Useful properties of burnt alum. Methods of using the powder

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

To obtain this product, potassium-aluminum alum at a temperature of more than 160 degrees Celsius, which leads to a decrease in volume by almost 55%. Then the resulting substance is thoroughly ground into powder and sifted. Such manipulations make it possible to obtain a crystalline, inert, moisture-absorbing, chemically stable, odorless white powder. Burnt alum exhibits a drying, anti-inflammatory, cauterizing, antimicrobial, hemostatic and enveloping effect. This remedy also has an antipruritic effect.

Alum in the treatment of ingrown toenails

Many people face a similar problem after cutting their nails incorrectly. The pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms: pain when walking and redness in the affected area. If no steps are taken, the pain will intensify and suppuration may occur. The instructions for using burnt alum are as follows:

  1. Initially, steam the sore finger in hot water. Then dry the affected area thoroughly.
  2. In the area of ​​ingrown nails, a liberal layer of alum should be applied throughout the day. You can repeat the procedure for several days.
  3. Before going to bed, apply a loose bandage to the nail so that it does not come off.

By repeating the procedure for several days, you can completely get rid of pain and suppuration. If an ingrown nail has already occurred, the patient should consult a doctor for medical help. Alum cures diseases such as panaritium well. Within a short time after using alum, pain and inflammation decrease.

Instructions for Burnt alum (Method and dosage)

It should be noted that the instructions for burnt Alum indicate that this product is intended for use as powders. At the same time, it is recommended to use the powder not every day, but only in cases of special need.

To treat ulcers or wounds, you need to prepare a special solution of alum. You will need half a teaspoon of powder and a glass of hot water in which the product is diluted. Wounds are treated with the resulting solution several times a day. It is also possible to apply a gauze bandage.

After applying the substance to a specific location, a colloidal film or albuminate , which protects numerous nerve endings. This allows you to reduce pain or, for example, itching after insect bites.

How to properly use alum in gynecology?

The unique qualities of the substance are widely used to treat women's diseases. It has a pronounced antifungal effect and has a positive effect not only in the treatment of diseases, but also during their prevention. The antifungal properties of the product help cure thrush.

Instructions for using alum:

  1. You need to dilute the powder in water. 1 teaspoon per 500 ml of water is enough.
  2. Apply to a cotton swab and treat the genitals externally.
  3. The same solution is used for douching for cervical erosion. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a week break. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  4. In the postoperative period, the suture area is wiped with an alum solution.
  5. To treat inflammatory diseases, women are recommended to use sitz baths with this substance.
  6. Treating the external genitalia with an alum solution reduces the unpleasant odor.

Due to its beneficial properties, the product is constantly used to treat gynecological diseases.

Reviews of burnt alum

As numerous reviews of burnt alum show, they are widely used in the treatment of various dermatitis , eczema , diaper rash , stomatitis , vulvovaginitis , gingivitis and other disorders.

This remedy is often used in the presence of festering wounds and trophic ulcers. In this case, gradual drying of the wounds was noted, the injuries quickly healed and stopped bleeding.

But Alum burnt from sweat is especially often used; reviews of such use are of a very different nature. Some people have been using this product for many years and are quite happy with it. Other users report that the use of burnt alum for sweating is completely ineffective even in cool weather.

There are also reviews about the use of this product for ingrown toenails. To treat this disease, patients used Alum in dry form, pouring the medicine onto the affected area under the nail. Gradually the nail grows and needs to be trimmed carefully. After some time, according to patients, the problem of ingrown toenails completely goes away.

In addition, burnt alum is used in the treatment of sore throats as a powerful antiseptic. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon in half a glass of boiled water and rinse the throat and mouth. The pain goes away almost immediately after the first rinse. For young children who cannot carry out this procedure on their own, the affected areas in the mouth are lubricated with this solution using a bandage or gauze. This usually helps soften your throat and relieve pain.

How to use alum in dentistry?

The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the ability to form colloidal films that help reduce pain. Alum for stomatitis helps to avoid local processes and stops the development of ulcers.

Burnt alum: instructions for use:

  • It is necessary to spot-treat the affected areas of the mucous membrane with a dry product. You can apply it with your finger.
  • Thanks to alum, oozing wounds will dry out and the healing process will speed up.
  • Rinse throughout the day with a solution from the product. For 200 ml of water you need to take at least 4 g.
  • Carry out the procedure every 3 hours.

After using alum, all symptoms of stomatitis decrease and the person feels significant relief.

Price of burnt alum, where to buy

In Russian pharmacies this drug can be purchased at a price of 130 rubles, depending on the volume and manufacturer.

The price of burnt alum in Ukraine varies between 50-70 hryvnia.

Many users are interested in the question of where to buy burnt alum in Minsk? However, as it turned out, this drug in its pure form is quite difficult to find in pharmacies in Belarus. Therefore, some people prefer to order it from Russian online pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Powder Alustin to eliminate sweating Burnt alum 50 g LLC Alustin
    139 rub. order

Composition of alum

What it is? The substance exists in two forms:

  • Natural. The element alunite is carefully processed, turning it into a crystal. This type of alum has a translucent color and the ribs are visible inside. The basis of the natural substance is potassium.
  • Synthetic. They are produced in the chemical industry. The main ingredient is ammonium alum.

Both types of substances contain up to 5% aluminum, which in some cases can cause harm to the human body. However, it cannot get inside through the skin, so it is easily removed during hygiene procedures.


Let's discuss possible side effects that develop with the use of potassium alum. We warn you that they may not occur in all people, since each organism has its own characteristics.

The most typical signs are the following:

  • Itching, burning or tingling sensation in areas of treated skin.
  • Redness may develop. The skin in these places is noticeably warmer to the touch.
  • Severe allergic reactions (rashes, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, heaviness in the chest, swelling of the face, lips or tongue).

The latter is EXTREMELY rare, but still you should not completely exclude the possibility of developing an allergic reaction.

Important! The most important thing is not to confuse potassium alum with compounds based on aluminum chloride. The latter substance is also used in cosmetology and dermatology, but is potentially dangerous (in particular, serious poisoning will likely develop if taken orally).

Indications for use

Why is burnt alum needed? According to the instructions, this remedy is especially effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis or so-called excessive sweating. According to experts, alum is able to quickly adsorb unnecessary moisture. In addition, their disinfecting and disinfecting properties make it possible to destroy those fungi and bacteria that are sources of extremely unpleasant odors. Thus, the adsorbing effect and the ability of this product to significantly reduce the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands make it possible to use it as an antiperspirant substitute.

In addition to the fact that burnt alum saves a person from excessive moisture and unpleasant odor during sweating, this product is often used to prevent skin irritation, as well as to heal minor wounds and cuts. It should be noted that this product has proven itself well among males who use it as an aftershave lotion.

What is the remedy

Burnt alum - what is it and does the drug really get rid of the pungent sweaty odor? This is a universal antiseptic of natural origin that provides an excellent effect in eliminating the unpleasant phenomena caused by sweating.

By nature of origin, alum belongs to the category of mountain minerals consisting of aluminum and potassium salts. These are natural rocks that are completely safe for the human body.

The pharmaceutical preparation burnt alum is a white powder obtained by heating, grinding and sifting crystalline potassium aluminum hydrates. It has no odor and is an excellent sweat neutralizer. Since ancient times, many peoples have used alum to overcome various ailments. The product is also very popular in modern times.

What is the reason for this name? If a small amount of the substance is applied to the tongue, a slight sourness is immediately felt. And burnt alum is called because the powder is produced thermally, by burning the moisture contained in the crystalline rock.

Harm of alum and its contraindications

When purchasing cosmetics containing alum, you should make sure that they are of natural origin. It is best to immediately abandon the synthetic product. Aluminum, which is part of its composition, can also have a negative effect on the human body.

Alum should be used with caution by people who suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Mastopathy. The disease has unpleasant symptoms, and if a woman uses products that contain aluminum to combat sweating, complications may occur.
  2. Alzheimer's disease. The drug can accumulate in brain cells and thereby worsen the situation.
  3. Osteoporosis. The toxin in the form of aluminum has the ability to accumulate in bone tissue, which can aggravate the symptoms of the pathology. Therefore, before using such deodorants, it is best to consult a doctor.
  4. Treating mucous membranes for a long time can lead to dryness. As a result, local immunity may decrease and microflora may suffer.
  5. Allergic reactions to potassium alum.

Despite the presence of a small amount of aluminum in alum, the substance will bring greater benefits to the body than synthetic products.

Simple instructions for use

First you need to remember the general principles of using the drug, which are the same for the whole body:

  1. Do not apply the powder to open wounds, cuts, cracks or other damaged skin, as this can cause severe irritation and a burning sensation.
  2. Maintain an adequate dosage; you need to apply burnt alum in small, even layers; sprinkle kilograms of powder on your skin, trying to enhance the effect is not only pointless, but has its own side effects.
  3. It is recommended to carry out procedures, as in the case of antiperspirants, in the evening, approximately 1-2 hours before bedtime. This is due to the less intense operation of the sweating system, which will allow you to use the product as efficiently as possible.
  4. It is also important to apply only to skin that has been washed with antibacterial soap and dried. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, dust, unwashed sweat and other particles prevent normal contact with the skin and penetration into it. This also applies to ordinary droplets of water, so if you do not have time to wait for the skin to dry naturally, you can carefully dry it with a hairdryer.
  5. Before going to bed, it is recommended to lightly wrap the treated surface with gauze or put on clothes (a T-shirt for the armpits, socks for the legs). This is necessary to avoid spreading the powder throughout the bedding.

Now, knowing the general rules of use, you can move on to the specifics of treating various parts of the body.

Legs and palms

To get rid of sweating feet and palms, burnt alum is used as a regular powder. However, before applying, do not forget to wash your feet thoroughly, treating them with pumice during the procedure. This must be done if a large enough area of ​​rough skin has accumulated on your feet that prevents the penetration of the powder.

After complete drying, simply sprinkle your palms or feet with an even thin layer of the product, remember to pay special attention to the areas between the fingers. The product can also be poured into socks or even shoes. Thus, thanks to its strong antibacterial properties, it will be possible to get rid of the unpleasant odor ingrained in shoes and socks.

In addition to the usual powder, alum can be used to treat palms as the main component of baths. To do this, in a small bath (1-2 liters of lukewarm water), you need to thoroughly dissolve 2 tablespoons of powder and put your hands in it. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes, after which hands must be washed with cool water. Repeat daily.


The armpit area is usually one of the most problematic, but it can also be brought back to normal by regularly using alum.

First of all, to achieve maximum effect, the armpits should be shaved. Otherwise, excessive vegetation not only complicates the contact of the drug with the skin, but also generally increases sweating, since it disrupts the natural ventilation of the armpits. 2-3 hours after shaving, rinse your skin and sprinkle it with powder, after which you can go to bed, remembering to put on a T-shirt or press the powder with gauze and a band-aid.


Quite often, excessive sweating occurs on the face, and especially on the forehead, because this is one of the areas with the highest concentration of sweat glands. The simplest way to use alum to protect the face is through regular powdering, that is, lightly applying the powder using a cotton pad.

However, there are more complex and often more effective methods. For example, at home you can prepare a mask that is similar in effect to a bath for the limbs:

  1. Thoroughly dissolve 1 tablespoon of powder in 100-150 ml of warm water.
  2. Take gauze and make a mask out of it that fits your face, that is, cut out holes for the eyes, nose and mouth of the desired shape.
  3. Soak the mask in the prepared solution, squeeze lightly so that drops of liquid do not fall off and apply well to your face for 20-30 minutes. After removing the mask, rinse your face with running water.

For greater effect, you can add decoctions of sage, chamomile, and thyme to the composition; they have an extremely positive effect on skin health and restore its original appearance.

Alum from sweat

The main beneficial property of this mineral is its ability to absorb moisture. Alum, used as a deodorant, not only has an affordable price, but does not clog pores and promotes the normal excretory process on the surface of the skin.

The cause of the smell is not sweat, but the pathogenic microflora living in it. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of alum, it is possible to completely get rid of this problem. The product can be used in this way:

  1. If your feet constantly sweat, then you need to treat the folds between your toes and soles of your feet with powder every day. To make the treatment more effective, you can pour a little product into your shoes. Within 3-4 days, the unpleasant odor completely disappears and the existing cracks heal.
  2. If increased sweating occurs at night, then alum will also help in this case. To determine an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor.
  3. To prevent sweat on your face, you can purchase powder that contains alum. The skin will lose its oily sheen, become more elastic and acquire a matte finish.

For alum, the instructions for use are as follows:

  • Before applying the powder, wash the area of ​​application thoroughly and dry with a towel.
  • Apply a small amount of product to the surface of a cotton pad and treat problem areas.

After using alum, the treated areas will be completely dry during the day and the unpleasant odor will go away.

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