Semados dental implants are the pride of German developers

Semados dental implants are an innovative product in the field of dentistry. German specialists are developing this product. There are many options in the assortment, making it easy to select the necessary design taking into account the clinical case. To obtain Semados implants, grade 4 titanium is used. Special processing of the product allows you to increase the area of ​​contact of the product with the bone. This will reduce the healing time of the implant being introduced. In addition, it is possible to obtain a high degree of adhesion of the structure to bone tissue. Thus, the stability and service life of the implant increases, which is equivalent to the lifelong wear of the proposed product.

About the manufacturer

One of the most famous companies that produces implants is the German company BEGO Implant Systems.

The company began its activities in the development and creation of dental implants in 1990. Its main goal is to offer the latest developments in the field of dentistry, as well as maxillofacial surgery. The company also produces components for installing dental structures.

The company is constantly improving its technologies, using the latest materials, which are not only durable and high quality, but also absolutely safe for the patient.

The products manufactured by the company, in particular Semados dental implants, have proven themselves well on the world market.


Despite their little popularity in Russia, Semados implants are used by many experienced dentists, which speaks of their reliability and quality.

If your dental implantation was carried out using BEGO products, leave your feedback about their products in the comments.

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Manufacturing technologies

The products are implantation systems that are implanted inside the jawbone and are capable of fully performing the functions of an anatomical organ.

The latest technologies are used in production, including the following:

  • laser grinding of system elements;
  • sandblasting;
  • milling;
  • polishing

All structures are made of durable titanium alloy, which eliminates problems during their installation and further use.

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Design features

Semados brand products have unique features that determine their quality.

The characteristics and innovations that were introduced into production after a thorough study of implant systems from the world's leading companies determine the high safety of installation and operation.

The products under consideration have a number of characteristics that are determined by the progressive technological processes used in production:

  1. Unique design. The system combines parallel and conical shapes. This combination minimizes the distance between the implant and the gum. This reduces the risk of soft tissue infection as there is little chance of food getting into the gap and causing bacteria to grow.
  2. A special method of attaching the abutment. It has a conical shape at the top and a hexagonal thread at the bottom. The design is very securely fixed.
  3. Microgrooves on the shaft. Microgrooves increase the contact area between the implant and the patient’s bone tissue. This is the company's own latest development.
  4. A special method of purifying the alloy. In the production of products, the fourth degree of purification is used, which eliminates the possibility of allergic reactions or rejection.
  5. Self-tapping thread. This design feature reduces the aggressive impact during implant installation. This kind of thread ensures that the pressure on the tissue is distributed evenly along the entire length of the structure.

The designs of Semados brand products allow you to select an implant system based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure.

Recovery period

After installing the artificial tooth root, its hole for the abutment is closed with a plug. Next, the gum is sutured. In the classical approach, the patient requires a course of rehabilitation. Typically this period takes 2-6 months. The healing process in the lower jaw is faster and can be completed in 4 months.

At the end of rehabilitation, a gum former will be placed on the post. In appearance, this is a temporary abutment made of biologically compatible (medical) materials: titanium or zirconium. The device fills the gap between the crowns of adjacent teeth and controls the shape of the gum tissue, preventing its excessive growth.

When installing an individual crown, the dentist at the dental clinic takes impressions from which the prosthesis is made. Typically, the temporary abutment is held in the pin for 1-3 weeks. The exact period is determined by the doctor after examination, when good gum contours are formed. Thanks to the device, the resulting tissue tightly holds the implant later.


The Semados dental implant system has a number of advantages that distinguish the brand from other manufacturers in the field of dental prosthetics:

  1. The ability to switch the implant arm , which allows installation taking into account any clinical case and jaw bone structure.
  2. Wide range of models. Due to the large number of different models, dental prosthetics is possible even with serious deviations in the structure of the jaw.
  3. Machine processing of RS- Line , carried out on the latest equipment. Compared to similar products from other companies, Semados brand designs take root faster.
  4. Rounded apex . Due to the rounded shape, the risk of injury is minimized. In addition, prosthetics can be performed simultaneously with sinus lift surgery.
  5. High aesthetics. High-quality metal-ceramic crowns are installed on the implants, which are difficult to distinguish from natural teeth.

The advantages listed above are confirmed not only by patients, but also by leading dentists in different countries who have already used these products in practice.

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Review of popular models

The company conducted thorough research, on the basis of which the model range was developed.

The systems meet not only all modern medical requirements, but also the individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure.

Based on this, you can select implants for almost any clinical case.


The Semados Universal design is available in the shape of a cylinder. This is a classic type of product that is used for installation in the jawbone with a standard volume and density.

The system has a number of features:

  1. It goes through several stages of processing, which include sandblasting and the latest technique called Ti PurePlus. This reduces the likelihood of rejection and speeds up the process of osseointegration.
  2. Product sizes vary from 7 to 15 mm in length. Their diameter ranges from 3.25 to 5.5 mm.
  3. The rod is equipped with a polished neck, which eliminates injury to the gums and minimizes bone destruction.
  4. The thread depth of the root part increases evenly. Due to this design feature, the load on the bone is distributed evenly.

The model is suitable for installation on any fragment of the jaw arch.


The model is installed in case of violations of the tissue structure and volume of the patient’s jaw bone.

The products are endowed with the following characteristics:

  1. The rod is made in the shape of a cone to create a high degree of stabilization.
  2. Product dimensions can be from 8 to 14 mm in length and from 4 to 5 mm in diameter.

Installation is possible using a one-step method.


The model is designed to work on narrow jaw fragments. The root part of the implant is equipped with a condensing type thread.

Against the backdrop of minimal dimensions and uniquely designed threads, reliable fixation of the rod is achieved. In shape it is a combination of a cylinder and a cone.

The range of implants offered by the manufacturer allows you to choose the ideal system even for implantation in a complex clinical case.

Product line

Thanks to the wide variety of products presented, the dentist will be able to choose a high-quality and ideal option for a specific case. The German implant manufacturer Semados offers its customers the following products:

  1. Semados Universal. This system is characterized by its high reliability. It is a classic implantation option.
  2. Semados RI. Designed for clinical cases where poor bone tissue condition is observed, and the priority is to ensure the primary stability of the implant being installed.
  3. Semados Mini. This system belongs to the “narrow jaw experts” collection. The products are used to restore teeth in narrow jaws. Can be used for complete prosthetics using beam systems for edentulous jaws in which severe necrosis of the alveolar processes is observed.

Installation steps

Installing structures is a complex operation. Implants are installed in several stages:

  1. Preparation. Initial consultation and a series of studies in order to select the optimally suitable models.
  2. Making a diagnostic model of the jaw. Using this model, the dentist determines the direction and depth of implantation.
  3. Definition of the jaw ridge . The patient's gums are opened under local anesthesia. A bed is created in the required area of ​​the bone, where the artificial root will subsequently be installed. Sometimes, if bone tissue is not developed enough, surgery is performed to build it up.
  4. Preparing the base. Bone and soft tissue around the operated area are treated with a disinfectant.
  5. Installation of the rod. The implant is implanted into the prepared base. The depth of the structure is determined in advance.
  6. Suturing the gums . Sutures are placed on the soft tissue around the implant, which are removed after a maximum of two weeks.
  7. The rod takes root within several months. If the artificial root has taken root, the remaining elements of the dental structure are subsequently installed on it.

The procedure is almost painless. The period of osseointegration directly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Advantages of the modern type of prosthetics

Advantages of implantation over the classical alternative:

  • Neighboring teeth are not subjected to mechanical treatment, remaining in a solid, healthy state.
  • The absence of micropores leading to the penetration of pathogenic flora under the crown.
  • Prevention of bone tissue atrophy due to lack of stress.
  • Stable fixation of the prosthesis.

The service life of implants is calculated in decades. Potential replacement of the prosthesis will not require additional manipulation of adjacent teeth.

Warranties and service life

According to experts in the field of implantology, the products can last 20 years. With proper oral care and preventive examinations, the service life of these systems is almost unlimited.

There are a number of factors that can reduce the life of products:

  • incorrectly carried out preparatory procedures before installing the structure;
  • development of dental diseases;
  • health of the patient's bone and soft tissues.

The manufacturer of the products in question provides a lifetime warranty on their operation.

In the video, the professor talks in more detail about the features of German systems.


Since German specialists have been working on the design of implants for a very long time, introducing modern technologies, the quality of the products in question is at the highest level. For this reason, the price of Semados implants is so high, and it amounts to 20,000 rubles. They can be installed in modern dental clinics, where experienced dentists work.

Sources used:

  • Orthopedic treatment based on dental implants / Karl E. Misch. — M.: Reed Elsiver
  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • Chen, Y.; Kyung, H. M.; Zhao, W. T.; Yu, W. J. (2009). "Critical factors for the success of orthodontic mini-implants: A systematic review." American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.


Depending on the model, the cost of implants varies slightly. The table shows the average price per unit.

Model Cost per unit, rub
Universal 9000
R.I. 8000 – 11000
Mini 7500

The cost of installation ranges from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles per unit. The price may be affected by the number of studies, the chosen implantation technique and the complexity of the case.

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