Who is an orthodontist: what does he do and what problems does he solve?

July 18, 2018

Dentistry is one of those areas of medicine that is developing incredibly quickly, almost every year offering new, more advanced, effective and safe methods for treating various diseases of the oral cavity and correcting defects of the dental system, including. Orthodontics in dentistry is one of the most modern and promising areas for young specialists.

For many uninformed patients, the idea of ​​​​the activities of doctors in this field is limited only to the installation and correction of braces. In fact, the scope of competence of these specialists is much wider than it might seem at first glance. The editors of UltraSmile.ru decided to figure out what it is - orthodontics in dentistry, as well as who an orthodontist is and what he treats.

Orthodontist – who is he and what does this doctor do?

Giving a general answer to the question of who an orthodontist is and what he does, it should be said that he is a dentist who corrects the position of teeth and eliminates defects in the dentofacial apparatus. Crooked teeth, incorrect position of the upper or lower jaw, bruxism, large interdental gaps and other anomalies - a specialist in the field of orthodontics will help you get rid of all these problems.

Who is an orthodontist?

On a note!

Today on the Internet, among queries you can often find such erroneous formulations as “orthologist or orthodontist - who is this?”
Remember: this doctor is correctly called an orthodontist or, for example, an orthodontist. Yes, an orthodontist is the same doctor who installs plates, braces and other orthodontic structures to correct various bite defects, but that’s not all he does. But before moving on to a more detailed consideration of the scope of his activities, let's turn to the history of the emergence and development of this area of ​​dentistry.

Who is it?

Correcting the position of teeth, correcting incorrect occlusion and abnormal bite using available methods is the main job of an orthodontist.

An orthodontist analyzes pathology, diagnoses, selects the most appropriate treatment method, and carries out a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases.

A timely visit to this specialist will help you avoid problems with your gums and dental tissue.

In addition to basic knowledge and practice, an orthodontist must have patience, communication skills and psychological skills , since the main point in the work is confidential contact with the patient. A pediatric orthodontist should especially understand this.

A little bit of history

The first echoes of methods for correcting the position of teeth were found in the works of Hippocrates, dating back to 400 BC. Many years later, namely in 1728, Pierre Fauchard presented to the world a book called “The Dentist Surgeon,” in which an entire chapter was devoted exclusively to the problems of bite and crooked teeth. It was only in the 1850s that the first scientific works on orthodontics or orthodontia began to appear. Thus, one of the pioneers in this area was Norman Kinzley, known not only as a dentist, but also as a talented artist, writer and sculptor. It was he who first resorted to extraoral traction to treat dental protrusion. By 1880, Dr. Kinzley had published a book entitled A Treatise on Dental Anomalies.

The photo shows the first corrective devices

An important role in the formation and development of orthodontics was played by Dr. Farrar, who at one time published the book “Treatise on Disorders of Teeth and Their Correction.” He developed and presented to the world one of the first non-removable corrective devices, and also proposed to provide a gradual and uniform impact to correct the position of teeth with pauses during the treatment process.

In Russia, specialists in the field of orthodontics began to appear relatively recently, namely towards the end of the 20th century. And if in Soviet times an orthodontist was a doctor who treated anomalies of the jaw apparatus strictly according to indications, then after the collapse of the USSR orthodontic treatment increasingly began to be used for aesthetic purposes. To become an orthodontist, it is not enough to study at the dental faculty of a medical university. The young specialist must also successfully complete a residency in orthodontics, but we’ll talk more about this a little later. In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the question: “Dentist-orthodontist - who is he, what kind of doctor is he and what exactly does he do?”

Dental clinic "LIK"

The network of business class clinics "LIK" has 3 branches: at Mayakovskaya metro station, Trubnaya metro station and Smolenskaya metro station. All of them are no more than 500 meters away from the metro. For the convenience of patients, the clinic is open seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.

The average experience of a dental employee is 19 years. The extensive experience of doctors and modern technologies provide guaranteed results in successfully correcting the bite.

For the convenience of patients, the clinic is open seven days a week.

The clinic accepts adults and children. There is a convenient online appointment form. You can also get a free consultation on the clinic’s website in real time.

What does an orthodontist do?

Many of those who have nothing to do with medicine and dentistry in particular are often confused about the specializations of doctors, which is why they may have a completely logical question: what kind of doctor is an orthodontist? Let's try to give a clear and understandable answer to it: this is a dentist who treats congenital or acquired anomalies of the dentofacial apparatus, including mainly the incorrect position of the jaws relative to each other, crooked position of the teeth, the presence of large interdental spaces, crowding, anomalies in the shape and size of the teeth.

Don't be confused!

Judging by the analysis of queries on the Internet, people most often get confused and do not know how to correctly name the doctor they need: an orthodontist or an orthopedist, and how they differ from each other. Only a dentist can be an orthodontist, and he deals with the diagnosis and treatment of anomalies of the dentofacial apparatus. An orthopedist, broadly speaking, treats problems related to the musculoskeletal system. An orthopedic dentist, in turn, specializes in restoring the integrity of the dentition and prosthetics.

The photo shows the types of malocclusion

And now more about what an orthodontist does in dentistry. Before prescribing treatment, the specialist must determine what specific problem he has to deal with. To do this, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, which includes not only a visual examination of the oral cavity, but also an X-ray examination. Only by examining photographs of both jaws of the patient can the doctor create a complete and reliable clinical picture, as well as choose the optimal treatment method. All problems that fall within the scope of an orthodontist’s competence can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. congenital pathologies: such disorders are usually associated with irregular shape or position of primary and permanent teeth, their underdevelopment or absence, and, as a rule, these problems are the result of failures in the formation of the jaw system in a child at an early age or at the stage of fetal development,
  2. genetic inheritance: problems that children receive from their parents. This may be due to malocclusion, large spaces between teeth, crowding or supernumerary (an abnormally large number of teeth),
  3. acquired defects: such problems usually arise several years after birth, for example, crooked position of the front teeth due to the child’s habit of falling asleep with his thumb in the mouth.

Before starting treatment, the doctor carefully examines dental photographs.
Depending on the type of pathology, the nature of its origin, the degree of complexity and severity, the doctor chooses a specific method of solving the problem or, if necessary, prescribes complex treatment, which often lasts more than one year. If in some situations, especially when it comes to pediatric patients, the doctor may prescribe a corrective plate, then in others more drastic measures will be required, and here it is impossible to do without installing a permanent brace system. The most severe forms of pathology require the removal of individual teeth and surgical intervention. And all this is included in the scope of activity of an orthodontist.

Conclusions. Expert advice

After reading the material, you understand who an orthodontist-dentist is and why you need to visit him regularly. If we summarize what has been said, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • the sooner you see a doctor with a problem, the better;
  • It is not necessary to prepare for the visit, but if you tell your child in advance about which specialist you are going to, this will simplify the visit to the orthodontist and make it easier for the child;
  • Treatment almost always takes a lot of time, but it gives results.

Basic methods of orthodontic treatment

What does a pediatric or adult dentist, namely an orthodontist, do after making a diagnosis? Having identified the problem and chosen the best option for eliminating it, the doctor sends the patient to prepare the oral cavity for the upcoming treatment. It is necessary to eliminate all carious cavities, as well as remove plaque, remove supra- and subgingival deposits. To create the necessary corrective structure, the orthodontist also takes impressions of the patient’s jaws.

The photo shows professional cleaning of dental plaque.

A good specialist is obliged to argue why he proposes this particular method of solving the problem, and also explain the importance of treatment, because most orthodontic defects lead not only to aesthetic, but also to functional problems of the jaw system, and provoke the development of various dental diseases. Before starting the course, he must tell the patient in detail what difficulties he will encounter, approximately how long the correction will take, and what results can be expected.

On a note!

In recent years, orthodontics has come a long way, and today doctors and patients have a wide choice of modern, effective, safe and highly aesthetic braces.
So, for example, with a liner-type design, in which the plates are attached to the back of the teeth, no one will guess that you have a braces system. But ceramic braces literally blend in with the color of the tooth enamel and become almost invisible. Individual models of sapphire brackets on teeth turn into incredibly impressive jewelry. Malocclusion and crooked teeth are not sudden phenomena, and the process of forming such defects usually takes quite a long time, as does the treatment itself. The choice of a specific technique for correcting an anomaly depends on many factors, including the age of the patient, the type of problem, the degree of its complexity and other characteristics of the clinical picture.


The most gentle method, which is rather an addition to the main treatment and is used to achieve a better result. Myotherapy is also prescribed to children who have contraindications to the installation of orthodontic appliances. This is a kind of gymnastics that helps the jaw and bite form correctly. Therefore, it is used only at the stage of growth of the dentofacial apparatus. Less commonly, such measures are used in adult patients, usually to prevent relapses.

Myotherapy is most effective in childhood

Hardware method

The corrective design can be installed on both a teenager and an adult patient, but the latter will have to adjust to a longer course. A plate, aligners, or bracket system can be installed as an orthodontic device. The process of correcting dental anomalies is conventionally divided into 2 main stages.

Firstly, the doctor needs to eliminate the problem, and for this, a course of treatment may be prescribed using a specific or several orthodontic devices. The correction can take from six months to several years, and during this time the patient will have to regularly visit his treating orthodontist so that he can monitor the progress of the treatment and adjust it.

This is what correcting a bite with braces looks like

Secondly, after achieving the desired results, the retention stage begins. It is necessary to guarantee the consolidation of the achieved effect. This is a very important stage, without which all treatment may be meaningless. The fact is that after removing the orthodontic structure from the oral cavity, the teeth inevitably begin to strive to take their original position. To prevent this, the doctor installs a retention device for a certain time - this can be a thin wire that fastens a segment of teeth from the back (retainer), or a special mouth guard. This period, as a rule, takes half the time that was spent directly on correcting the defects. Well, if you really look at things, you will still have to wear a retainer for the rest of your life, i.e. many, many years...

On a note!

All types of orthodontic devices differ in appearance, principles and strength, as well as the fastening system.
The doctor can offer several treatment options and models of corrective devices, which gives the patient the opportunity to choose the most preferred method, optimal in terms of effectiveness, timing, aesthetic characteristics and cost. Currently, the most effective and widespread type of corrective device is the braces system, but recently aligners - completely transparent elastic aligners with cells for each individual tooth - have become very popular. They are created individually for each patient in a set of several copies for each subsequent stage of correction. Due to the transparent material, they remain completely invisible on the teeth.

The photo shows the aligners

Surgical method

Surgical intervention is used only in cases where other methods of orthodontic treatment are powerless. Patients in such situations are usually diagnosed with complex pathologies of the jaw system, supernumerary or crowded teeth. True, the surgical operation is not performed by an orthodontist, but by a dental surgeon - this is his specialty. But preparation for such a procedure is carried out together with the orthodontist. In addition, this doctor will guide you afterwards, since it is unlikely that one surgical operation will completely solve the problem.

Scheme for correcting malocclusion surgically

In what cases do you consult an orthopedist?

Here are a number of the main problems with which patients come to dental orthopedics.

  1. A persistent feeling of discomfort due to the absence of one or more teeth. Often such a defect spoils the appearance of the face, which is why a person constantly feels insecure. Curvatures, cracks and chips also do not contribute to psychological comfort.
  2. With insufficient teeth, chewing function disorders sometimes occur. Its restoration is necessary for the normal functioning of the dental system. In addition, normalizing chewing function improves metabolic processes in the body and also helps fight periodontal disease.
  3. If, due to continuous destruction, there is a possibility of losing a tooth, you should contact an orthopedic dentist as soon as possible. The doctor will help stop the destruction process and save the tooth.
  4. To treat complete edentia, you also need to visit an orthopedist. Modern medicine easily solves the problem of missing teeth.

To carry out diagnostics, the orthopedic dentist performs an X-ray of the oral cavity, and in complex cases, a computed tomography. Sometimes additional examinations may be required.

There are three main treatment methods used by an orthopedic surgeon.

  1. Microprosthetics. If, despite the destruction, the roots of the tooth are still alive, this method is used. It is suitable for stains on the enamel, chipping or unevenness. To restore lost attractiveness to a smile, the doctor installs veneers on the front surface of the teeth. If there is a problem with the chewing teeth, then inlays are used.
  2. For permanent prosthetics, dentists install bridges and crowns. Such elements are necessary in cases where it is no longer possible to restore a tooth. Bridges are attached to installed implants or entire teeth. Crowns and bridges are considered more durable than veneers.
  3. For older people or children with damaged milk teeth, removable dentures are used. In the latter case, this process helps all the remaining children's teeth grow evenly. Elderly people have no alternative - implants are contraindicated for them.

When your teeth hurt, you should immediately go to the dentist . It is important to choose the right specialist who can help you. If you are at risk of losing teeth or are missing them, contact an orthopedist. To correct your teeth, you should visit an orthodontist.

How can a dentist become an orthodontist?

When it comes to choosing a specialization in dentistry, the profession of orthodontist is considered the most promising and prestigious. But to become a practicing expert in this field, it is not enough to study as a dentist. To master the specialty you need:

  1. graduate from a medical school, Faculty of Dentistry, where training usually takes 5 years,
  2. complete a residency in orthodontics, which may require about 4 more years.

What it is like to work as an orthodontist, and what it is like for young specialists who are just mastering this specialized field, is not written in textbooks, scientific articles or Wikipedia. To learn more about the nuances of the profession and why young specialists choose this profile, it is better to look at thematic forums where both experienced and beginner specialized dentists communicate:

“I personally highlight many significant advantages of this specialization. As for me, this is even somewhat of a creative profession, where it is extremely important to achieve an aesthetic result. In addition, orthodontics is developing incredibly quickly, and a specialist must constantly learn, grow, and discover something new every time. I won’t lie, because the wages here are much more attractive than in many other areas of dentistry,” shared her thoughts about choosing her specialization, Ekaterina K., a young specialist in the field of orthodontics, St. Petersburg.

Only constant practice can turn an ordinary doctor into a professional doctor

In fairness, it should be recognized that practice and experience are fundamental in the work of an orthodontist. Theoretical knowledge is a powerful base, but to become a really good expert in this field, you need to work as hard as possible. The income level of a full-time orthodontist can vary from 50 to 150 thousand rubles and even higher.

Dentistry "Dentum"

The clinic is located on the Polezhaevskaya metro station and belongs to the economy class category. Prices for installing braces here start from 30 thousand rubles, which is a record low for Moscow. In dentistry there is: the patient electronically sends pictures and a treatment plan from another clinic, and Dentum managers calculate the cost of their procedures. This way the client can compare and choose the most profitable option.

In dentistry there is

Dentum Dentistry was founded 10 years ago. Most doctors have been working at the clinic since its opening, so the average specialist’s experience is 9 years. Despite their extensive experience, doctors use all advanced technologies and regularly improve their skills at conferences and congresses.

The clinic uses computer modeling and 3D printing techniques, which allows for the ideal selection of implants and the production of orthodontic structures.

Required qualities

We figured out what an orthodontist treats and how to become one, but in this profession, in addition to professional skills and knowledge, human qualities and certain character traits are also important. The course of orthodontic treatment usually takes from one to several years, during which the doctor will have to regularly meet with the patient, and this will require building a trusting relationship with the person.

Trusting relationships and professionalism are the key to successful treatment

Thus, a good orthodontist should not only be a first-class professional, but also a sociable, efficient and patient person. He must be able to win over the patient, calm him down and set him up for successful treatment, which for him can already result in serious stress, especially if we are talking about a child or teenager.

Share in the comments, have you ever had to communicate with an orthodontist? How do you evaluate him and what qualities do you value in this specialist? Your opinion will help many other patients decide on the choice of a first-class doctor.


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American dental

The business class dental center “Dentist” has 2 branches: on the Nakhimovsky Prospekt metro station and on the Bratislavskaya metro station. The buildings are located near the exit from the station, so you won’t have to look for them for long.

The clinic is open seven days a week; working and busy people can easily get here. On weekdays, reception is from 9 am to 9 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00.

The first consultation with any clinic specialist is free

All doctors of the center are members of the American Dental Association and regularly improve their qualifications in the USA. The clinic was founded in 2002, and the average experience of specialists is almost 10 years. During this time, the center managed to receive the “Best Dentistry in the District” award.

Materials and equipment for the clinic are purchased from Germany, Japan, the USA and Israel. Doctors successfully use advanced techniques and technologies to provide care.

The first consultation with any clinic specialist is free. Prices for repeat visits are indicated in the price list. These are final amounts; the patient will not have to pay for additional unspecified procedures. You can pay in installments for treatment. All types of services are guaranteed.


At 30 years old, does it make sense to get braces or do I need to undergo another course of treatment? If realistically, then approximately how long will they need to be worn and how effective is this method of treatment for an adult?

Victor (08/14/2018 at 11:36 am) Reply to comment

    Victor, bite problems can and should be solved at any age. As for choosing an orthodontic system that will help most effectively in your case, only an orthodontist can give advice based on examination, diagnosis and condition of the teeth and the entire dental system. And not at the first consultation, but after taking all the necessary parameters. In case of significant pathologies, braces will be one of the best solutions that can correct the situation within 1.5-2 years. It is also important that the braces will be fixed on two jaws at once (as a rule, first on one, and after a few months on the other) in order to even out the bite as a whole. But this depends, again, on the pathology. In any case, consult a doctor, your bite can be corrected!

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 13:22) Reply to comment

Now it’s clear how an orthodontist differs from an orthopedist. I was constantly confused. Tell me, is there data on the effectiveness of various brace systems? I want to install lingual ones, but I’m not sure that they are better than traditional ones.

Olga (08/14/2018 at 12:01 pm) Reply to comment

    Hello Olga! Metal braces give the fastest results; ceramic and sapphire braces last longer. Self-ligating systems also solve the problem very quickly, and they do not require such frequent visits to the orthodontist. As for lingual systems, they are, of course, better than traditional ones in terms of aesthetics - they are completely invisible. But screenings are not for everyone - they can only be performed for certain malocclusion pathologies.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 14:56) Reply to comment

My adult son, 27 years old, is missing two sixth teeth. The dairy ones fell out, but the permanent ones did not grow. X-rays do not show the presence of new tooth buds. What to do now and where to find an orthodontist who has already solved a similar problem?

Olga (08/14/2018 at 12:08 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Olga! In general, each tooth has a specific place in the jaw, so displacing some in place of others is a fundamentally incorrect position, because they have a different shape, are designed for a different load, and have different antagonist teeth. Therefore, it is still better to contact not an orthodontist, but an orthopedist who will perform dental implantation or install bridges. This will be a better decision.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 15:00) Reply to comment

We have encountered an orthodontist more than once, since many relatives in our family have an anomaly associated with teeth - the fangs grow second row, above the teeth. Daughters and nieces about 15 years ago, this problem was “successfully” resolved by surgeons. They just took and removed healthy teeth so that the fangs would fall into place. This is already the second grandson walking around with briquettes. But I'm afraid they turned up too late. Tell me, should we have consulted a specialist before these molars appeared or is it still fixable? The child is 14 years old.

Julia (08/14/2018 at 12:44 pm) Reply to comment

    Hello Julia! This phenomenon is usually called “crowding” and it can indeed be predetermined by heredity. You have already started treatment with braces, so it is more likely to help you. Removing fangs is not an option; aesthetics will be compromised. With this pathology, the distant chewing teeth are most often removed, which makes it possible to free up space for the front teeth. Although everything is individual. And yes, you should have contacted an orthodontist much earlier - you could have started treatment at the age of 6-7 years to correct the situation at the initial stage.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 15:04) Reply to comment

Unfortunately, when we were growing up, and this is the Soviet “happy childhood”, such specialists were extremely rare, so I live with an incorrect bite, and hence the conclusions, by the age of 45, oral problems have become not only acute, we now have to solve these issues. The orthodontist, as my grandchildren say, is tooth fairies and volebniks, corrected everyone’s malocclusion.

Anna Pavlovna (08/14/2018 at 12:48 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Anna Pavlovna! Even at your age, it is not too late to solve the problem of malocclusion. There are cases where people were treated with braces at 50 and even 60 years old. The main thing is that there would be living teeth that need to be straightened! Of course, the older the person, the more work will be required - after correcting malocclusion pathologies, it will be necessary to work on the restoration of the teeth, that is, restore their shape. Throughout life, teeth wear down and their chewing surfaces change—this becomes especially noticeable after orthodontic treatment. That is why you will need to visit a therapist and replace the fillings, perhaps even put crowns and core inlays on some teeth. First, visit your doctor! Consultations in many clinics today are completely free and do not obligate you to anything.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 15:51) Reply to comment

Please tell me at what age can a brace system be installed? My daughter’s teeth are growing crooked and need to be corrected. Different clinics call different ages. Who to listen to?

Alina (08/16/2018 at 14:50) Reply to comment

    Hello, Alina! It is best to begin treatment with braces when the final replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones has occurred. For most children this happens by the age of 13, for some a little earlier - at 10-12. Previously, you could use other means of correction - for example, plates. Note that in some cases, before installing braces, you need to wear certain devices - for example, the same plates. In particular, in order to change the shape of the upper or lower jaws. So it is likely that you can start orthodontic treatment now, before the bite is completely changed and braces are installed.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 15:55) Reply to comment

As a child, I wore a plate to correct an overbite. But either the plate was chosen incorrectly, or I wore it irregularly, but the bite did not improve. Is it possible to correct a bite as an adult?

Maxim (08/16/2018 at 15:26) Reply to comment

    Good afternoon, Maxim! The bite can and should be corrected at any age. Adults are most often prescribed non-removable orthodontic devices for such purposes, namely braces. The plates are optimal for children under 11 years of age and really require a high level of control and responsibility, if not from the children themselves, then from their parents, because are removable.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 15:56) Reply to comment

After reading the article, it became easier to see how many ways there are to correct your bite and have a beautiful smile. My son is only a year and a couple of months old, but I have already begun to think about visiting an orthodontist. The baby has a fairly large gap between the upper units. Should I see a doctor now or is it better to wait until all the teeth have erupted? And is there a chance that after all the teeth appear, the gap will shrink?

Anna (08/16/2018 at 15:42) Reply to comment

    Dear Anna! For your peace of mind, you need to show your baby to a pediatric orthodontist. The situation you describe can be compared to a phenomenon called “false diastema.” It can go away when the child reaches two or three years of age when the primary bite is finally formed, or after it is replaced with a permanent one - after all, the permanent teeth themselves are larger in size. Typically, the change from primary to permanent dentition begins at 6-8 years of age, but in any case, observation and control of the situation by a specialist today will not hurt.

    Editorial office of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.17.2018 at 16:00) Reply to comment

I would like to ask if I have heard that frequent teeth whitening can be harmful to tooth enamel. How often should this procedure be done so that the tooth enamel remains strong, but at the same time has the appearance of Hollywood actors?

Vladimir (08/16/2018 at 16:40) Reply to comment

    Vladimir, teeth whitening, if you do it in a dental setting, using professional products, is a safe procedure. It can be repeated every 1-3 years, depending on how long the result lasts. It must be maintained at home - with the help of hygiene and the same professional products that the dentist will individually select for you.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.18.2018 at 14:49) Reply to comment

Please tell me, is it possible for the front teeth to wear off with an incorrect bite? What should I do if my front incisors are half worn away? Is it possible to build up teeth and straighten my bite?

Vladimir (08/16/2018 at 16:45) Reply to comment

    Vladimir, with an incorrect bite, the teeth actually receive a completely uneven load, so tissue abrasion is a normal consequence of such a pathology. You can grow teeth, but first you need to eliminate the cause, namely, malocclusion. Therefore, visit an orthodontist first, start undergoing treatment, and then consult a therapist to restore the aesthetics and shape of your teeth. Otherwise, the treatment will not give the expected result - the teeth will continue to wear out. It is likely that you will also need to get mouthguards for bruxism if you have a similar pathology to protect your teeth from overload.

    Editorial staff of the UltraSmile.ru portal (09.18.2018 at 14:46) Reply to comment

Until recently, I had no idea that there were such specialists in dental correction. I'm wondering how the braces system is installed so that it doesn't scratch the enamel of the teeth? In addition, this system still needs to be regulated somehow.

Anatoly Stepanovich (08/30/2018 at 14:49) Reply to comment

    Anatoly Stepanovich, indeed, the profession of orthodontist is very complex, because you need not only to know how the entire jaw system functions, but also to understand how to correct the bite of a particular patient, so as not to harm, but to improve the situation (after all, we are not only talking about crooked teeth, but and incorrectly positioned jaws). As for braces. Their plates actually do not come into contact with the enamel, because they are held on by a special glue (dental adhesive or even composite). The metal arc also does not touch the enamel. Yes, the system needs to be adjusted regularly: ligature braces once a month, self-ligating braces - every 2 months.

    Editor of the portal UltraSmile.ru (09.12.2018 at 08:59) Reply to comment

Very useful article. I'm going to see an orthodontist. I was interested in the aligner correction system. I wonder how a system consisting of elastic material can correct the bite? She can't transmit effort.

Anfisa (08/30/2018 at 14:57) Reply to comment

    Anfisa, thank you for your question and for your gratitude to our editors. The material is relatively elastic, and the aligners fit incredibly tightly onto all teeth, so they exert a certain amount of pressure. Small, but still pressure. In addition, each aligner should be worn for about a couple of weeks, during which time the teeth will move slightly. And so on, step by step, gradually, but the bite will change. This entire process is initially thought out on a computer, followed by a thorough diagnosis, study of the condition of teeth and bone tissue, which allows you to design the process from start to finish WITHOUT errors.

    Editor of the portal UltraSmile.ru (09.12.2018 at 08:57) Reply to comment

They recommend that I get braces for correction and they say that I will need to wear them for a year. It turns out that a metal structure will be in your mouth for a whole year. The metal will oxidize and oxidation products will enter the stomach and digestive tract. Isn't it harmful?

Nina (08/30/2018 at 15:04) Reply to comment

    Dear Nina! Modern brace systems are created from very high-quality materials that do not oxidize or corrode, especially those created from more expensive metals, such as titanium. Budget analogues mainly use medical steel. You should not choose metal braces if you have an individual intolerance, allergic reactions may occur.

    Editor of the portal UltraSmile.ru (09.12.2018 at 08:55) Reply to comment

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