"Remars Gel" for restoring tooth enamel

Modern innovations in dentistry make it possible to provide high-quality dental care and restore damaged tooth enamel even without a visit to the dentist. A drug with such “cosmic” capabilities is Remars Gel. When should you trust your teeth to this dental gel, what special properties does it have, and does Remarsgel really guarantee 100% enamel restoration?

What is "RemarsGel"

Remars Gel is a dental gel (medicated toothpaste) for restoring the enamel layer and preventing its destruction. The active components of the drug replenish the deficiency of minerals in the hard tissues of the oral cavity, due to which they are noticeably strengthened and receive additional protection from external aggressive factors. Among the indications for the use of this complex, experts in the field of dentistry highlight the following phenomena and conditions:

  • erosive enamel damage,
  • caries at the “white spot” stage,
  • hyperesthesia – increased sensitivity, including after a whitening procedure or bite correction with braces,
  • wedge-shaped defects,
  • fluorosis,
  • pathological abrasion,
  • demineralization of enamel,
  • the formation of abundant supra- and subgingival deposits - the active components of the gel influence the formation of dental plaque, preventing the hardening of plaque and the appearance of stone.

The active components of the drug compensate for the deficiency of minerals in hard tissues.
RemarsGel is often prescribed after professional cleaning with a laser or ultrasound in combination with Air Flow sandblasting, after a course of orthodontic treatment with braces or professional whitening. All of the above factors can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the enamel. As a result, there is a risk of developing hyperesthesia, when teeth become too sensitive to any temperature changes and chemical irritants. According to reviews from dentists and patients, Remars Gel allows you to relieve sensitivity after just two uses.

The drug is often prescribed after the Air Flow teeth cleaning system

On a note! Since 2005, RemarsGel has been a paste for astronauts on the ISS. Since 2013, the complex has gone into mass production, and now its capabilities are available to everyone.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the importance of using a remineralizing gel during the eruption of permanent incisors and molars. While they are covered with young and not yet strong enamel, they remain at risk of developing caries. The use of Remars Gel paste provides additional protection for teeth during the change of primary dentition.


There are many reviews of Remarsgel on the Internet.

Anna, 40 years old

I was worried about increased tooth wear and increased sensitivity, and no medicinal pastes helped me. After using Remarsgel, my teeth became significantly stronger and stopped crumbling and bothering me.

Tatyana Ivanovna

I read some positive reviews and bought Remars Gel to get rid of tooth sensitivity. But personally, this gel did not help me - on the contrary, my teeth became even more vulnerable.

Yaroslav, 26 years old

After treatment with braces, I experienced increased sensitivity of my teeth. The Remars Gel complex was recommended to me by an orthodontist. After just two uses, a noticeable effect appeared. I consider the disadvantage of the product to be high cost, uneconomical consumption and a long cleaning process.

Irina Konstantinovna, dentist

I often use Remarsgel in my practice, especially in the treatment of caries at the white spot stage. There are not so many such drugs with an excellent restorative effect in the initial stages of caries. Conveniently, this product can be used at home, in out-of-hospital settings.

Remarsgel is recommended by dentists. Feedback from dentists and patients after using this product is mostly positive. Occasionally one comes across statements about the ineffectiveness of Remarsgel, but their percentage is small.

Sources used:

  • Trezubov, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Clinical dentistry: textbook: Study guide
  • Vitamin C, oral scurvy and periodontal disease // S Afr Med J.. - 1984.
  • Gaivoronsky I.V., Petrova T.B. Anatomy of human teeth: textbook. - St. Petersburg: ELBI-SPb, 2005.

Why do you need to strengthen your teeth enamel?

Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. However, it is constantly exposed to external aggressive factors, and also weakens under the influence of internal pathological processes. Because of this, the protective layer becomes thinner, and microcracks and chips appear on the teeth. This is facilitated by many different factors, among which experts identify the following prerequisites:

  • irregular cleaning or improper cleaning technique,
  • aggressive temperature, acid and mechanical effects - temperature changes in food and drinks, excessive consumption of foods high in acids, constant exposure to nicotine, injury from too hard foods, etc.,
  • negative environmental impact and high content of aggressive impurities in tap water,
  • constant stress, nervous disorders and weakened immunity.

Many factors contribute to the appearance of microcracks.
Insufficient care in combination with external and internal negative factors leads to the gradual destruction of the enamel. Remars Gel gel paste is a composition rich in important micronutrients. After its use, a special protective film is formed on the enamel, which inhibits the pathological process and strengthens weakened dental tissues.

Shimmer of color

One of the characteristics of beautiful teeth is their “play” or glow. This is due to the phenomena of opalescence and fluorescence.

Opalescence is the scattering of light when it hits objects smaller than the wavelength (the light seems to remain inside the enamel).

Fluorescence is the absorption of light by molecules and a change in the frequency of their vibrations. The light is “captured” by the tooth tissues.

To imitate these phenomena, additional types of Enamel Plus enamel in cold and warm colors have been developed; their use makes teeth more natural.

How does Remars Gel work?

Remains of food in the oral cavity form plaque. In fact, these are accumulations of bacteria, the waste products of which become aggressive acids. They destroy calcium molecules, which is why the enamel gradually weakens and becomes less protected from external factors. Using Remars Gel involves sequential application of formulations from two different bottles. Their active components react with each other, as a result of which a special protective film is formed on the surface of the teeth - its composition is as close as possible to the natural mineral component hydroxyapatite.

Using the gel involves sequential application from two different bottles

The active ingredients of the drug penetrate the internal structures of the enamel and restore it from the inside. Regeneration of damaged areas occurs, due to which dental tissues are saturated with useful microelements, become stronger and become resistant to external irritants.

“After my braces were removed, my teeth became very sensitive. I couldn’t drink hot tea, it was very unpleasant. I went to the hygienist, and she told me that the braces were not removed very carefully, and in some places the enamel was slightly damaged. I was then prescribed Remarsgel. It got better almost immediately, after the second use. True, the drug is expensive, and its consumption is not very economical"

Alina, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

The composition of "RemarsGel" fills microcracks, thereby restoring areas of demineralization. The product allows you to restore healthy shine and smoothness to your teeth, provide additional protection against caries and other pathological processes, and gives your smile a natural whiteness.


The only contraindication for the use of Remarsgel is individual sensitivity to the product.

It is also not recommended to use this gel:

  • with fresh injuries to the oral cavity;
  • in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • children under 12 years old.

What are the advantages?

  • absolute safety for dental health and the body as a whole,
  • elimination of signs of hyperesthesia - decreased sensitivity,
  • restoration of injured areas and areas of demineralization,
  • absence of fluorides and synthetic fragrances in the composition,
  • effective prevention of caries and its elimination at the “white spot” stage,
  • lack of abrasiveness - safety for the enamel layer,
  • effective removal of plaque and soft deposits,
  • the ability to freshen breath - due to natural oils of bergamot and menthol.

The drug helps get rid of unpleasant odor

Instructions for use

Before starting to use the two-component complex, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use. The universal scheme is described below:

  1. first, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth with a clean, damp brush for 1-2 minutes,
  2. Apply the gel from each bottle one by one, using gentle brushing movements from the gums to the cutting edge. The average duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. The blue gel from the first bottle should be applied first, followed by the orange composition from the second tube,
  3. apply a small amount of gel from the first tube to the brush and brush your teeth for a couple of minutes,
  4. without rinsing off the product, apply the composition from the second bottle to the brush and also perform standard cleaning,
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water at room temperature.

The photo shows instructions for using the drug.
After mixing the contents of the two tubes, the product should turn white. Keep in mind that after treatment, the oral mucosa may tingle slightly, but the discomfort will quickly pass. Usually the course takes no more than 20-25 days. The regularity of repeating cleaning is 1-2 times a day. For preventive purposes, experts advise taking a course of 10-15 procedures 3-4 times a year. If there are problems, the doctor will prescribe an individual regimen for using the drug.

Composition and description of the drug

Remars Gel consists of a kit consisting of two 75 mg tubes. Bottle No. 1 contains calcium salts (calcium citrate), and bottle No. 2 contains ammonium salts (ammonium hydrogen phosphate). This dental gel also contains natural oils (menthol, bergamot) and a whitening complex.

Components of 1 tube:

  • calcium nitrate;
  • sodium compounds (carboxymethylcellulose, propylparaben, methylparaben, saccharin);
  • water;
  • sorbitol;
  • aromatic components.

Tube No. 2 contains:

  • ammonium hydrogen phosphate;
  • carboxymethylcellulose;
  • sodium compounds (methylparaben, saccharin, propylparaben);
  • water;
  • menthol;
  • sorbitol;
  • aromatic compounds.

Additional components of the gel are medicinal herbs in the form of extracts from chamomile, calendula, echinacea, sage, aloe vera, green tea, yarrow, and nettle.

More information about indications for use

The active components act specifically on the focus of demineralization, which greatly distinguishes this product from other analogues. The product does not have abrasive particles, which prevents abrasion and injury to the enamel. Next, let’s look in more detail at the capabilities and scope of application of Remars Gel.

Common causes of enamel damage

As mentioned above, in everyday life our teeth are constantly exposed to quite aggressive external influences: from intensive brushing with a too hard brush to acids contained in any food. Over time, the enamel can become thin and sensitive.

Frequent consumption of acidic foods can lead to enamel sensitivity

To avoid this, it is enough to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, regularly brush your teeth twice a day, with a properly selected brush and toothpaste, and undergo a professional procedure twice a year. hygiene and use additional products to strengthen and saturate hard tissues with micronutrients - RemarsGel will be the optimal choice for these purposes.

How stress and environmental conditions affect our teeth

Residents of megacities are especially susceptible to problems associated with the destruction of the enamel layer, since this process is also facilitated by the unfavorable environmental situation around them. Aggressive impurities in the air, water or food inevitably enter the body and directly affect the condition of our teeth.

Stress has a detrimental effect on dental health

In addition, enamel, like many other organs, is extremely sensitive to stress and nervous experiences. During periods of increased anxiety, its protective properties weaken in the same way as other protective mechanisms in the body. In this regard, RemarsGel can provide additional support and protection for our smile.

Quick help on business trips and travel

For those who are often away from home, Remars Gel can be a real salvation. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly visit the dentist and undergo all the necessary preventive procedures, this drug will be an excellent alternative and will help protect you from sudden dental problems. The product is sold in compact bottles that are convenient to take with you on the go.

Orthodontic treatment and whitening

The drug is recommended as a restorative therapy after removal of the braces system. It is also often prescribed after professional cleaning of plaque and deposits, and after in-office whitening to reduce sensitivity and restore the density of the enamel layer.

The product is used after removing braces

What is better: to restore a tooth with Enamel Plus material or to make an orthopedic structure?

In terms of aesthetic properties, restorations made from the Enamel Plus nanocomposite may well compete with ceramic veneers and crowns, but it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better to choose. You need to look for a balance between factors: time/price/reliability.

Ceramic veneers are more durable, but can also chip. A direct restoration made from composite material is easier to repair, the price will be lower, and the work can be done in one visit. And if a single tooth needs to be restored, it is easier for the doctor to select the color without sending the work to a dental laboratory.

If the tooth is severely damaged, an orthopedic design may be more reliable, but restoration with composite materials can be done on the day of treatment. It will be cheaper than an inlay and a crown, which can be a determining factor.

When making aesthetic restoration, the doctor tries to fulfill two requirements:

  1. restore the functionality of the tooth
  2. make the restored part indistinguishable from natural tooth tissue

From the article Filling, inlay, veneer or crown? You will learn what, in addition to the patient’s wishes, the dentist is guided by when choosing a method of restoring teeth.

"RemasGel" for children during the period of change of bite

During the period of change in the primary occlusion, when permanent teeth begin to emerge, it is important to provide maximum care and proper oral hygiene. This will prevent many dental problems. Immediately after their appearance, permanent teeth remain fragile for some time, and during this period they are especially susceptible to caries and other diseases. "Remars Gel" for children can become reliable support and protection against pathological processes. The drug will help accelerate the mineralization of hard tissues, strengthen them faster and provide them with a protective shell.

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