Container for dentures - a useful acquisition or an unnecessary device


When using removable artificial teeth, it is important to store them correctly. Otherwise, their surface can become an ideal environment for microbial activity. One of the main mistakes in caring for a product is storing the structure in a glass or plastic container with water.

This simple method of isolating the prosthesis from bacteria, on the contrary, creates nutritious conditions for the development of colonies of such living organisms. Moreover, the material from which the prosthesis was made quickly becomes unusable.

This article will tell you about special containers that will ensure the safety and absolute cleanliness of dental structures.

Where and how best to store removable dentures

Article navigation

  1. What are containers
  2. Why are containers for dentures needed?
  3. Selection criteria: what to look for
  4. Types of containers
  5. TOP 6 brands of the most popular containers for storing removable dentures
  6. Container cost

Question for a specialist
Many people associate dentures with inevitable old age. In many ways, this idea was facilitated by outdated methods of storing removable structures at night: they were immersed in a glass of water overnight. Fortunately, the realities of Soviet prosthetics are long behind us. Today there is no need to soak artificial teeth - they do not dry out like rubber ones, because they are made of higher quality materials. And they look much more attractive. But in order for them to serve for many years and retain their positive qualities for as long as possible, it is important to care for them as if they were your own teeth. They need to be cleaned thoroughly and a specially designed denture container should be used to store them.


So, from the article it became clear that it is better to store dentures in special containers. They are affordable and also help to properly care for artificial teeth and disinfect them.

If you would like to share your opinion regarding the advisability of using such products, please leave your feedback in the comments below.

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What are containers

It's no secret that it takes a long time to get used to the “pullers”. On average, getting used to such prostheses takes 1-2 months. But in order for the inserts to serve their owner faithfully and faithfully for a long time, and not turn into a source of pain and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is very important to keep them absolutely clean and safe. Modern materials of orthopedic products are such that it is simply impossible to keep them in a glass of tap water at night: you can introduce bacteria into the mouth and provoke the development of inflammation in soft tissues or on remaining teeth (provided that partially removable devices are worn). And if the removable device has a metal base or hooks (clasp), water will cause corrosion of the metal.

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Today, dental equipment manufacturers have developed special dental boxes, or simply storage containers. What are they needed for? Then, to best take care of disinfecting and maintaining the cleanliness of removable orthopedic structures. These containers are made of durable materials and are well ventilated, helping to properly care for your dentures - keeping them clean, dry and intact.

Tip #2: do not use ordinary water to store structures.

Most people's ideas about how to properly store removable dentures were formed on the basis of information that was relevant 15-20 years ago. Thus, many believe that if it is necessary to remove dentures, the structures must be placed in a humid environment, namely in water. Several decades ago, this rule really worked, because removable devices were made from rubber, which, without being placed in water, quickly dried out and began to crack. However, today doctors use more advanced materials - acrylic, nylon, metal components. These materials retain their aesthetics for a long time and do not have the disadvantages of rubber products; moreover, under the influence of water they can be deformed, and metal elements will corrode and darken.

Do not store the structure in ordinary water

Why are containers for dentures needed?

Now let's take a closer look at why protective containers are needed and how they work:

  • cleaning: a special solution that can be poured inside the container washes away small fragments of food and food debris from the structure, and also stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria that have managed to settle on the surface of the product. It is important to clean and disinfect every day; this can be done using a special tablet or a ready-made liquid preparation,
  • Storage: The insert can be left in the container overnight or transported while not in use. The fact is that the artificial structure is a fragile thing, and the box allows you to securely hold it, ensuring safe transportation and storage.

On a note! The special case for artificial teeth is compact, lightweight and easy to use. Holes on the body help quickly dry the orthopedic product. No humid environment means no pathogenic bacteria. Dentists note that those patients who carefully care for and store their dentures correctly use them longer, and almost never experience unpleasant consequences in the form of inflammation of the soft tissues in the mouth.

Recommendations for prosthetics

Any defects in the dentition, starting with the absence of two or more teeth in a row, are an indication for prosthetics. If all teeth are missing, a complete removable denture is recommended. This type of prosthetics is usually used in situations where it is not possible to install implants or perform permanent prosthetics, as well as in the presence of terminal defects of various types. It is important to keep in mind that prosthetics also have contraindications, which include:

  1. Exacerbated systemic diseases.
  2. Exhaustion of the body.
  3. Chronic oral diseases.
  4. Mental problems.

Selection criteria: what to look for

At first glance, all boxes for artificial teeth look almost the same, outwardly resembling a small box. The only difference between them is the price. However, this is not quite true. All devices on the market differ in the material from which they are made, the shape and the presence of mesh inside.


It is important to understand that the cost of a mistake in choosing a container is rapid wear of the orthopedic structure. Plastic containers are cheaper, but will also last less. And the pores inside this outdated material quickly absorb dust, dirt and various kinds of microorganisms, which subsequently has the most negative impact on the false jaws. Remember: high-quality cases are created today from medical polypropylene. This material is durable, it does not deform over time and does not accumulate bacteria.

Polypropylene is also reliable, which is especially important for those who often transport orthopedic structures. This impact-resistant material easily absorbs possible impacts from a fall. The tightness of the container lid also plays an important role - this will prevent bacteria from getting inside and spilling the disinfectant solution, regardless of the position in which the box is located in the bag.


The shape inside the container is also important. It must match the size of the removable denture. Do not be large or, conversely, tight - although the “pullers” are not particularly fragile, their integrity may suffer due to too much pressure. The ideal shape for the inside of the storage box is one that follows the shape of a person’s jaw. This allows you to economically use liquid to clean artificial teeth, keep them intact, and reduce the size of the box itself (which is especially important for those who have to carry it with them).

Important! The disinfectant liquid is poured into the container only after the prosthesis is placed in it. This is necessary to ensure that the solution does not overflow and reliably cover the entire surface of the orthopedic product.

Special mesh

Some modern cases for storing dentures are equipped with a special system for removing the insert - a mesh separator. Its presence is not necessary, but it is desirable - it makes it more convenient to carry out the procedure for cleaning the orthopedic device, as well as its removal. The separator has a holder that allows you to easily remove artificial teeth without allowing your fingers to come into contact with the disinfectant solution.

Why do dentures sometimes need to be removed from the mouth after adaptation?

After the stage of getting used to removable appliances has passed, you can and even need to periodically remove them from your mouth and store them separately. Sometimes this needs to be done so that the mucous membrane can rest and recover.

If an allergy or rash appears, and the mouth feels dry, then the “removable jaws” should be removed from the mouth. In addition, it is necessary to visit a dentist who will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation.

Acrylic dentures release monomers. Although in modern systems their content is minimal, monomers are toxic substances that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction and irritation of the mucous membrane. Therefore, they need to be removed from the mouth from time to time, and the mucous membranes should be given a break.

“The doctor explained to me how to store plastic dentures. You don't have to take them out every day. I listened to her and began to leave them overnight, which I greatly regretted. Once I woke up as if in a nightmare: something came up to my throat, blocked my breathing and really made it difficult to breathe. It was very scary. It turned out that the dentures began to shift, and it even seemed to me that they almost slipped into my throat. I don’t know if this is possible, but now I always take them off at night out of harm’s way and store them separately! I think that with pullers, such a nuisance can happen to everyone, especially if you sleep very soundly: they move and can even injure the mucous membrane. Although I personally couldn’t sleep soundly with them, they always got in the way, because... slid in my mouth."

Bekereva, review from the dental portal

If the design contains metal elements, such as, for example, in clasp systems there are hooks for fixation on supporting teeth and a metal arch, then the situation is exactly the same. Metal in some patients can provoke the development of allergies with constant contact with the mucous membrane, causing itching and burning, swelling of the palate, tongue, and gums.

Types of containers

Despite the common goal of protecting orthopedic devices from bacteria and damage, the containers on the market differ both in appearance and in functionality.

  • regular case: consists solely of one case,
  • with mesh: a simple container is supplemented with a mesh separator, which makes removing the device more convenient,
  • with ultrasound: the unit allows you to clean the insert structure from food debris and bacterial deposits,
  • with illumination: the product is equipped with a light element that allows you to easily remove the prosthesis from the reservoir.

TOP 6 brands of the most popular containers for storing removable dentures

Stores and pharmacies today offer storage containers for orthopedic structures of various brands. Let's look at what the most popular manufacturers offer us.


Products of this Chinese brand are in almost the greatest demand on the market today. The product offered by manufacturers is notable for its attractive price. The company makes containers from plastic, not hygienic and durable polypropylene. But this drawback is compensated by its very solid quality - the case has a sealed lid, so you can easily take it with you on the road. The set includes a convenient mesh separator with a handle that makes it easier to remove the orthopedic device.


The Swiss brand speaks for itself: the manufacturer’s containers are famous for their high quality and versatility. At its core, it is a cleaner and a storage device in one “bottle.” The containers are made from medical-grade polypropylene, so you don’t have to worry about hygiene and tightness. This is a high-quality and truly durable material. The boxes have a tight opaque lid (no one will guess the contents) and a reliable locking fastening - spillage of disinfectant liquid is excluded. The complete set with a special grid with a holder allows you to remove prosthetic structures very easily.

Sonic Denture Cleaner

The Taiwanese brand offers not just a container, but an entire ultrasonic “wash”. Moreover, the device allows you to clean not only dentures, but even jewelry from plaque, bacteria, small particles and paint. A disinfectant solution is poured into the container, a dental prosthesis is placed, and ultrasonic waves with a high vibration frequency act on the material, removing all settled foreign particles. The device does not require special care, the main thing is to simply wash it and change the batteries in a timely manner.


A domestic manufacturer makes boxes for storing artificial teeth from strong and durable polypropylene. This in itself is a guarantee of the quality of the product. The device works both as a purifier and as a storage tank. Some models have built-in lighting. The kit also includes a pendant that allows you to easily remove the dental structure. The sealed lid makes it possible to take the box with you.

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The sunny Irish know a lot about a beautiful smile, which is why they produce so many different products for the care of dentures. Korega containers are boxes with a sealed lid, shaped like a jaw. This allows you to significantly save the cleaning fluid poured inside, as well as space in your purse. Many products are equipped with a mesh separator, this simplifies the process of removing the prosthetic structure. Convenient and functional.


German-made boxes are distinguished by high quality standards. These are truly reliable hermetically sealed boxes, additionally equipped with a mirror and a brush, which allows you to carry out hygiene procedures outside the home as well. The only downside of the product is that there is no mesh separator.

“A year ago, I didn’t even know that there were such devices as cases for storing false jaws. But when I found out, I immediately bought it and have been using it with pleasure for a year now. I take the container with me to the dacha, on business trips, and on trips. Comfortable. The device is compact and sealed and does not take up much space in your bag. And most importantly, you don’t have to worry that your separately stored false teeth will scare someone (this happened before when you kept them in a glass of water), or that the structure will break, or that bacteria will get in... I have a box with an ultrasound system. I put it in the container, 10 minutes - and everything is clean. Sometimes I put my gold earrings away to be cleaned. In a word, it’s a universal thing!”

Tamara Skvortsova, review from correspondence from the forum


I heard that dentures need to be stored in a cool place, on the forum they even advised putting them in the refrigerator, is this really true?

Alla (01/29/2020 at 15:28) Reply to comment

    Dear Alla! There is no scientific evidence that dentures keep better in the refrigerator. But a sharp change in ambient temperature, for example, cold or heat, can equally lead to deformation of the product, breakdowns and its premature failure.

    Editorial staff of the portal (02/04/2020 at 09:19) Reply to comment

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Container cost

Depending on the material, functionality and manufacturer, the price of a container for storing and cleaning teeth varies. The cost of the most affordable box today starts from 250 rubles. Higher quality models with a brush and mirror cost on average from 650 to 900. A product with ultrasound will cost at least 1,200 rubles or more. Where can I buy containers for storing dentures? Products from almost any manufacturer with a different set of functions can be purchased today in pharmacies, dental clinics and on specialized websites.

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