Treatment of headaches at the Yusupov Hospital
Tempalgin during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Every person experiences headaches from time to time. It is associated with various external factors and quickly
6 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil as Toothpaste
Trend: is it worth it and why to rinse your mouth with coconut oil (tested from my own experience)
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
syphilis in the mouth photo
Syphilis in the mouth - photo with a description of the characteristic symptoms
Basic information Syphilis is an infection that can be transmitted between people in various ways and carries direct
Sage decoction
A tooth hurts under a crown - how to relieve the pain without harming yourself
From this article you will learn: why the tooth under the crown hurts, what causes inflammation
Dream interpretation of brushing your teeth
Why dream of brushing your teeth with a brush or finger - 59 interpretations from different dream books
Quick transition to interpretations Dream details What famous dream books will tell Miller's Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Primary treatment of pain in temporomandibular joint disorders
Pain in the jaw when opening the mouth, localized anterior to the ear canal (in front of the ear)
Lip piercing: upper, lower. Photos of the girls, how it’s done, how long it takes to heal, how to care, price of the procedure
Lip piercing: Types of piercing, procedure and piercing care
Lip piercing is a procedure that is increasingly being resorted to not only by young people, but
Piercing above the upper lip, near the lips: types, meaning, ideas, photos
There are many ways to show your individuality. Unusual hairstyle or original hair color, unusual clothes
Numb Tongue
What to do when your tongue hurts? Causes of discomfort and methods of treatment
A condition in which a certain area of ​​the tongue or an entire organ loses sensitivity is called paresthesia. Exists
Periodontist - Dentistry Line Smile
What does a periodontist treat? The cost of a good specialist
Even patients who experience panic fear before visiting the dental office still turn to us for help.
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