Gel ROKS Minerals and RemarsGel – for strengthening and restoring teeth

Modern innovations in dentistry make it possible to provide high-quality dental care and restore damaged tooth enamel even without a visit to the dentist. A drug with such “cosmic” capabilities is Remars Gel. When should you trust your teeth to this dental gel, what special properties does it have, and does Remarsgel really guarantee 100% enamel restoration?

What is Remarsgel

What special qualities does Remarsgel have if this product has been included in the first aid kit of astronauts since 2005? Dental gel (or toothpaste) Remars Gel is designed to restore weakened enamel and prevent tooth decay.

Restoration of enamel occurs by replenishing the lack of minerals in the teeth and returning them to their original strength.

Used for treatment and prevention:

  • erosion of dental tissue;
  • prevention of caries and its elimination in the “white spot” stage;
  • symptomatic therapy for hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) with non-carious lesions of dental tissue (erosion of hard tissues, wedge-shaped defects, fluorosis, increased abrasion of enamel, etc.);
  • demineralization and loss of enamel;
  • the formation of periodontal plaques or other periodontal deposits;
  • restoration of tooth enamel after whitening procedures;
  • for children from the beginning of the eruption of permanent teeth (from 6 years of age).

Remarsgel is an excellent addition after:

  • professional cleaning such as Air Flow;
  • corrections using braces;
  • any type of tooth whitening.

Any professional whitening leads to damage to the enamel, which leads to severe pain when eating sweet or cold foods. Already after using Remarsgel twice, the sensitivity of the enamel after whitening is removed.

Often the beginning of the eruption of permanent teeth becomes the impetus for the appearance of caries. This is due to the “risk zone” of young enamel, its inferiority due to incomplete mineralization.

Using Remars Gel toothpaste allows you to protect your child’s teeth and replenish the enamel with mineral components.

More information about indications for use

The active components act specifically on the focus of demineralization, which greatly distinguishes this product from other analogues. The product does not have abrasive particles, which prevents abrasion and injury to the enamel. Next, let’s look in more detail at the capabilities and scope of application of Remars Gel.

Common causes of enamel damage

As mentioned above, in everyday life our teeth are constantly exposed to quite aggressive external influences: from intensive brushing with a too hard brush to acids contained in any food. Over time, the enamel can become thin and sensitive.

Frequent consumption of acidic foods can lead to enamel sensitivity

To avoid this, it is enough to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, regularly brush your teeth twice a day, with a properly selected brush and toothpaste, and undergo a professional procedure twice a year. hygiene and use additional products to strengthen and saturate hard tissues with micronutrients - RemarsGel will be the optimal choice for these purposes.

How stress and environmental conditions affect our teeth

Residents of megacities are especially susceptible to problems associated with the destruction of the enamel layer, since this process is also facilitated by the unfavorable environmental situation around them. Aggressive impurities in the air, water or food inevitably enter the body and directly affect the condition of our teeth.

Stress has a detrimental effect on dental health

In addition, enamel, like many other organs, is extremely sensitive to stress and nervous experiences. During periods of increased anxiety, its protective properties weaken in the same way as other protective mechanisms in the body. In this regard, RemarsGel can provide additional support and protection for our smile.

Quick help on business trips and travel

For those who are often away from home, Remars Gel can be a real salvation. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the dentist and undergo all the necessary preventive procedures, this drug will be an excellent alternative and will help protect you from sudden dental problems. The product is sold in compact bottles that are convenient to take with you on the go.

Orthodontic treatment and whitening

The drug is recommended as a restorative therapy after removal of the braces system. It is also often prescribed after professional cleaning of plaque and deposits, and after in-office whitening to reduce sensitivity and restore the density of the enamel layer.

The product is used after removing braces

Why strengthen tooth enamel?

Although tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, modern lifestyle often destroys this super-hard tissue, and many people are forced to replace their “natural” teeth with artificial ones. The appearance of microcracks in enamel is promoted by negative factors of everyday life in the form of:

  1. improper brushing of teeth;
  2. irregularities in dental care;
  3. use of wine, carbonated drinks, too hard or acidic foods;
  4. smoking;
  5. aggressive impurities in water, air, food;
  6. stress and diseases accompanied by decreased immunity.

The combination of aggressive environmental factors, improper or insufficient dental care and “junk” food quickly destroys the enamel. Therefore, the developers of many toothpastes set themselves the goal of covering tooth enamel with a special film that can protect teeth from destruction.

So far, one of the best types of such gel-like pastes is the Remars Gel remineralizing complex.

"RemasGel" for children during the period of change of bite

During the period of change in the primary occlusion, when permanent teeth begin to emerge, it is important to provide maximum care and proper oral hygiene. This will prevent many dental problems. Immediately after their appearance, permanent teeth remain fragile for some time, and during this period they are especially susceptible to caries and other diseases. "Remars Gel" for children can become reliable support and protection against pathological processes. The drug will help accelerate the mineralization of hard tissues, strengthen them faster and provide them with a protective shell.

Composition and description of the drug

Remars Gel consists of a kit consisting of two 75 mg tubes. Bottle No. 1 contains calcium salts (calcium citrate), and bottle No. 2 contains ammonium salts (ammonium hydrogen phosphate). This dental gel also contains natural oils (menthol, bergamot) and a whitening complex.

Components of 1 tube:

  • calcium nitrate;
  • sodium compounds (carboxymethylcellulose, propylparaben, methylparaben, saccharin);
  • water;
  • sorbitol;
  • aromatic components.

Tube No. 2 contains:

  • ammonium hydrogen phosphate;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • sodium compounds (methylparaben, saccharin, propylparaben);
  • water;
  • menthol;
  • sorbitol;
  • aromatic compounds.

Additional components of the gel are medicinal herbs in the form of extracts from chamomile, calendula, echinacea, sage, aloe vera, green tea, yarrow, and nettle.

How the drug works

Bacteria present in any food produce various acids. As a result, calcium molecules are destroyed, which damages the teeth themselves.

Using both gels in the correct sequence promotes the chemical reaction that occurs as a result of the combination of calcium nitrate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate. In this case, the teeth are covered with a film similar in composition to the natural mineral component hydroxyapatite.

As a result of the binding of the gel components, small crystals penetrate into the tooth enamel, restoring the tooth surface from the inside. Burshite crystals penetrate deeply into the enamel and restore its “holes”. As a result, damaged areas of the teeth are completely regenerated.

Additionally, Remars Gel fills any microcracks in the teeth, affecting areas of demineralization. As a result, new fillings of minerals are formed in the teeth, and the teeth themselves resume their shine and smoothness.


  • Completely safe for health;
  • reduces the sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • restores damaged enamel;
  • absence of fluorides and synthetic fragrances in the composition;
  • the ability to refresh the mouth due to the content of natural oils of menthol and bergamot;
  • no foam during use;
  • eliminates caries in the white spot stage;
  • harmless to enamel due to the absence of large or solid particles;
  • eliminates plaque.


The only contraindication for the use of Remarsgel is individual sensitivity to the product.

It is also not recommended to use this gel:

  • with fresh injuries to the oral cavity;
  • in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • children under 12 years old.

Basic rules of application

Let's consider point by point how to properly use Remarsgel:

  1. Rinse your mouth well with warm water.
  2. Brush your teeth with a clean, damp brush for 1-2 minutes until plaque or food debris disappears.
  3. Alternately apply the gel from each tube using brushing movements from the gums to the edges of the teeth. In total, brushing your teeth should take about 5 minutes. The gels in tubes have different colors: blue in the first bottle and orange in the second. Both gels have a mint taste.
  4. Apply the composition from tube No. 1 to the toothbrush and brush your teeth for 1 minute.
  5. Without washing off the product from the first tube, brush your teeth with the composition from tube No. 2.
  6. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.

The main nuances of using Remarsgel are:

  • After mixing both gels in the mouth, the color of the composition should turn white. This confirms that teeth are being brushed correctly.
  • After brushing your teeth with the composition from tube No. 1, do not rinse the brush with water and rinse your mouth.

After using Remarsgel, your gums may pinch and your teeth may ache, but these sensations quickly pass.

Special notes on the course of treatment

What is the duration of the course and features of treatment with Remarsgel?

  • The duration of the course of treatment is 20-25 days with a regularity of 1-2 times a day.
  • For prevention, a course of 10-15 procedures 3-4 times a year is sufficient.
  • You can use the product at home.
  • Individual regimens for treatment with Remarsgel are acceptable. After complete restoration of the enamel, it is often recommended to use this product 1-2 times a week to consolidate the effect and maintain the normal condition of the teeth.

Often, one course of treatment is enough to completely restore tooth enamel.

After a course of treatment, in addition to eliminating hypersensitivity, teeth become more resistant to staining (coffee, tea, beets, wine, etc.)

Parodontax Classic

Parodontax is a therapeutic toothpaste for gum problems. If you notice that your gums are bleeding while brushing or flossing, don't wait to see your dentist. He will find out the cause and recommend toothpaste to strengthen the gums - in particular, Parodontax. This paste effectively cleans plaque along the gums, making them adhere more tightly to the teeth. Parodontax paste contains sodium bicarbonate, which helps in the prevention and treatment of gum diseases. But remember that the course of treatment with Parodontax paste is no more than two weeks.

Parodontax Classic
GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, UK

This toothpaste effectively fights bleeding and gum inflammation - one of the first signs of a disease that can lead to tooth loss.
Its unique formula contains mineral salt bicarbonate and extracts of chamomile, echinacea, sage, ratania, myrrh. from 66

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There are many reviews of Remarsgel on the Internet.

Anna, 40 years old

I was worried about increased tooth wear and increased sensitivity, and no medicinal pastes helped me. After using Remarsgel, my teeth became significantly stronger and stopped crumbling and bothering me.

Tatyana Ivanovna

I read some positive reviews and bought Remars Gel to get rid of tooth sensitivity. But personally, this gel did not help me - on the contrary, my teeth became even more vulnerable.

Yaroslav, 26 years old

After treatment with braces, I experienced increased sensitivity of my teeth. The Remars Gel complex was recommended to me by an orthodontist. After just two uses, a noticeable effect appeared. I consider the disadvantage of the product to be high cost, uneconomical consumption and a long cleaning process.

Irina Konstantinovna, dentist

I often use Remarsgel in my practice, especially in the treatment of caries at the white spot stage. There are not so many such drugs with an excellent restorative effect in the initial stages of caries. Conveniently, this product can be used at home, in out-of-hospital settings.

Remarsgel is recommended by dentists. Feedback from dentists and patients after using this product is mostly positive. Occasionally one comes across statements about the ineffectiveness of Remarsgel, but their percentage is small.

Sources used:

  • Trezubov, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Clinical dentistry: textbook: Study guide
  • Vitamin C, oral scurvy and periodontal disease // S Afr Med J.. - 1984.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V., Petrova T.B. Anatomy of human teeth: textbook. - St. Petersburg: ELBI-SPb, 2005.

Where can I buy?

You can buy Cosmodent Universal toothpaste at the Russian Roots herbal pharmacies in the capital. All products of the “Space Health” hygienic complex have a quality certificate from the manufacturer. You can check the price and order pasta online in the Russian Roots online store. The company provides courier delivery for customers from Moscow and the Moscow region. For residents of other regions, postal delivery is provided.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

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