All-ceramic dental crowns: indications, advantages, prosthetic technology

Various materials can be used for prosthetics and dental restoration in modern dentistry, and one of the most popular types is ceramics or dental porcelain. This type of material is highly valued by professionals for its increased strength and aesthetics and the ability to create various types of orthopedic structures from it. Ceramics can be successfully used for the production of veneers, inlays, dental bridges, and all-ceramic dental crowns.

We will talk in detail about what an all-ceramic dental crown is in the following sections of the article. After reading the material, you will become familiar with the design of an all-ceramic crown, its features, and indications for prosthetics with this type of structure.

All-ceramic dental crown: features

All-ceramic dental crowns are also called metal-free, because metals and their alloys are not used in the manufacture of this type of prosthesis. For this reason, installation of an all-metal crown on teeth is indicated primarily for people who have an individual allergic reaction to different types of metals.

Until recently, all-ceramic crowns were used exclusively for the restoration of anterior teeth. This was due to the insufficient strength of dental porcelain, which was previously used in the prosthetic procedure. But thanks to the emergence of innovative technologies in dentistry, it has become possible to use all-ceramic crowns to restore any lost tooth in the oral cavity: modern ceramics are characterized by increased strength and reliability. Moreover, heavy-duty removable and bridge-type prostheses are produced from ceramics.

The price of an all-ceramic crown will be higher than prices for other types of structures, but at the same time it is fully justified by its excellent performance characteristics.

Functionality and reliability:

  • The strength of ceramics has been confirmed by years of clinical use and is about 500 MPa. This allows you to create crowns with a minimum thickness (1 mm), which, in turn, requires less grinding of the tooth;
  • A sufficient margin of safety allows the use of dentures made of pressed ceramics to restore teeth of all types, including chewing teeth;
  • Imax crowns
    have a service life exceeding fifteen years. This period is the longest among analogues;
  • Pressed ceramics "e.max" is a biocompatible hypoallergenic material that will not cause an allergic reaction or discomfort.

Indications for the use of all-ceramic dental crowns in prosthetics

Prosthetics with all-ceramic crowns have a certain number of indications:

1. Metal-free structures are used for the restoration of one or several dental units located next to each other or at some distance.

2. Elimination of aesthetic defects in the area of ​​the front teeth in rows.

3. The use of all-metal dental crowns is advisable if the patient has some pathologies of the natural enamel coating: increased abrasion, developmental anomalies, significant surface damage.

All-ceramic crowns will be the best option if the patient is allergic to metals and their alloys. You can get detailed advice on indications and contraindications for prosthetics with all-ceramic crowns from the specialists of our Vanstom clinic in Moscow! Prosthetics with all-ceramic crowns: technologies

Modern all-ceramic crowns have optimal functional characteristics: they are durable, reliable in use, and have transparency indicators identical to natural teeth. Externally, it is almost impossible to distinguish an all-ceramic crown from a natural tooth.

At the current time in dentistry, there are two main technologies for the production of all-ceramic crowns: manual and computerized. Let us consider in detail the nuances of each method of producing ceramic dentures.

All-ceramic crowns

from 19,700 rub. More about prices

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How much are?

While the average cost of “e.max” crowns in Moscow is about 20 thousand, by contacting us you can save a little.
The price of one design in CELT dentistry starts from 18 thousand rubles - and it is quite justified when it comes to metal-free “e.max” crowns! Once you choose them, make sure that the installation is carried out at a decent professional level. Savings in this case will cost much more! Please note: we carry out work only after full agreement with the patient. This is the key to maximum comfort and satisfaction of individual requirements.

Manual technology for the production of all-ceramic crowns

The production process of an all-ceramic crown using this method will be divided into several stages:

  • Examination of the patient and taking dental impressions;
  • Making a plaster model of the structure, which is carried out by a technician in a specialized laboratory;
  • Modeling of a future all-ceramic dental crown;
  • Fabrication of the frame and its cladding;
  • Coating the finished structure with a layer of dental porcelain and grinding its surface to perfect smoothness.

It is important to note that the finishing layer on an all-ceramic crown can be created not only by layer-by-layer application, but also by coloring. It is advisable to use colored dentures for the restoration of chewing teeth, since in this case the fundamental characteristics of the design will be strength and durability. But in the restoration of the front rows of teeth, it is better to use all-ceramic crowns with a finish created in layers - they are impeccable in terms of aesthetics, which is so important for the smile area.

Reviews of doctors providing the service - Ceramic crowns “e.max”

Sincere gratitude to the dentist Mikhail Ivanovich Fedoseev!
Thanks for the impeccable work! Mirkerimov F.S. 08/15/2017 Read full review Mirkerimov F.S.


Together with my husband, we have been treating our teeth in the dental department of the CELT clinic for more than 10 years. The time has come to place implants, and on the advice of our general practitioner Natalya Olegovna Elizarova, I turned to surgeon Evgeniy Borisovich Antyukhin. Despite his youth, the doctor has extensive experience in… Read full review



Computer technology for manufacturing all-ceramic crowns

This technology for creating all-ceramic dental crowns is the most modern; it uses specialized CAD/CAM equipment, with which a specialist can obtain an ultra-precise 3D image of the patient’s jaws. This makes it possible to create an all-ceramic prosthesis with optimal performance characteristics. Based on the computer model, an all-ceramic dental crown will be made in the future. Its production process consists of the following stages:

  • Using a scanner, the specialist receives a computer model of the patient’s jaw, which speeds up the process of prosthetics as a whole. When using a virtual model, there is no need to waste time making a plaster cast;
  • Next, also on a computer, the future all-ceramic crown is modeled;
  • The finished crown model is transferred to a special machine on which the prosthesis is turned.

The process ends with the installation of an all-ceramic dental crown in the patient’s oral cavity. At this stage, final polishing of the prosthesis can also be performed to obtain maximum aesthetics of an all-ceramic crown.

In domestic aesthetic dentistry, the following technologies for computer-aided creation of all-ceramic crowns are popular: Katana, ZirconZahn, Cerec, Organical. Separately, it is worth mentioning the growing demand for prosthetics with all-ceramic emax crowns. Structures produced using this technology are distinguished by high strength, aesthetics, and high levels of biocompatibility with natural tissues of the human body. They do not require complex specific care and provide excellent results in prosthetics, 100% solving the problem of lost teeth.

You can find out more about the prosthetic service with all-ceramic emax crowns by making an appointment with a specialist at our Vanstom clinic in Moscow!

Materials used in metal ceramics

In metal-ceramics, a metal frame is used as a base, which solved the problems of excessive fragility of ceramics. Ceramic is applied layer by layer to the outer surface of the metal and held firmly in place by sintering. As a result, a metal-ceramic crown is reliable, durable and very beautiful. Plus, it looks like a real healthy tooth.

To effectively protect teeth from destruction under crowns, teeth are treated with a protective paste that releases fluoride into the tooth tissue. Modern dental cements are used to fix metal-ceramics, which makes it possible to achieve the strongest fixation. A high-quality metal-ceramic structure lasts for decades. The average service life of cermets on base alloys is 10-12 years. On gold-platinum alloy 15 years or more.

Advantages of using all-ceramic dental crowns in prosthetics

All-ceramic dental crowns compare favorably with analogs made from other materials due to the following advantages:

1. High aesthetics. The use of all-ceramic dental crowns allows you to obtain the most aesthetic appearance of the restored dental units. Ceramics has optimal transparency, which makes it outwardly indistinguishable from natural tooth enamel.

2. Installation of all-ceramic crowns is not capable of causing any negative or dangerous consequences for human health. Moreover, when using this type of prosthesis, tooth trauma will be minimal, since its installation does not require significant grinding of a healthy unit.

All-ceramic crowns are easy to use: they are light in weight, do not rub the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and do not create excessive stress on natural dental units. The advantages of all-metal structures definitely include their solid durability - a crown can last for more than ten years without loss of aesthetics and functionality. An all-ceramic crown does not require complex maintenance, but it must be regular, since the service life of the prosthesis and its preservation of all useful qualities depend on this.

Would you like to learn more about all-ceramic crowns and get high-quality prosthetic services at affordable prices! Come to our dentistry in Moscow - Vanstom!


Speaking about “e.max” ceramics, it is impossible not to place special emphasis on the aesthetic characteristics of this material. By looking at the photo of e.max crowns, you will see how accurately they imitate natural teeth. Thanks to the original technology developed by Ivoclar Vivadent specialists, our prosthodontists are able to adjust the color and level of transparency of the denture, thus achieving a natural appearance of the restoration, regardless of the color of the prepared tooth. With all this, metal-free “e.max” crowns
will cost less than their zirconium dioxide counterparts.

All-ceramic crowns: price

— Restoration of the dentition using 1 unit of ceramic crown (Empress)18,000 rub.
— Restoration of the dentition using 1 unit of ceramic crown per implant (Empress)20,000 rub.
— Dental restoration using 1 unit of ceramic crown on cerconium oxide (CEREC)20,000 rub.
— Dental restoration using 1 unit of crown per implant (CEREC)24500 rub.
— Fixation of the crown with glass ionomer cement, composite600 rub.
— Taking a single-layer impression and casting a non-separable model300 rub.
— Taking a two-layer impression and casting a collapsible model800 rub.

View price list


Contraindications are the same as for conventional veneers:

  • diseases of the teeth and gums (caries, pulpitis or periodontitis);
  • significant bite defects;
  • bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth during sleep;
  • tooth mobility;
  • significant destruction of the crown of the tooth.

Aesthetic properties of metal ceramics

Metal-ceramic crowns have excellent aesthetic qualities. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve any shade of ceramic coating color.

In the 60s and 70s, there was a fashion for the so-called “Hollywood smile”, to create which metal-ceramic dentures with straight white teeth were made. Despite its external attractiveness, the “Hollywood smile” is unnatural, lifeless and, with rare exceptions, does not match the remaining teeth.

Increasingly, patients began to express wishes that artificial teeth would not differ from the preserved natural ones. But the possibilities of materials for the manufacture of metal-ceramic dentures were then very limited.

This led to the emergence of a number of research projects aimed at developing dyes, effect masses, opalescent porcelains, etc. A revolutionary step in the development of materials for creating natural aesthetics in dentures was the creation of the internal coloring technique, developed by one of the world's most famous dental technicians, Hitoshi Aoshima. The principle of this technique is that all the characteristic features of the tooth are not drawn with dyes on the surface of the metal-ceramic prosthesis, but are modeled from the inside.

Luster (glossy) porcelain was also developed. Research scientists have come to the conclusion that tooth enamel, in its shine, resembles the surface of a pearl. To imitate the natural shine of enamel, scientists have created a new technology for producing opalescent materials. The surface of luster porcelain, thanks to the ultra-fine structure of the particles, resembles the enamel of a natural tooth in its relief, ability to transmit light and color.

If the metal ceramics nevertheless turn black, then the reason for this may be trivial - the patient forgets to brush his teeth. If the lowest layer of ceramic, opaque, does not sufficiently dampen the metal frame and allow chromium ions to pass through (in the case of a cobalt-chromium alloy), then they give the accumulated plaque an unpleasant greenish tint. Individual oral hygiene is very important for everyone, and especially for those who have metal-ceramic dentures.

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