02/08/2016 Chronic tonsillitis and tonsil lavage

What is the reason for this difference in approaches in the practice of Russian doctors and their colleagues from other countries?

First of all, the criteria on the basis of which the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis is made are very different. In Russian medical practice, this diagnosis is often made based on an examination of the throat, even without assessing the patient’s history. In the practice of doctors from European countries, Japan, and the USA, such a diagnosis is rarely made, and based on a number of signs.

Patients who have been diagnosed with this can often hear about a “locus of chronic infection”, the risk of developing other diseases due to the fact that dangerous bacteria spread from the palatine tonsils to other organs and systems. Today this medical concept is outdated. Numerous studies and meta-studies have shown that only one disease has a risk of spreading beyond the tonsils - tonsillitis or, in scientific terms, “streptococcal acute tonsillitis”.

Sore throat is a disease caused by certain bacteria that are easily transmitted from person to person. If a patient suffers from tonsillitis more than 2-3 times a year for several years, the tonsils need to be removed. This is the only measure that, from the standpoint of modern science, can help the patient in this situation and negate the risks of developing other diseases.

Rinsing the tonsils does not reduce the risk of developing tonsillitis.

Bad breath in a child

In children, this problem is less common than in adults, because, as a rule, the average child has not yet developed chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and not all teeth have erupted. But what to do if you notice your child has bad breath? The reasons here are the same as in adults: in this way the body signals problems in the body. This means that there is a failure somewhere and a full examination needs to be carried out. In children of preschool and school age, adenoids may be a predisposing factor. The scheme is simple: adenoid growths block the path of air / breathing from the nose is replaced by the mouth / the mucous membrane dries out / saliva becomes scarce and bacteria multiply, giving rise to repulsive breathing. What if it’s just a baby? Many mothers are interested in what could be the cause of the problem if the child is one year old. Bad breath at this age can already appear due to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth (the norm is 8 by the age of one), the presence of worms, and the abuse of carbohydrate foods (cookies, sweets).

Important! You should be wary if you smell acetone from your mouth. You should contact an endocrinologist to be examined for diabetes and other electrolyte disorders.

Why then wash the tonsils?

Usually the reason for washing is the so-called “plugs” or tonsillitis. Among patients and, unfortunately, often among doctors, there is a belief that these “traffic jams” are manifestations of a chronic infection. Sometimes you can hear the term “purulent plugs”. This description is incorrect. Indeed, in the lacunae (pores) of the palatine tonsils, food debris, calcium salts, dead and obsolete cells of the palatine tonsils and bacteria that normally live in the oral cavity sometimes accumulate. Together they form a white conglomerate, usually dense. Tonsilloliths themselves are not a sign of any disease. In the event that they physically interfere with the patient, as a rule, proper independent care of the oral cavity and teeth is sufficient.


Sinusitis is the general name for inflammatory processes occurring in the paranasal (paranasal) sinuses. The paranasal sinuses include: maxillary, sphenoid, frontal and cells of the ethmoid labyrinth. The maxillary sinuses are also called maxillary sinuses, and their inflammation is, accordingly, sinusitis.

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses is called frontitis, the sphenoid sinuses are called sphenoiditis, and the cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth are called ethmoiditis. The most common type of sinusitis is sinusitis.

Sinuses are air cavities in the skull that perform a number of important functions, for example, warming and humidifying inhaled air, reducing the weight of the skull, participating in the formation of the timbre of the voice, etc. Each sinus communicates with the nasal cavity through small openings - anastomoses, through which the nose The secretion produced in them is released from the sinuses. If bacteria become active in the sinuses, inflammation occurs. The orifices become swollen, narrowed or completely blocked, as a result of which mucous masses cannot exit into the nasal cavity. Mucus accumulates, mixes with waste products of bacteria, and pus is formed. It is the purulent masses that emit an unpleasant odor that is noticeable to others. It disappears immediately after proper treatment.

Treatment of sinusitis includes antibiotic therapy, washing the paranasal sinuses from purulent masses in the clinic and physiotherapeutic procedures.

What to do if your throat constantly hurts? Is this an infection?

No, persistent sore throat is most often caused by non-infectious causes. The most common cause is acid from the stomach entering the back of the throat through the esophagus. This condition is medically called gastroesophageal, or extraesophageal, reflux. This is a very common illness that can occur without abdominal pain or heartburn. If heartburn occurs constantly and your throat often hurts, then the connection between these events is obvious and you need to deal with this particular problem, and not try to cure your throat.

The root of the problem is microorganisms

Why is bad breath so persistent and appears again and again? To deal with the problem, you need to understand the mechanism of its occurrence as a whole. As you know, the mouth is a “home” for many bacteria, microorganisms, and fungi. Naturally, like all living organisms, they feed and excrete waste products. The more plaque there is on the teeth, the more comfortable the bacteria feel, because their preferred environment is oxygen-free, and just such conditions are created under the layer of plaque. Microorganisms produce sulfur compounds, which have a pungent odor and feel repulsive. It is noteworthy that even if a person brushes his teeth thoroughly, in some cases (for example, progressive periodontal disease), deep periodontal pockets cannot be cleaned out on their own, and they become a source of foul odor. The same applies to plugs with purulent tonsillitis, when white lumps of pus accumulate in the lacunae of the tonsils.


Before taking measures to eliminate purulent plugs in the throat, it is important to undergo a medical examination. It involves a general blood test and taking a throat swab to accurately determine the extent of the damage. Based on the results of the analysis, an individual treatment plan is drawn up. Most often, treatment involves special procedures to cleanse the tonsils.

There are two main treatment methods that help get rid of purulent plugs. The first involves rinsing with warm water in which salt is dissolved. The procedure significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, after it the throat hurts less and other symptoms are significantly smoothed out. As for the second method, it involves surgical intervention.

It is safest and most effective to rinse the tonsils in an ENT clinic! A special technique is used for the procedure!

Large plugs in the throat are dangerous due to the high risk of various complications. Therefore, in some cases, when the disease rapidly progresses, surgery under local anesthesia is prescribed. This approach is required when traffic jams increase in size very quickly.

Most often, a complex treatment process is required, including taking medications. Patients are prescribed antibacterial and antihistamines, probiotics and antiseptic sprays. Sometimes immunostimulants and painkillers are prescribed.

Special physiotherapy helps to consolidate the results. With their help, not only the inflammatory process is reduced, but also the absorption of medications is improved. An auxiliary treatment method can be ultrasound, ultraviolet or laser therapy.

Prevention is everything!

If you think that you have overcome bad breath, the treatment is over and you can relax - you are mistaken. It can come back very quickly, so listen to simple recommendations.

Helpful tips for fresh breath:

  • Drink more water.
    Sufficient intake of water into the body ensures a high dissolving ability of saliva and washing away germs.
  • Consume more solid fruits and vegetables.
    Fruits and vegetables serve as a kind of “grater” for plaque, removing it from the surface of the teeth. Less plaque - less odor!
  • Stimulate salivation.
    This can be achieved by chewing something. Not necessarily chewing gum. Saliva production increases when chewing certain seeds and fruits with essential oils, such as cloves, parsley, mint.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that in ancient times, based on the smell from the mouth, people could form an idea about a person, including their character traits. Subconsciously, this happens even today. There is only one conclusion - it’s better to take care of your health, this is reasonable from all points of view, as you have already seen.

How can a doctor help?

Treatment of tonsillitis must be carried out comprehensively. Before prescribing medications, the ENT doctor will remove plugs from the tonsils using a blunt spatula or a special irrigator. This device is intended for washing the affected lacunae with a stream of medicinal solution.

After this, the patient may be prescribed the following treatment:

  • Physiotherapy, phonophoresis.
  • Rinse with medicinal solutions.
  • Antifungal or antibacterial drugs.

If conservative therapy methods do not help, and the inflammation begins to spread to surrounding tissues, the patient is prescribed an emergency surgical operation called tonsillectomy. The tonsil removal procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia.

After the operation, the patient is prescribed a special diet that excludes foods that irritate the operated tissues and slow down their healing process. Also in the postoperative period you should avoid alcohol, taking hot baths and playing sports.

Are throat congestions dangerous during pregnancy?

The presence of purulent plugs in the tonsils is very dangerous for pregnant women. Sore throat not only has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body, but can also cause premature birth or miscarriage. To avoid complications during pregnancy, it is very important to consult an otolaryngologist for individual recommendations.

If you find purulent plugs in the throat and the symptoms of the disease are similar to the manifestations described above, it is important to immediately begin treatment. Doctors strongly recommend against trying to remove formations in the recesses of the tonsils on your own. There are great risks of aggravating the situation, and the likelihood of achieving a positive effect is extremely small.

It is important to understand that an incorrectly performed procedure for cleansing the tonsils can provoke the spread of infection throughout the body. In order to cure throat congestion in Kyiv, make an appointment with an otolaryngologist at the nearest convenient time. The doctor will assess your situation and prescribe appropriate procedures and medications to take.


AllergistAnesthesiologist-resuscitatorVenereologistGastroenterologistHematologistGeneticGynecologistHomeopathDermatologistPediatric gynecologistPediatric neurologistPediatric urologistPediatric surgeonPediatric endocrinologistNutrologistImmunologistInfectious disease specialistCardiologistCosmetologistSpeech therapistElorologistMammologistMedical lawyerNarcologistNeurologistNeurosurgeon NephrologistNutriciologistOncologistOncourologistOrthopedist-traumatologistOphthalmologistPediatricianPlastic surgeonProctologistPsychiatristPsychologistPulmonologistRheumatologistRadiologistSexologist-AndrologistDentistTherapistTrichologistUrologistPharmacistPhytotherapistPhlebologistSurgeonEndocrinologist

Professional methods: removing plugs and rinsing lacunae

Having figured out how to get rid of the smell of unhealthy tonsils on your own, you should consider the methods offered by otolaryngologists.

First of all, in case of chronic tonsillitis, lavage of lacunae is indicated. This procedure is carried out using a special syringe with a curved tip, or a vacuum device for cleaning the tonsils. The essence of the procedure is to irrigate the cavities in the tonsils with an antiseptic solution. Most often, doctors use a solution of furatsilin.

Note! Rinsing the lacunae will not only help remove the odor from the tonsils, but also get rid of chronic tonsillitis. Plugs in gaps must be removed. They are an accumulation of waste products of pathogenic bacteria and cause a putrid odor from the oral cavity

To remove plugs, doctors use the same syringe with a curved tip, as it is convenient for them to break up the solid contents of the lacunae. A more gentle method is vacuum cleaning. A vacuum nozzle is applied to the lacuna, which literally pulls out the plugs. Then the depressions are irrigated with an antiseptic solution, and at the end the doctor lubricates the tonsils with Lugol

They are an accumulation of waste products of pathogenic bacteria and cause a putrid odor from the oral cavity. To remove plugs, doctors use the same syringe with a curved tip, as it is convenient for them to break up the solid contents of the lacunae. A more gentle method is vacuum cleaning. A vacuum nozzle is applied to the lacuna, which literally pulls out the plugs. Then the depressions are irrigated with an antiseptic solution, and at the end the doctor lubricates the tonsils with Lugol

Plugs in gaps must be removed. They are an accumulation of waste products of pathogenic bacteria and cause a putrid odor from the oral cavity. To remove plugs, doctors use the same syringe with a curved tip, as it is convenient for them to break up the solid contents of the lacunae. A more gentle method is vacuum cleaning. A vacuum nozzle is applied to the lacuna, which literally pulls out the plugs. Then the depressions are irrigated with an antiseptic solution, and at the end the doctor lubricates the tonsils with Lugol.

Washing lacunae at home

A syringe with a curved tip can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, so rinsing the lacunae can be done at home. True, at home it is forbidden to insert the tip into the lacuna itself, otherwise there is a risk of injury to it, which will only aggravate the problem.

It is necessary to draw a solution of furatsilin into the syringe, place the tip opposite the recesses, and irrigate the lacunae with the solution, spitting it as it flows into the mouth.

At home, you can also use an irrigator with a special attachment. The sequence of action is the same: the device is filled with an antiseptic solution, the tip is brought as close as possible to the recesses of the tonsils, and then irrigated with the medicine.

At the end of the procedure, the tonsils should also be lubricated with Lugol - this will help prolong the effect of rinsing and prevent the re-formation of plaque.

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