Soda and hydrogen peroxide: a healing tandem from Professor Neumyvakin

Treat not a disease, but a person. Hippocrates spoke about this most important principle of healing. Our contemporary Ivan Neumyvakin developed a method for healing the body using simple and cheap means: soda and hydrogen peroxide. These “medicines” help not only get rid of diseases, but also prevent them. It is interesting that I.P. Neumyvakin came to healing from official medicine, he is a professor. But his technique has not yet received recognition from his colleagues, although many of them do not deny the benefits of its use. How to properly use baking soda and peroxide to improve your health and get rid of diseases?

How the treatment method according to Professor Neumyvakin works

Doctor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is convinced: there are no diseases. There are various malfunctions in the body that arise due to problems with metabolism and disturbances in the acid-base balance.

Over the years, a person inevitably accumulates toxins and waste, and they interfere with the normal functioning of all systems and organs. In addition, acidified blood or, on the contrary, containing excess alkali (ideal pH balance 7–7.5) also leads to serious illnesses. Therefore, the main rule of health is cleansing of toxins and maintaining a pH balance close to ideal.

The ratio of acids and alkalis in the human body must be balanced

In order to be healthy, it is not at all necessary to spend significant amounts of money on intoxication programs. It is enough to take extremely cheap but effective means.

This is what I.P. teaches. Neumyvakin . His healing method is based on taking hydrogen peroxide and regular baking soda internally and externally. These same simple substances will help get rid of already acquired diseases. They can be used in combination or separately.

A sick person leaves a lot of money in the pharmacy, and Doctor I.P. Neumyvakin says that this is unnecessary: ​​there will be no diseases if the acid-base balance is maintained

Properties of hydrogen peroxide (peroxide)

A solution of hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol, or more commonly, peroxide, is a transparent liquid that is tasteless and odorless. The drug should be in all first aid kits; it has proven itself as a disinfectant.

Most people know little about its other beneficial properties. Official medicine recommends only external use of peroxide. Dr. Neumyvakin suggested drinking H2O2 solution and even injecting it intravenously.

This compound easily breaks down into elements: water (H2) and free oxygen (O2). Thus, according to the healer, the human body will receive a fair portion of O2, which will help protect it from infections and other adverse factors.

Professor Neumyvakin advises using hydrogen peroxide both externally and internally

When ingested, hydrogen peroxide affects the body as follows:

  • kills pathogens;
  • restores acid-base balance;
  • cleanses blood vessels of deposits;
  • helps improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • actively detoxifies;
  • increases the body's immune strength;
  • includes mechanisms of self-regulation and recovery.

Released as a result of the reaction, active oxygen destroys pathogens

Why does hydrogen peroxide hiss when it hits an open wound, but there is no such reaction on whole skin? Human blood contains the enzyme catalase (or peroxidase). It instantly separates the peroxide into water and active oxygen, which is what the hissing bubbles are made of. O2 stops bleeding and disinfects the wound.

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends using hydrogen peroxide both as a preventive measure and in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Effect of baking soda on the body

Regular baking soda also has a stimulating effect on the human body. These white crystals have long been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. A solution of sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate or bicarbonate) Na2HCO3 was once taken as an anti-aging agent. And modern doctors often advise gargling the throat and mouth with it to get rid of infections or prevent them, and to wash wounds and suppuration.

Ancient healers believed that a solution of sodium bicarbonate rejuvenates a person

Sodium bicarbonate (soda) upon contact with hot water (from 60 degrees) is converted into three substances: sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. As a result of this reaction, a violently hissing foam is released.

Dr. Neumyvakin noticed how a white powder dissolved in hot water has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. It balances the ratio of acid and alkali, renews the main fluid of our body at the cellular level.

Baking soda is a cheap and accessible remedy that can cure diseases and maintain health.

The effect of soda solution on the body:

  • removes heavy metals and waste, including from the kidneys;
  • dissolves toxic deposits;
  • destroys parasites;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • balances pH balance;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels.

What diseases do peroxide and soda help heal?

According to the author of the method, peroxide and soda are completely interchangeable. They seem to act on the human body. Therefore, you can limit yourself to using one of these substances. But complex therapy will provide a greater stimulating and restorative effect.

There are some rules for using baking soda and peroxide together. Particular attention should be paid to those who are engaged not in prevention, but in the treatment of already acquired ailments.

What diseases can be treated with these simple remedies? According to I.P. Neumyvakina, the list is quite impressive:

  • problems with the respiratory system (sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema);
  • periodontal disease and other oral diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • tumor pathologies at the initial stages.

    I. Neumyvakin and his followers believe that soda and hydrogen peroxide are an inexpensive but effective alternative to pharmacological drugs

Healer Neumyvakin emphasizes that treatment with peroxide and soda will not give results if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle: overeats, moves little, gets nervous for no reason. Health, the author of the method believes, is a harmonious combination of peace of mind and physical well-being. And peroxide and soda only help maintain it at the proper level.

Doctor Neumyvakin and his followers assure that the treatment method with peroxide and soda is supported by favorable practical experience. But there is no reliable statistical information about this. But official medicine does not recognize such therapy. Although there are positive reviews even from doctors, most believe that this type of treatment is not trustworthy.

Neumyvakin himself under no circumstances advises abandoning traditional treatment, especially when it comes to serious illnesses or emergency conditions requiring surgical intervention. He warns that his method is not a panacea.

Not everyone is recommended to take solutions of soda and peroxide orally. Often, the dosage must be selected individually, carefully monitoring the body's reactions. If your health condition worsens, you should abandon alternative therapy.

A few words about the author of the method

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin successfully combined official medicine and folk healing traditions. He received a special education, defended his doctoral dissertation, and later became a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (a public organization that unites creative scientists). Received the title of “Best Healer of Russia.”

Doctor Ivan Numyvakin became one of the pioneers of space medicine

Doctor I.P. Neumyvakin was involved in the health of aviators, and with the beginning of the space age he was invited to the Institute of Medical and Biological Research. The young scientist solved extreme problems in an unconventional way. Working with astronauts gave him rich food for thought and scope for experimentation. Over the course of 30 years, he published about two hundred articles and several books, invented health-improving devices, and developed unusual and effective treatment methods. One of his main creations, which has become especially popular among the people, is healing with soda and peroxide. He devoted separate works to these substances, and experienced their effects personally.

Healer Neumyvakin not only promotes his method, he applies it himself

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is already 89 years old (born in 1928). He himself is a shining example of the application of his method of healing. In old age, he writes books, conducts seminars, and sees patients.

Video: how to heal and live according to Dr. I. Neumyvakin


The medicinal properties of the mixture include eliminating the symptoms of herpes. Prepare the medicine according to the following recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. baking soda with a small amount of H2O2 solution to a paste consistency.
  2. Apply the mixture to the location of the disease (blister) for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure once a day.

Baking soda is a widely used antiseptic. It eliminates the virus, reduces inflammation in the affected area, and soothes inflamed skin. Its effect is enhanced by peroxide.

Methods of using soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

According to Dr. Neumyvakin’s method, soda and peroxide can be used in pairs or independently. Although the chemical composition of these substances is different, they can replace each other in healing. One example: for external use, solutions of soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and peroxide (15 drops per 1 liter of water) are equal in effect.

It is strictly forbidden to take these substances orally at the same time. Between their use, at least half an hour should pass, and preferably more.

Preventative intake of peroxide

For health and maintaining an active immune system, healer Neumyvakin advises drinking an aqueous solution of 3% peroxide three times daily on an empty stomach (at least an hour before meals). It is added dropwise to a small amount of liquid (about 50 ml). You should start with 2 drops, then increase the dose every day. The maximum is 10 drops, and drink this for ten days. After taking a break for 3 days, continue taking 10 drops. Then another pause and a new cycle.

When starting peroxide therapy, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. Malaise and discomfort are reasons to reduce the dose or completely discontinue the drug.

Healer Neumyvakin recommends taking hydrogen peroxide solution constantly with short breaks

The author of the peroxide treatment method believes that healing courses are a form of prevention that can be carried out throughout your life, taking short breaks or reducing the amount of the drug. Hydrogen peroxide is a source of oxygen, reminds I.P. Neumyvakin is a useful dietary supplement.

Video: I.P. Neumyvakin on the use of hydrogen peroxide

Soda for general health

For oral administration, soda should be dissolved in hot (from 60 degrees) water or milk. Only in this case you will receive a healing cocktail, and not a laxative. Dr. Neumyvakin recommends adding the powder to a glass of boiling water and then waiting for it to cool. You should take the solution on an empty stomach, and then abstain from food for at least half an hour. The amount of soda is increased gradually. The initial dose is on the tip of a teaspoon (about the size of a pea), after a couple of days you can take half a spoon, after another two days - a whole one.

For the beneficial properties of soda to be revealed, it must be dissolved in hot water.

As with taking peroxide, you need to listen to the body’s reactions. If unpleasant symptoms occur, reduce the amount of soda or completely cancel therapy.

Video: how soda affects the human body

Options for using peroxide and soda solutions

Peroxide and soda according to the Neumyvakin method can be used not only orally, but also in other ways: injections, baths, compresses, lotions. Pastes are prepared from these substances to treat fungal diseases and improve oral health.

Intravenous infusions

Dr. Neumyvakin’s method involves the intravenous use of hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. Such procedures, in his opinion, speed up healing. After all, the active elements enter directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the intestinal tract. Intravenous injections must be carried out very carefully and only under medical supervision.

Oxygen is an essential element for the human body. It provides breathing and energy exchange processes. Sodium regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and excretory systems, and is involved in the generation of nerve impulses during muscle contraction. Both a deficiency of these elements and their excess are dangerous for human health.

Baths and soda baths

The largest organ of a person is his skin. A healthy epithelium is an indicator of overall well-being, and treatment procedures that directly affect the skin are also effective for internal organs. This is why baths and baths with soda are so useful.

A bath with soda has a beneficial effect on the entire body

By carrying out the procedure, you can achieve the following results:

  • improve overall well-being;
  • normalize the nervous state;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • increase male potency;
  • heal skin diseases;
  • detoxify the body.

Before the procedure, soda is diluted in hot water (from 600C). For the first time, it is enough to add half a glass of sodium bicarbonate to the bath. Then the amount is successively increased to half a kilogram. The solution should cool to 400C. You can immerse yourself in a soda bath no higher than the level of your heart. You must take the procedure at least 15 times a month, alternating with days of rest.

Local baths with soda are made in the same way, but only the problematic parts of the body are dipped into the solution.

Soda enemas

Another way to use soda internally is as an enema. This procedure cleanses the intestines well, improving overall well-being.

An enema with soda is prepared as follows:

  1. Do a cleansing enema with lukewarm boiled water (1.5–2 liters).
  2. Prepare the solution: add 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate to 800 ml of freshly boiled water.
  3. Cool the liquid to 35–40 degrees.
  4. An hour after a bowel movement after a cleansing enema, administer a soda.

Enemas with the addition of soda are done no more than 1-2 times a week. Better in the morning.

Microclysters are carried out in the same way, but with a more concentrated solution. Place a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.

External use of hydrogen peroxide and soda

For local external use, 1% solutions are usually prepared from soda and hydrogen peroxide. A high concentration of these substances is unlikely to be beneficial, and can burn the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive liquid; in concentrated form it can burn the skin

But when getting rid of warts and fungal infections, the solutions are made more saturated - up to 15%. In this case, the product is applied strictly to the problem area, and the surrounding skin is protected. It can be greased with rich cream and covered with film.

Keep the solution for 15 minutes to an hour. The procedure should be performed at least twice a day until improvement occurs. In some cases, for example, with varicose veins, a compress with a 1% peroxide solution is left overnight.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda for various diseases

According to the healer Neumyvakin, properly prepared solutions of soda and peroxide, when strictly followed, cure many diseases: from a common runny nose to diabetes or melanoma. But in case of serious illnesses, he advises not to abandon traditional treatment.

Treatment with pharmaceutical drugs can be replaced with therapy with soda and peroxide, but in case of serious illnesses you should definitely consult a doctor

Table: treatment regimen for painful conditions using the Neumyvakin method

DiseaseMethod of treatment according to Neumyvakin
Diabetes mellitus type 2Take peroxide solution orally. Cycles of 10 days (from 1 to 10 drops per dose three times a day), conduct at least 5-7 courses.
  • A course of oral peroxide for 18 days. A break for two weeks, and then a new cycle until complete recovery.
  • To speed up the process, every other day you need to do soda sitz baths (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of warm water). The procedure should last 15 minutes and be performed at least 10 times.
  • Microenemas (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water) will also be effective; perform them every day for a week, then stop for 7 days.
  • Taking a soda solution orally, course 2 weeks.
  • At the same time, add external use for a course of 20 days. It is recommended to alternate rectal tampons with a soda solution at night and sitz baths, which are taken for 20 minutes.
  • Night compresses with peroxide (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water). The course lasts 14 days, break - 5.
  • It is necessary to take peroxide solution orally for 18 days.
  • They will enhance the effect of the enema.
  • Soda solution is used orally for this disease (from a minimum concentration to 1 teaspoon per glass of water). Cycles last for two weeks, breaks for 5 days.
  • Recommendation: In addition, you need to take more vitamin C.
Kidney diseasesTo treat the kidneys, you must first cleanse the intestines. The hydrogen peroxide solution is taken according to the usual regimen, but the courses should last 18–20 days. Therapy lasts about six months.
Parasitic infestationsYou can get rid of parasites using enemas with soda solution; 10 procedures must be performed per course. At the same time, take peroxide orally. The duration of the cycle is 18 days.
AtherosclerosisTo cleanse the blood vessels, intravenous infusions with peroxide are used, they are carried out every other day for 2 months. Afterwards the course is repeated once every 2 years.
Bronchial asthmaTake peroxide for a long time (up to six months) (standard regimen), add complex treatment with herbal preparations.
  • Taking a soda solution orally. Dissolve half a teaspoon in a glass of water, drink twice a day for 2 weeks. Take a break for 10 days and repeat the course.
  • Lotions with peroxide are applied to painful areas and left for a quarter of an hour.
SinusitisThe peroxide solution is instilled into the nose three times a day. 3-4 drops in each nostril. Courses of treatment are 10 days with an interval of 3 days between them.
MastopathyA solution of soda (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water) is consumed according to the following scheme: 3 days a glass before bed, pause 3 days, then in the same dose for 10 days.
ConstipationA special soda solution is prepared. A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and a pinch of ordinary salt are dissolved in a glass of not hot, but lukewarm water. Then the soda will have a laxative effect. In addition, in the morning on an empty stomach you should definitely drink at least 2 glasses of water (ideally melted water).
Bleeding gumsYou need to prepare the composition:
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda and peroxide - 2 teaspoons each.

Mix the ingredients, an hour before eating, brush your teeth with this mixture for at least 10 minutes. Continue the procedures until complete recovery.

Lung diseasesIntravenous injections of peroxide solution. They are carried out daily, 10 to 20 times in a row. Afterwards you need a break for a week. The course can be repeated twice.
Upper respiratory tract infectionsTreat with rinses. A teaspoon of soda or a few drops of peroxide is dissolved in a glass of warm water, the procedure is carried out as often as possible, up to 10 times a day.
Nail fungusPrepare this remedy: combine half a teaspoon of soda with a drop of iodine and 6% vinegar. Lubricate the affected nail with the composition at least 2 times a day. On average, treatment lasts a week.
Joint diseases
  • A peroxide solution prepared according to the usual recipe helps. You need to drink it for 2 months according to the standard regimen.
  • Compresses on problem areas, 10–14 nights in a row.
Papillomas and wartsYou can remove skin growths with undiluted 3% peroxide. A drop of the drug is carefully applied to each element 5 times a day or more. As a maintenance treatment, peroxide solution is taken orally for 18 days.
  • They are treated by taking a peroxide solution prepared according to the usual regimen. They drink it for 3 weeks, then break for 10 days.
  • Or a composition with peroxide is infused intravenously. 20 droppers every other day, a break for a month and a new course.

Photo gallery: methods of using soda and peroxide for various diseases

Lubricating your nails with a soda-based solution will get rid of fungal infections.

Solutions of soda or peroxide, getting on the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity, destroy the infection

Applying undiluted peroxide to warts several times a day helps get rid of the growths

Brushing your teeth with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda strengthens your gums and prevents bleeding.

Treatment of children with peroxide and soda

As Professor Neumyvakin assures, the use of soda and peroxide will not harm children. In his opinion, solutions with these substances help heal and strengthen the growing body. This therapy is especially useful for respiratory infections.

Baking soda and peroxide, only in smaller doses, will also be useful for small patients

The only difference is the dosage. Children over 5 years old are given no more than 1 drop of peroxide dissolved in a spoonful of water. For a ten-year-old child - up to 5 years, after 14 years - 8 drops. Accordingly, reduce the amount of soda. The younger the patient, the lower the oral dose. But soda rinses and compresses can be done without restrictions.

A non-standard method of treating a child should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician and under his supervision.

Cleansing the body and losing weight using the Neumyvakin method

Taking solutions of soda and hydrogen peroxide can help you lose extra pounds. These substances cleanse the body from the inside and accelerate metabolism. But they will not give the expected result without a radical change in nutrition and increased physical activity.

Soda solution cleanses the body and helps get rid of extra pounds

Here's how you can cleanse your body with baking soda and lose weight:

  1. A week before starting the soda course, you must exclude all protein products (both animal and plant origin) from the menu. Only fruits and vegetables should remain in the diet; you can add olive oil.
  2. For 3 days, three times, 15–20 minutes before meals, you should drink a glass of water in which soda is dissolved (¼ part or half a teaspoon).
  3. In the mornings they give enemas from a soda solution.
  4. The cleansing is completed with a fasting intake of apple juice, which is drunk for 3 days.

For weight loss, you can also use a cocktail with hydrogen peroxide. Dr. Neumyvakin noted that this drink reduces appetite, helps cope with overeating, heals the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up metabolism. But without revising your diet and physical activity, there will be no effect.

In addition, it is important to observe the dosage of peroxide. To cleanse the body and lose weight, prepare the following drink: add 2 drops of peroxide to 200 ml of water. Drink it three times a day for 20 days.

Video: Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin about nutrition rules and weight loss

Soda - an assistant in restoring balance

It has been scientifically proven that the acid-base balance (pH) is of great importance for health, which indicates the normal functioning of the body and determines the activity of all enzymes, and if deviated, leads to metabolic disorders. Oddly enough, a soda solution will help restore the pH level: stir a pinch of soda in 1 glass of warm water (you can use milk instead of water). After a few days, when the body gets used to it, you can gradually increase the amount of soda powder to 0.5 teaspoon. It is better to take the solution on an empty stomach - this way its effect on the acidity of the stomach will be minimal.

If you regularly drink a glass of soda solution prepared in this way 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals, you will soon be able to forget about atherosclerosis. Soda cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and unnecessary salt deposits, rejuvenates cells, and improves immunity. After visiting Tibet, Helena Roerich, on the advice of the monks, drank this magical remedy for health and youth throughout her life. This is described in more detail in Boris Abramov’s book “The Facets of Agni Yoga”. Doctors advise taking breaks and monitoring your well-being.

Contraindications and possible harm

Healer I.P. Neumyvakin believes that there are very few serious contraindications for using his method. But there are still diseases and conditions in which soda and peroxide will not be useful, but harmful. Among them:

  • tumor diseases, except the initial stage;
  • stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems, including high or low acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • HIV infection and tuberculosis;
  • anemia (moderate and severe);
  • weight deficiency;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • allergic reaction to soda or peroxide;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This method should be used with caution in the very elderly and at an early age. If you experience discomfort after using the solutions, you should immediately reduce the dose or interrupt the course.

Often there are negative reviews about the effects of the method associated with the incorrect use of soda and peroxide solutions.

Among the most common mistakes is drug overdose. It can cause headache, nausea, pain in the stomach or intestines, and diarrhea.

Diarrhea will also be caused by soda dissolved not in hot, but in cool or warm water. Dr. Neumyvakin advises strictly following the dose, method of preparing solutions and duration of treatment.

Video: Academician Olga Butakova completely disagrees with Professor Neumyvakin

For teeth

Hydrogen peroxide is known to keep teeth clean, so it can be used instead of toothpaste. Mild whitening effects will restore whiteness to teeth, and antibacterial properties will eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. baking soda with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to a paste consistency.
  2. Brush your teeth gently.
  3. After brushing, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Comment! Do not use hydrogen peroxide if you have amalgam fillings because they can leach mercury!

Operating principle

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with the skin, it begins to break down into two components - water and oxygen. A chemical reaction occurs, due to which the pigmentation layer gets burned and begins to break down, causing the skin to become clearer. Baking soda additionally has an exfoliating effect and helps cleanse the skin of residual subcutaneous fat and dead pigmentation cells. The purposes of using a mask from a combination of two folk components are as follows:

  • elimination of age spots, rashes, pimples, blackheads, acne and other cosmetic defects;
  • prevention of premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • freckle whitening;
  • the appearance of a healthy glow and even out the tone of the face;
  • deep cleansing of pores.

Hydrogen peroxide creates an immediate effect. After the first use for cosmetic purposes, the skin becomes noticeably smoother and more well-groomed. But you cannot use it in a single and undiluted form; be sure to use it only in combination with soda and other auxiliary components. Otherwise, there is a high risk of a chemical burn to the skin.

Cleaning the brushes

Do you know how much bacteria accumulates on a toothbrush? Scientists from England have calculated that at least 100 million! Don't you think something needs to be done about this?! For example, rinse the brush well.

To do this, just dip it in peroxide for 2 minutes and then rinse well.

For reference: it is recommended to change toothbrush heads every month.

Women's diseases

A common problem for women is colpitis - inflammation of the vagina. As part of complex treatment (suppositories, tampons, ointments, tablets), doctors recommend douching for disinfection purposes.

One of the means used for this is hydrogen peroxide, which kills all pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria). Consequently, douching will help with thrush and putrefactive processes.

The solution is prepared as follows. Mix H2O2 (3%) with boiled water (about 38°C) in a ratio of 3:1. The solution should be prepared immediately before use, because it quickly loses its healing properties.

When douching, do not squeeze the syringe - the liquid should not enter the vagina under pressure!

Carry out the procedure for about 7 minutes.

Treatment regimen:

  • for acute forms of diseases – 2 times a day;
  • for mild symptoms – 1 time per day;
  • after the symptoms have subsided - once every 2-3 days.

Read also: Treatment of purulent sore throat with folk remedies

Do not continue the therapeutic course for more than 3 weeks. Long-term use of hydrogen peroxide leads to disruption of microflora and the risk of developing concomitant diseases.

Foot fungus

For nail fungus and rough skin on the heels of the feet, soda baths are recommended.

Add 3 tbsp. soda into a bowl of warm water. Wet your feet, relax. At the same time, prepare a paste of baking soda and water (3:1), which after the bath, use as a scrub to clean your heels. You should steam your feet for 15-20 minutes daily.

To treat fungus, every evening after a bath, treat the lesions with a solution of peroxide and water (1:1). Do not wipe, leave to dry. Article for you: How to remove alcohol from the body quickly at home, forget about a hangover

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