Home whitening Day White/Nite White from Discus Dental

New arrival. New packaging! Expiration date: November 2022

Operating principle

Whitening effect of the Philips Zoom home system! Day White ACP is based on the action of a whitening agent - hydrogen peroxide - on a coloring pigment of organic origin, which penetrates through the pores of tooth enamel and stains the surface layers of dentin. As a result, the coloring pigment is whitened and the teeth acquire a lighter shade.

An important advantage of Day White ACP is the presence of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) in the gel.

Calcium phosphate ACP helps to naturally strengthen tooth enamel, as it is essentially the same natural material that makes up tooth enamel. Thus, teeth whitening and restoration of tooth enamel occurs simultaneously.

Hydrogen peroxide is more stable in acidic environments, but is safer for the mouth and effective in alkaline environments. To achieve the greatest whitening effect and safe impact on the oral cavity, the system uses a patented double-barrel syringe, which allows hydrogen peroxide in an acidic environment (barrel 1) and the activator in an alkaline environment (barrel 2) not to come into contact with each other and form a fresh active gel mixture directly at the time of application.

The result is a high-tech whitening gel that makes teeth beautiful and white in just a few days.

The gel also includes a unique mixture of natural soothing, softening and flavoring ingredients. The sensitivity of teeth to the effects of whitening gel depends on the individual reaction, but is generally determined to be low.

The concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 9.5%.

Expiration date: November 2022


  • 6 double-barreled syringes of 2.6 g of gel each (the gel in the syringe is enough for 18 applications on the upper jaw and 18 applications on the lower jaw), H2O2 - 7.5%
  • 6 syringe guides
  • tray storage container
  • Vita shade card
  • two silicone plates for making mouth guards, 0.040 EVA
  • instructions for use

The use of the Day White 9.5% ACP whitening system is possible only with the use of individual trays, which are not included in the kit.

You can order them from your dentist, or make them yourself by purchasing thermoplastic mouth guards.


Philips, Discus Dental (USA)

Certificates of Conformity

Registration certificate for a medical product dated August 25, 2016

Declaration of conformity dated September 19, 2018


To maintain the results of teeth whitening in a dental clinic, it is possible to use kits for home enamel lightening of one of the most popular professional teeth whitening systems from Philips Zoom, which can also be used as a separate system for lightening teeth at home.

Benefits of Zoom Home Whitening

Philips Zoom is the only professional at-home whitening system with amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). This innovative formula also protects enamel, enhances shine and reduces tooth sensitivity during the whitening process. Now, thanks to the modern, safe and effective formula of these whitening gels, a snow-white smile is available at home.

The Zoom set includes active whitening gels Night White and Day White and special syringes for applying the gels. Although this whitening is called home whitening, it still begins with a visit to the dental clinic, where the dentist will take impressions, then in the laboratory, using the impressions, individual trays will be made, into which it will be necessary to spread a thin layer of Day White gels over the surface of the teeth at home. and Night White.

To achieve the best result, the procedure must be carried out 2 times during the day for 15-30 minutes and at night. Courses “Mini” (9 applications) and “Standard” (18 applications) are available. Enamel lightening using Zoom home whitening usually occurs within 2 weeks.

Using the Night White and Day White sets, you can make your teeth 3 to 4 shades lighter, which, of course, is inferior to Zoom 4 teeth whitening in a dental clinic. Therefore, using Day White and Night White gels at home is more suitable for consolidating the result after teeth whitening in dentistry or for those who naturally have fairly light tooth enamel.

Zoom gel formulas use the 2 most common ingredients used for teeth whitening: carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide.


ZOOM (or photo whitening) is a type of so-called in-office whitening, i.e. a technique that is performed only in the dentist's office. The doctor applies a gel with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide to the surface of the teeth, and then irradiates the teeth with an ultraviolet lamp. Under the influence of light, atomic oxygen is released from the gel, which penetrates the tooth enamel and brightens it. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. As a result, teeth are whitened by 8-12 shades. The disadvantages of ZOOM whitening include a noticeable increase in enamel sensitivity, which persists for several days after the procedure.

Home whitening Day White

Day White is a modern professional daytime home whitening system. Day White gel uses 9.5% hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is effective for a short period of time and is best suited for patients who require short exposure times.

To protect and enhance the shine of enamel, Day White gel also includes active ingredients such as amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) and potassium nitrate, an anesthetic for relieving tooth sensitivity.

The Day White ACP 9.5% standard home whitening system kit includes 6 syringes (2.4 ml), 6 tips, a container for storing trays, and instructions. Special syringes allow you to mix the active ingredient of the gel with a special activator exactly at the time of application.

DAY WHITE ACP day whitening

Dear friends, we invite you to purchase the most popular home whitening system from Philips (Discus Dental is now owned by Philips).

Call: +7 (925) 506-47-81

DAY WHITE ACP 9.5% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Day White® ACP ​​Standart Kit (description given for Large set of 6 syringes) Professional daily home teeth whitening system

  • Hydrogen peroxide concentration - 9.5%
  • Low sensitivity (potassium nitrate)
  • Set of 6 syringes, 2.6 g each
  • Great mint flavor

Double Barrel Syringe Technology
The patented double barrel syringe allows the hydrogen peroxide (Barrel 1) and activator (Barrel 2) to be kept separate prior to application and to form a fresh gel mixture at the time of application.

  • 6 double-barreled syringes of 2.6 g each (the syringe contains gel for 3 applications on the upper and lower jaws)
  • 6 tips
  • tray storage container
  • shade card
  • 2 plates for making mouth guards 0.040 EVA.
  • instructions

You can order a trial set of 3 syringes

(plates for aligners are not included) For use at home, you must have a custom aligner for teeth whitening. Manufacturer: Discus Dental (USA)

Please follow the instructions carefully. If you have any questions or experience mild tooth sensitivity, stop the procedure and contact your dentist. Procedure.

  1. Brush and floss your teeth. Then remove the clear plastic cap from the syringe and replace it with a special mixing funnel.
  2. Apply the gel in small drops to each tooth compartment of your aligners (Diagram 1). For clarity, the “gel drop” (Diagram 2) gives an idea of ​​the average drop size that you should apply to each tooth compartment of your aligners. Please remember that this is only a recommendation - if you have small teeth, use a smaller “drop of gel”. Conversely, if you have large teeth, use a larger drop. Each syringe has 6 dose markings. Use no more than one dose per tray. It is preferable to use less than one dose per tray rather than more.
  3. Place the gel trays on your teeth. (Diagram 3).
  4. Remove excess gel with your fingers or a dry toothbrush. Be careful when putting the trays on so as not to squeeze out the gel, but make sure the trays completely cover your teeth. You may see the gel “foaming” in the trays while you wear them. This foaming action is part of the whitening process.
  5. Wear the aligners for at least 30 minutes, but no longer than one hour.
  6. After the whitening procedure, remove the trays and rinse them with cold water. Hot water can damage your mouthguards. If necessary, use a toothbrush to remove any remaining gel from the aligners. Rinse your mouth and remove excess gel from your teeth and gums with a toothbrush. Store the aligners in a container in a cool, dry place.
  7. Repeat p.p. 1-7 with each subsequent procedure. For optimal results, repeat the procedure twice daily. If you experience increased tooth sensitivity, wait at least one hour between applications.


  • — After each use, replace the cap on the mixing funnel to prevent material from leaking out.
  • — Try to minimize the consumption of tobacco, coffee, dark cola and red wine, because these substances can stain teeth during or after procedures.
  • — Continue to monitor oral hygiene during procedures.
  • — Store the remaining gel in a cool, dry place for future use until the whitening procedure is completed. Do not freeze.

Not recommended:

  • — Pregnant and nursing mothers should use the whitening system.
  • — Fill the trays with gel to avoid gum irritation. It is preferable to use less than one dose per tray rather than more.
  • — Eat, drink and smoke while wearing your aligners.
  • - Do not use any homemade or other whitening products to whiten your teeth.

For ideal results: Treatments must not be interrupted. If you must miss a day or two, the process must be lengthened to compensate for the missed time. In order to achieve maximum whiteness of your teeth, it is better to avoid coloring products such as coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco. general information

  • It is not unusual for dark spots to appear in your trays where you have old amalgams. The gel can oxidize the surface of old fillings. You may see the gel “foaming” in the trays while you wear them. This foaming action is part of the whitening process.
  • The surface of the teeth closer to the gum needs more time to whiten than the incisal edge, and it will also remain the darker part of the teeth.
  • Some patients experience increased sensitivity to cold in their teeth during procedures. Others may experience nonspecific sensitivity in the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, or throat. If any of these symptoms occur and sensitivity increases significantly, interrupt the procedure until you consult your dentist. Symptoms usually subside within 1-3 days after the procedure is interrupted.
  • If sensitivity occurs, follow these recommendations. If the problem is gum irritation, then either your aligners put too much pressure on your gums, or you apply too much gel and aligners. Place the aligners on your teeth and check how they fit. If the aligners put pressure on your gums, take them to your dentist for an adjustment.
  • On the other hand, try to put less gel in the trays, especially if you notice that your gums turn slightly white during treatments. If sensitivity has increased in your teeth, try to use the whitening procedure every second or third day. If sensitivity persists, contact your dentist for a special gel to reduce sensitivity. If discomfort persists, stop procedures and consult your dentist.
  • After you have completed the entire whitening process, your teeth may continue to appear slightly whiter. The final color will be achieved two weeks after the last treatment.
  • Your teeth will always be whiter than they were before the procedure and many of you will never need to repeat the whitening process. However, if you notice spots appearing, repeat the procedure for one or two nights every 4-6 months. Ask your dentist for information about other whiteness products.

Always call your dentist if you have any concerns or questions.

Home whitening Night White

Night White is a modern professional home whitening system at night. Night White gel uses 16% carbamide peroxide. Carbamide peroxide is hydrogen peroxide mixed with urea, which makes the peroxide more effective over a long period of time. Therefore, this formula is suitable for use at night.

To protect and enhance the shine of the enamel, the Night White gel, like the daytime whitening gel, contains amorphous calcium phosphate and potassium nitrate.

Patented Night White ACP syringe technology is an advanced whitening system consisting of two components. The double-barrel syringe allows the carbamide peroxide (barrel 1) and activator (barrel 2) to mix precisely at the moment of application.

The Night White ACP 9.5% standard home whitening system includes 6 syringes (2.4 ml), 6 tips, a container for storing aligners, a shade card, and instructions.

Important! For home use of Zoom gels, the manufacture of individual mouth guards is required. Also, despite the fact that the concentration of active ingredients is designed for safe use, and the procedure itself does not require special skills when performing, each patient requires a preliminary consultation with a dentist about the possibility of using this system.

Teeth whitening Day White/Night White - prices

Comprehensive oral examinationDiagnostics, development of treatment plan900 rubles On promotion
Individual mouthguard (1 jaw) excluding the cost of impressionsfor home whitening2500 rubles
Taking impressions to make a custom whitening tray1500 rubles
OPALESCENCE 20% PF system for home whitening (USA)3000 rubles
Home whitening kit OPALESCENCE 20% PF, tray container, toothpaste, travel bag (USA)Kit5000 rubles

Contraindications for using home whitening

The use of Day White and Night White whitening systems is not recommended in the following cases: — Pregnancy and lactation; — Age up to 16 years; - Caries and pulpitis. Before the whitening procedure, it is necessary to cure all possible diseases of the oral cavity; — High sensitivity of enamel; — In the presence of installed orthodontic structures (braces) or immediately after their removal.

Absolute contraindications to the use of Zoom home whitening systems: - Intolerance to the component composition; — Very thin tooth enamel; — Malignant tumors; - Thyroid dysfunction.

Recommendations after bleaching Day White and Night White

Recommendations after teeth whitening at home Night White and Day White are exactly the same as after professional teeth whitening Zoom 4 in a dental clinic.

1. It is necessary to avoid consuming foods and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, wine, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, carrots, beets, ketchup during the whitening procedure and for at least a week after its completion.

2. Avoid smoking during the whitening procedure and for at least 2 days after its completion.

3. To restore enamel after whitening, you must use a toothbrush and toothpaste with minimal abrasiveness.

4. It is necessary to regularly visit a dentist for preventive purposes, as well as for professional oral hygiene.

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