What to do if ammonia gets into your mouth or lips?

How's your husband? alive?

The husband is alive, alive. The tenacious bastard was caught. He did a lot of business and fell unconscious, and not only do I have to sort out the problems he created for me, but I also have a burn.

irinaA, I probably needed the oil right away, and not now, after time has passed? Unfortunately, I can’t follow the link, there’s no technical possibility.

Hydrogen nitrite or ammonia (pictured) is a colorless, odorless gas that has a density half that of air. In various forms, the component is used in production and construction, and can be used in agriculture. A common consequence of careless handling of the product is ammonia burns.

Damage often provokes pain, swelling and redness at the site of the lesion appears instantly. If the lesion covers a large area of ​​the skin, medical intervention is required. The outcome of treatment largely depends on the timeliness and correctness of the actions of the person providing first aid to the victim.

Main reasons

Patients' attention should be drawn to the fact that ammonia is toxic and can only be used externally.

A common cause of injury is self-treatment at home. Patients often use ammonia to treat the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Burns to the mucous membranes with alcohol can occur when taken orally.

The patient must understand that ammonia solution is prohibited from being used to treat diseases of the oral cavity and ENT organs. The product contains alkaline components that have a pronounced chemical effect. Under their influence, a burn is formed.

The following signs may indicate the appearance of a lesion:

If you receive a burn with ammonia, treatment should be started as early as possible. Comprehensive assistance will prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications in the form of tissue necrosis.

Consequences of chemical burns

Chemical damage to soft tissues with ammonium hydroxide is dangerous due to purulent complications. Possible consequences of careless handling of ammonia include:

  • scarring of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dehydration;
  • pain shock;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • skin abscess.

Aqueous ammonia absorbs moisture and instantly destroys the protein components of tissues. If it gets into the eyes, it reduces visual acuity. In case of delayed treatment, it destroys the cornea and iris. Clouding of the lens and necrosis of the conjunctiva are possible. Victims complain of constant lacrimation, spasms of the eye muscles, and photophobia.

A burn of more than 30% of the body leads to internal poisoning. The accumulation of tissue breakdown products in the body leads to acute liver and sometimes kidney failure.

Degree of damage

A skin burn with ammonia is the result of exposure to the active substance. Ammonia can be used for disinfection, but failure to follow the rules for its use will certainly lead to dangerous damage.

You should not use such a component to treat mucous membranes. Such areas of the human body are characterized by increased susceptibility to the effects of various factors. An aggressive substance can cause serious damage to them.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the skin or mucous membrane, the following degrees of damage are distinguished, discussed in the table.

Features of ammonia damage
1st degreeUnder the influence of ammonia, a focus of inflammation appears at the site of contact. Severe swelling forms and swelling appears on the skin. Painful symptoms do not appear. the patient may feel mild discomfort. Which disappears after a few days. Such injuries rarely cause complications. Complete treatment can be provided at home.
2nd degreeMore pronounced symptoms appear that need to be addressed by a doctor. Plaque appears on the mucous membranes, ulcers and blisters form. Bleeding appears in the affected area. When the mucous membranes of the mouth are affected, symptoms of intoxication can be observed. Skin burns with alcohol in rare cases can provoke a rise in body temperature.
3rd degreeA third-degree burn is considered an acute injury, the treatment of which is impossible without medical intervention. The lesion is characterized by the formation of a scab on the mucous membrane, blisters and ulcers appear on the lips, which bleed heavily.

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? A skin burn with ammonia requires immediate medical intervention. The patient must understand that damage to the mucous membranes is even more dangerous. You should not self-medicate; such an injury is a good reason to consult a doctor.

Burn of the oral mucosa by ammonia

Burns are a very unpleasant type of injury, most often resulting from unsuccessful interaction with heat sources. However, in addition to such burns, there are others - when such an injury occurs under the influence of various chemicals. You have to interact with them in everyday life; in addition, they are often used for medical purposes. For example, for some diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to treat the mucous membranes with ammonia.

If safety rules are not followed, tissues can be injured by this substance, resulting in an ammonia burn. Such an injury is very unpleasant and quite dangerous in its consequences. Any chemical can seriously damage the mucous membranes and skin; in addition, such burns are often accompanied by poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to eliminate their consequences. To do this, you need to find out what features they are characterized by and what can provoke their appearance.

Degrees and causes of injury

Ammonia burns to the oral mucosa occur for the same reasons as all other chemical burns - they are provoked by the effect of a chemical on the mucous membrane. In this case, this substance is ammonia. This substance is used for disinfection purposes, but if used incorrectly it can cause adverse effects. Since the mucous membranes are overly sensitive to external influences (they lack a layer of epidermal protective cells), aggressive substances contained in medications can cause severe irritation.

Depending on how strong the impact of ammonia was, the following degrees of damage differ:

  1. In the first degree of ammonia burn, the area affected by the substance becomes inflamed. A swelling forms on it, and slight swelling may occur. There is almost no pain; the patient may complain of minor discomfort, which ceases to be felt after a few days. Typically, such injuries do not lead to serious consequences, so they can be treated at home.

  2. With a second degree burn, more severe symptoms occur and you should definitely consult a doctor to eliminate them. Plaque may form on the mucous membrane, and the damaged area often bleeds. Severe pain is also observed. Sometimes the temperature may rise. All these signs can persist for two weeks.
  3. This degree of burn caused by ammonia is the most severe. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. The affected areas are covered with deep scabs, blisters and ulcers are found on the mucous membrane, which bleed heavily. If the oral mucosa is exposed, symptoms of poisoning may join the listed signs.

If you suspect a burn with ammonia, you should consult a doctor to minimize the negative consequences. Independent actions can provoke complications, so self-medication can only be done if you have the necessary knowledge about such injuries.

Emergency help

Can there be a burn from ammonia? The video in this article will answer this question. According to doctors, the main danger of the substance is that many patients do not evaluate its chemical activity and neglect to follow safety precautions.

Chemical damage always requires immediate intervention. Providing first aid should begin by calling an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives:

  • to eliminate pain resulting from continued contact of the skin and the chemical, the damaged area should be rinsed under running water, the skin is treated for 30-40 minutes;
  • To neutralize the alkaline agent, you can use acid; at home, you can use a solution of citric or acetic acid;
  • cold compresses are applied to the lesion;
  • Do not cover the affected area with a bandage.

Attention! If ammonia gets into your eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor. Exposure to the composition may cause the patient to lose vision.

If blisters filled with liquid have formed at the site of the lesion, do not pierce them. Actions may cause secondary infection.

Drug treatment

To treat burns with ammonia on the palate, tongue and other areas of the oral cavity, wound healing and anti-inflammatory agents are used.

A doctor will tell you how to treat a burn on the skin caused by alcohol - the algorithm of therapeutic manipulations largely depends on the volume and depth of the lesion.

  1. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine can be used to treat the affected areas to prevent infection. Antiseptic solutions gently cleanse the affected area of ​​harmful bacteria.
  2. Anti-inflammatory components, namely Metrogyl Denta ointment and its analogues, will help eliminate the consequences of burn injuries.
  3. Inhalation compositions like Decasan will help significantly speed up the recovery process.

As recommended by a doctor, complex treatment may include antiseptics and antibiotics in aerosol form. It is worth noting that the course of the recovery process should be monitored by a doctor.

In severe cases, hospitalization is indicated.


The emergence of a serious problem, which is a chemical burn, is much easier to prevent than to cure. The medicinal composition must be stored out of the reach of children. The bottle with the solution must be stored in its original packaging.

When working with toxic compounds, you must follow safety rules. A person must work in personal protective equipment. In domestic conditions, only solutions with low concentrations can be used.

What to do if ammonia gets into your mouth or lips?

If your lips and oral cavity are burned with ammonia , then first of all you need to thoroughly rinse these areas with cold water (the more, the better).

In addition, the effects of ammonia are neutralized by a weak solution of citric or acetic acid (5 percent), so they can be used to treat damaged areas.

Here are some remedies that can help you deal with burns on your lips and mouth:

1) Healing ointments - Solcoseryl, Cholisal, Methyluracil, etc.

2) Folk remedies - chamomile infusion, oak bark decoction, calendula decoction, etc.

3) Olive oil, sea buckthorn oil.

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If ammonia gets inside, you need to drink a large amount of water and induce vomiting.

The question was created because I experienced all this myself.

Mucous, the skin turned white, atrophied, the pain was decent. Of course, I rinsed with citric acid and something else, but you just have to get over it.

It will hurt while the mucous membrane heals. Something healing, such as decoctions of oak bark, can be used.

It seems to me that because of the pain, it is simply impossible to swallow it; basically, everything is affected at the very beginning.

If the burn is deep, consult a doctor.

Ammonia is a 10% solution of ammonia in water. It is used in medicine to revive a fainted or unconscious person. Ammonia gas in small doses is not dangerous. In large doses it causes poisoning.

If a person is drunk, to relieve symptoms of poisoning, he is given an aqueous solution of ammonia to drink.

Therefore, if ammonia gets on your lips or in your mouth, it is absolutely not dangerous to health, you just need to rinse these places with water.

If ammonia gets into the stomach, you need to drink more water and induce vomiting. This is a universal method for poisoning.

To avoid accidentally swallowing an unknown liquid, you need to keep all bottles away from the kitchen. Each bottle must have a label with the inscription.

Ammonia, which is sold in pharmacies and used in medicine and everyday life, is a caustic alkali. In undiluted form, ammonia corrodes the skin and mucous membranes, causing severe burns.

There will be a burn in any case, even if a small drop of ammonia gets on the skin or mucous membranes, but if it gets on the mucous membranes, the burn will be stronger.

The burn site will hurt for several days and here you can help yourself by using healing ointments that are suitable for mucous membranes.

If undiluted ammonia was accidentally swallowed, then you cannot do without calling an ambulance - there may be a burn to the mucous membranes of the esophagus or stomach.

If ammonia gets on your lips or tongue, rinse thoroughly with clean running water.

If you have already received a burn, then it is better to treat this area with a special healing agent for the skin or anoint it with sea buckthorn oil.

Rinse your mouth with water, or slightly acidified citric acid.

If it happens that ammonia gets on your lips and mouth, you should immediately rinse these areas with plenty of water. And then, to neutralize the effect of the alkali, it is worth treating the area with a five percent soluble acetic or citric acid.

You need to rinse your mouth with as much water as possible so that it, as efficiently as possible, prevents the burn that your skin could potentially get from such a caustic substance, which this type of alcohol certainly is.

Symptoms of chemical poisoning

There are three main ways gas enters the human body: the first is through the eyes, the second is through the skin, and the third is through the respiratory tract. The gaseous substance has high destructive activity, so the first signs of poisoning appear instantly. Even if a person breathes toxic fumes for a short period of time, there is a risk of poisoning.

The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning include:

  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • hoarseness;
  • hyperemia, i.e. redness - the mucous membranes are filled with blood;
  • tears appearing in the eyes;
  • increased salivation;
  • sore and sore throat;
  • severe dry cough;
  • feeling of asphyxia.

Also often encountered: headache; nausea turning into vomiting; abdominal pain; feeling of constriction in the chest; heartburn. If the ammonia solution was very concentrated, a person develops serious symptoms in the form of damage to the organ of vision (blindness is possible due to eye burns), skin (painful plaques or crusts form due to a chemical burn), upper respiratory tract (swelling of the lungs may occur , disturbance of the respiratory system and blood circulation, pneumonia is possible).

Ammonia poisoning threatens internal organs and systems. If internal organs are burned, the victim may die; first aid provided will be useless. It is possible to predict the degree of damage to the lungs, eyes, and nasopharynx only by knowing the concentration of the substance and the duration of inhalation of the gas.

What to do if ammonia gets into your mouth or lips?

If your lips and oral cavity are burned with ammonia , then first of all you need to thoroughly rinse these areas with cold water (the more, the better).

In addition, the effects of ammonia are neutralized by a weak solution of citric or acetic acid (5 percent), so they can be used to treat damaged areas.

Here are some remedies that can help you deal with burns on your lips and mouth:

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1) Healing ointments - Solcoseryl, Cholisal, Methyluracil, etc.

2) Folk remedies - chamomile infusion, oak bark decoction, calendula decoction, etc.

3) Olive oil, sea buckthorn oil.

If ammonia gets inside, you need to drink a large amount of water and induce vomiting.

The question was created because I experienced all this myself.

Mucous, the skin turned white, atrophied, the pain was decent. Of course, I rinsed with citric acid and something else, but you just have to get over it.

It will hurt while the mucous membrane heals. Something healing, such as decoctions of oak bark, can be used.

It seems to me that because of the pain, it is simply impossible to swallow it; basically, everything is affected at the very beginning.

If the burn is deep, consult a doctor.

Ammonia is a 10% solution of ammonia in water. It is used in medicine to revive a fainted or unconscious person. Ammonia gas in small doses is not dangerous. In large doses it causes poisoning.

If a person is drunk, to relieve symptoms of poisoning, he is given an aqueous solution of ammonia to drink.

Therefore, if ammonia gets on your lips or in your mouth, it is absolutely not dangerous to health, you just need to rinse these places with water.

If ammonia gets into the stomach, you need to drink more water and induce vomiting. This is a universal method for poisoning.

To avoid accidentally swallowing an unknown liquid, you need to keep all bottles away from the kitchen. Each bottle must have a label with the inscription.

Ammonia, which is sold in pharmacies and used in medicine and everyday life, is a caustic alkali. In undiluted form, ammonia corrodes the skin and mucous membranes, causing severe burns.

There will be a burn in any case, even if a small drop of ammonia gets on the skin or mucous membranes, but if it gets on the mucous membranes, the burn will be stronger.

The burn site will hurt for several days and here you can help yourself by using healing ointments that are suitable for mucous membranes.

If undiluted ammonia was accidentally swallowed, then you cannot do without calling an ambulance - there may be a burn to the mucous membranes of the esophagus or stomach.

If ammonia gets on your lips or tongue, rinse thoroughly with clean running water.

If you have already received a burn, then it is better to treat this area with a special healing agent for the skin or anoint it with sea buckthorn oil.

Rinse your mouth with water, or slightly acidified citric acid.

If it happens that ammonia gets on your lips and mouth, you should immediately rinse these areas with plenty of water. And then, to neutralize the effect of the alkali, it is worth treating the area with a five percent soluble acetic or citric acid.

You need to rinse your mouth with as much water as possible so that it, as efficiently as possible, prevents the burn that your skin could potentially get from such a caustic substance, which this type of alcohol certainly is.

Ammonia poisoning

Ammonia is a gaseous compound with a sharp, specific odor, the molecule of which consists of hydrogen and nitrogen atoms. This is one of the most widely used substances in the chemical industry, necessary in the production of dyes, nitric acid, and nitrogenous fertilizers. Ammonia is also used in everyday life in the form of aqueous solutions with a concentration of 10–25%, which are called ammonia.

How does ammonia poisoning occur?

The maximum permissible concentration of ammonia in the air is 20 mg per 1 m 3. If it is higher, ammonia poisoning develops when such air is inhaled.

Ammonia emissions into the air, which increase its concentration to a level that can cause poisoning, occur as a result of accidents at chemical plants. Ammonia poisoning also occurs when working in sewer and treatment pits without the use of personal protective equipment.

When ammonia enters the bloodstream, it causes a sharp dilation of blood vessels and, as a result, a drop in blood pressure, up to the development of collapse. In addition, ammonia has a pronounced irritating effect on the skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and eyes; contact with it causes a chemical burn.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning appear almost immediately after exposure. These include:

  • lacrimation, photophobia, blepharospasm;
  • copious discharge of fluid from the nose (rhinorrhea), increased salivation;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membranes;
  • hoarseness, soreness and sore throat;
  • dry paroxysmal cough;
  • pain and feeling of constriction in the chest;
  • breathing problems;
  • intense headache;
  • dyspeptic disorders (heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • the formation of blisters on the skin, which subsequently open and specific crusts appear in their place.

In case of severe ammonia poisoning, victims experience significant burns of the respiratory tract, which leads to the development of pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

First aid for ammonia poisoning

At the first signs of ammonia poisoning, the victim should leave the place of high concentration as quickly as possible. If the victim is unconscious or disoriented, the rescuer, before entering the emergency zone, should cover his mouth and nose with a gauze bandage moistened with a 5% solution of citric acid (dilute 1 teaspoon of citric acid powder in ½ cup of warm water). Then call an ambulance and begin providing first aid.

  1. Provide fresh air flow.
  2. Rinse the skin with running water or a 5% citric acid solution.
  3. Rinse the eyes thoroughly with running water, then drip 1-2 drops of dicaine solution and apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the eyelids.
  4. Rinse your mouth, nose, and throat with a 5% citric acid solution for 15 minutes.
  5. If breathing stops, provide artificial ventilation to the victim using the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose method until the ambulance arrives.

When is medical help needed?

In case of ammonia poisoning, medical attention is always necessary; the prognosis largely depends on the timeliness of treatment.

The victims are advised to be hospitalized in the toxicology department. During the day they must observe strict bed rest, even if the symptoms of intoxication are not pronounced.

Treatment is symptomatic. Severe laryngospasm may require a tracheostomy. According to general rules, treatment of burns of the skin and cornea is carried out. To prevent the development and treatment of pneumonia, broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated.

Possible consequences

Ammonia poisoning has a serious prognosis. Complications include:

  • damage to the nervous system: tremors of the limbs, dizziness, disorders of skin sensitivity and balance, tics, disorientation, decreased intelligence, amnesia;
  • hearing loss up to the onset of permanent deafness;
  • decrease in visual acuity of varying severity, up to its complete loss.


At chemical industry enterprises, it is necessary to comply with all safety requirements with the utmost care. To prevent ammonia poisoning when working with it, you should use personal protective equipment:

  • latex gloves;
  • rubber boots;
  • chemical protection suit;
  • respirators or gas masks.

If an emergency occurs, cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth and immediately leave the contaminated area, for example, go down to the lower floors of the building or to the basement. The fact is that ammonia has a relative density less than air and therefore rises. In an open space, you also need to cover your face with a piece of damp cloth and quickly step away to a safe distance.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute with a degree in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly took advanced training courses.

Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator at a city maternity complex, resuscitator at the hemodialysis department.

The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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