Herpes without misconceptions: why it’s dangerous, how to treat it and why you shouldn’t cauterize it
From this article you will learn: herpes virus - types, symptoms, causes of repeated outbreaks, what
Repeated endodontic treatment of tooth canals for pulp inflammation
What is an abscess or what to do if pus appears in a tooth
Tooth abscess: what is it - symptoms and treatment Dental abscess - acute infectious
how to learn to smile beautifully
How to learn to smile beautifully: exercises and techniques
A smile is your business card. A smile can decide the outcome of a business meeting or a first date,
Removal of lipoma, removal of atheroma, what is the difference between lipoma and atheroma and do they need to be removed?
Lipoma and skin atheroma are two common types of benign neoplasms. They require exceptionally careful
How to quickly boil and peel beef tongue
It is impossible to say with complete certainty when this offal became desirable on the table and, moreover,
Fistula or lump on the gum - what to do?
A lump on the gum: what is it and what diseases can it indicate?
Most people associate dentistry only with dental diseases, forgetting that soft tissues
Why do gums bleed: what to do if there is bleeding, causes and treatment at home
Vitamin A Vitamin A, or retinol, enhances the protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes. With him
Causes of edema
The gums near the wisdom tooth are swollen, what to do?
Physiological causes of gum swelling Pathological causes Gums are swollen and painful Gums are swollen and bleeding
Surgical interventions in the complex treatment of periodontitis
Surgical interventions in the complex treatment of periodontitis The surgical stage is mandatory in the complex treatment of many
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What to do if the gums at the end of the lower jaw hurt?
Etiology and pathogenesis The development of periostitis most often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and
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