Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) - symptoms and treatment

If you begin to notice the dubious formation of growths in the lip area, which in appearance resemble small blisters or warts, consult a doctor. Perhaps these growths are nothing more than papillomas. These are benign formations that can spoil a person’s aesthetic appearance and affect the quality of life.

Papilloma on the lip, what is it?

The appearance of papilloma on the lip may indicate the presence of human papillomavirus in the body. A benign neoplasm can spoil the appearance and cause psycho-emotional distress.

In appearance, the human papillomavirus on the lips is presented as a small growth on a flesh-colored stalk. The main places where tumors accumulate are observed at the corners of the mouth. The height and width of the papilloma can reach 2 mm. Protracted forms of the disease may look like large papillomas, in which the upper keratinized layer reaches up to 2 cm.

Medicine is confident that in most cases the neoplasm is benign. However, ignoring treatment can lead to the degeneration of the growth into a malignant tumor. To prevent such developments, you need to have knowledge about the causes of the virus indicated in our article, and also know which doctor to turn to for help.

Often, under the guise of HPV, a malignant neoplasm can develop, developing from an injured mole.

The following signs indicate malignant degeneration of papilloma on the lips:

  • ulcerative irregular form of neoplasm;
  • heterogeneity of texture;
  • separation of liquid contents with blood particles;
  • hair loss (if any);
  • growth of the tumor far beyond the lip area.

Regardless of the type of symptoms, if you suspect HPV in the form of papillomas on the lips, it is recommended to consult a doctor for help. Such doctors are: family therapist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist and oncologist.


Once the benign quality of the formation is determined, it is recommended to get rid of it to prevent possible complications in the future and a good cosmetic result. Regardless of the method chosen, a number of rules are of great importance:

  • If the approach does not involve immediate removal, then it is forbidden to remove what is left - the crust should fall off on its own. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and the formation of an unsightly scar.
  • After the procedure, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun: the lip should be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Having removed the manifestations of HPV on the lips, you should stop using lipstick until complete healing.

Doctors' opinions on the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

The chief physician of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 describes his vision on this matter. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating people’s papillomas and warts for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

The human papillomavirus is present in everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the planet's population has it. By themselves they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective product, but also to make it accessible to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.”

To find out more, read this article.

Treatment of papilloma on the lip

If you consult a specialist for help in a timely manner, papillomas on the inside of the lips can quickly be treated. The wounds begin to heal before our eyes. When treating a tumor, the main point is not to overdo it, since deep wounds can lead to the formation of scars that will never disappear from the face.

Official medicine offers several methods for removing growths.

  1. Cryodestruction. A procedure characterized by simplicity and high effectiveness. Involves freezing with liquid nitrogen. The growths fall off in about a week. After removal by cryodestruction there are no scars left on the surface of the skin. Small wounds heal within a week. The technique is effective in the fight against small papillomas. Larger tumors must be removed using other methods.
  1. Thermocoagulation. Provides for burning out growths using electric current. The technique is painful and requires the use of painkillers. Burning the wounds too deeply can cause the appearance of keloid scars, which will ruin the appearance.
  2. Treatment with keratolytics. Elimination of the deficiency is carried out by exposing the neoplasm to a chemical substance that can dissolve keratin, which is abundant in the keratinized layer of papilloma. The method is effective for removing small growths. If the doctor decides to treat the child in this way. The drug is applied with caution. Upon completion of the procedure, the growth is sealed with a plaster to prevent it from getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.
  3. Surgical intervention. It is used in serious cases when HPV begins to manifest itself in the form of large warts. After removal, a scar remains. In order to reduce it, the use of hormonal ointments is recommended.

Attention! How to get rid of a benign formation, and what method a specialist decides on based on a visual examination and laboratory test data.

Treatment with traditional methods is welcome when the treatment is agreed upon by the supervising physician. Some of the methods given below allow you to achieve high results in getting rid of papillomas in adults and children.

  1. A solution of vinegar with iodine.

If a papilloma appears on the lip, take sterile cotton wool, roll it into a small ball and soak it in 9% vinegar or iodine. Apply the ball to the problem area and cover with a band-aid. The number of procedures performed is 2-3 per day. The technique is highly effective, but is not suitable for everyone, since it involves staying at home.

  1. Celandine juice with fruits and berries.

Cut off the stem of the celandine during the flowering period and lubricate the resulting wart with the yellow juice released from it. Similar manipulations are carried out with sour berries. Naturalness and low toxicity make it possible to treat HPV in a child. During the first day after lubricating the growth, the papilloma becomes slightly inflamed, darkens and dries out.

  1. Tying with thread or hair.

An old grandmother's method that allows you to get rid of club-shaped growths of various sizes. For bandaging you will need a natural thin thread or hair. Wrap the pre-prepared hair around the stem of the wart, almost at the root, and tie it in a knot. Don't be afraid to put pressure on your leg. This will only be beneficial. After about a couple of days, the papilloma will fall off. The wound that appears after the growth must be lubricated with celandine or iodine for 2 weeks.

These folk remedies in the fight against papillomavirus are safe, provided that the treatment process is agreed upon with the doctor and the patient has been diagnosed.

Papillomavirus can appear not only on the outside of the lip, but also on the inside. The following neoplasms in the lip area are distinguished:

  • papilloma on the mucous membrane of the lip;

To distinguish mucosal papilloma from other diseases, you need to know that the average diameter of a papilloma is 1 cm, the surface of the neoplasm is rough to the touch and resembles cauliflower. The growth on the mucous membrane of the lip has a wider stalk, the color is close to pinkish-flesh, and the patient feels pain when palpated. The neoplasm can be seen with the naked eye.

  • papilloma on the lower part of the lip;

The presence of a growth on the lower part of the lip can ruin a person’s aesthetic appearance. Refusal of treatment leads to the growth of growths and the formation of nests. Timely treatment can correct the deficiency without surgery.

  • papilloma on the inside;

It is characterized by a high degree of pain, since there is a high risk of injury to the teeth during eating. Diagnosing HPV on the inside of the lip requires emergency intervention from a specialist. Otherwise, there is a high risk of the tumor degenerating into a malignant tumor.

  • papilloma in the mouth;

The diameter of the neoplasms is no larger than a centimeter. They have a tuberous-nodular surface and a thin stalk. Capable of growing families. It can be visually diagnosed by its shape, which resembles a cockscomb or cauliflower. The color is close to the oral mucosa. The consistency of the neoplasms is characterized by high levels of firmness and elasticity. Soft to the touch. Medical intervention is mandatory because the risk of injury is high.

  • papilloma on the upper lip;

The neoplasm can be confused with a wart or herpes virus. It has a small shape, the color is closer to flesh-colored. Timely treatment and removal allows you to maintain the same appearance and smoothly remove the tumor.

  • papilloma above the lip;

The shape resembles a blister or wart. Capable of increasing in size, multiplying and being reborn. Causes disgust in patients and others. For small papillomas, drug removal of the growth is possible.

If you notice small papillomas on your lips, you should not ignore their appearance. It is better to contact a specialist once again and refute the diagnosis than to observe this defect for a long period.

How is the papillomas removal procedure performed?

Laser is most often used to remove papillomas; it is excellent for work if you need to remove many small papillomas. If you need to remove papillomas larger than 5 mm, we recommend the radio wave method. The methods are absolutely safe, do not injure deep skin tissues and leave no cosmetic defects such as scars. Laser and radio wave methods also have some advantages compared to other methods:

  • There is no bleeding because the vessels are instantly cauterized;
  • Thanks to coagulation of the bed where the papilloma was located, the risk of infection is reduced;
  • Fast healing and short rehabilitation period;
  • The risk of recurrence of papilloma is close to zero.

Taking into account the test results and visual examination, an experienced specialist will individually select an effective and safe method for removing papillomas.

Prices for removal of papillomas on the face

How many procedures do you need to undergo to remove papillomas on the face?

Removal of papillomas on the face occurs in just one procedure, however, in case of multiple formations, a repeat visit may be necessary. During the procedure, up to 20-30 papillomas can be removed, and in some cases more.

In the postoperative period, caring for the bed of a removed papilloma is not much different from the same manipulation with moles.

be careful

The presence of papillomas and warts on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most drugs that “treat” warts and papillomas are a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted his own investigation and found a way out of this situation. In this article, the Doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles! Read the article in the official source via the link.


The appearance of neoplasms on the outer and inner sides of the lips brings discomfort to a person when communicating with people and eating food. The disease worsens the quality of life and lowers self-esteem. Refusal to treat unpleasant growths leads to their spreading to other parts of the body, which affects the appearance.

Cases of neoplasms degenerating into malignant tumors have become frequent. To prevent this from happening, you must promptly seek help from a doctor. Drug treatment in combination with traditional methods can speed up the healing process. The last resort for getting rid of papillomas is surgery. Be healthy and don't get sick.

We invite you to watch a video of how a papilloma on the mucous membrane of the lower lip is removed. Do not watch if you are sensitive, as surgical intervention is indicated.

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