Cracks on the lips: urgently correct them with vitamins and home care

Dryness and flaking of the lips is an embarrassing and unpleasant defect that causes constant discomfort. It's hard to enjoy communication when laughing and talking hurt.

Moreover, unpleasant sensations can worsen at the most inopportune moment: while walking, while eating. Of course, you can moisturize your lips with cosmetics around the clock to relieve soreness, but this is only a temporary solution that does not eliminate the problem itself.

We advise you to understand the reasons that cause dry lips in you and begin to eliminate them. And in order for the skin of your lips to recover faster, you can use the recommendations and help of our cosmetologists.

Hair loss

It is normal to lose about 100 hairs per day. But if you notice large strands or clumps of hair on your pillow or in the shower, you may be low on iron. You are not alone. This is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. To check iron, the doctor may prescribe LVSS, Transferrin saturation with iron, Complete blood count (CBC/Diff) with leukocyte count without ESR, Reticulocyte count, Ferritin.

If you're a new mom and your hair is falling out like a waterfall, don't panic right away. During pregnancy, hair usually grows faster and thicker. After childbirth, estrogen and hair fall along with it. In a year everything should be back to normal. Iron deficiency after childbirth is quite common.

Why does lip inflammation develop?

There are many reasons for the occurrence of cheilitis. Different reasons cause different types of lip inflammation. However, there are some common catalysts, for example, deficiency of vitamins, iron, calcium, excessive use of various medications (for example, antibiotics), constant exposure to drafts or living in a city with very low air temperatures in winter, strong and regular ultraviolet radiation, poor immunity.

The causative agents of allergic cheilitis are, of course, allergic reactions to cosmetics or food, infectious - various diseases (viruses, fungi), glandular - dermatological diseases, meteorological - frequent chapped lips and being outside without hygienic lipstick, and candidal - stomatitis and simply poor care behind the oral cavity.

Exfoliative cheilitis occurs in those who often bite off pieces of skin from their lips or simply constantly lick them (observed only in women). These actions can be triggered by frequent anxiety and stress. Manganotti cheilitis occurs only in adult men and is provoked by various injuries to the oral cavity, stomach diseases, frequent and long exposure to the sun or in a solarium, as well as clear signs of aging, which are caused by the fact that the mucous membrane is now regenerating more slowly. Hypovitaminosis occurs due to a lack of vitamins B2, B2 and other B vitamins.

Unexplained fatigue

This symptom fits almost any vitamin or mineral deficiency. It may be time to check your vitamin D levels. This vitamin is unique. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, flu, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, colon, breast and prostate cancer. Plays an important role in regulating mood, sleep and wakefulness, and preventing depression. Increases calcium and phosphorus absorption and promotes bone mineralization. Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle pain, weakness and unexplained fatigue.

WHY DO YOU NEED A 25-OH VITAMIN D TEST? Easy to measure. Just one 25-OH vitamin D test will show your current vitamin levels and supplemental needs. taking medications. Easy to pass. Add the 25-OH vitamin D test to your cart, sign up for delivery and receive a 50% discount by paying for your order online. Easy to adjust. Enter your 25-OH Vitamin D test results into our free calculator. We will calculate your dosage of vitamin D medications and offer you a convenient dosage regimen.

Vitamins B9 and B12 help the body produce red blood cells and chemicals that regulate sleep patterns and mood. When you don't get enough of them, you may feel forgetful, weak, and apathetic.

How to remove cracked lips with nutrition

If you have symptoms of vitamin deficiency, it is first of all important to adjust your diet. Doctors recommend excluding fast food, alcohol, sweets, smoked foods, as well as strong tea and coffee from the diet. To compensate for the deficiency of specific elements, there is a certain set of products.

Vitamin A will help replenish the liver of cod, beef, goose or pork, as well as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and pumpkin.

It is best to look for vitamin E in pine nuts, sea buckthorn, sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, olive oil, broccoli, asparagus, and avocado.

The lack of B2 is compensated by dairy products, whole grains, dark green vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, peas, watercress), as well as eggs, cheeses, and beef liver.

The most vitamin B7 is found in soybeans, sardines, pork and beef liver, rolled oats, barley, wheat, rice cereal, peas, as well as chicken, cod, cottage cheese, and some types of cheese with white and blue mold.

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    Lips are peeling and cracking - how to help them? 10 proven methods and recipes for homemade masks from

B12 can be found in large quantities in offal (pork and beef liver, kidneys), rabbit meat, hard cheeses, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), seafood, fish (mackerel, sardine, herring).

Vitamin C is found in strawberries, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, as well as sweet bell peppers, porcini mushrooms, and fresh herbs.

Cereals (barley, wheat, buckwheat), pine nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils, and morel mushrooms will help replenish your supply of zinc, selenium, and iron.

Sulfur is included in meat products: lean pork, lamb, beef.

Self-diagnosis. How to suspect you have a vitamin deficiency?

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna

Endocrinologist, Preventive Medicine Doctor

April 3, 2019

In spring, like no other time of the year, we especially notice changes in our appearance and often not for the better. The reason for this, as a rule, is hypovitaminosis. By looking at the skin and its so-called “appendages”: hair, nails, eyebrows, you can perfectly determine the lack of a particular vitamin or microelement. And so, I carry out the most pathognotomonic symptoms for a lack of one or another vitamin. (in medicine, this is the name for symptoms clearly describe a certain disease and are a sign for making a specific diagnosis) As many people hate at the beginning of the swimming season - cellulite or lipedema (it can be characterized as stagnation - a violation of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in adipose tissue, leading to its degeneration ), but as it turned out, everything is simple - the cause of this condition is a banal iodine deficiency , common in more than 100% of the Russian population. Recurrent atheromas (“wen”;)) are also an indicator of iodine deficiency, but the point is that this is treated not with banal doses of 200 mcg of Iodomarin, but with doses exceeding 500 mcg of Iodine! Only then will the therapeutic effect be noticeable. Fibrocystic mastopathy, so often diagnosed in women, is often well treated by selecting adequate doses of iodine. I couldn’t ignore this complex condition (read only for men! and their treating urologists) - Peyronie’s disease - in 30-40% of cases it can be cured with adequate doses of iodine. White spots on the nails are often a zinc deficiency. A lack of zinc can be easily suspected from a blood test - ALP (alkaline phosphatase) will be persistently reduced in a biochemical blood test. Zinc deficiency explains the decreased sense of smell and taste! (reduced ability to sense sweet, sour, bitter, salty, etc.). Which leads to decreased feelings of satiety and overeating!! Weakness in the first half of the day (this is an important symptom of thyroid dysfunction) and, above all, selenium deficiency. Selenium and Iodine are two “partners” that should be used together for the treatment of thyroid gland. And not in all cases, AIT is a contraindication to iodine administration. A phrase like “You have AIT and you can’t take iodine” is a thing of the past. Impaired skin pigmentation - depigmentation, early gray hair - deficiency of such a little-used element as copper. But copper is also a powerful immunomodulator; if there is a lack of it in a clinical blood test, persistent neutropenia (a drop in the level of neutrophils) can be observed, which is more often observed in children. Photosensitivity, especially on a sunny day, sarcopenia (muscle dystrophy, well defined by bioimpedance) is a lack of vitamin E. Migraines, a difficult diagnosis, debilitating headaches - imagine, can develop as a result of a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), can be treated with large doses 100 mg per day of injectable riboflavin (not included in the usual Milgamma, injected only with a separate injection). Seborrheic dermatitis, cracked lips, peeling skin of the nostrils, red and swollen tongue are often also a sign of riboflavin deficiency. Numbness and tingling of the toes and hands, radiation reserve syndrome, pain along the “course of nerves” and PMS (premenstrual syndrome:)) are most often a consequence of a lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), but it accumulates poorly in the body, with under stress it quickly “burns out”; taking it during prolonged stress can be permanent. As well as the next element……. Aggressiveness, uncontrollable anger - in Russia everyone must be given MAGNESIUM , just as they used to give free milk in hazardous industries. Bleeding gums, “age spots”, petechiae (small hemorrhages) with a minimal mechanism of injury - vitamin C deficiency. And a dose of 500 mcg will not help here, doses of more than 1.5 g per day are needed, yes, so large, there are diseases for which doses of 4-5 grams of vitamin C will be “just right” :). Now about my dearly beloved and undeservedly forgotten vitamin A. There are many vitamin A deficiencies and they are poorly diagnosed! Heals quickly! Follicular keratosis , a change in the structure of the skin of the arms and legs, which is usually regarded as hereditary, that is, “goose or chicken-type” skin with papules and peeling is nothing more than a genetic lack of vitamin A! Dry and rough skin, dry eyes, decreased twilight vision, cracked and dry tongue, decreased immunity, dry intimate areas, tendency to gopothyroidism! (in the thyroid gland there are structures that work on vitamin A!!!) - all this is vitamin A deficiency!!! Therefore, I really like to make mixed drops for the prevention of hypovitaminosis A and D3 (especially for children). You need to take 3 drops of retinol acetate 3.44% and 3 drops of vitamin D3 in the morning under the tongue or on bread. Even persistent acne (acne) is treated with drugs based on high doses of retinol (vitamin A). Split ends!!!, diffuse hair loss - look for iron deficiency. Seeing these signs in yourself, you can adequately, together with the doctor, select “working” doses of vitamins. And there is no need to join the crowd of skeptics who are sure that we will get vitamins from food and at sea; taking vitamins in tablets is not necessary. "Blessed is he who believes." I believe in modern medicine. Dedicated to skeptics: it is also possible a laboratory that you have a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, vitamins can be donated by blood - vitamins A, D, vitamins B, but I would prefer to check microelements using a spectral analysis of hair, a blood test in this case is not very reliable. (Believe me, I have studied this issue a lot and I am sure that it is more reliable to check microelements in the hair!). Those who test a genetic predisposition to the absorption of this or sometimes a vitamin have gone even further, but this is “already the aerobatics” of medicine and this service is not available in many cities in Russia. And its cost is not routine.

Therefore, we will trust traditional research methods - clinical examination and history taking. :)

Causes of dry lips

First of all, pay attention to your diet . A lack of healthy fats, a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the diet can cause cracks in the corners of the lips and cause dry skin. Add nuts, avocado, red fish and butter to your diet - these foods are rich in healthy fats. To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, take a course of multivitamins.

It’s not just dietary deficiencies that cause dry lips. Proper drinking regimen is also important , as well as what kind of water you drink. Peeling of the delicate skin of the lips can occur if you overuse soft drinks or drink little water. In this case, just drink enough and preferably warm water. A glass of warm water with honey and lemon is a great start to the day. Start with this ritual every morning and you will quickly notice an improvement.

If your diet and drinking regime are in order, analyze the microclimate in the rooms where you spend the most time (at work and at home, for example). The air in the rooms should not be too dry. If humidity is low, use humidifiers to bring it back to normal. Sufficiently humidified air not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, but also protects the mucous membranes from viruses.

Finally, dry lips can cause a tendency to constantly lick your lips. This habit is especially disturbing in cold weather in autumn and winter. Because of it, peeling first occurs, and then dry crusts may appear, which in no case should be peeled off or touched with your hands.

Vitamins that are responsible for skin condition

There are a lot of them, and they belong to different groups. Let's list the main ones:

  • A. Its task is to “delivery” collagen and elastin to the tissue: substances that slow down the aging process. In addition, vitamin A is also responsible for cellular regeneration;
  • AT 2. Provides lips with protection: they do not crack or peel. Thanks to vitamin B2, regular tissue renewal occurs;
  • AT 7. Promotes regenerative processes of the skin. With enough of it in the body, the skin becomes more elastic, healthy and smooth;
  • AT 12. If there is no deficiency, a person will always have a healthy complexion and tissues in good shape;
  • C. It is a strong antioxidant that stimulates the body’s “production” of its own collagen;
  • A kind of “guarantor” of a healthy cell life cycle. Relieves inflammatory processes, protects against them, helps strengthen the immune system;
  • E. Responsible for proper nutrition of the skin, smoothing wrinkles and slowing down the aging process in general. Like vitamin C, it is a strong antioxidant;
  • Heals wounds, eliminates inflammatory processes, the skin is smooth, does not peel or crack;
  • K. Helps improve overall blood circulation and microcirculatory processes.

If the body lacks one of these vitamins or more, the condition of the lips can deteriorate sharply.

Contour plastic surgery with Surgiderm 24XP

But not in all cases, dry lips can be dealt with only with the help of cosmetics or correction of nutrition and habits. If you have age-related dryness, and as a result, loss of fullness, volume and wrinkles on your lips, we advise you to use the possibilities of contouring.

Several injections of Surgiderm 24XP will help correct excessively thin or asymmetrical lips and fill them with moisture from the inside. The drug is based on high-viscosity hyaluronic acid, so the filler is perfect for creating volume.

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