Stylish dental office designs: you will no longer be afraid of dentists!

A dental clinic is a serious and responsible business aimed not just at providing services, but also at treating patients. That is why it is important not only to think over a beautiful design of a dental office, but also to create a friendly, modern and comfortable atmosphere that will not put you in awe of the dentist, will provide a positive emotional mood and will become a trademark showing the high level of equipment and staff.

Among the main aspects of the design of a modern clinic, it is worth highlighting the design of the reception desk, waiting area, wardrobe and wall decoration. Each of these elements must correspond to the others, creating a harmonious interior in a single style. It is important to pay special attention to lighting (both external and internal), as well as to design the entrance group in accordance with the chosen design direction and pricing policy of the clinic. For example, large illuminated signs are more often used to decorate companies with affordable prices for services; brands pay more attention to thoughtful design and decor.

Family dental clinic

A dental clinic that features designer brick walls, comfortable seating for clients and a stunning ceiling is sure to attract the attention of patients. Walls make the space cozy and harmonious. There is also a place for a coffee break. This design can be adapted for a family home.

Photos of teeth whitening before and after

Oral hygiene before and after photos

Oral hygiene and ultrasonic tartar removal were performed.

Photos of Amazing White teeth whitening before and after

Comprehensive oral hygiene before and after

Hygienist - Natalya Sergeevna Panina

Quarters Dental Clinic

The dental center is located in Perth, Western Australia. The interior consists of one-of-a-kind items found in antique stores. Ornate armchairs and a tiny dining room look just like part of a kitchen taken from a luxury apartment.

Where are they located?

Dental clinics and offices can be free-standing, attached or built into public and residential buildings. It is also possible to place them in the basement floors. The following requirements must be met:

  • the presence of a separate entrance to the clinic premises from the street;
  • availability of water supply systems (cold and hot water supply), sewerage systems in the premises;
  • at least 14 m² of area for the main dental unit, for an additional one, at least 10 m² for an additional one (in the absence of a drill - at least 7 m²);
  • ceiling height – from 2.6 m;
  • the presence of an operating unit and premises where patients are located after surgical interventions (if it is planned to carry out operations in the office with the participation of an anesthesiologist and resuscitator);
  • division of surgical interventions into “purulent” and “clean” (in clinics where dental surgeries are performed).

It is also required to comply with radiation safety rules when placing X-ray machines in a clinic or office. For example, it is prohibited to place radiation diagnostics and therapy rooms in the basement floors.

Sanitary and auxiliary premises (showers, warehouse, dressing room, sterilization room, etc.) are allowed to be located in basements.

Detailed requirements for equipment, engineering systems, and dental personnel are given in SanPiN

Horacek's office

What’s simpler: put tables with chairs and organize a place for drinking coffee, which will decorate the overall appearance of the clinic. Shelves on the wall make the waiting room look like a residential kitchen.

Photos of veneer installation before and after

The color and shape of teeth are changed by veneers. The total cost of installing veneers was RUB 320,000. Orthopedic doctor Yuri Anatolyevich Lychko

Photo of veneer installation

Photo of installing veneers on front teeth

The shape and color of teeth are changed through the use of veneers. The cost of installing veneers is RUB 370,000. Orthopedic doctor Yuri Anatolyevich Lychko

Photo of installation of veneers on the upper jaw

The shape and color of teeth are changed using veneers. The cost of installing veneers is 180,000 rubles. Orthopedic doctor Yuri Anatolyevich Lychko

Photo of veneer installation on one tooth

Trauma to the central incisor. The tooth was restored with a veneer. Installation price - 34,000 rubles. Orthopedic doctor Yuri Anatolyevich Lychko

Installation of a metal-ceramic crown

Installation of a mandibular bridge on the right

Photo of installation of a zirconium dioxide crown

Photos of a zirconium crown before and after

Installation of a zirconium crown on a Nobele Biocare implant, screw fixation. Orthopedic doctor Leonid Vladimirovich Shagin.

Photo of installing a zirconium crown on an implant

Zirconium crown on the implant, installed using screw fixation. Orthopedic doctor Leonid Vladimirovich Shagin.

Colorful dental office

The interior design is filled with antiques, vintage brick accents and cozy pieces. This made the room attractive and pleasant. The modern approach to the project determined the choice of bold colors combined with simplicity. Each zone has its own defining color. Indeed, an interesting highlight. The idea is also suitable for home interiors.

Grinding your teeth under stress

Very often, during a period of overexertion, in a peak stressful situation, a person may begin to have problems with his gums and teeth. This is psychosomatics. A person unconsciously clenches his teeth and strains his masticatory muscles to the point of setting his teeth on edge.

Damage caused Clenching teeth in moments of rage and anger leads to their abrasion and the formation of microcracks on the surface of the enamel. This is the cause of caries, chips and damage and also leads to loss of gums on the teeth or loosening of the teeth due to overstrain of the masticatory muscles.

How to fix Controlling yourself is the best way. And it is better to consult a doctor if you notice such a habit. There are ways to protect teeth from abrasion and reduce hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles. You shouldn’t wait for your teeth to start chipping, your gums to become inflamed, and your fillings to fall out...

Clinic INN

At INN (Viernheim, Germany), the designers tried to create an interior that would look great in a private home. Glass walls with a forest print were used to divide the space, and transparent doors were used to separate the bathroom.

Photos of dental implantation before and after

Photo of dental implantation on a beam

All on 4 implantation photo

All on four implantation photo

Installation of 4 implants of the Superline Dentium system using All on 4 technology and installation of a fixed denture. Orthopedist Shagin L.V., surgeon-implantologist Kurbatov V.O.

All on Four implantation photo

Photo of one-stage dental implantation

Tooth extraction and photo of one-stage implantation

Simultaneous removal and implantation in the area of ​​25 and 26 teeth. Without bone grafting, but using a centrifuge.

Clinic Barcelona

A calm and relaxing atmosphere is very important in a dental clinic. In Barcelona, ​​the project team took the mass to create sculptural elements on the walls and ceilings. Some elements of this interior will look great in the layout of an apartment or house.


Minimalistic design of dentistry is a fairly common practice, since such an interior perfectly conveys the atmosphere in the clinic. It is characterized by spacious rooms with an abundance of light and space, not overloaded with decorative elements. The ideal color solution is often white, which is better than others in creating a feeling of cleanliness, so necessary in medical practice. Additionally, zoning can be used to highlight one or more zones in a room: to draw attention to one wall or piece of furniture.


The reception desk in a minimalist style is often made of white plastic. A simple form and the absence of decorative elements are its main characteristics.

Reception in minimalist style

Reception in minimalist style


Minimalism in the interior implies an abundance of light and fresh air. That is why great attention should be paid to lighting: large windows should be combined with unobtrusive lighting fixtures and spotlights. In combination with light walls and furniture, the desired atmosphere will be created, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with mirrors to expand the space.

Minimalist lighting

Minimalist lighting

Client area

The waiting area is often decorated with comfortable furniture of a geometric shape: acute-angled, clearly defined, monochromatic - it, just like the surrounding environment, emphasizes the absence of unnecessary details. Mirrors or paintings with graphic or watercolor designs can be used as decor.

Client area in a minimalist style Client area in a minimalist style

Entry group

One of the independent elements of the entrance group of dentistry in the minimalist style is large windows through which a lot of light should penetrate. That is why it is worth paying attention to the view from the clinic window. A plain façade and a simple, elegant sign will be an excellent addition to the interior without overloading it.

Entrance group in the style of minimalism Entrance group in the style of minimalism

Modern business standards require increased attention not only to the quality of services provided, but also to the creation of a comfortable environment. Dentistry today is a combination of professionalism, the latest technology and a memorable brand. Interior design plays a key role in creating a company's image; it can both attract a client and repel him. That is why it is important to carefully consider each element, choosing it in accordance with the chosen style.

Dentistry Angels

The main problem with all dental offices is that their premises are white, cold and unattractive. However, color is not a problem. Here, light color was combined with sophisticated architecture to create a sophisticated and unique look, created by YLAB Arquitectos for Angels in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Not bad, right?

Use a stiff toothbrush

Social poster about the benefits of brushing your teeth.
PHOTO: Wikimedia If you take a metal brush and start washing your car with it, what will happen? You do much the same thing to the enamel of your teeth: You wear and scratch it.

Damage caused A hard toothbrush abrades tooth tissue. As a rule, the root part of the tooth is subject to severe abrasion. Wedge-shaped defects form, which lead to increased sensitivity, caries and gum inflammation.

How to fix: Toothbrushes should be soft, super soft or mega soft. And it is advisable that a doctor select a toothbrush. You can further improve your personal hygiene by using an oral irrigator, since no brush, even the best one selected by a dentist, can fully clean the interdental space.

If a person has crowns, bridges or implants in his mouth, then an irrigator is vital.

Clinic in Lisbon

Many designers try to stay away from white, cold decors. In this case, the designers of the Pedra Silva Architects studio used a dark color palette, but only for the waiting and reception area. This creates a clear distinction between environments. The treatment rooms are decorated in white so that a person feels calm, intuitively believing that the place is sterile. A good way to separate functions in a large space.

Brushing your teeth hastily

A person who wants his teeth to be healthy needs to develop a habit - he should spend 3-5 minutes brushing his teeth in the morning and evening.

Damage caused If you brush your teeth quickly and carelessly, food particles remain in them, which means that a pathogenic plaque remains on the teeth.

How to fix When brushing your teeth, there is a rule “from pink to white”, sweeping movements from the gums to the chewing surface of the tooth. By analogy with cleaning a house, when you sweep towards the exit, here too - to the surface.

Dental office

Designer Paulo Merlini lives in Porto, Portugal, and he developed this project. The decoration, furniture and accessories are chosen as if you are in a luxurious residence. A feeling of calm and comfort is present in all rooms. Relax and unwind in a chair, your gaze will be drawn to the plants outside the window. At home, this detail is good to use in the bathroom or zen bedroom.

Use teeth as “nippers”

Many women, out of habit, bite off thread with their teeth; men can chew through fishing line. There are also craftsmen who open bottle caps with their teeth or crack nuts.

Damage All these habits lead to microcracks in the enamel in the initial stages, and then this enamel begins to chip off little by little. Often a person comes and says - he drank water and his tooth broke. Why? Because the process began a long time ago, and the teeth were not taken care of.

How to fix Just use your teeth for their intended purpose - chew food. For the rest, get yourself some scissors, a bottle opener and a hammer.

Bliss office

Integrated Field incorporated gaming elements into the design. Their operation Bliss is located in Bangkok, Thailand. Although the color is common for such spaces, the interior nevertheless creates a relaxing and warm atmosphere. Apply this in residential areas as well. The waiting area has a whole bunch of leather cubes in two shades of white. They move freely. A very practical idea for modern apartments.

Photos of installing braces before and after

Photo of braces installation

Photos of upper teeth braces treatment

Normally, the upper incisors are located in front of the lower ones. But the other way around also happens, this is called reverse incisal overlap. This condition is non-physiological and non-functional, hence all the negative effects of reverse incisal overjet, including the negative impact on the aesthetics of the smile. This condition must be corrected when it is noticed.

In this case, one of the problems was complete reverse incisal overlap in the area of ​​​​all anterior teeth. It was decided to begin treatment using a brace system, first on the upper row of teeth. There is still work ahead with the upper and lower dentition, but one of the main problems has been solved! The progress of treatment over 3 months pleases the patient, parents, and doctor!!!

Consult an orthodontist so you don’t miss the development of malocclusion in your child.

Photo of bite correction with braces

Photos of correcting crooked teeth in children

When milk teeth are removed early, the teeth behind them move forward, to the place of the removed ones, and occupy a “foreign” place. In this case, the primary canine was lost prematurely; its place was completely covered by the teeth behind it, thereby completely “taking” the place from the permanent canine. Fortunately, the orthodontist managed, with the help of a removable appliance, to move the entire segment posteriorly and get a place for the fang!) It didn’t take long to wait and soon erupted into the oral cavity! Of course, the work is not finished yet, but most of it is done!

Photos of distal bite treatment before and after

Doctor: Tkalich Evgenia Aleksandrovna

Photo of correcting malocclusion

Doctor: Tkalich Evgenia Aleksandrovna

Photo of teeth correction with braces

Doctor: Evgenia Aleksandrovna Tkalich X-ray before and during the treatment stage, correction of molar inclination using an orthodontic mini-implant.

Photo of treatment with braces system

Doctor: Tkalich Evgenia Aleksandrovna

Photos of installing braces before and after

If there is not enough space for the teeth, their crowded position is formed; the upper canines erupt later than all of them, when the space is already occupied by the rest of the teeth. As a rule, such teeth erupt outside and above the dentition, less often on the palatal side, and also do not erupt and remain in the bone. The average period for the eruption of fangs is up to 13 years, but it is better to focus on the sequence of teething; if all the permanent teeth have erupted, but the fangs have not, then this is a reason to consult an orthodontist.

Doctor: Tkalich Evgenia Aleksandrovna

Children's theme

Do you remember your first trip to the dentist? It was scary? What if there was such a clinic? Everything is done in theme park style. There are safari, jungle inhabitants, colorful murals, a treasure chest, lamps with genies and many other interesting details. Use this project as inspiration for your children's room.

Picking your mouth with a toothpick

In most restaurants, there is salt and pepper on the table, and, of course, toothpicks nearby - this determines the widespread use of the tool.

I always tell my patients that the only useful use for toothpicks is in making canapés. As a hygiene item, toothpicks should not be in the mouth.

Damage caused When cleaning on your own, especially if this happens regularly, the toothpick injures the gums, then the gums begin to “touch up.” Thus, toothpicks injure the periodontium and gums between the teeth.

How to fix It is better to replace the toothpick with a “floss stick” (a stick with thread, similar to a bow) or dental floss.

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