Recovery after removable dentures: lifestyle and rules for caring for new teeth

After the manufacture and installation of the orthopedic structure, the dentist teaches the patient the rules of use and care. In particular, he tells how to clean dentures from dirt. Recommends means for this, shows the correctness of cleaning actions. Below you can find information of this kind or refresh your memory of previously acquired knowledge.

How to quickly get used to removable dentures

Naturally, each person is individual, and the duration of adaptation directly depends on the model and materials of construction. Conventionally, the process of addiction can be divided into three stages:

  • irritation stage, which lasts about 7-10 days,
  • stage of conditioned inhibition (duration – 3 weeks),
  • the stage of full adaptation, when the patient completely gets used to the new artificial teeth (occurs after 30-40 days).

Immediately after installation, removable dentures may cause you nausea, increased salivation, changes or complete loss of taste, and difficulty eating. Diction problems also occur. But as you get used to the design, all manifestations disappear completely or are reduced to a minimum.

“Of course, there are patients who cannot get used to any removable dentures, even if they are made perfectly and in exact accordance with the bite. For example, with an increased gag reflex or if there is initially no psychological mood. In such situations, you need to look for alternatives and the best solution is prosthetics on implants, which is hundreds of times more comfortable and does not cause such unpleasant sensations.”

Chorny Stanislav Vladimirovich, orthopedic dentist, work experience more than 16 years

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During the period of getting used to the prosthesis, you need to wear it constantly, without removing it while eating and sleeping. You should not use it in case of acute pain - it is better to consult a doctor to correct the design.

It is important to understand that any removable denture, especially if it is installed for the first time, will require regular correction. The gums sag along with the bone tissue, the position of the joint changes, the bite is adjusted - all this will lead to the fact that the prosthesis will seem uncomfortable. One visit to the doctor and the position of the device will change - you will become more comfortable. Remember this and do not ignore your doctor's recommendations.

How effective is the drug?

The effectiveness of using Protefix denture cleaning tablets has been confirmed not only by numerous clinical data, but also by user reviews. Other features of the drug include the following:

  • in the process of dissolving the product in water, a rapid release of active oxygen occurs, which leads to the cleaning of the most difficult areas of the structure,
  • due to the fact that bacteria accumulate in places inaccessible for regular cleaning, after using the tablets, the structure is cleaned more efficiently, which significantly reduces the risk of the formation of new deposits and gum inflammation,
  • the same absence of bacteria leads to the elimination of bad breath, and the feeling of freshness lasts up to 12 hours,
  • the product effectively removes even stubborn dyes from removable teeth, so after its use the smile remains snow-white,
  • since the drug does not affect the surface of the structure mechanically, the likelihood of its damage is reduced to zero,
  • to carry out the procedure you do not need to have any special skills, it is simple and takes no more than a quarter of an hour,
  • The presence of mint and menthol oils in the preparation does not affect the taste characteristics of food, but can cause allergic reactions.

“I am an avid tea drinker, so I have always had a problem with brown teeth. I was very afraid that I wouldn’t be able to solve it when it was time to get a removable denture. I read it on the Internet, consulted with my doctor, and chose Protefix tablets. I’ve been using it for the second year, I’m happy with the result, I don’t even look at other products.”

Marina Lvovna, 54 years old

How to restore diction

To restore diction, it is recommended to speak as much as possible: read books, pronounce tongue twisters, while holding one or more sweets in your mouth (without sugar! For example, Sula with mint or sea buckthorn).
15-20 minutes, several times a day. The duration of the course is the first 1.5-2 weeks after prosthetics. Tongue twisters for restoring diction after removable prosthetics

For your convenience, we have selected several useful tongue twisters
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Karl stole Klara's advertising, and Klara stole Karl's budget.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
The fast talker quickly said quickly, That you can’t quickly talk all the tongue twisters, but you can’t over-speak all the tongue twisters, But, having quickly spoken, he quickly said, That you can’t talk all the tongue twisters, but you can’t over-speak.

What hygiene products can be used

Hygiene products for the care of removable dentures

ToothbrushYou will need a personal brush with soft bristles; too hard can lead to scratches in which bacteria will accumulate. We recommend the Curaprox brand – brushes with soft or ultra-soft bristles. They do not damage the plastic, but do an excellent job of removing plaque on the teeth, also cleaning it from under the gums.
ToothpasteLow-grade, for example, Parodontax, ROCS To clean the prosthesis itself, you can also use children's paste - it is more gentle.
IrrigatorThe device is necessary both for cleaning your own teeth, if they remain in the mouth, and for cleaning dentures - it effectively removes plaque and allows you to clean the interdental spaces very efficiently.
Citric acid and soda or tablets for cleaning and disinfectionUse for periodic cleaning and disinfection of structures - make solutions for rinsing the mouth or place dentures in them (applies to citric acid and soda). The tablets must be dissolved in water and the resulting solution must be used to soak the structure.

Arsenal of Protefix products

The Protefix company produces not only tablets for cleaning dentures. There are other forms of drugs in the arsenal that help to use the product. So, for example, if the removable structure is not held firmly in the mouth, then a powder preparation is used. If the fixation of the prosthesis leaves much to be desired, cream is used. Gaskets are designed to help a person get used to the installed product.

Attention! Each of the products is prescribed by the attending physician after examination and mandatory correction of the removable structure, especially for gaskets - they cannot be used without an orthopedist, because they can cause problems with the positioning of the prosthesis.

What to do if the prosthesis rubs and does not fit well

  • use ointments (Solcoseryl, Metrogyl Denta) or sea buckthorn oil. Apply the oil to the gums for a maximum of 20 minutes after eating and cleaning the denture 3-4 times a day,
  • It is forbidden to sharpen dentures yourself, after which you can simply throw it away,
  • If there is acute and constant pain caused by rubbing of the structure, you should consult a doctor for correction. 2-3 hours before the visit, the denture should be in the mouth so that the reason why the structure is rubbing becomes visible.

If the device is not fastened well, then you should contact your attending physician - an orthopedic dentist. If the correction does not help, you will have to use special fixation creams: Protefix, Corega, Lacalut Dent. Choose the one that suits you - according to taste, consistency, fixation time. Try different options and choose the best one.

How much do Protefix tablets cost?

The cost of the drug for cleaning removable dental structures Protefix is ​​within the average range. The final price is determined by the volume of packaging, the status of the pharmacy chain, the region of sale, the characteristics of the purchase (online, pickup) and a number of other factors. So, in Russia, buying the product at a pharmacy will cost on average 170 rubles for 32 tablets and 300 rubles for 66 pieces.

Judging by the reviews, when buying Protefix tablets for dentures, you can be sure that the product will maintain its integrity and appearance for a long time.

Author: Mikhailova (. M. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

How to eat after installing structures

If the prosthesis is made of comfortable materials, if it suits you, then you will be able to eat well right away. Restrictions occur when little time has passed after the removal of living teeth, when you initially had gum inflammation. In such situations, pressure causes pain; you need to limit the chewing load to avoid discomfort and allow the gums to recover.

In general, during adaptation it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • give preference to soft and warm foods, exclude viscous foods,
  • you need to chew carefully and thoroughly, cut food into small pieces,
  • It is better to chew food on the side where the process does not cause pain,
  • You should refrain from biting food with your front teeth.

After adaptation, when the prosthesis no longer causes pain, you can return to your usual diet. But you should exclude foods that are too hard, viscous, sticky, excessively hot and cold (drinks and soups should be warm, ice cream should be kept a little at room temperature).

How to clean dentures and remaining teeth

You need to brush your teeth exactly as you are used to: in the morning, in the evening and after every meal. But as for prosthetics, the recommendations will be as follows:

Daily care

  • clean the structure in the morning and evening with a soft toothbrush using toothpaste without abrasives or regular soap (preferably baby soap). Pay special attention to the internal area that is in contact with the gum,
  • Soak the denture daily in a solution of citric acid (1 teaspoon per 150 ml of warm water): soak it for 10 minutes to disinfect and loosen plaque. Carry out the procedure before brushing your teeth 2 times a day. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water. Change the solution every 3-5 days,
  • after each meal, the structure is removed and thoroughly rinsed under running water,
  • Additionally, you can use an irrigator, which will clean the microscopic gaps between the crowns of the structure,
  • Be careful when brushing your teeth, especially if there are small parts - hooks, clasps, so as not to damage them.

Periodic care

  • soak in a disinfectant solution - for this you need to purchase special tablets for removable dentures (Protefix, Corega, Lacalut Dent). Use up to 3 times a week while maintaining daily hygiene. Use according to instructions (keep in solution for 15-20 minutes),
  • use products that suppress the activity of oral microflora (especially important several years after the installation of dentures, since more plaque accumulates on them). For example, “Tantum Verde” (spray, lozenges) - relieve inflammation and tension, freshen breath.

Modern equipment - ultrasonic sterilizers - can be used to disinfect dentures. They allow you to achieve ideal cleanliness of artificial teeth at home, cleaning them from bacteria and plaque. These devices can also be used to disinfect any other items - toothbrushes, baby bottles, etc.

Features of the cleaning composition

The drug has a unique formula that allows you to clean the surface of removable dental structures from hard and soft plaque. Moreover, the high oxygen content in the Protefix preparation even removes coloring matter from it, for example, from coffee or cigarettes.

Among the components of the product are: bicarbonate, sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium perborate, potassium carbonate, citric acid. The drug also contains small quantities of aromatic (menthol) and coloring (indigo) ingredients and mint oils. Therefore, its regular use allows you to keep dentures in their original form for a long period of time and maintain fresh breath.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

Modern “removers” can be worn constantly and it is not necessary to remove them at night – especially during the first 2-3 weeks, while adaptation to the designs occurs. However, outside the oral cavity, dentures with a plastic base should NOT be placed in a humid environment, since favorable conditions are created for the development and growth of pathogenic microflora. This can lead to bleeding and gum inflammation.

If there are metal elements, the prosthesis must also not be stored in tap water, especially chlorinated water - this can lead to metal corrosion.

For storage and transportation, it is necessary to use specially designed protective ventilated boxes/cases in which the prosthesis will be kept clean and dry.

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Safety precautions when using tablets

Protefix tablets for dentures, judging by the manufacturer’s statement, do not pose a threat to human health at all. As a rule, no negative reactions from the body are observed. But sometimes the product still provokes allergies. Its manifestations may be:

  • irritation of the oral mucosa at the junction of the structure,
  • itching of the mucous membrane,
  • rashes of various types on both the mucous membrane and the skin.

Such a response from the body can be associated both with the active substances of the drug and with flavorings and coloring ingredients.

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Another cause of allergies and side effects may be non-compliance with the instructions for use (for example, the tablets have expired), as well as insufficient preliminary hygiene of the product. At the slightest suspicion of intolerance to the drug Protefix, you must stop using it!

Be careful and careful - the drug smells nice, and the packaging is easy to open, so you should keep it away from small children!

Is it possible to whiten dentures?

If hygiene is insufficient, dentures may change their shade. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to bleach it to its original state, especially if a lot of plaque has accumulated and the coloring pigments have penetrated deep into the pores of the material. The doctor can perform polishing - the prosthesis will be smoother, its top layer will be a little ground off, so the structure will be visually lighter. At home, you can try using special whitening tablets (for example, Corega), but you should not overuse them - they can damage the prosthesis materials.

Instructions for using tablets

Instructions for use of Protefix tablets are included with each package. According to its content, using the product is not difficult even for a beginner:

  1. clean the removable structure with a brush and paste,
  2. take out one Protefix tablet and place it in 100 ml of warm water previously poured into a glass,
  3. dip the prosthesis in the resulting liquid, hold for about a quarter of an hour,
  4. Remove the product from the solution and rinse thoroughly under running water.

How to know when it’s time to change your dentures

It is recommended to change dentures every 3-5 years or 5-7 years (depending on the material and type of construction).

When using removable dentures, the load from chewing food on bone tissue is only insignificant, which is fraught with its gradual resorption. The jawbone decreases in size, and not always evenly. This process takes from six months to several years and leads to a discrepancy between the shape of the prosthesis and the relief of the gums - the prosthesis is less secure and becomes less stable. This means relocation (if possible) or complete replacement of the structure is required.

In addition, materials wear out over time under the influence of saliva, nicotine, food irritants, and mechanical stress. Cracks appear on the structure, the surface becomes less smooth, which contributes to the accumulation of a large amount of plaque. If you have chosen crowns made of plastic (namely, they are in most cases used in removable orthopedic devices), it is worth considering that they wear down quite quickly, so after about 2-3 years the bite changes, which can affect the condition of the joint and the process of normal chewing food.

Release form and packaging of the drug

Active removable teeth cleaner Protefix are white tablets that are quite large in size and have a menthol smell. Available in large cardboard packages. One package can contain 32 or 66 pieces. This amount is associated with a large consumption of funds. “Protefix” for cleaning removable teeth has increased hygroscopicity, so the tablets are packaged in foil blisters at a distance from each other.


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