Why do you need a tongue brush? How to use it correctly?

In the modern world of the cult of beauty and health, a person’s desire for a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly important. Proper nutrition, regular sports or physical exercise, sleep and rest hygiene will not give full results without hygiene of the human body, including oral care. Most often, oral care includes brushing your teeth and using mouthwashes. However, according to dentists, care cannot be complete without cleansing the tongue and cheeks.

A large number of different bacteria accumulate on the human tongue, some of which are pathogenic. The uneven surface of the organ aggravates the situation. If plaque is not removed with solid food, bacteria multiply, causing the development of dental diseases, including caries, and causing bad breath. The papillae on the surface of the tongue, covered with bacterial plaque, may lose the ability to recognize the taste of food.

There are many varieties of methods for cleansing the tongue, some of them were used even by our ancestors. One of the oldest methods is considered to be cleansing with a simple spoon. In the recent past, toothbrushes with a special insert on the back for cleaning the tongue have become popular. Both of these methods are used today, but have two main drawbacks - they cause a gag reflex and do not clean well.

However, special tools for cleaning the tongue are becoming increasingly popular, which reduce discomfort after the procedure, making it better and more comfortable. To care for the mouths of little ones, special finger brushes are used. They are recommended for newborns after the appearance of the first tooth.

Why is it necessary to clean your tongue?

Keep in mind! The surface of the human tongue does not have a uniform structure; plaque forms on it.

This provokes the formation and proliferation of microbes and bacteria , they cause inflammatory processes.

When human immunity is weakened, the opportunistic flora of the oral mucosa can become pathogenic, which is fraught with the manifestation of staphylococcus and streptococcus.

The tongue needs to be cleaned in order to:

  • remove plaque and pathogens.
  • Massage the receptors on the tongue to improve the functioning of internal organs.
  • Prevent dental diseases.
  • Remove unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Improve taste sensations when eating food.

Stay up to date! Failure to maintain hygiene of this organ inevitably leads to the occurrence of dental diseases such as:

  • caries;
  • gingivitis;
  • tartar, stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • unpleasant smell.

Dentists recommend cleaning the surface of the tongue daily.

A coating on the tongue reduces a person’s perception of the taste of food because the activity of taste buds decreases.

Bottom line

Cleaning the tongue of plaque is an important part of morning and evening oral hygiene. It’s not enough to just brush your teeth; you need to spend a couple of minutes on your tongue. To do this, you can use various devices: a toothbrush, a regular metal spoon, a special tongue scraper, a scraper brush or an irrigator attachment. Thanks to regular oral hygiene, the body is cleansed of toxins, the oral cavity is freed from pathogenic bacteria and unpleasant odors. Dentists say that tongue care increases the body's immune response.

Which tool is best for removing plaque? The choice depends on the body’s reaction to the object in the mouth: if there is no gag reflex, you can use a scraper with wide blades. If you have an open gag reflex, it is better to use a toothbrush with a scraper part. It should be remembered that tools for removing plaque require constant disinfection, and plastic scrapers must be replaced every two weeks. If you use a metal tablespoon for cleaning, it can no longer be used for food. Don't forget to use special mouth rinses; many of them do not contain alcohol.

Sources used:

  • Adaptive mechanisms of local immunity of the oral and pharynx mucosa / Maryam Gumerova, Liliya Aznabaeva and Nina Arefieva. - M.: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013.
  • First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  • Oral hygiene / Yu.A. Fedorov. — M.: Medicine
  • Medicines in dentistry. Directory / L.N. Maksimovskaya, P.I. Roshchina. — M.: Medicine

What is a tongue brush?

Note! The brush is equipped with a flat, rounded nozzle, on the surface of which there are small bristles, which allows for thorough and accurate cleaning.

Some models have silicone or plastic strips on the back side that gently act on the surface of the tongue.

The handle is made of elastic plastic.
Products may differ in shape, which does not affect the quality of cleaning.
The design and material from which the product is made eliminates the appearance of a gag reflex.

The period of use of a hygienic device with bristles is 3 months .

How to choose the right device

It has already been established that choosing a regular toothbrush and spoon is not the best choice. Due to the shape of the cleaning surface, a strong gag reflex arises, which gives a person little pleasure. A toothbrush or a regular spoon can be used as an exception outside the home. For the purchase of a special device, dentists have developed recommendations that allow you not to make mistakes when choosing.

  • When choosing, you must base your choice on your doctor’s recommendations and your own feelings. If using the device is unpleasant or ineffective, then you should pay attention to other popular models. If they buy them, it means they work.
  • It is necessary to take into account the stiffness of the bristles, the shape and material of the handle from which it is made. Plastic ones are more rigid, silicone ones are softer. The tougher the material, the more aggressive the cleaning will be. If you have sore gums or hypersensitivity, you should choose soft silicone models.
  • To completely eliminate the gag reflex, it is advisable to buy a device with a shape that follows the anatomical structure of the tongue.
  • The tool must be the right size for the procedure to be of high quality.
  • Often the popularity of models is due to their low price. It makes sense to purchase budget or very inexpensive, but high-quality tools. These are consumables that need to be changed frequently - once every three months;
  • An important selection criterion is the functionality of the device. For some, simply removing plaque with a scraper will be enough, while others prefer absolute cleanliness with disinfection.


It is worth noting! In pharmacies, retail chains and online stores, you can purchase various devices for cleansing this organ:

  • toothbrush with a rubberized insert on the back side . It is the tool for cleaning the tongue. The downside of this device is the convenience of the cleaning process and the appearance of a gag reflex.
  • A spoon for cleaning this organ is an instrument made of an elastic nozzle with a tip, made in the form of a spoon. These spoons are often used as attachments for electric toothbrushes.
  • Ordinary silver spoons are also ; it should be individual and used only for oral care.
  • A scraper brush is a flat attachment with a plastic handle; its tip can be made in the form of a spoon, oval or triangular. The surface of the brush has bristles that are smaller than the bristles on a toothbrush. Some models have convex silicone strips on the reverse side.

For your information! Several types of scrapers are produced:

  • with one element, arc-shaped . The advantages of the device are its convenient location on the tongue and quick cleaning in a few movements. The downside is that it often provokes a gag reflex.
  • Flat scraper with two cleaning elements . It causes gagging much less often, quickly clears plaque and does not create discomfort to the root of the tongue.
  • Complex shape with corrugated surface . Can be manufactured in various versions. In addition to quickly cleaning the organ, it massages and does not cause gag reflexes.

During cleaning, the receptors of the tongue are massaged, thereby activating and stimulating the work of your internal organs.

Review of quality tongue brushes in 2022

The best tools are always in great demand among buyers. Based on positive reviews, it is easy to identify the most popular models of 2022. Their characteristics are very different, as is their price category. A common feature is high functionality and the absence of unpleasant sensations during use.

Trisa scraper

The body is made of plastic and has a flat shape. It has two sides with different properties. The hard side is used to remove stubborn plaque. On the other side there are villi that promote high-quality removal of soft plaque. It is comfortable to hold the tool in your hands due to the rubberized handle. When using, it is not recommended to press the tool tightly against the surface to be cleaned. The plastic is quite hard and can scratch your tongue.

Trisa scraper


  • It's not difficult to use;
  • Average price 150 rubles;
  • When used correctly, it does not cause a gag reflex;
  • Can be used by children.


  • Small work surface.

"Freshness" Avantage LLC

This hygiene item is made of flexible plastic with a hard and soft side. The sides are carved, and there are holders at the ends of the device. Outwardly it resembles just a thin piece of plastic about ten centimeters long. When used, it is folded in half using holders, both ends are pressed tightly against each other, forming a loop. All manipulations in the mouth are performed by this loop. The use of a scraper is strictly prohibited for stomatitis and other purulent infections, so as not to spread the infection throughout the mouth. This is perhaps the most unusual tongue scraper available on the market.

"Freshness" Avantage LLC


  • Easy to use;
  • Highly efficient;
  • Easy to clean due to its simple design.


  • For such a simple design, the price is too high - about 100 rubles;
  • Rarely found on the market, must be ordered online.

Pierrot Tongue Cleaner

Produced in Spain. Has two working surfaces for cleaning different areas. One surface is made in the form of a strip to remove major contaminants. The other surface is equipped with bristles to remove microparticles, including from hard-to-reach places. Made of silicone, which makes the brush pleasant to use. Recommended for use on sensitive gums.

Pierrot Tongue Cleaner


  • Comfortable silicone product;
  • Easy to use;
  • Does not injure the oral cavity;
  • Ergonomic.


  • Insufficient working width;
  • Average price: from 200 rubles, too big for a brush that needs to be changed every three months.

Nalita tongue cleaner

Product of Spanish origin. It is made of plastic and has the shape of a loop that follows the shape of the tongue. Copes perfectly with its function – complete cleaning. The coverage area is large, due to which the plaque is removed quickly and there is no gag reflex. Thin, bends well, but quite durable. The handle is anti-slip, making it easy to use.

Nalita tongue cleaner


  • Removes plaque efficiently. According to customer reviews, it provides the freshest breath possible;
  • Excellent price within 200 rubles for a quality product;
  • The plastic is hypoallergenic.


  • Not detected.

Dental Care Charcoal Set

Recently, kits that include toothbrushes and brushes or tongue cleaners have become popular among consumers. The presented set consists of three toothbrushes with charcoal and a scraper. Country of origin: Korea. Charcoal whitens tooth enamel, serves as an antibacterial agent, and strengthens gums. Thin, soft bristles easily penetrate between teeth, removing food debris. The scraper is no less effective. Made of polypropylene, pressing hard on the surface may damage the skin. It removes even very dense plaque well.

Dental Care Charcoal Set


  • The advantages of the set are obvious - both products harmoniously complement each other;
  • Toothbrushes can be used by people with sensitive enamel and weak gums;
  • The scraper does its job well;
  • The scraper surface is large;
  • Silicone handle, anti-slip;
  • The price of 420 rubles for the entire set is a good solution.


  • Not detected.

Torg Lines Freshness

A domestically produced product that costs only 50 rubles. It does an excellent job of cleaning, preventing the growth in the mouth of bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of caries and gum disease. The papillae of the tongue, freed from plaque, perceive tastes better. It has two cleaning surfaces - a hard, sharp surface and a soft, equipped with bristles. The sharp surface copes well with massive dirt. The shield side removes micropollutants. Also, when working with the fleecy part, you get a good speech therapy massage of the tongue.

Torg Lines Freshness


  • Great price;
  • Ease of use;
  • Can be changed frequently due to low cost;
  • It is made in various colors, which allows each family member to have their own and not get confused.


  • The plastic is thin and can be easily broken.

Miradent Tong Clin De Luxe

Like all tongue brushes, it is designed to remove plaque and give fresh breath. It is a scraper with two surfaces. The sharp surface is designed to remove the bulk of plaque. Just below is a plane with four rows of small bristles located at an angle to the main plane. The bristles provide high-quality oral care. The arcuate shape when used does not form a gag reflex even when treating the root of the tongue. Recommended for use with a special gel.

Miradent Tong Clin De Luxe


  • Perfect size;
  • Medium hard bristles;
  • A lid is included that allows you to take the device on the go;
  • The handle is the same size as that of regular toothbrushes, which makes the scraper familiar to use and store;
  • Does not cause a gag reflex.


  • Average price: from 400 rubles. When purchasing the gel, you will need to pay at least 450 rubles.

Curaprox STS 201

A well-known company from Switzerland has specially developed a scraper for cleaning the tongue. The special structure follows its shape. Has one cleaning surface. Made from soft silicone for gentle cleaning. It is impossible to damage the surface being cleaned with such a brush. Does not cause a gag reflex. Available in two sizes - with a wide and narrow head. Can be used by children.

Curaprox STS 201


  • Cleans very carefully;
  • You can choose the appropriate size;
  • Silicone is hypoallergenic;
  • Easy to clean after use.


  • Expensive. The average price is above 500 rubles.

Wisdom Fresh Tongue Cleaner

It looks quite aesthetically pleasing and copes well with its main function - cleansing. The size of a regular toothbrush and the same comfortable handle. According to customer reviews, plaque is cleaned quickly and efficiently. Made of plastic. Rubber soft inserts make the cleansing process painless. Scented inserts add freshness, and the addition of triclosan enhances the antibacterial effect. Domestic manufacturer.

Wisdom Fresh Tongue Cleaner


  • For a good quality product, a very reasonable price - within 150 rubles;
  • The form is adapted to the structure of the tongue;
  • The handle does not slip;
  • Scented strips are available.


  • Not always on sale.

Popular models


For reference! This is a set that consists of two scrapers, narrow and wide.

The narrow scraper has one cleaning surface to gently remove plaque from the tongue. Wide, consists of two “blades”:

  • smooth - designed to clean the root of the tongue and remove accumulations of bacteria.
  • serrated - cleans the front part of the tongue from plaque.

The shape of the hygiene instruments is designed to prevent the gag reflex .

Low-allergenic plastic is used in production.

Meridol Halitosis

A brush is a scraper, on the base of which in the upper part there are short rubber bristles arranged in two rows . At the bottom of the base there are plastic scrapers in the form of four stripes.

Need to know! This type of brush not only removes plaque, but also massages.


This device resembles a spoon on a curved handle for more convenient cleaning .
The nozzle contains bristles and a plastic arc.


A double-sided scraper is designed for cleaning and massaging the organ in question.

On one side there is a hard plastic edging designed to remove plaque. On the other side there is a soft rubber edging for massage .


Keep in mind! At the top of the tool are two plastic curved scrapers.

Smooth, cleanses the surface of the organ from persistent plaque. Embossed, designed for fine, delicate cleaning.

General tips for use

  • First, you need to read the instructions, which always indicate how to properly clean a contaminated surface. Some aspects of operation may vary. The rules of use depend on the structure of the instrument and the material from which it is made. The material used is plastic or silicone. Much depends on the type of bristles, its level of hardness - hard, medium or soft;
  • Cleansing must begin from the back surface of the organ. First, the hard part of the tool removes large deposits. Then, toothpaste or special products are applied and brushing continues;
  • You can't put too much pressure on your tongue. If the brush is made of hard plastic, it can damage the skin;
  • It is imperative to clean the side surfaces. A lot of harmful bacteria accumulate in the folds on the sides, and it is difficult to get them out;
  • After treatment, the mouth should be rinsed with an antibacterial liquid.

How to use?

After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with water , you should begin cleaning your tongue.
Using a special brush, you need to make light sweeping movements , starting from the base of the organ and slowly moving to the tip .

You should first clean one side and then the other side of the tongue.

The next movement should be made not in the longitudinal, but in the transverse direction , from the base to the tip. Then sweep along the side parts of the organ to be cleaned using sweeping movements.

When brushing your tongue, rinse the brush with clean water to remove plaque.

Important! During the cleansing process, you can use toothpaste, especially for people with gastrointestinal, kidney, liver diseases and smokers.

It is these categories of people who are susceptible to additional plaque formation with a pronounced unpleasant odor.

It is not recommended to use pastes with abrasive particles and a strong, minty taste, as they can cause irritation and discomfort to the delicate tissues of the organ.
At the end of the procedure, you can rinse the mouth using an antiseptic gel.
When cleaning, do not press the hygiene instrument too hard to avoid damaging the sensitive surface of the tongue.

Dentists recommend cleansing this organ twice a day. The duration of the procedure is several minutes.

However, it not only relieves a person of unpleasant odor from the mouth, but is also a preventive measure to eliminate pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

Benefits of comprehensive oral hygiene

Incorporating tongue brushing into comprehensive oral care helps prevent many dental and internal diseases. However, this is not the only factor determining the importance of this procedure.

Regular tongue scraping helps:

  • Increasing immunity. By removing toxic food debris from the oral mucosa, their absorption into the blood is prevented, which increases the body's defenses.
  • Normalization of taste perception. A special tongue cleaning brush removes food debris and bacteria that clog the taste buds of all areas of the tongue.
  • Preventing bad breath. A scraper can be used to remove bacteria from the root of the tongue, which is home to the largest number of microorganisms that cause halitosis.

Brushes for cleaning the tongue act on certain points of the taste organ, improving blood circulation in the oral cavity and stimulating salivation.

Should children have their tongues cleaned?

Know! The recommendations of pediatricians are clear. Children should begin the brushing procedure as soon as their first teeth appear. Since they are too young at this age, the cleaning process must be carried out by parents.

For these purposes, finger pads for parents , at the end of which there are soft silicone bristles or a relief plate.

The procedure is carried out according to the technique for adults, and the cleaning time must be reduced.

It is not recommended to use pastes and gels until the child learns to rinse the mouth independently.

Tongue scraper or tongue cleaner

A scraper for cleaning the affected surface consists of a handle and a flat attachment in the form of a triangular spoon . The attachments are offered in two versions: with and without bristles.

It is worth noting! Plastic scrapers and cleaners are more popular; they are convenient to use, but must be changed frequently.

Copper scrapers will last much longer, but products made from this material require special care.

The best folk remedies

Thorough cleansing of the tongue from bacterial formation can be carried out not only with medical devices. Proven folk remedies that are easy to use at home will also help with this.

will quickly and effectively get rid of unpleasant deposits and also improve the health of the oral cavity.

Rose hip decoction with honey

Pour 50 grams of dried berries into two glasses of water. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

After cooling, add a teaspoon of honey. The product should be consumed on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, 150 ml for three weeks.

Oak bark

Place 20 grams of oak bark and a glass of hot water into a small container. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Allow the broth to cool to 40 degrees and strain.

Stay up to date! Use as a medicinal rinse three times a day after meals.

Propolis tincture

Add 10 drops of propolis alcohol tincture to 100 ml of water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply to the tongue for a few minutes.

Perform the procedure after brushing your teeth. The solution can be replaced with a piece of propolis, which should be chewed for 5 minutes.


Heat 5-10 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath to 37 degrees.
Add a couple drops of tea tree essential oil. Take the mixture into your mouth and move it in different directions for five minutes . Then spit out the product.

After the procedure, refrain from eating for 2 hours.

Medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage)

Place 10 grams of dry herb in a container and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and leave for four hours.

Strain and rinse your mouth 3 times a day after meals .


Reference! Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in 150 ml of warm water.

Rinse your mouth with the solution twice a day.

Barberry tea

Pour a tablespoon of dry barberry berries with a glass of boiling water.
Let the drink brew for 10-15 minutes. The daily intake of tea is 3 cups.

Essential oil

Add 5 drops of natural eucalyptus or rosemary essential oil to 100 ml of warm boiled water.

Rinse your mouth with the mixture 2 times a day. Essential oil cannot be applied in its pure form, as it can cause burns.

Components used in folk remedies treatment can cause a severe allergic reaction , causing burning and itching of the oral mucosa.

At the first symptoms of an allergy, you should stop self-medication and consult a doctor.

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