Cartoons that help a child adapt and develop a favorable attitude towards dental procedures

The child gets to know the world around him through cartoons. Acquires ideas about certain things and events. The choice of cartoon is very important, because only kind and calm animated films can form in a child a correct idea of ​​the world around him. Through cartoon stories, the baby gets his first ideas about the world around him. The influence of cartoons on the formation of a child’s psyche cannot be neglected. Therefore, it is very important for parents to monitor what cartoons their child watches.

If your child is about to have dental treatment, or even just a first visit to the pediatric dentist for a checkup, parents should tell the child about it. As you know, the unknown is what scares us the most. When the child is prepared, meeting the dentist turns into an exciting adventure. Before the first visit, our children's doctors advise telling your child about who the dentist is and what he does, how the visit to him will go, and what needs to be done. A properly selected cartoon can help a child develop a positive idea about dental treatment.

For children under five years of age, we recommend the following cartoons:

The importance of brushing your teeth daily

The following cartoons will be useful for children aged four years and older:

Review of cartoons

You've probably thought more than once about how to motivate your child to practice independent and regular oral hygiene. And at the same time convince of the need for visits to the dentist.

Most likely, you have already familiarized yourself with proven tips for preparing your child for a dentist appointment.

Now you have a pleasant task ahead of you - watch a selection of cartoons that we have compiled so that your child will unobtrusively learn two simple rules for healthy teeth: brush your teeth regularly and visit the dentist regularly. And also, so that together with our beloved and kind heroes we can stop being afraid.


Tari bird.

A wonderful and kind Soviet cartoon about the fact that everyone has toothache - sometimes even the biggest and most formidable need the help of friends.

Lyolik and Bolik Bad Tooth.

New adventures of Lyolik and Bolik. This time they try in every possible way to remove Bolik's bad tooth - with the help of a dog, a motorcycle, a door and even a rocket, until they accidentally meet a dentist who, moreover, shows amazing tricks.

Krosh's new teeth.

The beloved hero of millions of children had a major problem: his tooth fell out! How can Krosh try the new carrot crop now? But, as in all good cartoons, a solution is found, although not immediately :)

The Legend of the Tooth Kingdom.

The fairytale kingdom is attacked by germs and our heroes go to the aid of the queen, armed with toothbrushes and toothpastes. They are led by court dentists. However, the sorcerer Karies is cunning - he sets traps for them, luring them into the icy caves of the sugar mountain. Will our hero be able to free the kingdom from invaders and save the captured soldiers? Your child will have to find out.

Good Doctor Dentist

Your child will go to a planet where...teeth lived peacefully! And one day this planet was captured by the evil king Caries! Of course, the good Doctor Dentist is in a hurry to help, armed with a toothbrush and toothpaste!

Brush your teeth with Hello Kitty

The beloved cat Kitty one fine day meets her friend, whose cheek is swollen, and now he cannot play with the rest of the children, because he is in pain and needs to go to the doctor. This is all because he didn't brush his teeth! But why did Kitty suddenly get worried and run home? Something is wrong here…

Rabbit dentist

Your child will have a trip around the world looking for dazzling smiles. The rabbit dentist will tell you why you shouldn’t share your toothbrush with friends, where caries comes from, and what to do to get rid of germs.

About the loss of baby teeth

  • Three cats, three tails.
    The series is called “Milk tooth”. In this episode, Caramel's tooth begins to loosen, and the cat is afraid that she will be left without teeth. And my mother explains that this is normal, the tooth is temporary and a new tooth will grow in its place. And if the tooth does not fall out on its own (sometimes this happens), then the pediatric dentist will help, and then the tooth fairy will bring a gift for it! And what gift Caramel received from the tooth fairy you will find out by watching the episode to the end!
  • Peppa Pig.
    The episode is called “The Tooth Fairy”
  • Luntik.
    The series is called “Tooth” - the plot is similar.

December 4, 2022

The child does not want to brush his teeth: here are 6 applications that will correct the situation

Not all children accept that they need to brush their teeth twice a day. It would be nice to just clean it, but you have to do it correctly, and for at least two minutes. You can persuade children to brush their teeth, you can sing them a song about the importance of hygiene (there are many of these). But modern problems require modern solutions. For example, special applications for brushing teeth. They show how to do it correctly and entertain children in the process.

Disney Magic Timer

Google Play

App Store

This application is simple in nature, but it has cool content. The child must brush his teeth for two minutes (for this, a timer is turned on in the application), after which a picture with one of the Disney characters will open. There are cartoon characters, like Mickey Mouse and Cinderella, and movies (Hulk, Captain America, Darth Vader and others). Pictures are saved in the application album.

Additional characters can either be purchased in-app or obtained by scanning an Oral-B toothbrush from the Pro-Health Stages series.

Pokémon Smile

Google Play

App Store

In this application, children are asked to brush their teeth not just to get a card with the next Pokemon. There is a whole plot: you need to defeat bacteria and free the Pokemon they captured. Even during the cleaning process, children can “try on” caps in the form of cartoon characters on the smartphone screen.

There are also more practical functions. For example, you can choose the cleaning duration from one to three minutes. The application suggests which areas of the teeth need to be brushed, and after the procedure it gives advice from dentists.

It is possible to create three separate profiles. Even if you have one child, this feature will still come in handy. Because there are suspiciously many reviews of the app in stores from adults.

Philips Sonicare For Kids

Google Play

App Store

The application can be used with any brushes, but some functions are only available to those who have Philips brushes from the Sonicare For Kids series with support for Bluetooth version 4.0 and higher.

The developers came up with their own character named Sparkly. He gives advice on brushing your teeth and eating right, and you can also dress him up. If you wish, turn on music, voice advice in the application and set a reminder to change the toothbrush head.

It is convenient for parents to check whether their child remembers to brush their teeth, because there is a special section for them.

Brushing Hero

Google Play

App Store

Here children brush their teeth and defeat monsters at the same time. While cleaning, you can “try on” hero helmets. They are obtained in two ways: either they are won for defeating bosses that appear every 30 levels, or they are purchased.

And so that the child does not get so carried away with defeating the monster that he forgets about the rules of brushing his teeth, there is another important function: the force of attack on the monster changes depending on the angle at which the child holds the brush.

Brush DJ

Google Play

App Store

This is already a cool application not only for children, but also for adults. Remember how in the spring everyone advised to play music or sing songs to wash your hands long enough? This advice also works with teeth.

You can download music from your phone and streaming service into the application (as Spotify appeared in Russia just in time!) or use built-in songs. Brush DJ has short videos that will help you figure out how to properly brush your teeth. And many more reminders: about brushing your teeth, replacing your brush, using dental floss, and going to the dentist.

The app is loaded with research on dental care from the Department of Health in England.

32 teeth

Google Play

Finally, a very simple application. Because defeating monsters and collecting Pokemon is fun, but you can’t be distracted from the main thing. A series of short cartoons will show you step by step how to brush your teeth. The application wishes you good morning and good night and selects music depending on the time of day: cheerful in the morning and calm in the evening.

Read more on the topic

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International researchers have found that Russian teenagers are less likely to try alcohol and brush their teeth.

Baby teeth can help identify autism

Hygiene procedures and age characteristics of the child

At the age of 1 to 2 years, it is unlikely that it will be possible to force children to brush their teeth on their own. When the child picks up the brush for the first time, he will simply play with it. Don't disturb him, let him get used to the accessory. When helping the baby, be careful and careful in your movements. Any discomfort and pain can discourage you from caring for your teeth for a long time.

The ideal age for independent mastery of skills is 2–3 years. At this age, kids go through a very interesting period called “I myself.” They are eager to try everything and they need to take advantage of this moment. Get interested in the process by your own example and show how to properly brush your teeth. If necessary, guide the baby's hand, praise him and never scold him if he fails to cope with the task. It is these first inept attempts that allow you to remember the movements and hone your skills over time.

If a child under 5 years old categorically refuses to go to the bathroom and pick up a toothbrush in the morning, take a break. Let him forget unpleasant associations and impressions. During this period, you can read useful books and unobtrusively offer special educational cartoons, which tell in an entertaining way the importance of daily brushing and caring for your teeth. Tell stories about children who don’t take care of their teeth and show pictures that clearly show what protest can lead to. It is easier to convince, persuade and teach an interested child. The main thing is that the initiative comes from him, otherwise repeated attempts will result in failure.

When teaching a skill, do not frighten children. You won't achieve anything by making up stories about evil microbes and monsters called Caries that come and take your teeth. Horror stories will only do harm and completely discourage you from picking up a toothbrush. Do not traumatize the child's psyche.

There are difficult cases when at 7 years and older children do not want to brush their teeth. Persuasion and coercion will no longer work, but persistence without shouting, hysterics and coercion can be demonstrated in such situations. Go to the dentist. Good children's specialists know what to say about the importance of hygiene procedures and will definitely help with advice.

Soviet cartoons about hygiene

I’m tired of the panic around me, the horrors, the escalation of the situation, the crowds of “all-knowing gurus,” etc.,

That’s why today all our authorities have forgotten about it, be it executive or legislative, or even the so-called “fifth power” represented by television. Let's start with the fact that children are now at home, TV, computer, gadgets - this is their social circle, for the whole day... few people remember about the recommendations of children's doctors on limiting time in front of screens, but oh well, I'm not talking about medicine, or even about legality, although yes, the content needs to be filtered. I mean, there's not a damn thing in a TV program for children!

No, well, of course there are channels for children on which cartoons are shown from morning to evening, but starting from the quality of the cartoons themselves, to the idea that they convey to the child, this is not just crap, it is below the level of a city sewer. Out of curiosity, I started monitoring TV programs, but for three days, since Wednesday, I haven’t found a single one, NOT ONE!!! a cartoon that, in a language that would be understandable and, most importantly, interesting to a child, would somehow motivate him to follow simple rules of caution, safety and hygiene in the end. And it became interesting to me that for older people, there is a lot of everything, you can find programs, shows, performances by TV presenters, and much more. Moreover, depending on the focus on the audience, this can be a speech by an academician with a huge baggage of statistics

, or some unobtrusive clip like Littlebig

. Plus anecdotes, jokes, demotivators, stand-ups, and damn news in the end. Small children, at the moment, seem to be in constant contact with their parents, but... it’s like in the joke: “A boy is sitting, eating an apple. His dad sits nearby, reading the newspaper and looking at his son. Taking a bite of the apple, the boy thought about it. Five minutes passed, the bitten apple turned brown. The dad pushes his son and says: “Eat the apple, otherwise it’s already dark.” The boy looked at the apple incredulously. - “Dad, why did the apple turn dark only where I bit into it?” “You understand, son, the fact is that, in addition to other elements, the apple contains iron, and when you bite into it, you damage the protective skin, which in turn protects the actual flesh of the apple itself from environmental influences. At that time, the affected area of ​​the fruit begins to interact with oxygen in the atmosphere, an oxidation reaction occurs, and this causes a change in the structure and color of the apple fruit. Now it is clear". - “Yes, dad, of course it’s understandable. Dad, who were you talking to just now?” But now the tension and problems with the virus, with the month off, loans, etc., lead to the fact that small children are also scared, those who are older are also “wandering with ideas” and it is not known what they will come up with, who they will believe and what it will do for them. they may end... Just for information. Over the past two weeks, groups of “survivalists” have become significantly more active, ranging from objectively adequate ones who call for calm and send each other lists of essential items in case of a PD, to frankly frostbitten ones who are already starting to plan a “looter.” Should I tell you or can you guess what, or rather who will be the main mass driving force of such groups? We have completely forgotten that during any upheaval, the risk group is the elderly and children, and if they immediately remembered the elderly, well, it seems like the virus is mainly aimed at them, then the children are stewing in their own juice... It would seem that it is simpler, well dust off the Soviet cartoons. Select a selection of adequate stories for each age group. For those who are older, cartoons will no longer work, but at the state level you can shoot several clips or compose raps!!! But let those who understand music think about this, and for children, turn on cartoons and watch them with them!

I like Soviet cartoons more, of course, I grew up on them, this is my childhood and youth. but there are also modern cartoons.

Well, it turns out there are cartoons about teeth.

Of course, cartoons alone cannot solve the problem, and they will not work immediately, and not for everyone, BUT , in the Soviet Union, great attention was paid specifically to raising children and providing for their needs. Both cartoons and children's films are one of the cornerstones of this attention. And yes, a joke: - Are you saying that cartoons do not affect life? And many people still eat a sandwich with the sausage down only because in the cartoon one smart cat said that it tastes better this way...

PS. The message is simple, watch good adequate cartoons with your children and grandchildren, answer their questions, because this is such a small thing.


By the age of 8, children should be able to fully brush their teeth independently. If the habit has not been formed before the age of 11, then mistakes were made in educational approaches and training. One of the main ones is coercion. The fact is that, unlike adults, children do not understand the importance and benefits of daily hygiene procedures. They treat this as a duty and often resist.

You can’t force someone; this usually causes even greater protest. You can be persistent, but within reasonable limits. It is advisable to instill the skill of caring for the oral cavity at an early age. Children who are one year old already understand what is wanted from them. During this period of active imitation, they react with pleasure to everything new and interesting. Don't expect quick adaptation and results. The main task of parents is to convince them of the usefulness of brushing their teeth and not discourage them from practicing basic hygiene rules.

Your child will enjoy brushing their teeth if...

Brushing your teeth is a mandatory morning and evening procedure, even on weekends or holidays. Exactly the same as washing your hands before eating or washing yourself before going to bed. It does not always go smoothly for both the child and the parent. What to hide, in our family, where my mother is a dentist, it happens differently. It all depends on the son’s mood.

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For me, the following are very important: the correct brushing technique, which must be perfected, and the length of time, which should be 2-3 minutes. But for us, brushing our teeth takes about 15 minutes. Most of the time is preparation and games while brushing. To make brushing your baby’s teeth a pleasure and give it freshness and cleanliness, and for parents to save their nerves, use my advice as a dentist. My main life hack: I don’t use all the tips at once, but alternate them and change them periodically.

Tip #1.
Knowledge of what we are doing
Talk to the baby, explain all the actions. He should know why we brush our teeth: so that our teeth are white and beautiful, so that our breath smells pleasant, so that our teeth do not get sick.

Tip #2. You are a role model

If parents themselves do not brush their teeth twice a day, then it will be difficult to explain to the child why he needs it. Brush your teeth together, it will be much more fun. Invite your baby to brush your teeth while you brush his teeth.

Tip #3. Motivation

A great way to motivate is to reward him, buy him a toy, go to a children's play center, etc. I advise you to find a monthly teeth cleaning schedule on the Internet and print it out. Having agreed with the child, mark on the calendar several days when he will receive a well-deserved present, provided that none of the cleanings are missed: neither morning nor evening.

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Tip #4. Red herring

Agree that simply brushing your teeth is not very interesting. You can keep your child busy and divert his attention to something more exciting. For example, I show cartoons. The child sits quietly, and I can clean his teeth efficiently. We also play “pouring water” in the sink: we take a few glasses and play with the water. Sometimes other toys are used. Another option is to brush your teeth until the funny music or children's song ends.

Tip #5. The child must be independent

Be sure to let your child brush his teeth himself, even if he does it incorrectly. Over time, he will succeed. You are still responsible for quality.

Tip #6. Let the child choose

Your toothbrush should be changed every three months. There are conditions when the brush needs to be changed earlier, for example, after an illness or if the period has not yet expired, and the bristles are already sticking out in all directions - the cleaning ability of the brush is significantly reduced. This is a great reason to go to the supermarket with your child and choose a new toothbrush together. Let the new product be with your favorite hero, bright, on a suction cup. The main thing is that the baby likes it.

Tip #7. A change of scenery

No matter how strange it may sound, sometimes my son brushes his teeth in the kitchen or even in the living room. Well, the baby doesn’t want to brush his teeth in the bathroom! I'm adapting. The most important thing is that this should all be without whims and hysterics. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

Tip #8. Useful cartoons

While brushing your teeth, show your child useful cartoons. You can watch the “Tooth Fairy” episode from the cartoon “BE-BE-BEARS”, and then act out the plot in your pajamas with “BE-BE-BEARS”. Then brushing your teeth will definitely be a pleasure!

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What life hacks do you have related to brushing your teeth? Share with other moms!

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