TOP 15 best pediatric dentistry

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Treatment of children's teeth requires special attention and care. It is very important to form the correct attitude towards the dentist in young patients from birth, otherwise the psychological trauma will remain for life. In order for children to feel safe in the dentist’s chair, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of both dentistry and the attending physician. If you are concerned about how to make sure that your child is calm about dental treatment and subsequently is not afraid to go to the dentist, be sure to read the article prepared by the editors of the portal .

Dental treatment for children

Below are the criteria that can be used to guide you when choosing pediatric dentistry, as well as the TOP-15 medical centers in Moscow, where you can treat your children’s teeth efficiently and inexpensively.

Popular types of x-rays of baby teeth in children

Modern pediatric dentistry allows us to solve any problems with baby teeth. But in order to consider the disease and make a correct diagnosis, it is not enough just the child’s complaints and his description of pain and discomfort. In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to build a treatment plan based on diagnostic data that can be obtained after one of four popular types of radiography:

  1. Sighting (periapical). Indicated in cases where clarification is necessary on one or more adjacent teeth (from 1 to 3). Provides data about the units themselves, their roots and surrounding soft tissues.
  2. Occlusal (palatal). As a result, the attending physician receives a complete projection of one of the child’s jaws. The technique is used to determine possible malocclusions and anomalies of the dentition in general.
  3. Panoramic (orthopantomogram). Allows scanning of the entire oral cavity. An orthopantomogram for children is indicated for a detailed study of pathologies of the upper and lower jaw, the temporomandibular joint and the maxillary sinuses. The results of such an x-ray are necessary for further dental correction. This type of examination is prescribed for children with a fully formed dental system, that is, from about 9 years old.
  4. 3D pictures. A three-dimensional X-ray image of children's primary teeth allows us to obtain data on all units (existing and not yet erupted). The entire maxillofacial area is subject to examination. The photographs can be used to evaluate the structure of the entire skeletal system of the jaws, the condition of the root system (including pathologies), inflammation in soft tissues, etc. Such dental x-rays are prescribed for the purpose of making a diagnosis and as a control study after canal filling.

Depending on the existing problems with baby teeth, the child may be prescribed one specific or several different types of examination. The attending physician will definitely explain the advisability of obtaining images and the need for x-rays.

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Dental diagnostics

Pediatric orthopantomogram

3D image of teeth

Signs of good pediatric dentistry

  • availability of an appropriate license,
  • the children's department should not communicate with adult rooms,
  • comfortable environment: the atmosphere should be conducive to treatment - the child should not be scared, but, on the contrary, it should be interesting and pleasant to be in the clinic. It is desirable to have a separate children's area with the opportunity to watch cartoons and a games room, which will brighten up the wait for the appointment and relax after the treatment. A number of clinics also provide a TV installed directly in the office - during dental treatment, a child can be distracted by watching cartoons,

Successful design of a children's dental office

  • pleasant doctors: comfortable dental treatment largely depends not so much on the environment, but on the dentist himself. It is important that the dentist is not only a professional, but also partly a psychologist, because you will have to find an approach to each child. For girls, it is recommended to choose a woman doctor, for boys - a man, since the doctor will be able to talk with his patient on “women’s topics” or discuss new products in the automobile industry. It’s good if the dentist tells his patients how the treatment is going, and composes a fascinating tale about teeth. And no violence! If your child doesn’t want to have their teeth treated today, it’s worth trying again in 2-3 days (of course, if the issue is not urgent),
  • modern equipment: the clinic should not have outdated equipment. Drills that make a scary and loud sound frighten even adults. Therefore, instruments and equipment for treatment must be new,
  • the possibility of using gentle treatment methods: an additional advantage in favor of the clinic is that the rooms are equipped with high-tech equipment, for example, a laser, which will allow the removal of carious cavities without drilling, that is, a gentle and less painful method for the child. A big plus will also be the availability of drugs and equipment for minimally invasive treatment of caries using the Icon system without a drill,
  • availability of safe and high-quality anesthesia: for dental treatment in children, local anesthetics should be used, if possible also nitrous oxide or xenon, which have a sedative effect and allow small patients to get rid of panic and fear. Local anesthetics should be intended specifically for children, they should not contain epiniphrine (or a minimum dose),

Sedation in the treatment of childhood caries

  • the possibility of carrying out preventive procedures: silvering of teeth, fissure sealing, fluoridation - these are effective means of protecting both milk and permanent teeth from caries. Therefore, in the clinic where you plan to treat your baby’s teeth, doctors must be able to implement preventive care,

Silvering of teeth in a child

  • chairs for different ages: this is not a mandatory condition, but desirable, since manufacturers have separate dental chairs for small patients up to 3-5 years old, in which they will be much more comfortable than in adults,
  • convenient location: dentistry should be located near the house or in close proximity to a metro station, and have its own parking lot. There is a very high probability that your baby’s mood will deteriorate sharply after treatment, so you will need to get home as quickly as possible.

Before choosing pediatric dentistry, especially if non-emergency and urgent treatment is required, we recommend thoroughly studying the information about the clinics. Be sure to study the reviews, attend several free consultations - let your child get acquainted with the clinic’s environment, look into the offices, talk to the doctor, and even say which of the clinics and which doctor he liked the most.

When is a child's dental x-ray prescribed?

It is important for parents to understand in what cases it is necessary to take an x-ray of children’s baby teeth. Detailed diagnostics may be required in a variety of cases (depending on the individual characteristics of the structure and development of the dental system). Most often, radiographic examinations are prescribed in the following cases:

  • To identify deep caries. Milk teeth, unlike permanent teeth, have more fragile enamel. Consequently, they are more susceptible to exposure to aggressive substances that enter the mouth with food. Carbonated drinks, fast food, sweets - all this causes the appearance of caries, which is not always noticeable upon visual inspection. At routine visits to the dentist, with x-rays, you can verify the absence or confirm the presence of deep caries.
  • To study abnormalities in the development of teeth and jaws. If a child has problems with teething, abnormal growth, or pain when closing the jaws, this may be a reason to take an X-ray of the children’s baby teeth. The results will allow us to study the existing problems in detail and intervene in a timely manner, solving issues of delayed growth of units and many others.
  • To monitor the condition of permanent teeth. Not only baby teeth, but also permanent children’s teeth require special attention even before they appear. Studying the rudiments allows not only to determine possible anomalies, but also to make predictions about the timing of eruption.
  • Bite study. An incorrect bite can cause premature tooth wear and the appearance of various pathologies. An X-ray of a child’s teeth can provide detailed data on the position of the jaws in order to identify even the slightest deviations from the norm.
  • Detection of abscesses. Inflammatory processes in the initial stages may be asymptomatic. An advanced abscess can cause serious operations, including surgical ones. At the same time, x-rays can show foci of inflammation and begin treatment on time.

Some children are so mobile and active that they often get injured, including in the jaw. Serious injuries may be visible during visual inspection, and some cracks and misalignments can only be diagnosed after X-raying the child's teeth.

TOP 15 pediatric dentistry: objective rating

When compiling this rating, we paid attention to the list of services that are provided in a particular dentistry, checked licenses and carefully studied patient reviews in various sources. Therefore, look, study and choose with us the best pediatric dentistry in Moscow.

Dentistry "Dental Fantasy"

Dental specialists have been successfully treating children for more than 10 years.
The doctors already have sixty thousand satisfied little patients. Treatment using sedation is practiced here, and it is also possible to carry out procedures using anesthesia. Each employee of the clinic is not only a professional in their field, but also a psychologist who will help your child adapt and feel comfortable (for these purposes there are also many books and toys, beautiful offices and interiors, and play areas). And to confirm the quality of the work done, doctors give an increased percentage guarantee for treatment - for example, for fillings that are installed on baby teeth - according to the assurances of clinic representatives, they will last until the bite changes and will not cause problems to their owners. It is also interesting that the doctors here speak several languages, so even foreign guests of the capital can undergo treatment.

Official website:

Photo of Dental Fantasy clinic

Real reviews about the clinic:

“I will be grateful to Galina Sergeevna all my life :-). We go to the clinic with two children; unfortunately, both of them have a lot of problems with their teeth. The eldest’s first treatment experience was excellent, we treated him a lot, the child didn’t make a sound. Although he is still terribly afraid of vaccinations :-). They found an approach to the little one already at 2.8. By the time it was necessary to remove teeth with broken roots, the child was already adapted. Removed using local! anesthesia. They didn’t scare me, although there were some unpleasant moments, she still asks to see Aunt Galya :-). Galina Sergeevna, thank you for being like this. For your support, attention and understanding, kindness and patience."


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“My son was scared in one dentistry. Out of the corner of his ear, he heard the doctor talking to someone about tooth extractions, that they needed to give an injection. He apparently came up with such a terrible picture for himself, and thought that they wanted to do this to him. It took a lot of patience to persuade him to go treat a tooth that was just starting to deteriorate. The first question he asked in Dental Fantasy was whether he would have his teeth removed? The doctor calmed him down and said: to prevent teeth from deteriorating, they need to be protected from bacteria and bacilli. These bacilli need to be driven out of your mouth. And she knows how to do it. And the son sat down in a chair and opened his mouth! Then they turned on a cartoon for him, and I was simply amazed that my son sat there and didn’t even make a sound. During one trip, his tooth was repaired and they gave me recommendations on how to properly care for children’s teeth. My son doesn’t have any unpleasant memories; on the contrary, he sometimes asks me if it’s time to go to the doctor and “drive the bacilli in his mouth.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“My 12-year-old son was playing with a dog and broke his front tooth. There was a lot of psychological suffering about my appearance; it was impossible to persuade me to endure it for a few days. Refused to go to school. In general, on the same day we went to get a new tooth for him. We visited the doctor V.V. Tsarkov on Kuntsevskaya. The doctor decided to build up the broken piece and immediately did the work in one evening. I liked the fast and professional work. Very professional approach, pleasant atmosphere, high level of service. All this, of course, is captivating. The child is happy, the tooth looks absolutely intact, the color is the same.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Children's department of the RuDenta Kids clinic

This dentistry also treats children with various disabilities - cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, and heart disease.
And in order for the therapy to be comfortable, it is possible to organize a special adaptation appointment, at which the child will get acquainted with dentistry and the doctor, learn the very first and most important dental procedures in the oral cavity in a playful way, and the doctor will clean the teeth using a special brush and paste. What is also important is that the clinic treats without restraint - this means that if the child has the slightest anxiety and wants to leave the dentist’s chair, they do not try to force him to stay. Persuade, distract, negotiate in the child’s language? Yes. Hold by force or threats? No. Official website:

Photo of the RuDenta Kids clinic

Real reviews about the clinic:

"Good afternoon! I really want to share my impressions about the children's department of Ru.Denta) My daughter (4.5 years old) had her teeth treated under anesthesia. Everything went perfectly, despite the long anesthesia (3 hours). A HUGE THANK YOU to our attending physician Yana Vasilievna and anesthesiologist Askar Saitkamilovich. Doctors with a capital letter. You are people who know how to support and calm in the most difficult situations. Thank you very much".


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Zolotareva Victoria

“We treated caries in my 2.5 year old daughter. She usually cries at the sight of any doctor, so we were skeptical here. However, we experienced a real shock when our daughter endured the entire treatment procedure without making a sound. Many thanks to Yana Vasilievna Parastaeva and her assistant. They were able to win over the child and, as a result, a cured tooth and the most pleasant memories for the child. Great!"


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“We treated caries for our 5-year-old son with Yana Vasilyevna. The child calmly watched cartoons, judging by his reaction, he did not experience any pain. The child walked calmly to the second visit, which means the first one went as expected. I don’t presume to evaluate the quality of honey. work, not a specialist, but the attitude towards the child, the ability to establish contact - there are definitely no problems here. I hope the work itself is done at the proper level.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Pediatric dentistry "Zubrenok"

At the clinic, the baby will be examined and given recommendations not only by the dentist, but also by the pediatrician.
Over 13 years of stable work, more than 8 thousand patients have been treated here, more than half of whom came based on recommendations. In 2022, the dentistry also opened its own anesthesiology department, which now allows teeth to be treated under sedation or anesthesia. Children can be treated and observed here from birth to 18 years of age, and you can come for an appointment every day, seven days a week, from 9:00 to 21:00. Official website:

Photo of pediatric dentistry Zubrenok

Real reviews about the clinic:

“I have been going to this clinic with my eldest child for probably 8 years now, and I have never once had the desire to change the clinic. Yes, there are various force majeure situations, we had to wait, someone came without an appointment, someone is late and because of this the reception time for all children is shifted. It happens that therapy costs more than expected. Well, what can we do, these are our children. It’s surprising that most reviews sound like “we came with pulpitis, they treated us, we are satisfied/not satisfied.” Or “they treated us for pulpitis and took a lot of money.” Where were you before? Why did they bring the child to pulpitis or some other serious dental problems, and then frantically rush to the clinic and spend a lot of money on treatment there? High-quality treatment is really expensive, and an adult probably won’t skimp on his teeth, since a healthy smile is a matter of prestige and success. Why should children’s baby teeth be treated so carelessly? I brought my youngest son to this clinic at the age of 2.5 years. We started with a visit to the hygienist, preventative procedures. I have only one complaint about the clinic - about the discounts. Unfortunately, a discount on treatment is provided specifically for the child, and not for the parent. That is, despite the fact that I, as a loyal customer, have been going to this clinic for many years with my first child, the discount does not apply to the second child. And this is not logical. It’s the parent who pays from his own wallet, not the child.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“We treated our 2-year-old daughter’s teeth under anesthesia, using sevoran anesthesia, 2.5 hours. There was no question of whether to euthanize him or not, since the situation was serious; the question was whether we would, in general, save all the teeth that had come out by that time. The dentist at my place of residence recommended several clinics providing similar treatment in Moscow. I myself, as a responsible mother, studied in detail all the options for dentistry, called, consulted, read reviews and settled on Zubrenka. I'm very pleased with my choice. All doctors taking part in our process are highly qualified specialists, and there is a sense of professionalism. I consider the attitude towards the child and parents to be adequate, attentive, polite, and pleasant. The staff is helpful in everything, trying to help their beloved child pass this test of dental treatment with minimal parental nerves, doing an excellent job of treating the little patient. Concluding my review, I can add that in any case, after reading all the reviews, you will doubt which clinic to choose, I advise you just call Zubrenok, here they will tell you everything, explain it, and I think your doubts will be dispelled, just like mine! Our doctor Alena Vladimirovna Tsutskikh.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“With all my heart I want to express my gratitude to Olga Ivanovna Tkachenko! We first contacted her when my daughter was 1.5 years old. She had serious problems with her teeth; before they had time to erupt, they became covered with white spots and began to decay. At the age of 2, pulpitis was already treated. All the teeth were treated very well, all the fillings are still in place and not a single new hole has appeared. We only go for checkups once every six months. Soon my Vika will be 6 years old, thanks to Olga Ivanovna’s professionalism, we have not lost a single baby tooth ahead of time. The replacement of teeth with permanent ones has already begun. In addition, she found an approach to such a small child. The child is not afraid of dentists, but says that they are her favorite doctors.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Natalia Adamia

Dentistry for children and adults FamilySmile

Despite the fact that dentistry is considered universal (that is, for both children and adults), here they still focus on treating children.
The clinic has a beautifully decorated, very bright department, whose doctors conduct examinations, preventive measures and direct treatment using high-quality and safe materials. In difficult cases, dentistry holds a consultation of doctors to discuss the correct treatment tactics. Official website:

Photos of FamilySmile dentistry

Real reviews about the clinic:

“The clinic inspires confidence right out of the gate. Here you feel safe and confident that the specialists know their business. Children are not restrained by force, but they communicate and find an approach; the adaptive technique here is very well developed - such a positive experience of going to the doctor will remain with the child for the rest of his life and will not cause negativity or fear in the future. I recommend all my friends - with children - to Andrei Pavlovich! You will not receive such consultation in any clinic! The quality of materials and treatment here is at the highest level. Among the “adult” doctors, I recommend Yulia Petrovna and Anna Sergeevna - sensitive and attentive doctors. You can even fall asleep in the chair during treatment, everything goes so perfectly and easily. Dental treatment has become a joy from visiting the clinic!”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Dentistry "Nutcracker"

Over the ten years of its existence, the clinic has treated more than 65 thousand children.
Among them there are also children with severe somatic disorders. Parents of small patients do not have to worry that their little ones will have a fear of doctors, because... Only the most modern equipment is used here, treatment is carried out in a playful way, and for the most impressionable children there is the opportunity to carry out procedures under anesthesia or sedation. Official website:

Photos of dentistry Nutcracker

Real reviews about the clinic:

“I was attracted by the name of the clinic and the design of the website. You are immersed as if in a fairy tale. That’s why it was decided to treat children’s teeth here. I have two of them, a boy and a girl. The characters are completely different, but they found an approach to everyone. I also like that there are always promotions and discounts here. The children recently had professional cleaning, the little one on their baby teeth, the older one on their mixed bite. And my daughter constantly asks, when will we go to the aunt-doctor again?”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Antonova P.R.

Dentistry "Malysh and Carlson"

The clinic with such a wonderful name works to exceed all your expectations, and they look for an exclusively individual approach to each child, developing individual programs for the prevention of caries and the most common dental diseases.
The official website of the Malysh and Carlson clinic is intended not only for advertising dentistry - it is also a useful information portal where any caring parent can receive comprehensive information on how to care for a child’s teeth from a very early age. It’s also nice that dentistry has a system of discounts. Official website:

Photo of dentistry Malysh and Carlson

Real reviews about the clinic:

“We were treated twice by Maxim Aleksandrovich, he is in great demand at this clinic. We came here for the first time precisely on the recommendation of relatives, who were delighted. We ourselves were also very pleased, we advise everyone to go with their children if they have problems with their teeth to “Malysh and Carlson”.


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Dental clinic "Dentville"

This medical institution will accept children from birth to 16 years of age; they are also ready to meet children with developmental disabilities and provide high-quality treatment for them under anesthesia or sedation.
Before restoration or removal of baby teeth, children have the opportunity to attend an adaptation appointment, which will cost 600 rubles. Here they will introduce you to the doctor and show you in a playful way how further treatment will take place. The clinic uses an integrated approach and offers a wide range of services – from lip or tongue frenulum trimming to tooth extraction or orthodontic bite correction. Official website:

Photo of the children's area in Dentville dentistry

Real reviews about the clinic:

“We were treated in Dentville under anesthesia. Before this, we went through a lot of clinics, so we decided to undergo anesthesia. The front teeth and 2 chewing teeth were cured. No regrets. Our front teeth were destroyed and turned silver. We talked for quite a long time with the anesthesiologist and the pediatrician, we need to protect the child from colds, so that during dental treatment under anesthesia the child does not get sick and has a clean nose, because we had to endure the treatment because of this. We recovered from anesthesia poorly, I was capricious, because I realized that everything had changed in my mouth. But the next day we already forgot about the anesthesia, my son behaved as usual. Finally, we have healthy, beautiful teeth, the doctors gave recommendations, I hope next time we won’t need anesthesia. Many thanks to the doctors for their treatment and understanding.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“I would like to leave a review about the excellent service in general in this clinic, and especially note the great professionalism of the CHILDREN'S dentist Madina Alikovna Tomaeva. Let me start from the beginning: the baby has had bad teeth since childhood (he is now 4 years old) - they were silvered and continued every six months, in December 2014 we went for a routine examination at the city clinic. They said - EVERYTHING needs to be treated - 6 pulpitis 6 caries - they picked so much that the child simply could not be found anywhere else, neither in departmental, nor in city (our ordeals lasted 4 months, the teeth began to hurt badly), we went to Dentville. Madina Alikovna was able to put the child at ease so that he began to go there with pleasure, caries were cured, and pulpitis was treated under anesthesia (2 hours). There was a lot of worry and preparation - tests, ECG, pediatrician's report on anesthesia. EVERYTHING WENT WELL! The baby recovered well from the anesthesia, he just slept a little more than usual. I would like to note the well-coordinated work of the entire working team - a team of anesthesiologists, dentists, assistants, and administrators. And nothing will say more eloquently about the result of treatment than the happy laughter of a child and his understanding that now he can eat everything and not be afraid of pain and sleep peacefully at night. We will be observed only in DENTVILLE with Madina Alikovna! Thanks to everyone for a job well done and of high quality. PS: Only a person who loves children can find an approach to a child and make him trust the dentist again. Thank you, dear M.A. for your kindness and love for your little patients.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Dentistry "Mi Pol"

Not only adults are treated here.
The clinic also has a unique children's department, where you will be pleased with the presence of special relaxation areas for parents, rooms equipped with a TV (the child can watch his favorite cartoon during treatment), and the opportunity to carry out procedures under sedation. Here you can get a full range of services - safe and gentle dental treatment, preventive measures, orthodontic or surgical treatment. Everything you need in one place.

Official website:

Photo of the dental office of the Mipol clinic

Real reviews about the clinic:

“Excellent dentistry. I’ve already been here myself and brought my child. I really liked the approach to children, I think that my little one won’t even be afraid to go to the dentist now, as I was when I was a child. Surprisingly, after fixing the tooth, he walked home smiling. In general, the clinic has a very friendly atmosphere, good people work.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“On the recommendation of friends, I took my daughter (7 years old) to the MiPol clinic for dental treatment. The daughter was very afraid, but the friendly and friendly dentist quickly calmed her down, explained how to properly care for her teeth and convinced her that it wouldn’t hurt. As a result, they were cured without any problems, and the child went to the next appointment as if she were going for a walk, she was even interested.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“Excellent dentistry. I’ve already been here myself and brought my child. I really liked the approach to children, I think that my little one won’t even be afraid to go to the dentist now, as I was when I was a child. Surprisingly, after fixing the tooth, he walked home smiling. In general, the clinic has a very friendly atmosphere, good people work.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry



In addition to observation and treatment by a dentist, you can also undergo a consultation with any other specialist, because...
the center is multidisciplinary. As for dentistry, each patient has a real opportunity to receive a ten percent discount on treatment and a small gift. What should be done? Just come up with a story about teeth together with your child or on your own and bring the text to the appointment or send it through the form on the website. Judging by the reviews, the clinic employs truly experienced doctors who can find an approach to any child. Official website:

Photo of Markushka Dentistry

Real reviews about the clinic:

“I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the staff of Markush pediatric dentistry, especially A.I. Ready and his assistant (whose name, unfortunately, I did not recognize). Thank you for your high professionalism, humane attitude and patience with your patients. Today we arrived with our son (11 years old) with acute pain in his gums. After a painful experience several years ago, my now adult boyfriend was afraid to even enter the office. But the wonderful doctors found a common language with the child and patiently listened to the frightened patient. They removed the bad tooth so that the son did not feel anything. I also witnessed how inclusively and sincerely the specialist communicated with the little girl before the dentist examination, and the doctor’s appointment became an interesting adventure for the little girl with prizes and gifts. It was very touching. Thank you!"


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Lvova Ekaterina

“A year ago I had my baby’s teeth done. At one year and eight months, caries began to develop rapidly. It started with 2 yellow spots on the front teeth. By the time I got there, 3 days had passed and 4 affected teeth were identified. They said that they couldn’t help and offered to silver it. I searched for Markushka for another three days. When she found them, doctor Markushki identified 8 teeth for treatment and signed them up for treatment. They did an ECG and tests for anesthesia for a week (there is no way without this). The price tag for treatment ranged from 45 to 80 thousand rubles. Everything depended on the number of teeth to be pulped; if all eight, then the anesthesia would be longer and there would be more work. My husband and I prepared for the worst. On the day of treatment, during the final examination, it turned out that only 4 teeth needed to be pulped, the other 4 simply treated. Everything was great. The attending physician is Olga Veniaminovna. During this year, my little one managed to break one of the teeth restored (from the root) 3 times (the baby either gnaws or falls...). All three times in Markushka they repaired it for free without finding out the reasons, who was to blame, etc. All examinations during this time and even a certificate for kindergarten were free. Special thanks to their director. Well done, he organized everything so well. The entire staff is permanent, no one changes, neither doctors nor nurses. Now I don’t have a question about where to treat my child’s teeth at the highest level. Many thanks to the Markushka team. If only we met more doctors like this on our way.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Anonymous user

“My daughter was more afraid of going to the dentist. We came to Markusha on the recommendation of a friend. The result exceeded expectations. Everything is like in a playroom: cartoons, toys. The environment is conducive to confidential communication with adults. And in the office there is a child's chair. They treated the tooth with oxygen and some kind of nitrogen - there were no screams or tears. Everything went well. I’m glad they came up with something new for the children.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Rodionova Yulia

Clinic system "MEDI"

Yes, this clinic is called a “system” - this is explained by the fact that it uses an integrated approach to the treatment of many pathologies.
Branches are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they have been successfully operating for more than 25 years. They provide services not only to young patients under 15 years of age, but also to adults. Dental treatment here can be performed under anesthesia or sedation. Official website:

Photo of Med Dentistry

Real reviews about the clinic:

“Pediatric dentists are for children because they know how to communicate with children. Right now we will apply gel, freeze the evil microbes, the injection is given in such a way that the child does not even understand what actually happened. When they drill, it’s a squirrel who came to knock, a woodpecker, etc. It doesn’t matter from whom, I choose the company, not the doctor. And the company is responsible to me. I’ve been going to “Medi” for 20 years, in Moscow on Pokrovsky Boulevard, there are many clinics in St. Petersburg. For adults it’s expensive, for children it’s the same as everywhere else, but the quality is many times higher. My whole family has been treated there for many years, I take all three children there. The eldest has had treatment experience since he was 4 years old, now he is 10, everything is ok. He’s not afraid of dentists, and goes there like it’s a holiday.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


“And my daughter has been going to Victoria Valerievna Kozitsina and is not afraid, for several years now!!! It just reminds me that I need to make an appointment with the doctor. If only there were doctors like this in my time!”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Lyudmila Sh.

Private pediatric dentistry Dental Way

Despite the fact that the clinic is private, children are admitted here free of charge under the preventive examination program of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
What other advantages does this dentistry have? Children over seven years old can get a consultation here for free, but for younger patients the service will cost about 500 rubles. At Dental Way, it is possible to carry out treatment in the most emergency cases completely painlessly - your baby will not even feel the very moment of anesthesia, because Doctors first use application or helium “freezing”. Official website:

Photo of the dental reception Dental Way

Real reviews about the clinic:

"Hello. Three milk caries were treated at Dental Way. I was glad that the baby somehow immediately trusted the doctor and didn’t even make a fuss, although the experience had not been very positive before. Therefore, I think that the main thing is to find a doctor who your child will like. And everything else: the location of the clinic, the price - is secondary!”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry

Nesterova Yulia

Network of dental clinics "Zubastic"

This is classical dentistry, where a wide range of services is provided.
There is a section for children from birth. Doctors are experienced professionals who will find an approach even to the youngest patients. Various promotions for treatment are often held here, so you can get quality services at affordable prices. Official website:

Photo of dentistry Zubastik

Real reviews about the clinic:

“We visited the Zubastik children's dentistry near the Yasenevo metro station. As soon as we walked in, my son really liked it there. Bright walls, children's themes everywhere, including the dentist's office. We found a wonderful doctor, Elena Alekseevna. She is an excellent dentist and child psychologist in one. The child’s visit to the clinic and dental treatment brought only positive emotions.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Clinic of Dr. Osipova

This is a family dental clinic with separate rooms for treating children.
The center’s specialists understand the child’s psychology well, so they will do everything possible to ensure that dental treatment does not leave any psychological trauma and is carried out at the highest level. Official website:

Dental office of Dr. Osipova’s clinic

Real reviews about the clinic:

“My husband and I have two children, and we’ve been taking them, probably for two years now, to Dr. Osipova’s clinic to see pediatrician T.E. Bogdanova. The first time we came with our son first, and, oddly enough, there was nothing that we expected, that is, the child did not start to become hysterical, capricious, etc. In general, the doctor talked to him nicely and calmly, but examined him, treated his tooth and that’s it! We then thought that we had found our doctor for the kids and brought our daughter (they are 8 and 7) and everything went smoothly just like that!))) Now, without a doubt, we go to her, like good friends, it’s very pleasant).”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry


Dental network ""

The center has been operating successfully for 20 years.
Here you can treat teeth not only for your child, but also for yourself. The clinic has a lot of branches, which are located in different parts of Moscow, which means you can choose a place that will be close to your home or kindergarten or school. There is also a home health care service available here. Official website:

Photo of the dental clinic

Real reviews about the clinic:

“Today I took my daughter to the dentist for the first time. She was not afraid at all, since she had not yet had time to ruin her teeth and had not been to such clinics. I watched the doctor’s manipulations with more interest, they talked to her kindly, and she generally calmed down. In general, they said to put one filling, but we will do it this week so as not to immediately frighten the child, especially since she was already starting to get tired. I think everything should go smoothly, at least as long as she agrees to come again because she’s not scared.”


Direction: Pediatric dentistry



At the center you can have a free consultation, and then decide on treatment and paid services.
The clinic has modern and safe equipment for diagnosing diseases in the oral cavity and detecting caries - a digital computed tomograph with pediatric settings, a Swiss caries detector. The specialists of this center carry out all manipulations with children only with four hands, i.e. A doctor and an assistant work together. The clinic is an annual participant in various all-Russian dentistry ratings and is included in the TOP of the best. Official website:

Answers to frequently asked questions about x-rays of baby teeth in children

We offer expert answers from specialists from the Smile Factor network of clinics to frequently asked questions by parents.
Can an x-ray be prescribed to a child “just in case”?
Unfounded medical (and dental) research is prohibited by SanPiN.
But, most often, diagnosis according to indications is at the discretion of the attending physician. Any parent can ask clarifying questions and learn more about the assigned test and what it is for. What is better - 2D or 3D scanning result?
It all depends on the goals of the diagnosis.
In some cases, a 2D image is sufficient, while in others a CBCT scan is required to obtain a 3D image. Taking into account how CT scans of the jaw and teeth are done, the procedure is not much different from a simple x-ray in terms of safety and is indicated for obtaining more extensive data about the child’s dental system in the images. Are x-rays harmful to a child?
Modern X-ray machines (and most often these are ultra-modern tomographs) produce the minimum possible radiation dose during operation, which does not cause any harm to the child’s body. To achieve the maximum recommended radiation exposure of 1000 µSv per year, a child needs to undergo about 400 x-ray examinations. It becomes clear that so much research is simply not needed. And the radiation that a baby receives during a CT scan is equal to what he receives after a week of watching TV.

Read also

What to do if your tooth aches

Sometimes aching pain in a tooth can appear for no apparent reason at first glance.

Why do teeth crumble?

Tooth decay in general, and crumbling in particular, is not an aesthetic problem.

When should you take your child to the dentist?

Paid pediatric dentistry is currently the best solution for a child’s first visit to a doctor. And you definitely need the best pediatric dentistry in Tula. The best experts are concentrated in the regional center.

You can go to the website of pediatric dentistry to get acquainted with the cost of services, and, more importantly, find out about the qualifications of the doctors working there. Well, you need to dial the telephone number of pediatric dentistry if one of the following situations occurs.

  1. During the first eruption of baby teeth. Carrying out the first examination is important for the normal development of the dental system. Timely diagnosis will allow you to immediately begin eliminating possible anomalies.
  2. When a child learns to use hygiene products independently. A specialist will do a better job of training him and selecting a brush and paste.
  3. If a child has not been seen by a dentist for more than six months, it makes sense to go for an examination.
  4. Complaints of pain in the teeth when eating, eating hot, cold, sweet or sour.
  5. When baby teeth begin to fall out. The dentist can predict the direction of growth of permanent teeth.
  6. The presence of even small caries is an urgent reason to go to the dentist.
  7. For plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lips or tongue.

Adults are often mistaken in believing that baby teeth are temporary, and therefore their health can be neglected. In fact, they significantly influence the further development of the dental system. Besides, why make a child suffer from tooth decay?

Pediatric dentistry, the address of which you can find on our website, is always ready to provide you with the best specialists in the field of pediatric dentistry.
Make an appointment to get a consultation and undergo a full diagnosis. Make an appointment

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