the longer the period, the less often you will need to contact an orthopedic dentist. The time savings are obvious. But the cost savings are even more obvious, since the cost, for example, of prosthetics on implants is relatively high. Therefore, saving at the preparatory stage is not recommended.

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