Symptoms and treatment of viral stomatitis in children

  • Types of stomatitis in children
    • Acute herpetic stomatitis
    • Traumatic stomatitis
    • Chronic aphthous stomatitis
    • Candidal stomatitis
  • Treatment
  • Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. It is believed that children are most vulnerable to stomatitis. In adults, stomatitis does not occur as often. The instability of children to stomatitis is explained by the fact that they have a more delicate mucous membrane; children tend to constantly put something in their mouth and taste it, which contributes to the entry of microbes and accidental injuries. In addition, children's immunity is at the stage of formation, and therefore they are becoming acquainted with many bacteria and viruses for the first time. The first encounter with bacteria or, for example, with the herpes virus can be accompanied by a fairly violent reaction from the body.

    Causes of childhood stomatitis

    The immediate causes of stomatitis are bacteria, viruses and fungi. These microorganisms may be present in small quantities in a healthy child, but they begin to multiply and cause disease in the presence of certain factors.

    Factors contributing to the occurrence of stomatitis

    • Failure to comply with hygiene rules (the child may touch the mouth with dirty hands), hard plaque on the teeth;
    • Weakened immunity;
    • Long-term use of medications (especially antibiotics). Antibiotics disrupt the natural microflora, promoting the growth of fungus and the occurrence of fungal stomatitis.


    Viral stomatitis in childhood develops due to various infections, since the baby has an underdeveloped immune system. He does not have time to recover from his previous illness. It also easily becomes infected from a patient with stomatitis. The situation is worsened by a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body.

    The disease in children is caused by the following pathogens:

    • flu;
    • HIV;
    • mononucleosis;
    • measles;
    • papillomavirus;
    • ARVI;
    • enterovirus;
    • chicken pox;
    • herpes.

    Most often, herpes is the causative agent of this disease; it accounts for up to 80% of all cases. Most of these viruses are persistent intracellular parasites. Therefore, this disease often becomes chronic. With this form, there is an alternation of exacerbations and remissions. The acute form can result in the formation of a carrier state, in which the pathogen remains in the cells, but there are no symptoms of the disease.

    Most often, the infection affects children under four years of age. But it affects older children and teenagers.

    The reasons why this happens are:

    • undeveloped immune system;
    • insufficient oral hygiene;
    • weakness of local immunity;
    • injuries to the gums and oral mucosa;
    • general weakening of the body after an illness;
    • long-term use of certain drugs (glucocorticoids, antibiotics, cytostatics).

    Parallel inflammatory processes in other organs and systems also contribute to maintaining the infectious process in the mouth of children.

    Types of stomatitis in children

    Modern medicine knows a huge number of varieties of stomatitis. They can have an acute course, that is, be accompanied by pain, discomfort, and a disturbance in the general condition, or they can have a chronic course. Chronic stomatitis passes almost unnoticed for a person, pain is not expressed, general health does not suffer.

    Let's look at the most common types of stomatitis in children, which dentistry in Belarus .

    Acute herpetic stomatitis

    Acute herpetic stomatitis is caused by the herpes virus. There are several types of herpes virus. The disease that appears on the lips and in the oral cavity is caused by the first two types of the virus. Adults remember herpes when blisters appear on the lips due to stress or hypothermia, and in children it manifests itself in the form of ulcers in the mouth and even a rise in temperature. As a rule, the disease begins with inflammation of the gums and enlarged lymph nodes. If a child looks into the mouth, you will notice several bubbles on the mucous membrane of the lip, gums, and cheeks. Over time, the membrane of the vesicles bursts and ulcers form. These ulcers are painful and the child refuses to eat. This stomatitis occurs when the baby first encounters the virus.

    It is most often transmitted from parents through kissing and sharing cutlery. 98% of the world's population is infected with this virus, so it is useless to protect yourself from it. Infection with the herpes virus does not always occur with manifestations of stomatitis, and is often completely unnoticeable. But, if the latter does appear, the parents’ task is to provide proper care and alleviate the symptoms.

    Traumatic stomatitis

    Traumatic stomatitis is associated with mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. Children often put toys and cutlery in their mouths and can injure themselves and cause stomatitis. Stomatitis can form at the point of contact between the edges of a decayed tooth and the cheek. A bacterial infection sometimes attaches to the wound, resulting in an inflammatory process that lasts several weeks.

    Chronic aphthous stomatitis

    Chronic aphthous stomatitis manifests itself in the form of white spots (aphthous) on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks and sometimes gums. In the first days, the spot is surrounded by a red rim. Then a small ulcer forms at the site of the spot. After 7-10 days, the ulcer heals. The causes have not been fully elucidated, but it is believed that it often occurs in children with allergies, intestinal diseases and weakened immune systems.

    Candidal stomatitis

    Candidal stomatitis is caused by the fungus Candida Albicans. You can see red spots and ulcers in the child’s mouth. A cheesy white coating can be seen on the cheeks and tongue. Often this stomatitis appears after prolonged use of antibiotics. Children complain of pain and refuse to eat.

    What is stomatitis

    Viral stomatitis in children is a pathological process characterized by damage to the oral mucosa by a viral infection. In children, the pathology progresses rapidly. This disease is acute or chronic.

    The pathogen is transmitted in the following ways:

    • airborne;
    • through contact with the patient’s blood;
    • contact-household.

    The main source of infection is a sick person or animal. The baby becomes infected quite easily. Most often this happens in kindergartens and medical institutions.


    Each type of stomatitis is treated differently depending on the cause that caused it. You should not prescribe medications yourself. Taking antibiotics for herpetic stomatitis caused by a virus will not help. But there will be wonderful prerequisites for the development of fungal stomatitis. Rinsing with antibacterial solutions for fungal stomatitis will only worsen its course. The fungus must be treated with antifungal drugs. To prescribe effective treatment, it is best to consult a specialist . Dentists in Minsk will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

    At home, before going to the doctor, you can alleviate the condition by following these recommendations:

    • Gently brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush;
    • exclusion from the diet of hot, sour and salty foods;
    • if health worsens and the temperature rises, the child should be given plenty of water and, if necessary, given an antipyretic (in this case, a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible).

    As a rule, doctors recommend special ointments and solutions for children, as well as medications to reduce fever or relieve pain. After each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth with water. It is important to treat children's teeth promptly.

    You should not rely on folk remedies: remember, some herbal infusions and decoctions can cause a negative effect and also contribute to the development of an allergic reaction in children. Do not aggravate the situation, seek help from your dentist.

    Treatment of stomatitis using traditional medicine

    Medical staff at children's clinics say that when stomatitis is detected, it is best to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist can identify what stage the disease is at and prescribe treatment. However, there are situations when the clinic is not open (for example, evening hours and night time), and the child is very sick and does not feel well. If stomatitis is detected at first, you can resort to traditional medicine. There is no need to think that the disease will go away on its own. If the infection is not eradicated, the child will get even more sick.

    In case of stomatitis, the oral cavity should be wiped with a bandage containing a soda solution. Plaque in the mouth is removed with a bandage or a piece of gauze, thereby eliminating the infection. Making a soda solution is very easy: add one teaspoon of soda to one glass of water and mix thoroughly. Before use, the liquid should be stirred so that the soda does not remain at the bottom of the glass. Using soda, you can thoroughly disinfect the oral cavity and mucous membrane, while removing plaque.

    You can also try wiping the inside with slimy brilliant green. Procedurally, you need to do the same as with a soda solution. Then soak in brilliant green and thoroughly wipe the child’s mouth.

    For older children, you can prepare herbal infusions and give them a mouth rinse after eating. In this case, food particles will be removed, and the mucous membrane will not burst. You can rinse with a chamomile solution, which quickly removes the inflammatory process. It is not uncommon for people to use strong green tea, which is also used as a mouth rinse. This procedure should be carried out several times, and it is not at all necessary to do it after meals.

    It is sometimes quite difficult to persuade young children to rinse their mouths, especially if they experience pain there. In this case, they may like rose syrup, which also has a positive effect on eliminating infections in the mouth. You can make this syrup yourself using rose petals, sugar and water. You can easily prepare a decoction of oak bark at home. Herbs you can choose from are burdock, sage, and yarrow. You can prepare a mixture of these herbs and rinse your mouth with the tincture several times a day.

    You can also use aloe, which you can simply chew. If a child cannot swallow such a plant, then holding it in his mouth will be enough. Aloe will taste good together with a little honey. However, we must remember that using large amounts of honey for stomatitis can only worsen the disease. When a child is ill, you should use only high-quality products without acid and harsh sensations, which will not cause allergies and irritation of the mucous membrane. It is advisable to limit yourself to a set of dishes that were pleasant to the child and did not cause him discomfort.

    How does aphthous stomatitis manifest?

    The first manifestation of the disease may be a burning sensation in the mouth, which lasts from 2 hours to 2 days5. Later, aphthae5 appear on the mucous membrane - single or multiple12.

    Aphthae can be recognized by the following signs:

    • they form on the surface of the mucous membrane, representing a shallow defect2;
    • covered with a gray-white coating12;
    • surrounded by a reddish “rim”2;
    • the shape of the ulcers is oval2 or elongated12, and the size in most cases is up to 1 cm in diameter2.

    Ulcers can appear on any part of the oral mucosa, as well as on the tongue12. But usually they form where the submucosal layer is pronounced and can easily be damaged2 - this is the area of ​​the cheeks, lips, floor of the mouth (under the tongue) and palate2, 12.

    Aphthae are quite painful12, and they cause pain not only during eating or talking, but also at “rest”1, when nothing irritates the mucous membrane.

    In addition to pain, aphthous stomatitis causes excessive salivation6 and bad breath1.

    to come back to the beginning


    At the beginning of the disease, stomatitis is confused with ARVI and sore throat, as the child’s body temperature rises and a sore throat bothers him. Then the baby refuses to eat. A little later, drooling begins.

    Symptoms of viral stomatitis in children fully manifest themselves by the third day of illness.

    The following rashes appear in the oral cavity:

    • erosions - these include areas of the mucosa devoid of surface epithelium, they are accompanied by severe burning and itching;
    • bubbles - they are located on the inner surface of the cheeks, under the tongue, on the palate, a transparent secretion accumulates inside them;
    • ulcers are defects in the mucous membrane, covered with a gray coating or films, sometimes they bleed, and the mucous membrane around them is swollen.

    In the mouth you can see a white-gray coating and swelling of the tongue. The mucous membrane is red and swollen.

    The baby's general symptoms are increasing. He is worried about general malaise. He is whiny, restless, eats and sleeps poorly. The baby has bad breath. An increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes is detected.

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