Drills are becoming a thing of the past: tooth regeneration from Neanderthals, treatment without fillings and enamel building


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Arkady Petrov “Tooth regeneration technology”
Arkady Petrov “Tooth regeneration technology”

Tree of Life No. 1 January 2008

“The goal of the work is to completely restore all teeth to normal using the regeneration method.

When there are no teeth, a person loses the taste for life.

We restore teeth with all receptors, with all sensitive endings.

We build a hologram not only of today’s tooth structure, but also of the future structure. From the present through the past: what teeth were like, what teeth will be.

The gum edge is the middle point of the figure eight (see Fig. 1).

Activation of the figure eight accelerates the growth of teeth and displaces all negativity from the place where the tooth is formed. You can transfer embryo information to figure eight. There is no negativity in the embryo. Development is proceeding only according to a positive scenario. The embryo itself removes all negative information.

We start the regeneration process through stem cells.

Using an impulse, we build a hologram of the root of a healthy tooth. To do this, we enter the chromosome with our consciousness, highlighting the energy-information frame of a healthy tooth, that is, its hologram, the dental anlage.

We take a stem cell from the vertebral bone (spinal cord) and teleport it to the root of the tooth (see Fig. 2).

We give an impulse with consciousness from the Soul to build the cell stem. To do this, from the primary stem cell (1), we first isolate two cells (there are 3 in total), then two more cells (5) and three more cells (8). An embryo has formed.

Next, we enter the code: “differentiation” (i.e., the transformation, in the process of individual development of the organism, of initially identical, unspecialized cells of the embryo into specialized cells of tissues and organs). Then we give an impulse from the primary cell to isolate the 9th cell.

After the formation of the 9th cell, the division of stem cells begins to form dental tissues (Fig. 2).

We install source cells to speed up the formation of dental tissues. We activate them with an impulse of consciousness.

We establish, through the thyroid gland, a connection between the teeth being restored and those organs with which they initially had these connections. (Consciousness knows these connections).

Silver-white threads appear from the thyroid gland to the teeth being restored.

We transfer this whole situation to all the other teeth that need restoration...”

“...Each of you, in your imagination or control zone, will need to build a hologram of the missing tooth. You find which tooth you are missing. We start regeneration from the upper jaw. If there are all teeth in the upper jaw, then we begin regeneration from the lower jaw.

If someone cannot determine which tooth is missing. Because it happens that a person loses teeth very early. Then all the teeth shift, they change their position, and it turns out that it is difficult to determine the 6th or 7th or 5th tooth. And they have different structures.

Now there is a woman in the hall who is growing a tooth on the right side of her lower jaw - 5. But I cannot conduct this tooth as fractology, because... I hadn’t seen it before, but I saw it already erupting. And I need your status before teething. Sometimes teeth grow at 30, 40 and 50, this happened in my practice.

...Since we have embarked on the path of spiritual development, we will continue it, having received technologies for dental regeneration, we will continue this path of comprehending the world, comprehending ourselves as a part of the world.

Because the result cannot be achieved until we recognize ourselves as an element of the world, part of the world. And then, once, click and we get the result...

...Your task is to feel what is happening in the place where you have already outlined where TOOTH REGENERATION will take place.

I repeat that we started regeneration from the upper jaw; we take the stem cell from the bone marrow of one of the vertebral bodies.

We turn to our Divine consciousness and ask it: take my STEM CELL from the bone marrow of one of the vertebrae and TELEPORT to the border between the jaw and the missing tooth.

Consciousness is capable of the teleportation effect; all regeneration methods are based on this.

Next, with an impulse, we build a hologram of the TOOTH ROOT. WE BUILD A CAGE INTO THE TOP OF THE TOOTH. Our cells obey our consciousness, and chromosomes also obey our consciousness. We give an IMPULSE from the soul. The Energy of the Spirit and the Knowledge of the Soul enter the cell, enter the chromosomes.

So, we are now impulsively building a hologram of the root of a healthy tooth. To do this, we enter the chromosome with CONSCIOUSNESS and illuminate with energy the information frame of a HEALTHY TOOTH. Mentally we knock it out. The impulse touches 2 cells, touch this first cell - 2 more cells. Thus, we get 5 cells, touch the first cell - 8 cells.

Thus, an GERM was formed. This is the root bookmark.

Next we introduce verbal coding. Each cell knows what to build. A tooth is a complex formation; it is not just bone tissue. The tooth consists of enamel, there is DENTIN inside, and there is a root covered with cement. Inside the tooth there is a NERVOUS-VASCULAR BAND, which also has a complex structure. Consists of nerves, vessels, veins. Therefore, when we give a command to a cell (STEM CELL), TO EXTRACT 9 CELLS AND WITH THIS WE GO FROM THE INTERNAL TO THE EXTERNAL.

Because the tooth has both internal and external manifestations. Upper teeth and lower teeth have different structures.

The count starts from the midline, 2 central incisors, 2 lateral, 2 canines numbered 3,4 and 5 are premolars. The 4th premolar usually has 2 roots, but can also have one.

6,7,8 have 3 roots.

But 8 teeth, both upper and lower, are very variable. They can have 1,2,3 roots.

The lower teeth are distributed in the same way as the upper teeth. Teeth 6,7,8 are powerful chewing molars. These chewing teeth have 2 roots, except for 8, which, as I said, is variable.

Therefore, when you build a hologram of your regenerated tooth, strictly adhere to the specified number of tooth roots.

If it is the 4th tooth, then there are 2 roots, if it is 6, then there are 3. I talked about the BOOKMARK.

Does anyone have any feelings?

What is REGENERATION? This is a MINI RESURRECTION. After all, by regenerating the entire organ, the body simply rejuvenates.

Remember Petrov’s example, how one woman’s ovaries regenerated according to the laws of universal connections and causes of effects, her appendicitis and tonsils were regenerated, and she generally became rejuvenated and felt completely different. You know from the works of G.P. and Petrov that we have source cells and sink cells.

Look where your tooth was removed, here you have formed SPHEROSED HARDNESS, SPHEROSED TISSUE.

And here you have laid a delicate germ of 9 microscopic stem cells. It is difficult for them to break through and therefore source cells are placed around here. AND CONSCIOUSNESS itself KNOWS how many cells and how many of them to put to whom.

Now that the tooth was in its place, it was connected to a CERTAIN ORGAN.

Refer to this picture, all connections are drawn here. Please note that all teeth are connected to the gastrointestinal tract, because teeth are the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract.

We will not restore these ties now. For those who don’t understand the sinuses, they are the maxillary and frontal sinuses. 3,4,5 are related to sines. If some organ is removed, then wait for the disease somewhere else, i.e. Some organ is not receiving enough of something, communication in the body is disrupted.

When I was studying at the institute, they said that the appendix is ​​not needed in the body, and at one time there was such a technology to remove appendicitis from infants so that there would be no problems in the future.

And what is appendicitis? This is a very important part in our body, firstly it is the prevention of dysbacteriosis, and secondly it stimulates the peristalsis of the large intestine. By removing appendicitis, you doom a person to constipation. In addition, appendicitis is a DEPOT OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. By removing appendicitis, we disrupt this connection; by removing the tonsils, we disrupt the Pirogov ring, we make the infection free for the upper respiratory tract. I experienced constant bronchitis myself.

At home, be sure to establish a connection between the regenerated tooth and the missing organ, and send, with the help of the Spirit, from the Soul to send an impulse to the small embryo, as if we were carrying children. And send LIGHT and LOVE to the ORGAN with which it is connected.

As a rule, teeth are formed by the age of 15. Arkady Naumovich recommends returning to that 15-year-old age, to that youth, REMEMBERING EXCITING MOMENTS. This return to our beautiful moments, to this youth, also helps to accelerate the regeneration process.

Next point. We instruct our consciousness to transfer regeneration from this tooth to all other teeth that are missing.”

Description of the practice of growing new teeth

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - because Nature tried and gave us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth, how you stand in front of a mirror with a thread tied to a tooth in an attempt to overcome your fear by pulling it out, etc. Remember this because this is the first “button” that will turn on and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now I will return you again to the description that I gave above - namely, to the place where I said that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This persistently tells us that here is another one of the “buttons” that needs to be pressed to turn on the process of tooth regeneration.

3. And the third “button” is, of course, in our consciousness. We must also turn it on permanently, because... We won’t be able to do everything that I write below all the time (all 24 hours).

1. So, I will describe what exactly needs to be done. Find 10-30 minutes to practice every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth, i.e. simultaneously under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these teeth exactly like seeds, i.e. about what has been planted and is already beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how the teeth “itched”, how painful it was, etc.

2. Maintain this concentration for the first third of the practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is an area approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As you concentrate - you may feel pressure in this area, this is good.

4. Maintain this concentration for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations that I described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (Third Eye), mentally saying something like the following phrase “My teeth are completely renewed.” At the same time, keep the thought form of renewing your teeth, in which bad teeth fall out, and new young teeth grow in their place.

4. This practice must be done for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main criterion here is your ability to feel yourself.


• The only reason for failure in this practice may be your fear of losing teeth and clinging to old ones. For example, thoughts such as “What if all the teeth fall out and no new ones grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc.”


“To form a 3-dimensional volumetric field of a new tooth with roots (having previously cleaned the place from EI dirt), and then gradually build up, root and strengthen this 3-dimensional volumetric field of a new tooth with different strong energies; at the same time, you can also direct the chewed energy there food (in particular feta cheese, cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, onions, etc.).

And then gradually adjust and align this new energy tooth to match the appearance of your healthy teeth already in your mouth. Not forgetting the shiny protective enamel coating!

As for the treatment of caries, I agree with this approach:

“In the beginning, in theory, the caries itself should turn white, the dark plaque should be removed, and the cavity filled with dark energies, the visually black area of ​​the tooth, should turn white. First stage.

And when the dark energies are raked out from such cavities-areas, the tooth is cleaned of dark, dirty energies, this caries rot-rust goes away, you can begin to revive and restore it.

This is already the second stage.

You can fill a former diseased tooth with health energies, make balls, inject light etheric energies containing healing information, such ball programs to ensure that your teeth are healthy, white, strong, resistant to heat and cold, overheating and hypothermia. Having healthy, normal teeth, you can drink hot coffee and eat cold ice cream in chunks.

By the way, Frenklin suggested a good technique!

Find in the past, in adolescence, when a person was completely healthy, all his teeth were young and beautiful, a site, place, region, zone where the memories and integral sensations of healthy teeth are localized! It is very easy to find this area in the past.

This section of the VIP is activated, filled, pumped up with good energies and integrated with the present. And then this integral design is constantly supported, like a health program, such as those done on a deuce. And then just fill this structure with different healthy energies!

But at the same time, be sure to ensure that the matrix of a healthy tooth in the program (made by you) is combined with the currently diseased tooth and is constantly filled with good energies.

Or you can introduce an implant, such a matrix, a copy from your own healthy tooth or someone else’s healthy tooth (you can also work with a photograph).

In this case, it is advisable to take into account as much as possible, copy the internal energy structure of a healthy tooth and fill it with different healthy energies, which can also be done from the object.”


As we can see, all techniques have several common points, which in order of priority are arranged as follows:

1. Mental teleportation in time. It is necessary in your imagination or in meditation to transport yourself to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. Imagine yourself at this time as best as possible, possibly using photographs. Remember as many exciting moments from this period of life as possible...

2. Work with the energy-information field. It is necessary to implant or transfer the “embryo” of a healthy tooth to the place we need. According to Mikhail Stolbov - giving the order to the tooth to grow. Subsequently, there is a constant mental visualization of beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Daily, or better yet hourly, maximum attention to the right place, constant stimulation (both physical and psychological), increased blood flow, massage of the gums with a toothbrush, jaw training. “Hourly (actually every hour for 5 minutes) work with gum cells. Jaw training: clench your teeth for a short time, then release, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.” If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then work should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are working on one or two teeth, then it doesn’t matter... To better visualize a particular tooth, on the right is a modified Foll table showing the number of roots of a tooth.

Teeth regeneration technology

The regeneration technology is based on a combination of stem cells, support material and signaling molecules. In about 60 days, the process of growing a completely new and, most importantly, healthy tooth with real roots, dentin and pulp lasts.

At this point in time, high-quality implantation is unthinkable without bone structures that are in good condition, otherwise the installed prostheses simply will not hold securely. Therefore, the technology of growing teeth from stem cells, which does not depend on such limitations, opens up great opportunities in terms of preserving and improving human health. The only problem is that its cost will be very high, this is suggested by logic and a simple statement of the fact of the price level in the field of high-quality implantation and prosthetics. That is why we can talk about this only as a very distant future, so the relevance of preserving what nature has given us is not removed from the agenda.

Structure of a human tooth

The process of formation of baby teeth begins very early, somewhere from 6–7 weeks of development, and the root system is fully developed by the end of the 20th week. The composition of the tooth includes:

  • enamel;
  • pulp;
  • dentine;
  • dental cement.

Tooth enamel can withstand maximum loads; it is the hardest element. Dentin is also characterized by increased strength, in which there are a large number of tubules with cells that enable the full growth and development of teeth. The pulp is the center of blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerve endings, while dental cement is a substance whose composition is very similar to bone tissue.

Achievements of scientists

Theoretically, the current situation can be called borderline in the sense that dentistry has come very close to the moment when the practice of growing new young elements instead of lost ones is ready to take the place of theory. But there are several serious problems that prevent you from crossing this line and re-growing your teeth, in particular:

  • the process of cell division is far from perfect, therefore, full transformation into dental tissue does not occur;
  • there is a fairly high probability of rejection of a new tooth by the gums; an example is a similar situation that occurs periodically with implants;
  • Implanting a tooth germ into the gum cannot serve as a 100% guarantee that the tooth will grow in the form and quality expected.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of when such regeneration techniques will begin to produce high-quality results. There is an opinion in the professional community that something like this can be discussed no earlier than the 30s of this century.

Bolotov method

Strictly speaking, Bolotov’s method does not concern the regeneration of teeth, but their treatment, but as an alternative it makes sense to consider it in more detail. The regeneration process is based on a combination of vodka tinctures, propolis and calamus. For 0.5 vodka, take one calamus root and crush it, propolis tincture is made at the rate of 20 grams per half liter.

The technique is based on the simultaneous use of both tinctures and involves the following course of action: one tablespoon of each tincture is mixed together and the resulting mixture must be rinsed out of the mouth for three minutes. It is not recommended to swallow this composition; rinsing should be done either at the onset of pain or before bedtime. The duration of treatment is approximately a month, although pain should subside 2-3 after the start of the procedure. Calamus acts as a pain reliever, and propolis is necessary for filling holes in teeth.

Note: This procedure cannot be called regeneration; new teeth cannot be grown with its help, but pain completely disappears and even roots that do not sit well in the gums become stronger.

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