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Constipation during teething in children: causes and methods of elimination
All children experience the eruption of their first baby teeth differently. Some kids behave calmly and
Treatment of caries in children
Caries in a child under 3 years of age: why it occurs and how to treat it
Questions and answers Promotions Reviews Prices Is it important to treat childhood caries? Symptoms Stages of caries Methods
Filtek Supreme filling material
Multifaceted possibilities of Filtek filling material
Carious disease manifests itself in many cases quite unnoticeably, very often having a small black
How to dilute calendula tincture for throat
How to gargle with calendula tincture? How to divorce? Instructions
If you or your family members often suffer from infectious diseases, colds, then you
Why does a 10 month old baby have no teeth?
If we proceed from the generally accepted canons of the formation of the dental row in a child, then by six months, maximum
How to check if there is fumes without a breathalyzer
How long does the fumes from different types of alcohol last, how to get rid of the smell faster
What to do if, after evening gatherings with friends, people around you try not to approach you
Service installation of composite veneers in Omsk
Veneers are specially shaped dentures that are attached to the front (visible) surface of the tooth enamel. They are produced
Herpes on the lips: causes, symptoms, which doctor to contact
Herpes - genital and on the lips - terrible complications and death
More than 70% of Russians are infected with the herpes virus, but in most cases it does not cause any
Rice. 1. CBCT of patient K.: before surgical treatment (A) - sagittal section (in the area of ​​the crosshairs - formation of bone density); after surgical treatment - transversal (B) and coronal (C) sections (in the area of ​​​​the crosshairs - the area of ​​​​removed formation
Local therapy of the maxillary sinuses after endonasal removal of bone density inclusions
The upward trend in the birth rate of children with congenital facial malformations is not decreasing. One of
Remove bad breath after drinking alcohol
Covering your tracks: 12 ways to get rid of the smell of alcohol and fumes
After drinking a lot of alcohol, most people experience the problem of bad breath.
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