Veneers at Profi-Dent

Porcelain crowns

Veneers have gained popularity due to the characteristics of the porcelain used. They are practically no different from natural enamel and it is impossible for an ordinary person to recognize a crown. Such plates are resistant to heavy loads and staining. They are also not threatened by stains from pigmented plaque. They easily transmit light deep into the structure, which allows them to merge with natural fabrics.

There are two methods used to make porcelain veneers:

  1. Unpressed ceramics - ceramic masses are applied in layers, and each layer is fired.
  2. Pressed material – pressed under pressure using high temperatures, which allows you to achieve a stronger product.

The attending physician determines which method to use to make porcelain crowns.

How long such plates will last depends on the patient and the physiology of the teeth, what food is consumed, how oral hygiene is carried out and how capable the teeth themselves are of decay. If all wearing rules are followed, porcelain plates can last up to 20 years.

Composite veneers

Installation of composite veneers is the most common of all such services. This is due to the affordable price of the product. Such plates are made from high-quality composite filling material, and this service can be provided in any dental clinic.

Such crowns are attractive due to their low price, but one must expect that the quality in terms of aesthetic appearance and strength will be lower. Composite plates are manufactured in two ways, namely:

  1. Aesthetic filling – the installation process takes place during an appointment with the attending dentist. Using a special attachment, the front part of the tooth is polished, where the filling substance is applied. This fluid material is applied in a thin layer and allows you to hide minor defects.
  2. Manufacturing in a dental laboratory. For this method of making composite veneers, the doctor first grinds down the tooth and makes an impression of it. Already on the second visit to the dentist, the veneers are fixed to the surface. This method differs from the first in being more reliable and allows you to hide more significant errors.

Composite veneers have a significantly reduced service life (about 5 years), and the material itself is easily painted with food coloring, changing its tone.

Installation and selection of veneers is a matter of a couple of visits to the doctor, after which you will become the owner of a truly perfect smile!

The modern technologies we use and the highly qualified specialists who work for us give our patients the joy of a beautiful smile. Our clinic employs a dental surgeon and orthopedist Gleb Igorevich Chigin . You can sign up for a preliminary inspection by phone: 8(927) 289-29-34

In what cases are veneers used?

  • when the root canal was filled with resorcinol-formalin paste, resulting in darkening of the tooth enamel;
  • fillings that were installed long ago changed their color and began to differ in tone from the tooth enamel;
  • chips formed on the teeth;
  • the existence of diastemas and trema (irregular spaces between teeth);
  • the teeth are wedge-shaped;
  • worn tooth surface;
  • a healthy tooth begins to become stained due to diseases such as enamel erosion, necrosis, hypoplasia, fluorosis, etc.

Necrosis is the destruction of tooth enamel, which leads to tooth loss.

Erosion of enamel in the cervical area - round or oval-shaped destruction of hard tissues appears on the tooth.

Hypoplasia is a pathology in the development of tissues during their formation. With this disease, part of the enamel or the tooth itself may be missing.

Fluorosis – White spots appear on the tooth enamel, which turn brown over time. The cause of fluorosis is uneven mineralization of enamel, due to the large accumulation of fluoride in drinking water.

Veneers contraindications for use

Contraindications to the installation of veneers may include:

  • bruxism (a person periodically clenches his teeth during sleep - grinding);
  • the plates are attached to the tooth enamel, and its insufficient volume can serve as a contraindication;
  • teeth have not erupted sufficiently;
  • certain pathologies in the bite (for example, direct or deep bite);
  • thin enamel, which leads to frequent chipping in large areas;
  • presence of caries with complications;
  • the existence of periodontal disease, periodontitis or gingivitis (first you will need to undergo certain treatment);

Other contraindications to the installation of veneers may include fragility of the teeth or the presence of large fillings. Some types of plates are made of durable material, but this is not enough to protect the tooth from damage. In such cases, it is better to use dental crowns

Types of veneer crowns

We offer several crown options. The difference between them depends on the material used. Light-curing composite filling material or ceramics. Porcelain veneers can be porcelain (such as emax veneers) or zirconium dioxide. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Crowns using zirconium dioxide

The basis of such plates is zirconium, which is why they have a durable frame. First, a model of the future veneer is created using computer programs, and then it is manufactured on a special automatic machine. The final stage consists of applying porcelain mass to the structure, for which high temperature conditions are used. Zirconium crowns are thin and almost transparent.

Main advantages:

  • service life is longer than that of porcelain models;
  • the color and structure of the material are natural;
  • the whiteness of the crowns is not distorted in any lighting;
  • do not stain under the influence of food dyes;
  • poor quality oral care or smoking does not lead to the accumulation of plaque on the surface of the veneer;
  • the material is highly biocompatible with soft and hard tissues;
  • in comparison with metal, it has greater strength and less weight;

Veneers - reviews

Elena Vladimirovna, 54 years old

I am very grateful to All My Dentistry in Sokolniki! I asked for help; after getting prosthetics at another dentistry, I still had a lot of problems. I almost lost two teeth! Manager Aigul explained everything perfectly, everything was calculated as part of the solution to my problem: I had to save two teeth for metal-ceramics. Moreover, one tooth had only a root, they saved it! They just did a great job, put veneers on my upper front teeth and straightened out my bite. Such a wonderful attitude from the managers, and I especially want to mention the doctor Alexei Viktorovich Kabanov - he is simply a magician and a “jeweler”! He explained everything clearly, talked about other problems, it turned out great and very beautiful! I went to see a periodontist with a long-term problem, and they were accommodating, even regarding the appointment time. Now for the money: what was calculated at a good discount is what we got. Of course, other additional work outside the contract comes at an additional cost. And nevertheless, I have something to compare both payment and quality with! Thank you very much, All Yours, for your excellent work, attitude and high professionalism!


Pros: beautiful, sometimes necessary

Disadvantages: price, filing of teeth, frequent visits to the doctor

I have been dreaming of veneers for a long time, and it was not just a desire, since I have suffered from terrible fluorosis since childhood. I just remember, I just saw these stains on my teeth in the reflection. More often, the upper teeth were affected; they were yellow and dark in color, and nothing helped me, although I often did whitening. The doctor explained to me that nothing would help, and the teeth would remain as they were, and in some places they would even darken. And the teeth are big, I didn’t want to suffer with such beauty all my life. ...

Yulia Goncharova

I got veneers, I’m happy, three years have passed, it’s almost like family. The first month I smiled at everyone)))) After several years of holding back, I was overwhelmed. I have ceramics, not cheap, but they will last for many years. I had it done by Ustinova at Dr. Razumenko’s clinic, Razumenko himself also does it, but his appointment is longer) I’m very pleased, maybe if I’d done it with a crooked one, I would have regretted it, after all, my teeth were ground down for them. But here everything is fine, so I don’t regret it, on the contrary, I now recommend it to everyone.

Olga Migulko

I am writing this review specifically about the original, which I wrote on the official website, via Instagram. Fake doesn't count. Unfortunately, I already ordered that too. The order arrived in a parcel, cardboard box and case. This is what it looked like. The teeth look neat, with 14 teeth on each jaw. Quite flexible. There was no unpleasant odor. They were covered with some kind of protective film. Light enough. practically weightless. When you first open them, you need to shape them into the shape of your teeth. I poured boiling water over it and then pressed hard on my teeth. The shape suited me almost immediately, so I hardly changed it. I just made slightly deeper gaps since my teeth are sparse. The teeth are covered both back and front. This is what it looks like from behind. The gums don’t rub, that’s what I was most afraid of. At the beginning of wearing socks there is a feeling of a foreign body in the mouth, but it quickly goes away after the first meal. This is actually how they look. I give it an A minus. Minus for discomfort in the first days.


I had it done to myself a couple of years ago at this clinic and I don’t regret it at all. I now have a smile like a star! Smooth and snow-white. It's much more convenient than bleaching them. The whites are also smooth and no problems. and for life. I paid 30 thousand per tooth, my friend recently did the same thing there, it was already 20 thousand per tooth, she got six at once, they also gave her a discount. I recommend. Before installation, you don’t need to do powerful bleaching as they say here, but you do need to bleach it a little, and be sure to clean it. And if you set not 2-4, but six at once, then you can completely forget about darkening, like mine. Six teeth, the rest are not visible from above... The lower ones are also almost invisible when you smile, which is why I don’t whiten my teeth. I don’t know any problems, but I smile widely)


I installed it, I'm happy. Moreover, for 10 years I wore the ones you write about - made of filling material. And three years ago I converted it to ceramic ones, they look super, I hope it will continue to be so


Nowadays you rarely meet people with healthy teeth. I also had to get veneers on my upper teeth. Very satisfied. The main thing is that the complexes have disappeared, I can smile and know that my teeth look great. And my friends all compliment me. I'm pleased, and my girlfriend is happy too.

Victoria M.

The front teeth were terrible and overfilled and black, terrible in one word. Veneers saved me from this nightmare. Yes, there are many different restoration options and I deliberately settled on this. I didn’t mind grinding my teeth, they’re scary anyway, there’s nothing to be sorry about. I asked for cheaper onlays; I simply didn’t have enough money for 8 pieces of zirconium. There are no really cheap options here, this is not a place where you are lured by cheap prices, people come here for quality first and foremost.



We quickly correct dental defects


No instructions

When I received the parcel, I was a little stunned, as I received two pieces of plastic and with which it seemed impossible to do anything, but everything worked out. I can’t understand what people expect from cheap veneers purchased on Chinese websites. I can only draw two conclusions: either someone greatly overpaid for them and is counting on an equivalent effect, or someone did not bother to read how to install them correctly. Although due to the lack of instructions, it is really difficult to immediately understand the rules of use. I ordered veneers from a well-known Chinese website for a price of less than one dollar. I prepared myself in advance that, judging by the negative reviews, they would be of no use. But surprisingly there was no disappointment in the purchase. I think that this thing is very useful and cannot be replaced in between visits to the dentist. I don't see any other purpose for them. After completing a course of dental restoration, the need for them disappears. Now about the order of their installation. Don’t be lazy to read and watch the video, reviews from those who have used them. Based on typical errors and shortcomings, adjust and build your installation technology. It is often written that the teeth themselves do not adhere well to the attached shapeless mass. To eliminate this, simply scratch the entire length of the inner groove of the plastic teeth with a sharp object. Scratches will strengthen the bond between the two surfaces. Place the mixture inside the plastic bison and heat everything together in hot water until the adhesive mass turns into a colorless transparent liquid. This will take about two or three minutes. Using a spoon, remove the set from the water and, observing the correct positioning of the teeth, press the veneers onto your upper jaw onto your teeth and squeeze them tightly, wait at least 10 minutes, and more if possible. Remove veneers carefully and evenly from all sides. Install them again. When installed correctly, they seem to slam shut and you are immediately convinced that their fit is correct. They fit snugly, do not interfere with conversation and do not lag behind when moving. I would like to remind you that this is not a panacea, but simply a short-term solution to a problem that can sometimes arise; they are not suitable for anything else. Happy shopping!



Durable, hold well, do not glow in neon, do not rub gums


One back tooth is missing, unusual sensations on the first day

My personal review! I bought veneers about 2 months ago. I didn’t want to write a review right away so I could test it thoroughly. I can now safely write the pros and cons. There is both. They fasten normally. They can withstand the food load. Quite natural in the mouth. They are somewhat reminiscent of metal ceramics. I was afraid that my teeth would wear off. No, not until they are erased. I clean them with a brush and regular paste. Sometimes I just wipe it with a napkin. To keep things organized, I wipe it with an alcohol wipe once a week. What is important is that they do not glow in ultraviolet light. This is what I feared most. For this money it is ridiculous to demand more from them. Cons: I’ll still point them out too. It’s a pity that there are only 14 teeth on each jaw. I would like 15. Although this may be done on purpose, for convenience. The father-in-law turns out to be missing the very last back tooth. Maybe this was done to make them fit better in the mouth. Can not say. You get very used to them. I will classify this as a disadvantage because I don’t know what I will do now if, for example, I lose them. Still, these are not your teeth and on the first day you feel it a little, but then you get used to it quickly.


Good day everyone! I want to talk about my experience installing veneers from filling material.

A little background. I have always had the idea of ​​getting rid of the gap between my teeth. Due to the fact that I had one molar pulled out at the age of 14, my teeth did not move, and the diastema that appeared after my baby teeth remained with me forever. I was always embarrassed by this feature and wanted to have beautiful and straight teeth. For almost seven years I could not decide to fix my teeth. Braces were financially prohibitive for me. Over these seven years, I visited several dentists who directly dissuaded me from grinding down healthy teeth. And then one day I went for ultrasonic teeth cleaning and decided to consult whether it was possible to close my diastema. They told me everything, and I made an appointment with an experienced dentist for the procedure. You can't imagine how worried I was. I didn't really sleep all night. And so I arrived at 11:00, as planned, they put me in a chair, gave me anesthesia. The doctor worked on my teeth for 30-40 minutes. But the miracle did not happen for me. When I saw the result, it turned out to be not quite what I had imagined. And there is nothing strange in the fact that I was in shock. I've lived with this gap all my life, and now it's gone. My front teeth seemed huge to me. I left the clinic in silence. I came home and unpacked. That everything is not the way I wanted. Thanks to my husband for his support, he reassured me and said that everything was fine. In general, I had to get used to it, for about a week I couldn’t get used to it and kept looking in the mirror to make sure everything was really beautiful. I found a very good doctor; I once had my teeth treated by him. And that’s why I trusted him with my front incisors. And you know, now I only regret one thing, that I didn’t do it earlier. I have lived with this complex for so many years, which can be fixed in half an hour and for only 3,600 rubles. Now I smile without embarrassment. And finally I can smile from all my mouth on camera, before I could not afford this.

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