Why do you need a special toothpaste for smokers? Review of TOP 5 products

December 18, 2017

Most people who smoke cannot boast of either a fresh complexion or a flawless smile, since within a few months after starting regular smoking an unpleasant yellow plaque begins to appear on their teeth, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of after just a couple of years.

Bad habit - smoking

UltraSmile.ru portal decided to conduct a little research and find out how those who do not want to give up a bad habit can fight yellow teeth. We present several toothpastes that, although slightly, will help solve the problem of “smoker's plaque.”

Why does smoking cause teeth to turn yellow?

For a heavy smoker, the inside enamel has a dark or yellow tint, and the whitening procedure is almost impossible (at least at home). The change in shade is influenced by many factors, including the duration of the bad habit, the initial state of the tooth enamel, the intensity of smoking and even the quality of cigarettes! But in any case, yellowing of teeth will not take long to occur.

The most obvious cause of yellow enamel is the negative effects of nicotine tar. In the process of smoking, not only does cigarette smoke burn the mouth, but it also actively deposits on the tooth enamel, causing it to gradually turn into various shades of yellow. In addition, nicotine noticeably suppresses the amount of saliva and changes its composition. And, as you know, saliva is a natural cleanser of the oral cavity. Since it completely fails to cope with its duties, plaque accumulates on the teeth and gums - it also has a characteristic yellow color.

Yellow teeth from smoking

When nicotine and other compounds get on tooth enamel, they make it loose and therefore more vulnerable to damage. This means an increased risk of developing tooth sensitivity, as well as carious processes.

Pros of pastes for smokers

Note! All pastes for smokers are divided into two groups: whitening and strengthening.

An effective strategy is to remove contaminants, then deal with aesthetic issues.

That is, it is first important to get rid of old plaque, and only then to lighten your teeth.

Whitening pastes cannot be used regularly - the enamel becomes thinner, becomes more porous, and coloring pigments begin to linger on it even faster than before.
The safest are those containing sodium bicarbonate. They should be used regularly, but not all the time.
Both whitening and strengthening pastes contain components that freshen breath, so the issue of unpleasant odor can also be solved with their help.

Fillings darkened by smoking cannot be whitened on your own . To resolve this issue, you will need the help of a dentist.

TOP 3 special pastes in the fight against yellow teeth

If previously the only option for a smoker was to quit smoking, now there are various pastes that can minimize the negative effects of tar, nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco. The following prices are current as of the end of 2022.


Toothpastes can only reduce the negative effects of nicotine.
But they will not stop the tooth decay that occurs due to smoking. Let's consider how and with what you can whiten yellow teeth after smoking.

ROCS "Antitobacco"

The effectiveness of the paste is ensured due to the presence of a component such as bromelain. It not only slows down the appearance of plaque, but also helps remove existing plaque. Silicon dioxide gently polishes tooth enamel. This paste also perfectly restores the condition of the gums. The cost is about 250 rubles.

ROCS “Antitobacco” toothpaste

Dentavit for smokers

Contains components such as sodium chloride, bergamot oil and sodium pyrophosphate, which provide effective cleaning of plaque from teeth. The paste does not contain sweeteners or dyes. This is the most affordable of all options - this paste costs about 50 rubles.

Dentavit toothpaste for smokers

Zact for smokers

One of the most effective pastes for those who smoke and also often drink coffee or tea. It contains calcium hydrogen phosphate and aluminum oxide, which do an excellent job of removing deposits on teeth and have a whitening effect. The company offers a fairly large assortment of toothpastes for smokers - with mint, eucalyptus, and elements to strengthen enamel. Cost – from 100 rubles and above.

Zact toothpaste for smokers

On a note!

People who smoke are advised to improve their oral hygiene and undergo regular dental checkups.
2-3 times a year, a mandatory procedure is teeth cleaning using ultrasound and Air Flow, which will get rid of plaque more effectively. Now smokers also have the opportunity to have healthy and beautiful teeth. Thanks to the use of various whitening toothpastes, you can not only clean, but also strengthen tooth enamel, achieving fairly good results.

Clinical researches

Clinical studies have proven that regular use of professional toothpaste ASEPTA COFFEE AND TOBACCO for a month improved the hydration of the mucous membrane by 3.3 times, the remineralizing efficiency increased by 3.9 times, at the same time, the cleansing effect has increasing dynamics and reaches 60 .5% at 4 weeks of use.


  1. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” COFFEE and TOBACCO Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  2. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING” Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  3. Report on the determination/confirmation of the preventive properties of personal oral hygiene products “ASEPTA PLUS” Remineralization doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry

Watch a video about proper brushing of teeth


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dental plaque, prevention

Why smokers need special toothpaste

The best option to avoid negative consequences is to quit smoking. Previously, for people who abuse cigarettes, this was the only way to restore oral health. Today we have developed methods for restoring enamel, in which it is not necessary to give up the bad habit.

If serious problems arise, you should definitely consult a dentist. For daily hygiene at home, you can limit yourself to specialized toothpastes. They are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • Whitening. The formulation contains large particles of abrasives. When they rub against the surface of the plaque, they destroy and clean it off. Such aggressive mechanical cleaning cannot be carried out on an ongoing basis. You can make the enamel too thin and damage it, which leads to increased sensitivity and pain. That is why two types of products are used, which alternate with each other.
  • Strengthening. They contain complex components of calcium and phosphorus. They are designed to restore enamel damaged by abrasives. With regular use, they give strength to the structure and protect it from caries.

Note! With excessive use of abrasives, the tooth structure becomes porous. Nicotine coloring pigments penetrate into it more actively. Therefore, instead of cleaning, you worsen the condition of your teeth.

Photos: How does a smile change from smoking and after quitting?

Let's see what changes happen with a smile. First, let's pay attention to the smile before smoking. Here is a photograph of a man with absolutely healthy teeth. They have a healthy, white tint. No stains, plaque.

But what happens if a person decides to smoke? The first weeks of change will be subtle. After three months, the shade will become yellower, especially in the canine area.

Within a few years, without proper care, plaque will turn into tartar or caries. The shade will become darker by 4-5 tones, the color is uneven, spots appear.

Bleaching with oxygen

Such products can quickly and very effectively make your teeth snow-white. But the result will be visible only for a short time. For a lasting result, you will have to contact dentists or purchase special whitening complexes; these do not apply to pastes.

The rating of pastes that bleach with oxygen looks like this:

  1. "REMBRANDT plus"

    . Released in America. Costs about 500 rubles per tube. Teeth become 5 shades whiter! You can buy whitening toothpaste at the pharmacy. The effect is achieved quickly; professionals call this paste the best of its kind. The price in this case is a guarantee of quality. It contains special components. They protect teeth from caries and premature destruction. The active ingredients penetrate inside the tooth, dark spots are removed in 2-3 applications.

  2. "SPLAT extreme White"

    . The product is produced in Russia. Costs about 200 rubles per package. This paste alone works for two - it removes plaque from the surface, and also penetrates deep into the root to eliminate darkened areas. In a month of daily use, you can lighten your teeth by 2 shades. Unfortunately, this is the maximum for this paste. So if your teeth are not too dark, then the toothpaste will certainly help. But if the spots are too visible, then using the product is not advisable.

  3. "ROCS PRO

    - Oxygen bleaching. Not just toothpaste, but gel! Produced in Russia. Costs about 300 rubles. Does not contain fluoride, suitable for people suffering from intolerance to this component. Makes teeth up to 3 times whiter. Poorly removes plaque from the tooth surface. The manufacturer recommends using this gel only in conjunction with a whitening product of the same brand. Rox whitening toothpaste has earned the most positive reviews.

This is what the rating of whitening toothpastes looks like according to professional dentists.

There are 2 types of such paste:

  1. a paste that removes color pigment from the tooth surface;
  2. a paste that whitens enamel through the work of active oxygen compounds.

Products of the first type eliminate various coloring substances from the tooth surface. Pigments, microbes. All thanks to the abrasors and polishes in the composition. In the list of ingredients you can also find enzymes that can eliminate plaque on the roots.

If a person takes good care of his oral hygiene, regularly brushes his teeth even with regular toothpaste, goes to the dentist to remove tartar, then a product that removes pigments will not help him. This is an option for those who smoke, love coffee and tea, suffer from gum disease, and are overly sensitive.

The second type of product contains a special chemical - carbamide peroxide. It interacts with the liquid in a person's mouth. When decomposing, it releases active oxygen compounds. Oxygen can penetrate deep into the incisors and remove dark spots that the first tier product cannot remove.

White Glo

We couldn’t find anything more compelling about this toothpaste, other than the fact that White Glo is created on an organic basis.

Despite the fact that, according to the manufacturer, White Glo has extra whitening properties, not all users are completely satisfied with it. Many agree that White Glo cleans enamel well, but some believe that it does not particularly stand out among its peers. Some people don't like the taste of this toothpaste.

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